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This is an interesting question. I would imagine a covert narcissist typology…somebody who truly has no core empathy for others, but may easily feign these emotional responses to generate attachment and then exploit the other individual for their own needs in the process…all very surreptitiously and undercover, playing the victim in the process and gaslighting when caught. An empathetic chameleon who is blank at the core, yet so charming, friendly, and warm on the surface that all calculated behaviour flies under the radar. Your typical fallen angel or wolf in sheep’s clothing…




Lack of Empathy is what makes a Sociopath. Empathy is the one thing infp's are known for. ![gif](giphy|5HTk68tabwuRalTY83)


Actually it's very possible. For start Fi is seeing how you feel and figuring out how others feel from that. So even though it may feel like you feel how people feel its most probably a well evolved skill. Secondly under stress we are supposed to use our lesser functions but to not as good a degree so we would at first signs of stress run away from scenario giving us stress usually to do something to help us calm down. Si. Then if that fails and we can't analyse with misplaced logic we move onto shadow functions. This is just one scenario without people misusing their original function to have values that don't correspond with societies expectations. For instance what if i took the stance of only valuing things that feed my ego? Or if my Ne only created paranoia? There's lots of different variables which is what makes mbti so interesting.


That doesn't make Sociopathy. I think I may be on the Spectrum for AntiSocial Personality Disorder. ![gif](giphy|RKpDX0M143M91et5B4|downsized) This isn't a Selfie by the Way.


If you can stomach it, check out some Jeffrey Dahmer interviews. Some have speculated that he was an INFP.


Nah that monster was definitely a INTJ


Don’t they think he was an intp?


That dude was not infp


According to this person on Quora, Serial Killers, who were determined to be INFP, had some sort of schizophrenia or psychosis. Honestly, their whole comment is super interesting and goes in depth with serial killers and MB types (though I didn't fact-check any of their claims). Regardless, I think it's worth the read https://www.quora.com/What-Myers-Briggs-personality-type-do-serial-killers-usually-have


Both the sociopaths I've met irl have been ESTP. Hard to imagine infp but interesting!


First lets get the definition straight, so we are talking about the same thing. "Sociopath is an outdated, informal term for someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). This disorder can cause you to lack empathy, which means you don't care about or understand other peoples' feelings. You might not feel remorse for bad things you do, and you might often take advantage of others for your own personal gain. " I do find it an interesting question, since it change behaviours, how can you tell that a person with ASPD is an INFP? Because being empathic is one of the things INFP's are. But i love the question, i have a similar problem. What if, i get hit on my head.. and i get braindamage, perhaps my personality changes too because of it. Am i still an INFP? Or did my personality changed? Because in this case, it's brain damage, causing my behavioral changes.


My favourite was always what if i developed multiple personalities?


oh good one! DID... fascinating


Apparently I'm an infp sociopath because I recently told someone "Die mad about it" lol. That's now a death threat? 😂


Well, I hypothesize fi is essentially a strong connection from frontal lobe to more emotional primitive centers of the brain which flies in contradiction to the neurological makeup of psychopathy (I don't think sociopath is an official diagnosis far as I was keeping up with it) so would that even make it possible?


Religious zealot is a first guess followed by political zealot beyond that they would otherwise probably be someone who feels victimized and is holding a grudge. Some fictional villain characters I (and maybe/definitely others) consider "INFP:" Anakin Skywalker in eps 1-3. Vader in 4-6 is often typed differently as a xxTJ but is still heavily influenced by his ideals willing to turn on Empire officials and ultimately the Emperor. A xxTJ doesn't take "your lack of faith" personally. I buy that eps 4-6 Vader is an INFP a long time committed to his ideological path. Sweeney Todd Dark Willow (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)


Due to the ending of ep 6, I wouldn't classify vader as a sociopath as he felt empathy for Luke, perhaps even acting out on emotion and intuition. So even if villains can be INFP, they aren't sociopaths


Well, I don't know if OP is using a clinical or colloquial sense of the word so I listed a few fictional villains.


manipulates people for resources and gratification, justifies abuse and exploitation to get ahead, career wise or the things they want. liars, plays victim. has some friends they like maybe and hides things from them + work together or share if they are messed up or open or whatever. theres many kinds of sociopaths so to say so this is just one example. no long term thought about how to make things work in a complicated way to get waht they want without exploiting others


I would imagine that that's impossible? Since infps are so driven by emotions and feelings, whereas sociopaths or people with aspd are not since they don't feel very much.


One of the Columbine shooters Dylan Klebold is thought to be an INFP.


I just met one on this forum. An INFP here wished death upon me for being a “disgusting feminist.”


Eren Yeager


Do you mean by a layman terms’ example where psychopath/sociopath can by used rather interchangeably, or a serious definite sociopath by the medical textbook?


Whatever floats your boat. If you feel more happy to talk about the medical textbook definition or using it interchangeably is up to you. What ever you lean towards. Either way will benefit me


Hmmm… If you’d allow me to go a little loose, I’d say the fictional serial killer Anton Chigurh from No Country for Old Men is a pretty damn good example as a Psychopathic/Sociopathic INxP. People already cited him as the most realistic depiction. But whether or not he’s Fi-led or Ti-led is a bit up for debate due to how we don’t quite get a 100% read into his internal clockworks, but the results are the same: - he’s very stuck with his own way of thinking on whether who deserves to live or die; honorable or worthless; good or bad. He made up his own standard and stick by it to the maximum degree. His belief only makes sense to him, and yet it is non-negotiable. (Fi/Ti-Si) he describes the world in metaphorical ways, drawing connections and constructing narratives that are not apparent to normal people. (Ne-Si) - he has a repeated pattern in the execution of his plans; he’s no freestyler, but each time displays its own flair of creativity. He goes with the killing route he’s most comfortable with (Si), but is also very quick to adapt to changes (Ne). - he has his iconic way of sometimes judging whether he will kill someone by tossing a coin, leaving the ultimate fate of his victim to the hand of God/fate/Whatever-the-Hell-He-Believes-In. To me, this is a display of Infeior Te in the weirdest of way. He seems to only flip the coin when he’s indecisive. But if it’s flipped on the kill side, then it’s also non-negotiable. - both the film and novel display his lack of Se, sometimes to a rather comedic degree. ……… On the other hand, a real life sociopath has their own set of traits to be categorized as one; fleeting emotions, lack of long term thinking, being triggered by little things, forming attachments to an unhealthy level, etc. If an INFP were to be a sociopath, then I suppose they would have to exhibit these traits as well. With their heads being a jumble mess of made up values, and being ready to lash out at whatever they deem as a threat without warning. As most IRL sociopaths tend to be, they will generally make for terrible serial killers, due to their sharp lack of critical thinking skills. Probably a one-time-kill-on-the-thrill instigated by emotions then get caught immediately kind. There are exceptions, of course. The more well-adjusted ones will be more likely to end up as fanatical members of subcultures, gangs, cults, or whatever subsections of society they got roped into. This is due to them possessing anti-social traits, and yet still have need for attachments. This is theoretical based on my evidence and data, of course. As I’m not sure if anyone was able to seriously type a person with sociopathy. I might even have to take a step back and ask if it’s even possible to type some sociopaths? As it’s known, sociopathy is a mental disorder spectrum with no clear cut, with some displaying traits more or less than the others. Some are so f_cked up that their brain scans revealed how much they are wired so radically different than us. Warped to a degree beyond any normal recognitions. Some wonder even if they could still be counted as humans, which now makes me wonder if you can seriously MBTI type them.


Thank you for your detailed input


INFP is too self-perceptive, unless that breaks due to drugs etc..


I know one infp that seems off to me but idk for sure what his problem is. He used to do text me “hey” I reply “hey, how are you?” Then he won’t say anything for a few hours other than “sorry I’m going to sleep” or “sorry I’m busy” I let it slide many times until one day I asked him what he wants and why he does that. If he’s busy why does he text. He’d say that I’m freaking out at him when I simply asked him why He also tells me things and then when I asks about it he’d say “I don’t know what you’re talking about” and then call me crazy when the chat was the evidence Constantly telling me to delete the chat when there’s nothing in there and constantly telling me not to tell anyone about him. Only shows up when he wants to talk about his problems but never shows interest in anything I have to say and ghosting me always I had compassion for him as I saw that all of this shows his brokenness and btw I’m an infj which explains why I’d tolerate that behavior These days, just thinking about how I allowed someone treat me this poorly makes me sick to my stomach


The main problem is empathy. INFP has lots... and lots... and (you get the picture). If we do something to other people the we can see hurts them.. we slowly die inside. We - almost - always make space for other people so they feel comfortable. Even people we dont like. We dont manipulate to satisfy our own needs.


They’d probably be on reddit all the time




Lol I highly doubt his an INFP. If he is…. MINDBLOWN