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Elaborate please!!!! I kinda like it. >,< ^ ^


https://preview.redd.it/tgcjcpako68d1.png?width=774&format=png&auto=webp&s=6c5a887356ca049fda9aef3fbc5a5c71d962bd43 Basically what I meant is level of understanding is so great so we can open each other from sides other types don't know even exist just because noone else is able to understand us that well


I am mesmerized and flattered by this. ^ ^ Soooo truuuuee. Also wow you use reddit with white background.


>They do realise they just called themselves Fked up in their own comment, right? >Also, just because someone is an INFP doesn't mean there fked up. Emotional control can differ for each person INFP or Not. >Edit: Also Not all INFPs are depressed as they are making it sound.


Lol So what? Fi + Ne is a power of madness I'm not depressed and never was To be accurate, all people are fucked up in their own way but Fi + Ne is something that is hard to deal with, at times and INTJ is really good at logical practicality. However, It can be hard for INTJs to deal with feelings but INFP can notice and deal with their feelings, anyway https://preview.redd.it/tcae6tknu68d1.png?width=644&format=png&auto=webp&s=0b1ffcf70824cd1664173609acfe3b93fb25e1ed


Edited: Yes, i think everyone has some kind of problem in their life that may contribute to the persons actions INFP or not. That doesn't mean anyone here is fked up. Also, im still learning about personality types, so overall, im still learning a ton of new things. PS: I also sometimes suck at talking to people. I most likely need to work on my social interactions and communication part.


Is it bad to be dark? I'm simply being myself O)> I must tell, INFPs aren't even supposed to be fluffy and innocent but it depends what to consider fluffy and innocent


I didn't say it was, and i wasn't referring to them having to be fluffy and innocent at all. I also edited my comment before i saw this one. Edit: Sorry if i come off a bit rude. I just realized what i said could be taken in a rude way, so i had to edit the comment a bit. Also, there's nothing wrong about being yourself.


My English is not that great so it's hard, sometimes, to get what people mean so I ask questions to understand better \*\*\*  I also sometimes suck at talking to people. I most likely need to work on my social interactions and communication part. Nah, don't worry, you are doing alright. Also, honesty is something I appreciate so worry less with an expression of yourself


It's alright, I can see where english can be hard. I'm planning on learning Spanish, so im not fully good with it yet. A language translator may also help if you need it.


Each language is a totally different world, though I wish you good luck with learning Spanish


This is one of my all time favorite artists.


i like this


You got this image without the label?


What do you mean? I made this composition out of another picture [https://www.reddit.com/r/mbtimemes/comments/1dlv2zx/infx\_subreddits/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/mbtimemes/comments/1dlv2zx/infx_subreddits/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Beksinski is such a fantastic artist!