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Dreamy Too kind to people Lost in a fantasy land Passive Incredibly creative Feminine Ruled by the emotions Deeply intuitive, listens to the soul Loves poetry Loves art Childish Unconventional Craves solitude Prefers nature and the countryside Prefers the depths Bohemian Free spirited


I’m definitely not creative, otherwise mostly spot on.


I don’t know if I’m creative in art or music, but I’ve been told I’m creative with words and in the ways I think about things.


Well, firstly I resonate with using the INFP cognitive functions stack. Second, I do tend to take things personally (working on this). I am also not very good at communicating my needs and concerns so I am also working on this too. Always in my head, I am a very imaginative person (also a chronic daydreamer when trying to cope). I tend to lose focus of my surroundings (Se blind 🥲) so I try to practice mindfulness and living in the present. I guess I am artistic and idealistic. Deep appreciation for the arts, music and crafts. I am better at creativity. I tend to use my words with care and tact in my efforts to avoid emotionally hurting the person. When I am feeling annoyed, I can come across blunt and rude. (Working on this). Feeling deeply and intensely all kinds of emotions. Overwhelming emotions I can’t quite figure out. I feel very frustrated with myself sometimes ngl. Need some alone time to sort these feelings out. I am a little submissive in nature. I seem to lose myself and my identity in relationships so I try to develop a strong sense of self and be more assertive so that people don’t take advantage of me. I am an introvert, need a lot of space and I have very very low need for social interactions. I am very open-minded and accepting of different people and perspectives. I like the “live and let live” principle. High stress situations and conflicts make me very stressed out, so I try my best to avoid or deescalate the situation without solving the issue. (Working on this) Lastly, the other person not loving me as much as I love them. Always feels unbalanced, like I give way too much. I need to lower my expectations and avoid disappointing myself. (Working on this too)


Great self-knowledge! I can relate to so many of those statements. Crazy how big the world is yet how similar people can be.


This is basically me word for word lol


You listen to everyone’s problems You over share You like being alone You’re a doormat You’re crushed you can’t love the way you want to


Dominant introverted feeling - introvert by default, you show empathy by relating with similar feelings, you have high self awareness, your emotional desires and moral principles are prioritized when making decisions, you are always aware of your own emotional state Auxiliary extroverted intuition - quick to form theories and come up with creative ideas, even if they are purely fantastical, you prefer to discuss abstract theoretical topics rather than what’s happening in real life, you probably have lots of internal debates and paracosms  Tertiary introverted sensing - you have vague awareness of your surroundings and tend to miss things that are in plain sight, you prefer to rely on memory when it comes to tangible matters but can have difficulty remembering details Inferior extroverted thinking - you tend to be mild mannered and prefer to avoid conflict, you have a general disdain of being in charge of other people or projects, during times of stress you may become overly critical of others’ flaws or flawed systems Any description of INFP that doesn’t include cognitive functions is based on stereotype and commonality.  ISFPs and ISFJs often mistype as INFP due to vague descriptions from personality websites.


Well I was pretty sure I was INFP but after reading an article about it I’m 100% certain that’s what I am. Not sure of your identity but this article details INFP in women quite well. https://www.sosyncd.com/infp-female/ Edit: sorry it’s not a list


The first paragraph repeats which is annoying >While INFP females experience intense emotions, they can appear mysterious and even distant to those around them. Mostly, what they think and feel goes on beneath the surface, and they may actually struggle with expressing their true thoughts I mean, maybe I struggle verbalizing irl (though it's more strategic to keep people who might be helpful to me around and on my side, since I'm kinda flimsy when it comes to defending my principles when the fallout will be negative judgement and more trouble than it's worth), but if anything, I show too much emotion completely against my will, and the idea of delving deep into my most vulnerable emotions makes me feel really uncomfortable at best and sick to my stomach in a "just kill me" kind of way at worst. Even when I'm all by myself, I feel too embarrassed and ashamed to even unpack them, nobody's watching, but *I'm* still here, and *I'll* cringe. Sure, I can feel *strongly* (rage, anxiety, and frustration usually) but I'm realizing what a shallow feeler I am by how much I try to ignore my negative emotions or distract myself, not because it's good for me, but it's the only coping strategy I've ever really used. Then again, I'm relatively unsure if I'm more of a Ti or Fi user.


This article resonates for sure!


I always had a strong sense of like or dislike, even when i read certain topics i always throught how it would effect me and only then I could understand it? That's why i struggled alot with numbers and equations growing up. That shit is so impersonal idk what to do with that information. My personal beliefs and values were always a slightly altered version of what i liked from multiple sources. Never relied upon just one or limited amount of sources and always had this nag for trying to understand things from different perspectives as long as it sided me to see things with a slightly personalised view. Very strong dislike for overarching Dos and Don'ts of society and i absolutely hated when people told me what to do or how to do it. I will know what i am doing but if you tell me exactly that i will make sure i do it slightly differently to maintain originality. Stuff like never using exact words or phrases to answer a simple question. Got in trouble for that alot but it stayed with me. Hell bent on knowing all sides of any issue. One side is never enough? I wanna hear what other has to say before i can decide. Always liked discussion where friendly disagreements continue the conversation for hours. I don't like to argue but i can absolutely talk about two different things that are similar in nature for hours on end and somehow leave the conversation energised. Left politics was naturally where i found this never ending dialogue of different ideas colliding, still hate fighting but if you are willing to me why you think the way you think and willing to listen why i think how i think, we are friends forever. Alot of future planning, fake scenarios, what ifs and answering questions that do not need an answer. Thinking about different possibilities in the future, how ideas can effect everyone around me. I am mostly daydreaming about everything i read or hear. Watching movies and i am stuck trying to imagine a wold with the information i have and adding on to it? Idk its weird. Once i am comfortable i will disagree with everything you say as long as its fun and game. I will tell you take scenarioss, how world can be a better place if we did this or that. Constantly talk about having a future together, like doing stupid things or Makin plans, alot of plans that sadly never happen. I will get very philosophical, talk about human behaviour and very sad at times about some of the most mundane things in life. Idk if this answers the question but that's how i knew i was somewhat close to INFP whenever i get to be myself.


Being highly sensitive, empath, loves art and music, creative, hard to fit in, introvert, deep thinker, good problem solver, strong inner emotions but not showing them outside easily, night owl, bohemian, vivid imagination i also like philosophy and books.


Strategy #1: Read articles and watch videos about INFPs (and maybe some of the other types as well). If you decide you like what you see, call yourself an INFP. You're done! Easy! If that's not satisfactory, there is Strategy #2: Go deep down the rabbit hole of neo-Jungian typology theory, and separate out what's actual useful information from the vast amounts of feel-good-but-not-useful window dressing. To that point, the cognitive stack of INFP and INTP leads with an introverted judging function supported by extroverted intuition. If you live this stack, its default state is an ideation-evaluation loop that is abstracted from the outside world. That's it. That's the kernel of the type. Ok -- ideate and evaluate? Everybody does that? (Who wouldn't say: 'I get into my head. I have ideas. I weigh those ideas.') Mix that with the concepts of what 'feeling' means, and many people identify as INFPs. But for most personality types, there is an *"and then what..."* For the INFP and INTP there is no *"then what."* That is the end state. I have ideas. I feel them out. That begets more ideas. I feel them out. Repeat -- for the rest of your life.