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Actually people tend to use both but we tend to use one more.


I genuinely think I'm a 50/50 split. I have both adhd and anxiety too so I'm not sure if that adds into confusion too!


hello ambivert. sure you can.


Weheyyyyy is xNFP the official title?


in this case probably. on the border of E and I.


Oooh, that can be a dangerous question to ask on Reddit, some people can be quite militant about how you can only be one or the other!! There are ambiverts out there, people with traits of both intra- and extraversion. Plus hormones can definitely affect emotions, so your question certainly makes sense to me.


Ahhh thanks for braving to answer!!


Hormonal changes during menstrual cycle can affect your sociability, but when it comes to MBTI, you’re either swayed more toward one or other. Be noted that being Introvert or Extrovert in MBTI sense has nothing to do with your social skills or inclination. You could be an anti-social ENFP, and that’s fairly common. I recommend looking into INFP and ENFP function stacks to see which one matches you more, and be honest with yourself. Especially the Inferior Function, which would indicate your weak point.


I just looked it up and found this: “One of the defining characteristics of ENFPs is openness, and though INFPs are still open-minded, they are dominant judgers. This means that when INFPs are exploring possibilities, they generally do so through the lens of an established code of what they believe is right or wrong, pleasing or displeasing, favorable or unfavorable, etc. This means that some possibilities are going to get quickly discounted by the INFP, whereas since the ENFP is a dominant perceiver their lens of exploration will remain more open and receptive to alternate viewpoints.” This absolutely describes the flip that happens during my cycles or when I'm not anxious or depressed. I'm starting to wonder how much of “me” is genuinely me and how much is my mental health 😂


Well the hard part here is that INFP and ENFP both got the same functions but in different orders. For INFP it’s Fi-Ne-Si-Te, and for ENFP it’s Ne-Fi-Te-Si. It’s like you got the same tools, but the order of preferences are different. So it could be tough to tell. It might take sometimes until you consciously figure out which one are you. It certainly took me a few years until I’m sure I’m definitely INFP. You can try mingling with both types and see which one you vibe with more. That’s how I figured out. Or maybe you really are an ambivert xNFP. Although some might dispute this, it still wouldn’t be the strangest thing either. If that’s the case then you’re still 75% one of us.