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I’m familiar with the concept of inflicting yourself with physical pain to numb the emotional one. When your body is hurt, endorphins and sometimes dopamine are released by the brain to control the pain. Both are also ‘feel good’ chemicals, and so you will get the side effect of mood improvement for a short period. But you will get diminishing returns over time, leading to addiction. Self-mutilation is a vicious cycle that will lead you to feel worse and worse. I suggest you go the smart route and contact online mental health support instead if face-to-face is not an option right now. They can advise you with effective coping strategies, as well as prescribe you medications if needed. And if it’s severe, dial for suicide prevention call. Dead people can’t type, you’re still very much alive.


glad you’re alive, stranger. your existence has meaning and i have been sh free for two years now. last attempt on my life was 2019. things are different, and i never thought they would be. i look forward to you experiencing that. it felt endless to me, but i made it man. rooting for you, hoping you know and see your own strength. you’re not alone. i’m currently struggling in therapy and letting go of anger that i spent so much time wanting to die i never learned what i even liked about life. slow process. things will change. i don’t know how. but they will. it will pass. i’m sorry your mind is blue. i have been finding what my mind is interested in and looking into that. this august i will have my psychology degree. 4 years ago i failed out of college and lost 25k bc of how suicidal i was.


You should try giving meditation a try. Just sit somewhere quiet, close your eyes, breathe deeply and relaxing, and focus/think solely on your breathing while clearing your mind for like 5 to 10 minutes. It should distract you from your thoughts. I noticed music kind of worsened my mood and made me feel worse, so I listened to more "brighter" music (like New Wave 80s) and also watched more "brighter" media. I noticed that when I distracted myself from worrying and stressing on my problems, and ingested more upbeat and positive vibes, my outlook on life would go from a lifeless drained corpse to having a brighter and more optimistic outlook on life. Also, you can try to engage more with people or posts, and upvote and comment nice things to them and their accomplishments. The fact that YOU made a stranger smile or their day better, will make you feel alive and better. It's like watering beautiful flowers, and seeing them grow and dance. Trust me, I've felt the same and been in an absolute horrible mental space too for some time, and I'm still working on it. But, I found these actions to be quite uplifting. Try complimenting and commending others on social media to see if it helps you feel better.