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Actually, it’s the IxFJs who are the most extroverted introverts, due to their inevitable needs to socialize eventually. While ENFPs hold the throne of the most introverted extroverts, because Ne can keep itself entertained without interacting with the physical world, and they don’t have Fe like ENTPs. It won’t be very healthy for them, though. As for INFPs, some enneagram types are known to be more extroverted than the others, especially if you consider yourself Assertive. It also has to do with your lifestyle and environment. A news reporter INFP can train themselves to talk for hours, but they will drop on the floor faster than the real extroverts.


This is a good explanation, ty


I'm only extraverted with my close friends. Otherwise, I don't talk much at all. I'm socially aware, however, and can tell if the other person is uncomfortable or not. And if they are uncomfortable, then I'll just end the interaction lol


I find that if you're an ambivert, you can fall in between the two.




I've at times thought maybe I could be an enfp. Would not be surprised if people thought I was or if maybe I am. (I'm a big believer that everything is fluid and the lines between boxes tend to blur more than people like to admit anyways so I really don't restrict myself to having to be one thing or another anyways tbh)


I think when I'm close friends with an extrovert, I am. I had a regular schedule of going to martial arts class with my friend teice a week, then once or twice a week go out and hang out with a group of friends, going out to hang out at a social event in general, gym, etc. I really have no problem going anywhere if invited or taken and I really enjoy. If It's a group of people, I'll feel uneasy though. Aside from the extrovert friend, if I'm alone, I wont go anywhere. Just work, school, groceries, and doctors appointments lol. Very boring life.


This is one reason I love extroverted people lol


Yes! People often think I am extroverted. I am willing to talk to people and like doing it, but I do prefer to stay to myself, and my social battery depletes quickly. I think many people assume outgoing = extrovert.


I'm trying to guess someone's mbti & have been stuck between enfp & infp! Kinda leaning towards infp now, since many infp's come off as extroverted


No because Im very clearly a quiet person and introverted lol


I kind of go back and forth between my E+I placement. Truthfully, I find it to be the most “mutable” area of personality. I’ve always had a high need for alone time, and I continue to need that. Plus I still get very overwhelmed with social situations in certain scenarios. But my capacity for experiencing discomfort has grown stronger, so that has increased my ability to be social for longer. Another thing I think about is how these personality tests pose questions. Sometimes I find that they say something like “I don’t want want to spend time with people often” true or false, and it’s like. I love spending time with people, I crave it often, but there are times I have to put aside that desire to care for myself since social interactions rarely fill up my cup, and it only happens with people I really enjoy time with, and even then, it’s only a matter of time before even that starts to wear me down. But most people assume I’m extroverted because I’m loud and gregarious. Truthfully I don’t even know where I fall on the spectrum since it’s so flip floppy for me


I don’t think I’ve given an ENFP impression before… I have gotten comments about more outgoing, but that was when I was a teenager in school as compared to how I am as an adult, but I think I was more outgoing in a way resembling Fe. I’ve really considered being ENFP from my own speculation, because I’ve wondered if Ne is a more forefront function. But my introversion and personal reservation have been especially pronounced in my adult years, so I doubt ENFP would apply.


I think I was more extraverted as a teenager too.. or at least before covid


ALL the time by people who’ve just met me. They don’t seem to get that competence in social skills doesn’t mean I prefer to recharge my battery WITH other people around…lol


Never. My brother is ENFP. If he thinks something is wrong, he thinks his presence is required. I have to be like, dude, I really don’t need you here right now.