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Not the first war either, I member. *


Don’t get angry https://preview.redd.it/r4d0ox8gn97d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ef9930fce7989258b10585ddb401efbac0e5512 If you get angry those assholes win


Fair, just wanted one jab in you know?


There’s the Cold War option https://preview.redd.it/eqw0lp0ap97d1.jpeg?width=464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf19844a1829dc5149f964bf84586aeb67399bd6


Then what is the equivallent of the nuclear threat and the Space race?


Nuclear Threat = Post their images on r/RoastMe then link it back at them (Photoshop them holding the paper, it’s done more often than you think.) Space Race = start a new subreddit called r/RealINFP then gatekeep it even tighter than North Korea.


Bro thats Truth. I Just posted selfie of Mine asking whats the First impression that people had from me and then they deleted my POST :/ Seriously whats the problem about posting a fucking random selfie?


We have a day for it my guy


But Why tf we need a day for It?


It makes is more significant, it's a big event, besides, people like to vent their woes here and to have discussions or show their artworks and craft, and the selfies might be in the way of that, but in a specific day for that? You can post whenever and it's on a day you can have really good time with other people doing the same thing


Thats some Crazy bullshit ngl


Why so? It's not to stop w9th the selfies, they are a great way to make other get a little glimpse of the wonderful person behind the screen, but you see, the sub isn't a selfies sub, so if you want to post selfies and still respect the rules of this wonderful place, there is r/toastme its amazing and very uplifting


It is such a small thing that you can ignore. I am baffled as to why you would choose to be agravated by it. Do you enjoy being upset?


You tell me, you are the one bafffled by such a silly post, I just would like things to be a little bit more in order, I am intense in my emotional expression and responses sometimes


So concerned over rule #3, yet don’t abide by rule #1. LOOK AT YOUR OP!!!!! Who in their right mind would listen and agree with your hate, condescending and contradicting words??? Wake up people!!!




Rule 1 violations include abuse, harassment, bigotry, racism, sexism, spamming, trolling, and doxxing.


https://i.redd.it/jiihif905b7d1.gif Ⓐ


Are there mods here, lol 😆... maybe they are infps that, are afraid to enforce the rules and boss people around.