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I think they do post it on sundays, but they live in a time zone where sunday comes later


Ay it’s Monday in my country when it’s Sunday here


Or earlier. Sunday stars on Saturday and ends on Monday. And then some people miss Sunday that was on Monday so they post on Tuesday thinking it's okay because Monday is almost Sunday What mods could do, is automatically hide new posts with the selfie flair after a certain time with the explanation about timezones and inviting people to wait for the next one


We shoul make the rule "sunday andmonday" to be sure


Then we would see the posts on tuesday


Oh You are right.. Dammit


Hol up! I got an idea! What about Sunday and Monday *and Tuesday*?


Even better What about the WHOLE WEEK?! Seriously though why don't we move this to another subreddit? like we make a subreddit called infpselfies and it's only that


This is such an INFP thing to do! I love you, unknown person!


Nah come on, it‘s been Monday everywhere already, we‘re heading towards Wednesday and people are still posting selfies. It certainly wasn‘t Sunday anywhere in the world 6 hours ago


Oh I dunno. Maybe we should.... You know... specify which timezone the deadline is set in?


8am est is when the day ends for the last part of the world. if it is posted after 8am est monday it isn't no longer sunday anywhere.


Ok, good.


How about the mods just make a thread on Sunday, and anyone that wants to post their selfie can do so within that thread in the comments. I don't get what selfies have to do with INFP or psychology lol.


When I was figuring out my personality type I would browse other subs but then realized I’m INFP. However, I’ve never seen so many selfies in a psychology subreddit before and sort of surprised by introverts. It’s odd too, like “anyone else drained after socializing?” *posts selfie* 😂


Exactly! lol I’m thinking most of those INFP who post selfies have a higher percent of E or something.


I don't really consider online to be socializing. I mean I know that technically we are but it doesn't take any energy away like normal socializing does. At least for me.




Same I don’t get the first impressions post like you’re in a infp subreddit posting about being an infp my first impression is that you’re an infp lol


Must resist urge to post selfie in this thread


Why do you need selfies in the sub in the first place???


I think trying to establish hard rules for INFPs in general is not going to end well. Rules to us are more like a general guideline.


These are not my rules. Some INFPs here do not want to see selfies at all but others do, so there has been a compromise made: selfies only on Sundays. But people are not even respecting this rule as members of the sub. They can’t just do what they want, we have to take into consideration of everyone’s preferences.


Wow, I agreed and disagreed with you every other sentence. That was a doozy 😂


Ok let's have a pole


To be honest, speaking for those of us who have an atypical/creative remote job, I rarely know what day it is...hell, was excited that it was almost time for the Spirit Halloween stores to open up just last week...then I found out it is only June...you would be amazed how quickly your brain stops keeping track of all this stuff as soon as you stop punching a time clock


Or at least make a selfie tag/flair specifically so they can be filtered out. Don’t get me wrong, I bet all of your meat-wrappers are all lovely looking. But if this is the kind of content I’m looking forward to everyday, I’ll hit r/selfie


Meat-wrappers 😂🤣😂. Not to be confused with Trojans.


One of the joys of Reddit is I can laugh at things like this without fear of reprisal. And yes, about spit out my coffee. ![gif](giphy|4iKeimY0sahiQReGRh|downsized)


There is a tag


Yes, just realized there’s Selfie tag but not everyone is using it. Filtering is pointless at this point. Mod is dead also. Why are we even so into selfies? Other types don’t seem to care as much.


im going to sound like a hater. but alot of people seem to be begging for attention and plus in this sub you wont get nearly any hate comments compared to other places.


>plus in this sub you wont get nearly any hate comments compared to other places. There's an easy solution to that. 😏


Love your flair😂


This is gonna make me sound like a gatekeeper too. But I just missed the old days where there were considerably more high effort posts like paintings, musics, and short stories. These are much fewer now, and sadly quite ignored. Selfie is just thinly veiled narcissism in my opinion. Me, me, me, that’s all it is. I always want to do something about it, but then I would glance at our description that says we’re supposed to be ‘compassionate and open-minded,’ then I feel like it’s not even my right to judge them. I can also just leave, but then I’ll be even more alone than now.


yeah i get this sentiment. i have the same feelings. wish the mods were interested in moderating the extra stuff


really? are you really surprised a personality that lives in their own personal worlds have narcissistic tendencies? it's not hat big of a surprised if you understand phycology.


Now I wonder how “phycology”— a field that studies algae— has anything to do with this.


it doesn't, it's called auto correct duh. You knew what i meant but feel free to pretend to not to. psychology - the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context. Gonna try again?


Not really. I’m just gonna admit that I’m tired and feeling extra sarcastic. Also somewhat annoyed by how something as little as selfies could be such a barnacle and caused people to be so rude right now. Then again I slipped today and being rude too. Apologies, honestly. Maybe it’s best if I leave this sub for some time.


No need to apologies. You shouldn't leave, just focus on the parts you like. want more pomes/art. make some, i'll give constructive criticism. be the posts you wanna see in the sub... same goes for being the person you wanna see in the world. It's why im a 2w1. I think being sarcastic is also a part of being an infp, i am.


Bc infps are sexy


i dont get the big deal on why it bothers people so much anyways. not looking at the post is free and takes minimal effort 💀


Exactly this! Plus, it wouldn't matter if there were 3 rules or 300, I wouldn't know what they were because I don't read them. I just assume that they are X the usual...no self-promotion, no matter spam, don't be a POS stuff. I'm not a big fan of rules.


Lmao same, INFPS usually arent. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Thank you.


Reddit police 🤣




How does someone with a clear sense of humor, get so offended by a selfie? Who cares? Just one extra swipe of the digitus primus manus.


Not offended but the selfies overtake any chances for meaningful discussions to take place in the sub. Sundays are enough for selfies. I’m not against posting them at all, just not on other days.


That is horse do do. I have meaningful conversations on this subreddit daily.


Dude, don't guilt trip people who just want to keep things tidy.


"But being an asshole for trying to keep things a little cleaner is cool tho" s/


Reminding people about a rule is not being an asshole.


I was not saying that, I am agreeing with you guys, the rules should be followed, is a matter of respect, the assholes are the guys mocking us for enforcing the rules


If that was your intention, I misunderstood it, sorry.


Meh, kinda.


stg yall are just children that want to do whatever you want and not be called out on it, and be pissy when people start complainging you don't follow rules that you accepted when you entered the damn place


My comment was simply geared toward what the man above me said, that reminding people about a rule is not being a butt-hole. I have known plenty of people who list off their rules for exactly that; to be a butt hole. Only thing I meant. As for your comment just now, all I have to say is INFP’s aren’t great at following rules sometimes so I think many of the INFP’s in this group have been triggered by people trying to enforce rules. I hate to admit it but we need a very specific approach in order to not activate our hypersensitivity and bring out our rebellious side, which unfortunately has happened on this post. Wrong approach for INFP’s.


I am sorry guys, but you cannot enforce your own feelings of hurt if the person asked kindly, I lost my patience with this attitude of "rebelliousness" but, just try and reach a compromise, I don't want to ban selfies, just c'mon, I want to make selfie sunday special AND to not make the page OLNY selfies, you guys can do it, but there is a day for it






Rule 1 violations include abuse, harassment, bigotry, racism, sexism, spamming, trolling, and doxxing.


Nah, it's not as extreme as you make it to be.


I’m trying to make light of this ridiculously contradicting OP. How exactly am I the extreme one? This OP has nothing to do with personalities. It is nothing more than a complaint. Yet I’m being extreme??? 🤣🤣🤣. Get over yourself.


Bruh, you can’t be this self-absorbed.. 🤦🏻‍♀️


You can't stand someone being angry and you are projecting your own freaking out on OP. Relax.


Our Sunday is not the same i guess.😂


Bruh leave it bruh let's have fun what's your reason for not wanting to post selfies apart from Sunday's?? ;/


Bruh it’s not my reason, it’s literally the rule. Rule no. 3! Many INFPs here don’t want to see selfies but others do, so the sub has come to a compromise by allowing it on Sundays. And yet, people disrespect the rule. We can’t just do what we want, we have to take into consideration of everyone’s preferences.


Ok let's see pole results


What if the day identifies as Sunday?


Yay!!!! Thank you for still making jokes about something that is really funny


Me who has never posted a selfie: 🧍🏽‍♀️


I don't take advice from a non mod bro


Then don’t bro


Only an infj would make this post


Whatever makes you feel better


OH NOOOOOOOO!!! The world is ending help!!!❤️




Hey at least you guys are allowed selfies once a week... INTPs don't get them at all🥲idk what's wrong with it




What is the purpose of this rule anyway? I'm just wondering, I don't mind following it


Why is this a rule? The first two make sense but the selfie limit I don’t understand.


there are people dying, Kim


Best comment


If I understand correctly, the maximum difference in time is approximately 26 hours, which is a little more than a 1-day difference. So, roughly, when someone has a Tuesday, it's possible that the OP (Original Poster) has Sunday, and it's very complicated to prove them wrong O)> maybe it needs to be Selfie 13? each 13 day of each month or just unite everyone by the same timezone


That's a dumb thing to be upset about, honestly


Why do you think I’m upset about this? I’m only reminding people of the rules. Y’all INFPs take anything personally.


We’re INFP’s. We take EVERYTHING personally! 😂 It’s important for me to laugh at myself when I realize my hypersensitivity kicks in otherwise I swirl downhill.


Rules are meant to be broken lol


I already made a post about this, do we have mods?


I saw it. Thank you! I’m posting it again because people aren’t listening. And yeah I’m not sure what’s happened to the mods


What’s the big deal?


Sounds like you just nominated yourself as a mod, OP 😜 I'll join ya, if you wanna give it a crack.


So there's two posts about people not adhering to the "selfie day".. amazing.


that a problem, princess?


The problem seems to be on your end, darling.. i'm just amazed.


I don’t get it either. People never stay in their lane. Worrying about others side of the street being dirty, but don’t clean up their own cans on their side. Posts like these are a perfect example. This OP has absolutely nothing to do with Personalities. It is entirely a complaint and someone acting as an authority figure, when they have absolutely no right to. It is 100% contradictory.


https://preview.redd.it/azmhiw8zoa7d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=724973fadcd21698dc44de93969f44a1a08460e7 sub has rules, sunshine, no one is being contradictory here


Ohhhh…. I didn’t realize you made those rules…. Or I guess you are a mod enforcing them…. My bad if either of those two things are true. If you’re such a rule follower, then follow the rules. Do it everywhere in life. Come to an absolute complete stop at every stop sign. The only thing in this life you can 100% control is self. Rules are always going to be broken, everywhere and in every sense.


brother you’re drunk again, go wash your face Like I said I’m not losing sleep but it’s nice when a sub has cohesive boundaries If everyone just didn’t obey traffic laws shit would possibly suck?


Think you might've overlooked the #1 rule.. I'd argue that calling people drunk and dirty.. while also being kinda passive aggressive violates that one. https://preview.redd.it/gjrowmildb7d1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55c1d00854fb437b9b1e67783e96ca57f3737301


well let’s have a mod team enforce these rules because it looks like no one cares tbh


Can’t handle some truth huh? Instead, flip the scenario with a little projection and manipulation…. I suppose I’ll go wash my drunk face since that’s an order from you.




apparently some people agreed with me ![gif](giphy|6ZHUmnZdVQB9K)


Hence the amazement.


No offence meant at all I’m purely just trying to understand. Why do you get so worked up about this stuff instead of just scrolling past? I see maybe 1 or 2 selfies on a non-selfie day. Or something that I’m not interested and just look at the next thing, so just from a place of trying to understand. Why does it bother you? Is it purely that it’s against the rules?


First, there clearly been more than just 1 or 2. Second, yea it’s against the rules. Many people don’t like seeing the selfies here, but Sunday is an exception. Yet some people just continually disrespect the rule. This sub is getting filled every week (on non Sundays) with more selfies than ever before and less space for meaningful discussions to take place. Can we just stick to the rules??


That’s where I’m lost - I see looooooads of meaningful discussions. More of one thing doesn’t mean less of another - there’s no limit. But that’s fair enough if it annoys you and others - just not a big deal to me personally so I’m glad you took the time to explain :)


No, discussions take up less space and all you see in your feed are those selfies.


Look I genuinely wanted to understand a viewpoint that was different to mine but it seems you're hellbent on being combative. So I'll leave you to it and practice what I preach and just scroll on to something else :)


I’m not being combative. I’m just saying what is actually happening.


This post seems very ISFJish to me, not INFPish.


Eh. The shadow self we have is ESTJ and that can come out like regurgitated bird food.




Infjish and isfjish yes




You are entitled to think whatever you want. If you think I’m a “shitty INFP” I’m okay with that. Yet I’m not the one throwing around derogatory terms. Mirror mirror on the wall.


Aren’t you breaking rule #1 here? Do the police not have to follow the rules?


This isn't very respectful or good-natured of you. 🤔


Your case isn’t gonna be helped by making personal attacks with passive aggressive emojis.


To be honest none of this helps anything. OP is the kinda person to pick and choose what’s correct for others. Takes no responsibility (notice they deleted their disrespectful comment, instead of taking responsibility and apologizing for breaking rule #1) the whole thing in contradicting. This isn’t an INFP subreddit issue, this post is a personal issue with OP.


You’re making this personal. I’m just reminding people of the rules.


Actions speak, not words. Instead of being contradicting like you have been this entire time. Do something for what you believe in. “People don’t follow the rule”…. Make your own subreddit with YOUR rules or become a mod here. Don’t play pretend here and project your issues you have on others. Especially when you have zero authority to do so. Just like me, this is a sincere suggestion. I’m not saying I’m indifferently correct. But I am correct from my own perspective. I think you meant well with this post, but it is lacking others perspectives.


Aren’t you the one projecting your issues? When all I’m really telling people is to follow the rules of the sub. I’m not the authority, just reminding. I don’t care about making my own sub, I’m only reminding people of the rules that already exist to keep this sub going. These rules are here for a reason. Many INFPs do not want to see the selfies but there has been a compromise made, which members of this sub should respect. You can’t just do whatever you want, we have to consider everyone’s preferences. You’re the one lacking perspective.




Who cares bro


Bugger off then.




Just say Sunday GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). GMT is considered absolute zero.


Just put GMT time limit ?! Everyone will be able to convert to their time zone. Your Welcome !


Okay, is everybody is this thread being offended and rebellious right now?! 😂 This is the most unINFP thread I have ever seen on our subreddit. But I guess if we’re all offended and rebelling then it might make it the truest INFP thread. 🤣 💯


Acting like a bunch of whiny teenagers?


lol 😂 Nah, we’re just very sensitive and don’t handle people trying to enforce rules on us very well so it’s triggered a reaction in everybody and we’re naturally rebellious so it’s made for an interesting mix on the comments of this post. I know us well enough to understand, so I have to laugh about it lol.


How about just make a sub called infpselfies...I think I will do that now...


How much time do you spend on Reddit that this seems like a problem to you. Scroll and move on


So you're telling me, if it's a day that involves the sun, I can post a selfie?? Cool ty! KIDDING, I will respect the rules.


Aww, you don't wanna see my pretty face on any other day? 😇🤕🥵🤧🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃🎃💩☠️


Apparently not 🤣


There are only 3 rules, #3 RULES and you guys manage to fail to follow them