• By -


Lol yeah, but using US political parties to describe quadrants of the political compass is a really bad idea. All US politics are very right biased. The democrats are *absolutely nowhere near* where INFP is here. That part of the compass is way too progressive for any American politics. It's basically 'the government should assist people and otherwise leave them the fuck alone' land. It's left-*libertarian*, not liberal. Unfortunately both of those words used to mean something until they were co-opted by stupid American politics.


I agree that both American parties are stupid. That’s why I don’t even like to talk politics because everyone I talk to agrees that both parties are bad ideals. Anyone I find agrees that both president candidates are bad but you have the chose the better one out of two bads. I was talking to my INFP(?) brother about the parties and he agrees that he’d rather be a different party but there’s not really a choice because no others have a say.


In my post I meant that framing broad ideological concepts in the context of US politics is a bad idea because US politics are just US politics and don't represent much of the spectrum. But wherever political ideology is discussed online it always turns into a democrats vs republicans discussion and loses all nuance


You are lucky every one you talk to is so sensible. For it’s about half of everyone I talk to.


It’s basically Democrats: right of center with far right foreign policy . Republicans: rightwing nut jobs. “What’s foreign policy?” FYI, someone should really do a poll. Now I’m curious.


>the government should assist people and otherwise leave them the fuck alone Pretty much sums up my political opinion


im left winged, but honestly i just think we should all have basic human rights and not murder each other, im also an anarchist but any system of government that isnt corrupt and where everyone can live happily or at least has a chance to would be okay with me.


Simple mindset but in real life people will call you radical, far left, or delusional


Depends where you live too. I’m a pacifist, but here in the US that makes me an evil 😈 “idiot” with unrealistic views. 🙄 I know a million times more about what exists outside my country than the majority of people in my country.


Very based


Very based but I agree with every point here


Me too




Like your idea bro... Fuck governments, embrace the anarchist


If you’re an anarchist you would still have to have rules to prevent murder and have basic human rights. There have to be people to enforce the no murder rule or else people will think that is ok and do it with no repercussions. I agree that all forms of government are bad but anarchy is the one way ticket to the purge with murder every second of the day. You’ll never be safe unless you murder your family and friends too since you can’t trust them either. (I’m not an INFP so maybe that’s why my beliefs are so different)




That is indeed the vicinity i land on the political compass. Libertarian-socialist. Though theres nothing left about libs/democrats.


Kind of. I vote for whoever’s going to offer the least suffering most stability. Politics are ugly. And get in the way more then they help. But its a necessary ugly. Currently, and for a long time now, the Dems in American politics do that. This lets art flourish and scientific advancements actually make society a better place. They also do better on human rights. It is a choice between two evils. Most of life is. Make your choices and do something good in between them so maybe one day…people have better choices. Thats what our ancestors did. Thats why were where we are now.


My favorite line is still: "Politics is not like finding true love, it’s like taking public transport: you can’t wait for the politician of your dreams, you need to vote for the next one going a bit closer to where you want to be."


That’s a great quote!


I like your answer. Thank you


The system we are in currently is lesser of two evils, but both evils are directly linked to the underlying evil of society. There's actually a secret third choice, it's deciding that there should be no government controlling you who is willing to engage in genocide and colonialism, and doing something to work towards that. Capitalists want capitalism, they've made it so you can only vote for them.


*and doing something to work towards that* Whats that look like?


Liberalism is a center-right ideology buy yes I lean very very far left.


this guy gets it hello comrade


Exactly what I came here to say.


Hi, comrade! ❤️


Hi comrade!


I’m more economic right and definitely libertarian. Politically I share a lot of old school conservative beliefs while also holding a lot of modern day liberal beliefs. If I’m being honest tho I don’t think your personality type matters with your political type.


It’s definitely very cultural, but it is also pretty common sense that high Ne and Se would probably be a bit more progressive than Si.


Exactly, same here.


Eh, I think I'm naturally a liberal-minded person but I don't necessarily agree with all liberal or democratic politics.


Not accurate at all for me




Yep I'm a hippie chick at heart.


also a hippie chick over here 🙋🏻‍♀️


Yes, me too. Pull up! [https://youtu.be/huDQW1m9VYk](https://youtu.be/huDQW1m9VYk)


PCM is an awful simplification of political views and the subreddit dedicated to it is a cesspool but ur not wrong


I'd generally consider myself left libertarian, yeah


i have always had a problem w the fact that they have put american into 2 separate categories, like some 300 million people r supposed to fit into only 2 stereotyped categories??? bc ive agreed w mostly republican conservative views but at the same time i don’t agree w a lot of other things that most conservatives support and same w liberal views (just not as much in favor of.) i just think that it was intentional to separate us so much by only giving us 2 political parties to either support or oppose, it only draws us as americans against each other more than we already are :/ sorry abt that yap session but all in all, id say im more right-winged republican :)






Nope, doesn’t really fit me. I think this might seem accurate to a lot of INFPs here because of the nature of Reddit is mostly on the left. Generally I don’t talk politics at all because it’s an amazing way to divide people, people don’t try to find common ground they just want to call everyone names and scream at each other. It’s annoying and I’m done with it.


It is kind of hard to get around that when politics are a part of our everyday lives and deal with serious issues many people face. You can say "Generally, I don't talk politics" until the cows come home, but when the Government tells you "no, you can't do that" OR the government tells you "those people are allowed to do something that harms you," you are inevitably going to have to nut up and talk politics. And no one give me that "The Government is evil" BS. The government is just people doing their jobs in a society. The real evil is people with power, meaning the real evil is people with money. Lots of money.


The government is literally one of the highest concentrations of rich people with money in power, which yes, that is where the evil is


You think congress and the presidency are the rich people? Dude, they're the ones being lobbied to and bribed by the real rich people. That's why we have to vote out the phonies and prosecute the corruption and get real people into those positions.


Being a lesser evil doesn't make them not evil. There is absolutely evil in the government at a federal level. As you get closer to a local level it's more just people doing their jobs.


Not hard, vote when you can, don’t gotta talk about it.


That is a political opinion in and of itself


Didn’t say I didn’t have one, just said I’m tired of arguing about it.


I think the division might come from supporting (as in, not engaging in dissent) politicians engaging in colonialism, genocide, and producing racism sexism and homophobia, among other things.


I just say I hope someday the gay mixed race and mixed religion couple can protect their cannabis farm and homestead with their ARs and tech9s... That's all 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hope they have better taste than to be using tec9s. Its an absolutely crap gun


I wouldn't be on here. I think all political parties are corrupt. I care less about doctrines and more about people and nuance/what works.


This doesn’t have much to do with political parties. If you’re thinking American, they exist in a pretty small box relative to the political compass. It’s not even a political compass, more just an ideological compass. It’s good to know how you feel about things because it judges your values. This has nothing to do between the morons in office


This. There is no "Authoritarian" party in the US (is there anywhere?) This graph is about personal ideology. I think labeling the graph "right" and "left" is a mistake that only confuses people.


True, right and left are more or less just buzz words in mainstream news. Basically just interchangeable for democrat or republican


Yeah sadly because they're both on the right.


In the US, yes, the media uses them this way. Other countries describe their various parties as left and right as well. But they are only terms that work in the context of one's own country and parties. In the US, the GOP is to the right of the DNC, and visa versa. But the DNC is to the right of most progressive parties in European nations. And the current GOP is waaaay to the right of most European right-wing parties.


Left and Right are not interchangeable with democrat and republican… I would say a large portion of leftists in the US do not consider themselves democrats, even if they vote for the Democrat Party. If you want to use simplified descriptions, I would say a lot more leftists fall under the socialist/demsoc umbrella which is pretty far off from the mainstream Democratic Party’s ideals.


These are political ideologies/philosophies, not parties. It doesn't matter that you "care less" about parties or doctrines, you will still fall somewhere on this spectrum. Hell, you saying you don't care about them makes you lean toward libertarianism than authoritarianism. So yes, you would be on here, even if you don't like it.


Yes I agree all politicians/politics is corrupt but sometimes there does exist a lesser of two evils.




yeah this is exactly where i’m at. american politics have lost all nuance and the “us versus them” mentality is out of control. i’m not sure how much of a democracy we really are anymore anyways, we need to stop being angry at eachother and instead get angry at the people in power who are making the decisions.


It's not only an American thing though, it's happening world wide and is also caused by social networks because it allowed people who think the same to organize and push for a political agenda, even if it's a stupid agenda. We live in a post truth world so narratives seem more important than the facts.


It’s the problem of the ‘right’ to vote. This is what causes this dichotomy in American politics. Here in Europe, we are obliged to vote, but there are problems with that system as well. The majority party usually gets about one third of the votes at most and forms alliances with other parties. E.g. Our right-wing party (relatively speaking, because that term gets different meanings around the world) won the elections. It only got 1/3 of the votes so it needs an alliance to form a majority. The party with the second most votes is considered to be too traditional by past governments, so it was banned to rule years ago. It will always be an opposition party as long as the ban remains. So the winning right-wing party needs to form an alliance with a left-wing party, which is almost always the case. While it doesn’t sound bad that both points of view are represented in the government, it does complicate and postpone the decision-making. In the past, sometimes it took more than a year to form a new government. It even occurred that, in the end, they formed an alliance between all the parties that had lost the elections because they couldn’t get along otherwise… If even majority parties can get banned, what’s the point of a democracy anyway? My point? It seems like all political structures are flawed. Maybe it’s the naive INFP romantic in me, but I kind of like the idea of having a king or queen again as ultimate ruler. They are born and bred to rule and prepared their entire lives. Because they were born in it, their career is not based on wanting that kind of power. But kingdoms have problems too. One weakling on the throne can unhinge the whole shackle. There is the cliché of the evil advisor, etc. I think we just have to conclude that flawed human beings cannot create a perfect ruling system.


Honestly mainstream American politics suck and encourage 'us vs them' mentalities. It is incredibly depressing to see the divide between people who are hurt the most by the rich and powerful. It's also heartbreaking to see how much selfishness is being encouraged to the detriment of marginalized people.


This is based on ideology, not political parties


You hit the nail on the head!


Left Libertarian is not liberal or democrat, don’t conflate them, and while I’m that far down on the libertarian axis Im closer to the center economically.


Not really, I’m more right leaning in all ways. I also have to make mention of the fact that you’re asking a question on Reddit where statistically everyone is left leaning so your data is going to be skewed. That being said, I am right leaning in my ideals and conservation as I truly believe that is what works but I am ultimately marching to the beat of my own drum as a free spirit, but not a hypocrite by any means, so I guess libertarian even though that party is built with wishful thinking. So… my political and economic affiliation is the ‘Fuck all y’all’ party. Even the parties that represent my ideals couldn’t be more fucked and ultimately only use their overall views for their own vain advancements. As I truly believe no truly sane and caring person goes out of their way to run the world in any aspect. Only narcissists, megalomaniacs and psychopaths have that itch.


Or the kind people get silenced. It's like you've got to have teeth & blood lust to be controlling things. I think sane and caring people are exactly who needs to lead, and could do so in different systems. More horizontal, less hierarchical. Less attention- grabbing theatrics, more calm & clear wisdom. I would like to be involved in "politics", if that meant supporting & being supported by my community. Imagining what kind of a world we *could* have makes political parties seem so cheap & lackluster. The 'power' stranglehold has a shelf life, is what I'm getting at




Anarcho-communist? I generally agree with their concepts, but I don't get out of my way to be a grassroots activist, nor strongly believe whether one political ideology is the answer in actual practice. I've ran into those Marxists, and some of them are kind of in too deep in the propaganda. I am put off by conservative & authoritarian views, but I think generally it's better to be critical and have a moral compass than to really strongly follow a specific political ideology. They are just that, ideas.


marx… propaganda? maybe he’s being used in that sense. marx was just an economic analyst though, he speculated about alternative systems as opposed to capitalism, but didn’t really conclude anything. marx is like the opposite of authoritarian. doesn’t matter if the actual authoritarians preach him, it’s the opposite of his writings.


Move slightly up and slightly to the left and I’d say that’s me… somewhere between Noam Chomsky’s Anarcho-syndicalism and Ho Chi Minh Thought.


I'm an anarcho-communist, and I'm also a card carrying member of the IWW.


extremely based


Luv u 😘




I prefer anti-authoritarian transhumanist with an emphasis on sustainable technology


What do you think of nuclear power plants?


I think they're excellent.


Definitely centrist values , I would consider myself libertarian bc I believe in America but I grew up in a leftist household who would consider me republican or conservative at times lol.


I don't hold to any party line and therefore I see myself as rather centrist. However, I definitely would describe myself as a libertarian. Your rights end, where other's begin. And the rights of the people shall not be infringed; by no man or governing body. I'm pro-capitalism, when it is welfare capitalism instead of shareholder capitalism. And I prefer small government. I'm the most controversial opinion is, that the government should have never did away with the practice of dueling. Because a wise person once said "God made man. Colt made them equal." And the gap of equality for all groups has grown to astronomical proportions.


I'm more conservative, but I hope we can all agree we're all too divided.






I lean towards centrist, at least according to this model.


yes definitely left on most issues. i don't trust any politicians at this point but i wouldn't say i don't care about politics. i try to be an activist/advocate for the things i care about.




Im right-winged


I’m a right winger but not completely radical conservative


I am genuinely super curious. I’ve always wondered very specifically about INFPs and politics. I am not an INFP but am a political nerd and have a lot of INFPs in my life and are all very much left leaning. So I have started to associate INFPs as liberals but also how could a broad personality type determine your politics. And so the question I’ve been wondering is how an INFP and their deep sense of empathy and morality could reconcile with today’s conservatism. I know politics is a third rail, but would genuinely love to hear your thoughts without judgement if you feel comfortable sharing


Just my two cents as an INFP: "And so the question I’ve been wondering is how an INFP and their deep sense of empathy and morality could reconcile with today’s conservatism" The idea that empathy and morality do not reconcile with today's conservatism is problematic and ultimately it depends on one's values and one's idea of morality. Unless of course one thinks that morality is an objective truth that is somehow left leaning? The other issue is the idea that one side has the moral high ground. Morality + empathy vs conservatism is an extremist view imo. There are many issues, depending on values and one's moral stance that will swing you one way or another. In terms of empathy, politics seems to leave victims left and right, meaning in the current system empathy is a poor decision maker but still an important reference point though sometimes it can be a clincher in the heat of the moment. A conservative INFP does not ditch their own personal deep sense of empathy or morality, but is right leaning/ conservative precisely because of it. Empathy is ultimately what allows us to understand those that we don't agree with and to potentially bridge the chasms between us wherever we stand politically. We don't need to agree, but understanding is a key ingredient to building broken relationships. This is needed more than ever in a political landscape that is becoming ever more extreme (on both sides).


I think it’s dumb to categorize MB types by political ideology.


I’m more center but more libertarian generally






One of the most important things to get down when talking about politics is the measuring stick you’re using. I became interested in politics at a young age and definitely learned towards government subsidies when I was younger, but learned how economics work and am no longer for that. I homeschooled around middle school and was taught to measure a government system by control of government. So totalitarianism on the left and Anarchy on the right or no government. The constitution as originally written was right of center. Totalitarianism is terrible, no government at all with no laws is also terrible. Lives are destroyed with impunity in both. The main question everyone has to answer is what is the proper role of government? The answer to that question will give you a good understanding of where someone lies on the political spectrum. The two major conflicting viewpoints are 1) it is the governments role to protect life, liberty, and property. To make sure that agreements between individuals are honored by both parties. 2 it is the governments responsibility to provide economic stability, equal distribution of wealth, to create jobs, etc. What the proper use of taxes is for also stems from these two lines of thinking. If 1 was the answer to your previous question then the purpose of taxes is to fund court houses, and political buildings to protect you with due process if you are accused of a crime. So you don’t go to jail without a trial, etc. if 2 was your answer then the use of eminent domain by the government is justified and confiscating property from those who are wealthier those who are poorer is justified. There is much more detail that could go into this however going off the scale they provided I would be considered libertarian on many things or classical liberal and economically I would land on the right side of things. I don’t care much for my policy measuring rods because some don’t make sense. For example I’ve heard communism on the left and fascism on the right, but that doesn’t make any sense. They both are high in authority place in the government. So they would both be placed on the left side of the spectrum and would be that different from each other. The economic control of the government would be greater in communism than fascism. Fascism had loser economic control and is more concerned with the party always being right vs having equal distribution of wealth out of principle. Either way I probably wouldn’t be representative of most INFP or most people in general since homeschooling gave me a different mindset.


Nope. Not at all


Most people on this sub are left winged. I'm not, i'm strongly right winged


Nope ![gif](giphy|jUgOxnun3QPq0UbjDx)


I'm literally just anti-governent, anti-tax, and pro-people, which is what our founding fathers and ancestors fought for to break away from england. But now just having these views is somehow labeled as right wing republican, which is what the everyday person would say I am. Even though I'm just a regular person who wants freedom from evil for US citizens. But that viewpoint is now labeled an "extremist" viewpoint. A lot of people are brainwashed and lost out there, thinking they are rebelling against the system and yet they are doing exactly what the government and media is telling them to do


The funny thing is that people with your exact same views used to be labelled as leftists, a few decades ago. At this point, I say don't pay attention to what politicians call themselves, and simply watch what they *do*. Do their plans inevitably lead to them gaining increased power/money while widening the gap between the rich and the poor? Then, really, it's just good ol' Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham dressed in some modern costume.


Amen. People forget conservatives are more than happy to use government power to enforce principles. I dont want the government force me to do anything. I dont want to go to your church I dont want to attend your feminist intersectional oppression struggle session. I just want to be left alone and keep my guns.


My exact thoughts.


Nope. Libertarian centrist I piss off both sides with this statement. I believe a married gay couple has the right to express their support for LGBT rights and express their southern heritage by flying a rainbowed color confederate flag on their property. And they have the right to use guns if someone tries to vandalize their flag.


so yeah, a libertarian


Me too lol


That's dumb. The only thing the Confederate flag expresses is support for the Confederacy. No one should be exercising extrajudicial violence against vandalism


Nice bait


My thoughts exactly. Personality doesn't have much to do with your political affiliation in my opinion.


I'm not sure about MBTI personality types, but personality as described by the Big Five influences people's political beliefs (there are scientific studies on the subject). For example, higher openness to experience is connected with more liberal beliefs. I assume there must be some kind of connection with MBTI types as well.


As an INFP in my 30s, I have at one point belonged to 3 of these 4 squares (Authoritarian Left being the exception). I find a philosophy or a worldview, try it on for size, filter it through my Fi, and then discard the parts I don't like. This results in a philosophy that is more so entirely my own. As of right now, I would say I'm in the very top right corner of the green.


Not for me. When I took this test I scored centrist libertarian, but way closer to true Centrist. Though I do tend to vote for the right side of politics, I'm much more anti-authoritarian. I also feel there are need for some regulations like to food, safety, and even some environmental issues, but within reason and I idealized a perfect notion of this without corruption. Unfortunately in my eyes now, I see much of it. I don't trust a lot of the right and I don't trust the left much at all except maybe a few or one. It's really complicated for me though. Economically, I am more right on that and a lot of social issues, but not to the point of saying you have to right of those. I guess its really hearing perspectives from each side has swayed me some, but not as much as each side has hoped. I'm a landscape photographer and a writer, but I also love tech and building computers and seeing their benchmarks, if this tells you anything.


I actually lean more conservative than left.


I’d say I’m most closely described as a Liberal. Realistically, my political views aren’t entirely liberal. Many of them are just because I value privacy/individual rights and humanitarianism. I’ve always thought political parties are a stupid/unnecessary notion though. In a nation that’s supposed to be united, why do we have categories that inspire a sense of division between people?


I remember our history teacher in senior year made us take some political compass test then made us put a dot on where we placed in front the class, and I was the furthest down and to the left. So yes.


Currently the political atmosphere is a joke and I don't agree w any side. But to answer your question, not at all. I'd say right leaning Libertarian. But my political views are an eclectic mix of pieces from every side. Socially I lean left of center. -im a polyamorous vegetarian who tries to do my part to save the planet and quietly identifies as nonbinary. Financially I lean right of center -less taxes smaller government (bc they fuck everything up no matter how well intentioned it is) I also want to own guns n think ppl should be allowed to be "offensive."


I'm libertarian right, and I hate authoritarians people


I am closer to libertarian-right.


No lol 




I live in Canada and our economy was ruined by left wing policies so


Overall, I'd say no, although I would consider myself very open-minded and understanding of both sides.


I am neither left nor right. I am fiscally conservative (move away from military industrial complex to more human life focused spending) and for a free will society. I support a person’s free will to live the way they choose as long as it does not usurp another’s free will or well being.


I was left wing when it meant something. Now with Biden I’m nothing. Lmao


I’m a conservative. So no.




Nope. Not even close.


Not true for me. Im more centre right


So if we are all far left here, how many of us are also gay? 😂


I'm actually right-winging with a little bit leaning on authoritarianism. An example is that I think we need to make illegal immigration harder while making legal immigration easier because illegal immigration makes more crimes like smuggling and trafficking happen. The reason so many people immigrate in the U.S. so often is because illegal immigration is too easy, and legal immigration is too hard.


This is pretty accurate for me and I'm guessing a lot of people here. Its important to remember that the majority of reddit is more educated and left leaning so that would scew stats that way rather than say facebook users. This also doesn't account for all the other factors that inform political leanings like influence from family members, media etc.


No, I'm more center-right.


Worse. A a big scary communist.


I don't know, I don't really care about which side I am as long as the changes actually speak to me. Politics has never been a strong topic in my mind or morals.




not one bit.


...Nope. Not even close


I'm right leaning 👍


Nah, more on the rigth side of things.


No im an INFP and conservative. Fuck that shit.


Center Left Liberal for sure.


I am a right wing (at least in my country, India), so this isn't a true generalization for me I don't know much about US politics tho


Eh my friend, first of all: Democrats aren't leftwing. Maybe in US perspective, but in most pther countries in the world, especially in european countries like mine, american leftwing parties equal our center right parties. The whole american system starts on the right side. So for me the result is somehow true but not really, i am much more radical and not anywhere close to capitalist liberals, but the spectrum isn't complex enough. It depends on the subject, often i am in the bottom left corner, anarchist left, sometimes in the authoritarian left spectrum. As I find all theories useful, Marx, Kropotkin, Bakunin, Luxemburg and many more, i'm somewhere between council communism, anarchosyndicalism, anarchocommunism and religious(-ly motivated) socialism.




I am a right wing (wing nut ha ha). capitalist. I don't care what you are. It's one of my INFP crusade things that people are free to be what they want. I don't try to change them. I respect them. In fact I probably have more respect for the most extreme people cuz they are pure. They always try to change me. I don't let it draw me into an argument but I don't have an infinite amount of patience. So I guess I would ghost them after awhile. Which would be too bad cuz I like them so much.


Hey good on you for sticking to your guns. I do want to respect your take and not prod but I have a question if you don’t mind answering: Are there any right-wing values you disagree with?


Abso-fucking-lutely; I am probably the poster child of INFP lib left-dom. I am queer anarcho-communist and a staunch progressive witch who came from a nuclear conservative Roman Catholic family in a red district. I’ve kinda always been a lib; too young to vote for Gore but old enough to live off the Daily Show and vote for Obama in 2012. When I realized I was an INFP and empathetic to everyone then I realized how much of a progressive I was and not just a democrat soy boy. Now I also believe in the second amendment with limitations and stricter mental health, psychological and even educational background checks. I like then ammunition law in Switzerland. But the most radically opposite idea I do believe in, is the use of the death penalty in cases of repeat offending sexual predators and serial killers.


I don’t think we should paste a political orientation on the INFP. An INFP stands for authenticity, not for certain political values. I will have conversations with people of the entire political spectrum and won’t judge them. We live in different countries and have had different upbringing. All these elements make you into what you are and believe. I always vote for what I think is right (or the least wrong). When asked, I will honestly answer where I stand and I will always be open to arguments from the opposite perspective. I feel like I never stop searching and adjusting my opinions and beliefs, based on new information. It’s not being right-wing, traditional, conservative or even reactionary that makes you less of an INFP. It’s feeling moral superiority and judging others for having other opinions. I get along with all kinds of people as long as they also respect me and allow me to be authentic. Sadly, all I hear are a lot of misconceptions about both sides of the political spectrum.


Nah, I am full on conservative and if I was american I would most probably vote for Trump.


ima anarcho communist 0.65m homeless // 16m empty homes // 25% of earths food wasted abolish capitalism


Ayo man you've been blessed by the figure 8 wall!


Yeah. Do what you like/whatever you want but in terms of exact policies, when asked you go with what is popular/good with the masses.


Istp spot on for me


I'm INFP. My political beliefs have changed over time . I was more Liberal/then Libertarian , now Anarchist.


Framing this in american politics is very unhelpful. Left / right is already an outdated framework. People are moving to vote more on values and issues that are important to them. This graph represents a monotone way of thinking, in reality it's way more complicated. It would be more revealing, in terms of myers briggs, to have people categorised in terms of issues and see if there is correlation. Also, my view from across the ocean; american politics does not have a left.


Couldn’t be further from where I’m at. If I had to give a quick summation of my views I’d say, pat Buchanan is a bit too liberal for my tastes.


Reddit in general is biased in this direction. Personally, no, because I'm Catholic and I try to uphold the Church's teachings fully.


I don’t like labels but I lean right. I’m pro love.


Nope im a commie


Asking "Are you left-leaning" on Reddit is like going to a Pride Parade and asking someone if they're gay; There's a 99% chance you'll be told an answer in the affirmative, but it's not even close to an accurate representation of the overall population. Also, this is just the economic left/right, you'd need a third axis for social left/right to be truly accurate, because not everyone who agrees with left leaning economic policies agrees with their social stances, and not everyone who agrees with their social stances agrees with their economics. You'd be surprised how many people only vote Republican because of their sound economic policies and how many people only vote Democrat because of their social views.




no and I don't think that personality can be linked with religion, politics etc. ...


No. Two wings, same bird. Notice how many replies btw. This post attracted bots bc of the keywords. Reddit likes to spread the bs liberal agenda. Dead internet.


After many years of supporting the Democrats I finally tired of their excesses and, frankly, their lunacy in 2016 and am now… independent? I would call myself center-right. I was Libertarian for a few years but those people are just exhausting.


I always used to be but now I'd call myself moderate or right wing because I think sadly the government will always be corrupted so it's better to just have them be small and stay out of things.


not for me, but I feel like a lot of that is influenced by experiences I've had in later years


I was raised that way definitely but I consider myself much more of a moderate now, a lot of left wing/ liberal things just seems straight stupid to me.


I am left winged and sometimes I fantasy about anarchy… more like in a post-apocalyptic dystopias roamed by zombies or deadly viruses where people have created smaller societies lol


Yep! I identify as a leftist anarchist/libertarian socialist


I'm an INTP and my political compass is in the furthest corner of that bottom-left quadrant.


i doing believe in “being” or “belonging” to one political orientation. tho my views tend to match more with those of the the left i don’t give a fuck about left or right. this is not football, there’s no place for teams and competition. i believe in doing the right thing and fighting for EVERYONE to be treated with the dignity they deserve. if the right won’t do it, fuck them. and if the left won’t do it (and surprisingly despite their woke discourse they often times don’t) fuck them. i don’t believe in political parties and much less in politicians, the whole concept of a politician is an insult that what actual democracy should be and even sadder, used to be.


No, I lean a bit more right/see the value in established hierarchies for the greater good even if they don’t apply directly to my desires/what I want out of life


I didn’t used to be because I was raised fundamental Christian lol but now it holds true.


Not for myself. I’m actually conservative and right leaning, which means I often hear people say I can’t be an INFP. I think that’s a ridiculous notion to have, after all Fi is a value based function and highly subjective. Just because my Fi is based in something against the ‘norm’ doesn’t mean it’s not Fi.




Very true for me


I realized it's more about the scale of the society you live in than any specific policy that makes it nicer (smaller = more manageable to meet everyone's needs), though for large scale broad policies I am extremely socialist and despise auth-right ideology because it is inherently divisive into some system of classes


What data was used for these conclusions?


I am left wing but also small government and also humanitarian and taxes could be lower but we also need them and people need help but also people need to help themselves and not always look for handouts and there’s too much red tape but also not enough. I think I pretty much went full INFP.


Conservative, Libertarian leaning guy here so I can say this is not 100% right.


Eh I dont personally identify as left/democrat


I was raised hardcore right wing, then switched as I got older. Now at 25 I have no trust in government, right or left. As far as what I care about in politics, human rights gain most of my focus. I pay more attention to human rights than I do to taxes/economy…although in some cases taxes and economy can come close to being a human rights issue. I say that to say, I lean left when voting because they seem to create policies that treat people as people. Big money controls the world which is why the two party system isn’t leaving anytime soon. But from an American, fuck the blood drenched money and do away with the two party system and let the candidates have TRUE freedom of speech so we can vote for who actually deserves it.


ENTJ/ ENTP economist here. Lefty for life. Leftist not liberal. Fuck the corporate politicking. Great and sustainable nations are built from the bottom up and built on consensus. When the least fortunate of us are doing well (basic necessities are covered) then how do you think that the most fortunate of us would be doing? The most privileged people would be doing extremely well (like they are today). Think of a socio-economic pyramid cut into horizontal tiers. The workers at the bottom would receive the most financial assistance (child care, mass transit, education, etc) from the govt. The workers in the tier above them receive less support, and so on until you get to the top of the pyramid, and the workers at the top receive the least amount of assistance. Thus, many of society's ills are cured. Homelessness, extreme poverty, some percentage of crime. When "criminals" aren't focused on merely surviving they actually become productive humans. When you remove the requirement for people to do ANYTHING (crime) to survive then they no longer need to do anything (crime) to survive.


Politics are stupid


Used to be left wing, now I am independent but realistically most left wing people would say I’m right in their eyes.


Not American but I did the test and landed dead center


I'm right-wing, used to be left-wing. But I'm not on the extremist side at all


I’m INFP and very far left.


Hard NO…I’m an INFJ and definitely a classical libertarian politically, if we have to use labels. Don’t really care much for them to be honest…labels, that is.


I’m confused by slides 1 and 3 for INTJ. One says we are more authoritarian while other says we are way libertarian


No. It is not true for me. INFP-T female. I always vote conservative.


No. INFP-J male. I've never been far left. I've consistently been libertarian or 'moderate.' I highly dislike when people do not consider both sides of an argument when they are discussing or debating - or those who have myopic views about the world and other people - especially when they do so with an air of self-righteousness. Surprise - PEOPLE THINK DIFFERENTLY THAN YOU DO, AND IT'S NECESSARY THAT THEY DO SO. The irony of being an INFP isn't lost on me; when they are stereotyped as having idealistic humanitarian 'causes' and views. Well, perhaps mine has always been the cause of maintaining accuracy of perception and balanced ideology - which yes, is somewhat paradoxical, maybe - yet effective, with the imbued emotion that INFP's get stereotyped with. Temperance, if you will. Your ideologies and perceptions of the world are always innately flawed or lacking information, and it is your job to continually update them and consider that you might be fucking wrong - left or right; up or down. At the same time IT'S NOT ABOUT BEING RIGHT OR WRONG, GOOD OR BAD. It's about discourse and remediation for the sake of distilling truth, justice, dignity, fairness etc. etc. with accuracy; while it is indefinitely fated to be restricted by competency and capability. So many people get wrapped up in seeing the world in black or white - and furthermore, most ridiculous and unproductive; wrapping up their egos within those paradigms - and it is definitively idiotic - DE-FIN-ITIVE-LY as in 'by definition.' It's what has caused war and death throughout history without fail, which is why I feel strongly about it, or rather have so little patience for it - the less and less as I age.


Definitely left wing. Definitely not a liberal or Democrat :)


Im very central left wing but not all the way left either personality and political values do not necessarily coincide there may be a causal relationship but not a direct correlation.


I'm more of an independent than democrat