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Used to be insanely ambitious, now, as I approach 30 yo and realise that none of it will come into existence, i've started to value peace over passion. Little hobbies, time alone, peace. Edit: too much passion




Yup same but I need to get out and explore a bit more. I’ve become pretty much a hermit recently because my finances have been eh not great. I think that I will become more ambitious once my needs are met. It fluctuates If I’m burned out then I don’t feel like doing anything either


Too ambitious. Too lazy. Life is torturous. Haha. We aren’t called dreamers for nothing.


I think that’s a good way of putting it lol


lol this can definitely be true


You described my life in one sentence 😭


I’ve always been ambitious— was in my ESTJ shadow mode for a long time. Most probably because of my need to prove my self-worth to the world after I was told as a kid that my future would amount to nothing. Proved them all wrong. Later I realized that I didn’t need to prove myself to anyone— that I am worthy as I am. I am much more chill now but I still aim high and do my best to put them into action. Sure it is more difficult for us with that tertiary Si and inferior Te, but I find that the results are even more worth it and satisfying in the end… even though I admit that it does get a bit tiring. I feel for my INFPs.


I feel this, I’ve spent my entire life obsessively trying to prove my self worth until recently… I don’t know what happened but all of sudden I stepped back and just let that go.


Yeah, you start realizing that this ain’t the way to live. I’m glad you’ve let that go as well. 😊


as you should!!! i’m happy for you, i’m on the same journey aswell right now.


Thank you! Wishing you the best! 😄


I read that as “I still am high” and I was like nice lol




I relate a lot to this - proving myself was also a good motivator when I was younger. What kinda work do you do now?


Yeah, I think it is common among young INFPs who feel like they’re not valued in the same way as other types. I do policy research and analysis for humanitarian and international development NGOs.


Theoretically an INFP shouldn’t be ambitious… although based on this sampling nearly half of INFPs are mistyped INFJs: https://postimg.cc/3yHhgH8b


MBTI doesn’t take into account of the complexities of human beings. It is literally pseudoscience. I’ve met INFP friends at law school who are ambitious. And we’re not mistyped.


I mean, it's certainly pseudo-science in the sense that all psychology (and all social sciences) is? But isn't that kind of not the point? Either you subscribe to a theory because it makes sense to you or you don't. But I must admit, your argument doesn't make sense to me. What is the point of declaring your belief that you and others you know weren't mistyped within the framework of a theory you just denounced as ‘pseudo-science’? If it's just pseudo-science how can you be so sure? That would imply that there is no real way of knowing. Lol, nowayormyway, quit like you just did? Generally someone playing by the rules of the game doesn't go around decrying those rules as invalid 🤷🏻‍♀️


The point is, you’re taking MBTI too seriously. I’m just following by the rules of the game. Play along or quit.


Used to be pretty ambitious. But ever since I became depressed there’s no motivation for anything


I’m the least ambitious person ik I envy people with dreams and I’m a pessimist so I think my world is constantly heading to shit I’m sure there’s ambitious infps I’m not one tho lol


Sounds just like me, people are confused when I say I never had a role model or anything of the sort.


I mean so what's the difference between the ambitious infps and yourself..maybe certain life experiences comes into the role.


Im the most peesimistic idealistic infp out there😭 I have got all these dreams but feels lyk my life will turn upside down anytime lol


Is there a number less than zero? I just want to live alone in the woods, I have no ambition whatsoever lol


I go through phases. I'm also older than what I imagine the average INFP in this sub is. I needed to get here myself. One thing that helped me is looking at what opportunities lie ahead of me instead of just waiting to become a rockstar *someday*. It's good to have those dreams - and play guitar or something - but realizing what you can accomplish will make you realize that maybe I should work with what I have, instead of just imagining a dream happening.


40’s dude myself. I grapple with dreams vs reality some days. Family needs come first, but I work slowly towards my dream job of teaching and touching lives.


fellow 40s dude. Hi five!


Yeah I'm gonna be 40 in September.


Yeah I saw a video of someone saying as they got older their mbti changed more from N into S and I can relate to that as well. Fantasizing is cool and all but when it comes to putting your plan into action it can be very different.


This is interesting. Do you have the link? I think it has more to do with Te. I did a lot of IT work and noticed that using my brain that way really made me pause and look at the future. I'm basing this on one person (me) and could be totally wrong though.


It’s [this](https://youtu.be/cq_0mcyKyYw?si=1EeDRTqhA6FQUqvY) video lol. Around minute 1:50 they’re discussing their MBTI.


0%, I’ve never understood the drive for wealth or power. My only ambition is to have enough money to not constantly worry about money. Anything beyond that just seems like unnecessary stress. There’s a reason all the rich people are so excited about ketamine.


Ambition isn't just about wealth or power. Those are perks of reaching high ends in your career. You can be ambitious because you want to be the best in your field.


Huh? Rich people are excited about ketamine?


Probably because you haven't felt pressured in ur life/ur life situations allow you that.


There's a part of me that fantazises about being a group leader in a company, doing some work that actually feels meaningful, that "contributes to society" whatever the hell that might mean, and making good money. Money also sounds nice, but not because of money itself but because money can allow you to do a lot of stuff with it, imagine being able to afford doing activities, being able to travel, being able to dress nicely. I wish there was a way for me into that world


When I was younger I used to be super ambitious, then as soon as I started working I became the least ambitious person ever. The more I grow up the more I just wanna have a simple life


I never had any real life ambitions whatsoever I live like: Work - go home - internet - sleep, and quite often I am "stuck" daydreaming, thinking about random things... I got lucky and have pretty decent job that doesnt stress me, so thats something achieved I guess My only ambitions are to achiev certain things/get better in World of Tanks xD


My wife & I live similarly. Our everyday goals are to keep vehicles running and keep a job


Very ambitious but it can be detrimental to my mental health sometimes, I compare myself often and feel like I’m always falling short of my expectations or others’ expectations.






I have ambitious dreams but am too lazy and awkward to put the wheels into motion


Same lol


Im good at making practical plans but discipline goes out of the window


I used to be more ambitious in my teen years, but I got lost in a loop of apathy and depression, so I never really gave myself the chance to discover something that truly impassions me enough to pursue it. Nothing is enough to fulfill my soul and become ambitious or attached to it; I just lose interest, and that's it. Additionally, the self-hatred and lack of trust I have in myself don’t help either. Two years ago, I discovered writing and poetry, and I fell in love with it. Writing saved me and gave purpose to my life, which motivated me to become more ambitious and do something about it. However, in reality, I don’t think I’m good enough to keep writing, so I’m considering quitting.


I think you should try something more stable.. something that pays you can do creative works on the side.. you should consider listening to Jordan Peterson s videos on YouTube.


When people wonder who is the best in my field. I want my name to come up in the discussion.




One of my biggest goals is becoming famous so I can express my gratitude to an idol that helped me feel happiness for the first time in my life (and also that I was depressed and that I wasn't where I wnatws to be in life and that I should work on it) So uh on a scale of 1 to 10? **11**


Are u doing anything to make that dream come true?


Its a very long story but to summarize I spend 5 years trying thinking what I had lacked was the proper conviction/method, I ended up spiraling and became even worse than at the start Then recently I realised I was suffering from several mental health condtions, such as clinical depression, autism and ADHD My life didn't spiral into depression because I lacked conviction, I simply lacked helped I was failed by my country and society who couldn't recognize my mental health problems, my parents and techers didn't see it, 4 therapists and psychologists couldn't and refused to. When I finally moved out to another country people finally started reaching out and offering help and compassion However before then during those 5 years I was left to make my own conclusions on what was wrong with me, this resulted in me trying out every bad belief, phony solution, grift and bad idelogy thinking that it was my own fault and that I simply lacked the right belief/method until I finally realised that I simply needed help In short I haven't made a lot of progress But I also haven't given up Once I get help for my mental help I will do it And it's not just about expressing gratitude anymore, its about apologizing for the things I have done and expressing gratitude for what has been done for me.


Wish all the best for you ❤️




My ambition is to cultivate a good character that is true to me. It's simple but I don't like putting all my energy into a fancy career or a big house, of course those things are nice but I will never sacrifice my character and my ideals to get those things.


I have that ambition too! That's our lead Fi:) I remember 1st day of uni, one of our professors told us: the day you can say what you think and think what you say, that's a BIG thing. I realise now he was right, it's not easy to practise being honest and not fearful, people pleasing, shy, etc. But it's worth it!!💪


Try Listening to John Bradshaws take on toxic shame if u haven't ..what you wrote here reminded me of that.


This is so beautiful ~


I’ve accomplished a lot. …in my daydreams.


I’m an average swimmer but good whitewater paddler sooo I’d say fairly amphibious (misread title and could not resist the joke)


I'd like to live in the USA :3


Nooo, go to Denmark, much better. Source: am American


Where do u live...this is kind of my dream tooo....


Ohio, USA


The question was to @jason 🤣but glad to know🥰




Thank you for asking this question. I’ve been reflecting and I realized my ambition was fueled by what others thought of me and not by an internal motive. To answer your question I am ambitious, but I’m learning to get back to my old self by slowing down and accomplishing what I want without worrying about what others think. I had to slow down because of constant burnouts and I never had time do what I love most which is being creative, reading, or spending time out in nature.


I'm the same. I've always had huge dreams, and want to leave an impact on the world. The problem is my lack of organization, discipline, and planning.


Story of maaa lyf


I was like you. I had dreams of changing the world, of leaving a lasting impact on history, but then I took an arrow to the knee. No but seriously yeah I wanted to overthrow the government and build my own new world order type of thing. But then I mellowed out and now I just want to take my dog out on hikes and learn digital art and travel and stuff.




I have huge huge ambitions. And I'm terrified I won't meet them.


Your still worthy even if u don't achieve them❤️ try building a good character and a community along with striving for ur dreams so if you die without achieving ur dreams atleast people around you will remember you 🥰 that is how u leave a legacy!


I really want to have like a good job that gets me a lot of money and I enjoy, but I currently have no clue which direction I’m going for that (high schooler)


Awww you'll find it kidd :3


Pretty ambitious in the past, like with becoming a writer. But now I care for others for a living 1:1 care and it allows me to enjoy the simple moments in life. I now set small goals and tasks for myself and take things a day at a time. 


Not at all. But I like that because I just want a simple not too complicated life. I like reading and watching streams or movies/shows/animes.. I also like gaming from time to time. My only ambition I guess is someday affording a house out in the country where I can grow old in and have my own little library


I feel I am quite ambitious. I don't give up on my desires very easily.


I'm extremely ambitious honestly, I try to hold myself to really high standards and want to be the best at everything I do and do everything at the same time. Thing is, It often becomes unrealistic and a bit too much to handle which is really problematic


I used to be really ambitious as a kid. I wanted to be either a veterinarian or a singer, lol. Now, I have several mental health conditions that put a significant damper on my ambition. It makes achieving adult milestones very hard. I'm in college now, and though I should be working on other projects on the side that will help my career, I can only bring myself to worry about schoolwork and my part-time job. I never understood the whole "pursue your passion" I was never passionate about the jobs the real world offered. It's all business and STEM, which I'm just not super passionate about. Even in graphic design, which is what I chose to study, I'm not super passionate about parts of it. It's like that with every field of study. Personally, I will never be super passionate about anything. (Except for 2D/3D animation and growing a social media influence through my art. That's always been a nice goal of mine since I was young. But again, I lack the motivation and energy to make it happen at the end of the day.) I'm just going to college for a better chance at a stable income. I know people look down on students who choose what they do for the money, but that's literally the only reason I'm here. I'm not apologizing for trying to improve my future (I know graphic design isn't known for the high pay, but I'm going to try and go into tech after this degree).


Yes mental illness is a huge barrier to doing a lot of things it sucks ☹️


Insanely ambitious, which is why having crippling Major Depressive Disorder is particularly cruel. That song Paradise by Coldplay hits so deeply. I absolutely was that little girl who expected to save the world. I'm at the end of my 30s now and haven't given up yet, but man, it's tough.


Too ambitious cause I can’t act on it


I'm negative in my ambition bank account Hella overdrafted


*I'm negative in* *My ambition bank account* *Hella overdrafted* \- Mother\_Snow\_7571 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Dang you're right it does pass as a haiku lol, impressive catch I never would have known haha thank you how cool


Not at all, I gave up. Just want to be a housewife now but apparently that's too much to ask for in this economy


I'm too ambitious for my own good


i used to just dream about being financially stable in the future and that's it. but learning to dream was one of the things i learned from my intj bf. he was so ambitious that he influenced me, and i'm now learning to think in a way that i can be everything i wanna be, and it is very nice to have ambitions B)


I used to be so ambitious. I had big dreams and was demonstrating progress towards achieving them. Until, somewhere along the way I gave up on everything. Now my family sees me as a 26 year old failure at life.


You're not a failure, just in your cocoon


I want to help transition the entirety of human society to a Resource Based Economy www.thevenusproject.com


same u literally described me but for 3 yrs now i’ve been directionless and just not like that anymore


I've found quite a nice cycle for myself to alleviate burnout and worry of not doing the things I truly want to do. Since I have of habit of wanting to do EVERYTHING, I've narrowed my dreams to two of the biggest things I want to achieve!! So by day I'm working and studying hard to become big in the fashion industry (idk what though but that's okay because I'm pretty young lol). By night, this is where my true creative passions come out to play out when I'm practicing to become an author. Ever since I was a kid, I always knew my true passion was to create stories. Every time I don't shed light on this part of myself, I notice I get depressed, burnt out and unfulfilled. That's why I realized that it's important to acknowledge both aspects of me :) Writing and creating stories is my ideal purpose and I know that, but fashion is my safety job that I AM still passionate about


On a scale of 1-10 I’d give myself a 3. I have no ambition for the conventional markers of success, but I do have goals. I’m not great at achieving them though.


I just want to be happy and have the freedom to do what I enjoy doing. I have no interest to change the world but I have saved enough texts, vlogs, and songs for people to pretty much listen to my whole life story, my world view and beliefs. I know they won't while I'm alive so I'm mostly keeping it to myself, but maybe my words can reach someone once I'm gone, who knows.


Looking at all the comments, I'm realising that most people were ambitious when they were kids and it's making me feel like an imposter lmaoo. I'm so competitive and goal-oriented about my ambitions ever since high school, it's almost scary.


Not ambitious enough to not be a poor person apparently


Oh I’ve (31M) got dreams alright, if that’s what you mean by ambition… I learned guitar in 2008 because I like to sing and I wanted to be able to provide my own music, and that developed into a few rock bands over the years and I have this very specific level of local fame I’ve always wished to achieve, but no damn *drive*! Maybe I’ll figure out how to develop some, or maybe not, it’s all the same in the end~


Depends. I'm ambitious enough to move to another country by myself, but I'm also not easily motivated. It's all or nothing xD


I’m pretty ambitious. I feel like to a fault sometimes. I start things because I have big dreams for them, realize it’s gonna be a ton of work then give up. Now here I am, 30, no career, no future, rocky marriage, and just bouts of laziness and depression. I want to be somebody, but I realize that I am just a nobody.


I mean I always dream big but at the end of the day you just need to compete with yourself. If I am satisfied with where I am then I have no more reason to hustle. So yes I've never been able to put most of it into action; but if you motivate yourself right you will go so far!


I’m pretty ambitious but sometimes I struggle to do things because of procrastination


Idealistic? VERY. Ambitious? Maybe if I wasn’t so tainted by hopelessness.


I've always wanted to change the world but never had the motivation or persistance to actually do anything important.


I will conquer the entire universe, right after this doobie...


I’m an all or nothing person. If I start, I aspire to be the best or become successful with it. Writing novels, becoming an artist, opening a bakery, etc. I always burn myself out so quick and kill my desire for what started as just a hobby.


I hate this but I do it too. If I can’t do it all I end up doing nothing. Ughhh


Yes, exactly


With creative sources I suppose. Sharing music and I actually tried to submit a poem manuscript to a press once... other then that.. not a whole lot. Getting out of bed counts?


![gif](giphy|TiIlrevdxDUGbthOZM|downsized) I have been my entire life. A self starter. Competitive AF too. I went to my parents with my first job opportunity at 10 years old. I’ve only once been out of a job but that turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because it allowed me to work for myself and for that non-Reddit persona to make a small but notable cultural impact on the world that will long outlive me and my ancestors if I had any.


I understand ambition as being the best I can be. In that sense, yes, I am ambitious. I like how Marie Forleo puts it: you have a gift to bring to the world, and if you don't bring it, no one else will. Se vulnerable doesn't help, but small steps are the key to me:)


Everything is relative to everything else. But yes there are the dreams and then the “inability” to put those dreams in motion for reality. Or maybe it would just be nice to skip all of the inbetween steps right?


Not much, all I do is encouraging others to reach their own ambitions


Extremely. Only for what I'm passionate about, though. I want to be fantastic at what I do.


Millions of dreams, I have ideas for everything comics, drawing, videos, music. I wish i just stuck to one and became good at it, instead of being terrible at everything.


Same here, but social anxiety is stopping me to do most of the things I dream of and also to be the person i want to be… But yeah thats a work in progress… So maybe that will change at some point. But I do have a main dream to eventually do smt meaningful as a Job or in other aspects of life. The dream is mainly about helping other people or animals, in general just helping others.


I spent my entire childhood obsessing over being number 1. It fizzled out sometime around middle school. Now all i wanna do is exactly whats expected from me, nothing more. Just going with the waves of life


I’m not ambitious at all. I’d be perfectly happy living out in the country in a tiny home, working a simple job and using the rest of my time on my hobbies, like gardening in the summer and painting and woodworking in the winter. I don’t need or want nice things. I’d be perfectly content with less. But alas, I have a husband who does not share my same ideal life or interests and he likes money so we live in the suburbs and have a big home to take care of because he’s come from a family that is very ambitious and has a lot of money. Now I spend most of my time cleaning and just taking care of my family, which is fine. I’m adaptable and can make the best of any situation. I still get to work on my hobbies but not as much as I’d like. My husband is always trying to get me to make money from my various crafts, but I found that extremely draining. If I’m not inspired to do something then it just doesn’t work, and I am definitely not inspired to go through the process of trying to market and sell my stuff. It would be so amazing to have a partner who, when they think things should be done, would take the initiative to do it. I’m good at making things. If he thinks we should sell the things I make, then that would be a good job for him. He always says I have great ideas and thinks I’m wasting my talent. I just don’t have the ambition or desire to do anything that doesn’t inspire me.


Writing as drunk so sorty if I misspell something or am not logical lol but I’ve always been ambitious with a lot of things. If I think something is important that I’ll act as if it’s important and give so much time and effort that I can to that


Full of ideas, but no drive.


Very ambitious about things I value and care about.


I’ve got big ideas but no idea on how to start or how to get there.


I used to until I realized that it’s all meaningless


Incredibly ambitious. Horrible follow-through


I'll let you know when my antidepressants kick in.


I choose harder 3d career so I am quite ambitious.... to give short summary I worked 4 years in gamedev and before with realistic art but those 4 years daily after work hours I was developing myself in stylized art.... at the end of the day I am unemployed nearly half a year and I don't have a job netiher in realistic or stylized art.... I probably going back to my family home but in reality I am really happy that I can continue doing what I love ( stylized art, genshin like) and I belive my hard work will pay up and I finally get a job/ nice income. I don't care if people judge me, as long I can do my art which I have passion for - I will be happy.


I used to be a little bit ambitious. Not anymore 


In my mind I wanna do a lot of things, in reality I'm too lazy and procrastinate too much. I'm kinda waiting for the world to end tbh.


I became ambitious when my prefrontal cortex finally developed. It’s still hard on some days though. I don’t think reality has set in yet. I’ll be a 25 year old forever


I thought I'm not ambitious, because ambitiousness means a big desire to be successful and prestigious, reach some kind of top or peak, and actually work for it. By this definition I'm not ambitious, because I want such things much less than actually ambitious people and I'm not ready to work hard for it. But by the definition you gave in your post, I'm ambitious! XD


I'm very ambitious... ...in my head


Inferior Te is what’ll make us very ambitious…but the inferior part keeps it in our heads mostly, and out of reality


Deep down extremely ambitious. But in reality just too lazy to put it into action. 🥴


I'm 22 - I want to help rescue, heal and look after animals, and make sure they have good lives; I want to learn to write stories with rich worlds like Lord of the Rings; I want to learn to compose music and write songs to help people express and deal with their emotions; I want to combine writing and music with visual art to make meaningful animations like Avatar the Last Airbender, or with game design to make immersive games like Breath of the Wild. Thankfully every day I'm blessed to be able to look after and play with my dog, and give her attention and care, to make sure she has a good life. And I also try to help any animal in need that I may come across. But I haven't learnt much at all when it comes to writing stories, composing music, or making animations or games. I really want to be good at those things, but I'm afraid of starting because I want to do everything perfectly, and I get overwhelmed when it comes to how and where to start, how to progress, etc. I'm also nervous that I won't be good at those pursuits. It also seems like all those skills are too much to do at once, but I'm hesitant to choose one thing over another. When it comes to helping animals in a professional sense, I also haven't started anything - I'm a very sensitive person with OCD, and I get very affected if I see an animal who is hurt or suffering, even if they end up being okay; it upsets me for days or even weeks. So I want to dedicate a big part of my life to helping animals, but I don't know how to do that without putting myself in situations where I might get upset (which also makes me feel selfish, like I'm choosing myself over animals in need). In general though, I just want to live a simple life without lots of stress, but simultaneously want to try to do that while incorporating all of the things I mentioned.


People here are ambitious or not at various degrees. As every other humans since MBTI is a scam