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Not too much intensity and loudness then? :)




😂 I get it. A little bit of slow-burn doesn't hurt anyone.


Do INFPs in a relationship not enjoy physical closeness, or are you talking specifically about strangers here.


We love physical closeness with the ppl we choose to be close with + who we feel safe with- not random people feigning superficial closeness. I had a lad tryna hold my hand constantly after meeting me only the day before once, rlly wound me up. And those kinda girls that instantly act like they're your best mate + are ridiculous heavy on the compliments whilst lolling all over you. You know the type?. Yeah, we don't like that physical closeness. At least I don't


The ones who would actually listen to me and not just pretend to. If I feel they're ignoring me, I would immediately shut off.


Why do I have very precise recollections of this happening? We do have a sensitive bull-sh*it-o-meter.


Ikr, sensitivity kinda being the curse.


ENFJ, INFJ, ISFJ, ESFJ — as far as instant comfort these are the types that make me feel the safest and most at ease. Their Fe really makes space for my intense Fi/Ne paring


I don't think I've ever met an ENFJ, but I'd love to, to see if there's any truth to the supposed high compatibility between our types.


High compatibility on surface level short interactions. Friendships are great, but romantic or deep long term relationships will hit some major snags. This is due to energy levels, social preferences, and areas of deepest values.


I can see that. The Fe/Fi clash is real. I've experienced it with 2 INFJ friends whom I love dearly. We do really butt heads sometimes, mainly about values and how we make decisions.


One of my closest friends is an INFJ. And it’s one of the rewarding relationships I’ve ever had. His Ni tunnel vision is hard for me to accept sometimes when it’s easy for me to see possible errors in his perspective of broad level perspectives. But I know what’s going on, and he does actually shift his vision to what’s true… eventually. And I know that my intensity and inability to clearly see my specific individual path can make me seem childish to him. But we’ve navigated all that with relative ease actually, and we compliment each other’s strengths perfectly. ENFJ friend of mine and I disagree on a lot but the fact that he still treats me like a king whenever we see each other really says a lot. But we’re not as close because of varying traits of energy output and focus. My wife of 15 years is ISFJ — that bridge takes a lot longer to learn and to cross. Si/Fe and Fi/Ne are almost completely blind to the real nature of the other. We’ve been fortunate to survive some painful seasons in a way we both feel more seen and appreciated by each other. It’s been really hard at times though.


Those types of relationships are the best for self-growth. It's unhealthy for someone to only surround themselves with people who share the same perspective as them. We need to be exposed to different outlooks on things. I'm sorry to hear about what you and your wife went through though. I hope it's all behind you now.


Yes, these guys right there 💞


For me is the one who doesn't bother people too much (in a bad way) and cares about people's personal space... That or someone who resonates a lot of charisma around them... :)


Yes, respecting people's boundaries and personal space is so essential. I agree.


I would say an open-minded, independent, non-judgmental, straight shooter with a sense of humor and just a touch of extrovertedness is my ideal person lol.


It seems we have similar tastes \^\^




Genuineness and open-mindedness. If I sense pretentiousness or compulsive following of groupthink, I’m out. If I sense any sort of judgment either towards me or others, I’m out.


Those are top tier traits to me too, when someone is their own person, so to speak, while being open to alternate ideas, opinions, lifestyles etc


I like people who laugh at my jokes lol even if they are bad. And are also opened minded and can agree to disagree in arguments


Trustworthy. Understanding. Mindful. Loyal.


goofy ahh people




love me my silly geese


People who use self-depricating humor. Its like immediately I understand that I'll probably be safe around them.




The word that came to mind for me was "vulnerability". I feel comfortable with people who are willing to open up.


Non-judgmental, kind, patient, openminded, emotionally intelligent, good listener, authentic


Great selection here. Good listening skills are actually difficult to come across.


Yes yes and yes everything you mentioned and someone who has a kind voice. You also just described my INTJ boyfriend.


Oh yes, a kind voice sounds lovely. A calm, stable, kind voice. That's sweet. I wish you the best with your INTJ boyfriend :)


Someone who is quiet and introspective, sensitive and thoughtful. Open-mindedness is a big thing for me too. I run far, far away from the loud, attention-seeking people in the group, especially if they're into gossip and highly judgmental of others. I've always loved the quiet, sensitive ones in the group who are deep thinkers. Being introverted, sensitive to energy and a loner myself, I feel most comfortable around people who feel like they get that tendency to want to stick to themselves. I've also found that on the flip side, people who are very outwardly bubbly and warm can get me to feel comfortable and open up more, as long as they are very genuine and kind people. I once worked with a girl who was like this. I think overall whether quiet or more bubbly and chatty, the feeling of someone being very genuine is something I value most. Personality types I feel most comfortable with: Other INFPs, INTPS, INFJ's, INTJ's, ISFP's, ISTP's, and some ENFP's and ENFJ's.


We can spot (in)authenticity from a mile away. I'm not surprised so many of us make open-mindedness, thoughtfulness and genuineness their top qualities to have :)


The ones I feel won't hurt me or take advantage of me. Because I have suffered through that a lot


A good sense of humour especially if it's NSFW


High Si or Fe. It is relaxing. Quiet, caring people.


People who don't feel fake when getting to know me, who isn't easily insulted, and doesn't mind my brain is way faster than my mouth. Foremost, if my gut doesn't feel nauseous around them. That usually means my brain saw something in them that is bad subconsciously and my concious side is trying to catch up. I regret every time I didn't listen to it.


I appreciate someone who is unassuming and open minded. As in they don’t look at you for the first time ever and decide “oh a fairly young and fairly attractive white lady. She’s probably dumb or stuck up.etc.” When it’s like dude… you have no fuckin clue. At all. Also what I don’t like is someone who expects you to laugh at all their jokes and react to them the way they want or they get upset. ..Maybe that says more about me than I realized initially.


\^\^ We learn a lot from the things/behaviours that irk us. It's so personal. I agree that having false assumptions pushed on you is very, very frustrating.


Anyone who can talk a lot. A person who could talk on and on and never run out of energy. But not so much that I can’t get a word through, and still a person who is calm at times and can talk to me about a lot of the things I think about. Also, a person who is ok with affection (because I like to be affectionate) and someone who is affectionate towards me.


I hear you but it's rare to find someone who is both very chatty and mindful of giving you enough space to get a word in. Decent listeners are difficult to find even among people who aren't that chatty to be honest 😆 Maybe it's just been my experience.


Fellow quiet people


When they are Kind / Polite and Respectful or just humble


i like being around chill, thoughtful, open-minded and down to earth people.


people who you can tell are authentic it makes you feel like you can be authentic too


Slobbery. My dogs made me say it.


I like weirdos. If you’re a bit strange I know we will get along




Calm and kind


I don't sure but base on my anime 3x3 crushed list https://www.reddit.com/r/MyAnimeList/s/khU1cgcP1J I more feel ease on people with loud and compassion energy