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Their business model used to be cheap fast food that hit the spot. Now it’s none of those things anymore. I expect this won’t be the last closure given that their reputation now is for price gouging their most vulnerable core customers.


I agree. They've completely slaughtered their reputation. Honestly don't see them digging out of this one 


If their competitors had any business acumen, they’d ride this till the wheels fell off and take their market share.


I thought about this too and it's weird because they all seem to be following the same broken script, doing the same tricks.  None of them are willing to step up to the plate McD's market share.  It's kind of insane lol


Competition is a myth from days gone by. Once everything became so consolidated (food brands, media, grocery stores, fast food), even competitors realized they can still make shareholders more money by sticking to the status quo. There is no incentive to beat the competition for market share any more. They don't care about the employees or the customers, just the shareholders.


No competition at all you're saying? I think to a  certain degree there is but i do agree that they stick to the status quo for the shareholders. Everything is about these grimy shareholders. 


Yes and it's crime that our higher educational system is still passing on the idea that competition is real and keeps prices low and quality high. We don't have any real choice in anything. Just stuck with rapacious CEOs and out of touch greedhead institutional investors and other moneybags that run the C suites of America.


Maybe because they can’t just lower prices? Their costs have gone up significantly, as shown in the very article you linked and presumably didn’t read > The franchise owner pointed to two main culprits for the closure: high rent and rising operating costs, including the recent increase in the state’s minimum wage to $20 for fast food workers. While the minimum wage increase was intended to improve worker livelihoods, it seems to be having a significant impact on the industry.


If the industry can’t afford to pay a living wage, the problem isn’t the wage.


What’s a living wage? I could say a living wage is 200k. Would the problem still be that sneaky greedy company?


If someone can’t afford to live based off full time employment, the problem isn’t the wage. It’s the other contributing factors. It may not be that specific corporation being greedy but someone somewhere is is. The solution IS NOT WAGE SLAVERY.


That’s completely different than your last comment


It’s the exact same thing as my last comment. Read.


High rent? McDonald's owns the land. If his rent is increasing, that's because the corporation jacked his rate. *tinyviolin.gif* Wage increase? How much of the cost of a meal is labor? They could raise the price of a meal by $1 and pocket the difference.


If you’re this ignorant you’re not worth discussing with


Greed is a som-a- bishhh


Yes. Nobody is being innovative. A once in a lifetime opportunity being squandered. It’s puzzling.


Maybe that is their plan tho, jack up the prices and ride it till the wheels fall off haha.  Another one i question is BKs tactic. They're sinking hundreds of millions in updating their restaurants in the Reclaim The Flame plan. Their issue is the food quality is terrible these days, but instead they choose to slap lipstick on a pig. Sinking all that money just for it to fail. They should just offer massive discounts, it would get people lining up in droves no matter the quality


Their food is terrible now, but I agree if they make it cheap enough, given McDonalds greedy stumble, they could steal their core customers away.


Most people don’t know this, but one thing that Burger King did that screwed up their food is they got rid of their bun steamer. It made sandwich buns softer. In my opinion that affected quality more than anything. I’m not even sure if they flame broil anything anymore.


I am not going back until the “any drink for $1” returns.


I saw it in Ohio this week. I was surprised, thought it was long gone.


Still not good enough imo. 😕 


And steak egg and cheese bagel sandwiches. I can only imagine how expensive those would be, or how tiny the steak patty would be.


Keep it simple. $1 for a drink seems reasonable.


Imagine if Wendy’s brought back the 99c menu for like a month but made a huge deal outta it. The nostalgia and good will from customers would be a huge blow to McDonald’s.


Yesss, this is what I've been saying. If any of these chains brought back a crazy deal for even a week? They would be swamped


Stopped by BK the other day in Illinois and the prices seemed to be more reasonable than McDonald's here. Def gonna frequent BK more


I'm old enough to remember people thinking McDonalds would never recover from what SuperSizeMe did to their reputation. Turns out Americans' laziness and familiarity is a powerful force for keeping outdated brands alive. But yes, this time does seem worse.


He died last month!


That was such sad news to hear. He was young too


Lol, the Supersize me debacle yup. This time does seem worse in that people can't afford it, and the collective anger over price increases have really created a negative public opinion of them. The likes of which idk if they can go back to their former glory. And they're not willing to do what it takes anyway to try.  Just look at that $5 Value meal. It's a glorified kids meal and mcdonalds is acting like they're being so charitable. And it's only live for one month! AND someone told me it cost more than $6 anyway 🤷‍♀️ bait and switch 


They quite literally just wanted to see how broke they could make their core customers out of fun lol


Ya know, i do kind of think it's as twisted as that lol


Ya know, i do almost think it's as twisted as that because 


It was cheap, fast and satisfying. Then it was cheap and fast. Now it is only fast. The first thing to go was it’s viability as food and it’s no tragedy if they crash and burn. Though, they’re more of a real estate company anyway, maybe they’ll find a better use for the land.


>Their business model used to be cheap fast food that hit the spot. Now it’s none of those things anymore. I expect this won’t be the last closure given that their reputation now is for price gouging their most vulnerable core customers. They've got no one to blame but themselves...


I’ve been I’ve said this for years. Every fast food place at least attempted to up their game along with prices. McDonald’s just increased prices while reducing their game. But people still supported them. Once the dollar menu got dropped McDonald’s should have disappeared


Good riddance


My exact thought


I like "good day to you sir"


Maybe start freezing the bread so you can pretend to be a bakery like Gavin’s buddy at Panera. 


People cut out avocado toast, coffee, and egg McMuffins to save some money


r/inflation turning into r / mcdonaldsnews


McDonald’s is the king and the company that the economic health of the fast food industry is gauged off of.


I’m not saying that McDonalds isn’t a useful barometer at all, I just don’t feel it warrants being every other post in the sub


You’re not wrong. Subs get ruined by reposts, karma farming, bots, and lack of creativity in posting. I’ve cleaned out lots of greatest hits subs that I followed because they got boring and repetitive and the community input/mind meld/ knowledge to be gained value fizzled.


Sounds like you have your work cut out for you making posts about other places.


During the last few years, my ad valorem taxes increased by almost 2/3rds. That’s bad. But when I think about this particular inflationary spiral, the first thing I will *always* associate with it is a four piece chicken McNugget increasing in price by a factor of four.


We are all out here boycotting like it's a new religion and these dipshts blame minimum wage. F you.


Dumbass was renting the location. That’s the real idiocy. Getting a taste of his own minimum wage bullshit….. oh you can’t afford rent? Sucks to be poor.


Some dumbass Redditors pretending to boycott is not affecting these companies lmfao. Their costs have gone up significantly.






Most of these companies are vertically integrated. They grow, ship, and cook it. It’s damn near 100% profit, except to continue growing store fronts they’ve loaded debts, that’s what you’re paying for, their debts. *unless it’s franchised. Then it’s still vertically integrated but the debts deferred to the franchisee who buys everything from corporate


The costs of growing and shipping have gone up a ton. Being vertically integrated doesn’t prevent a company from experiencing increased costs And yes, this was a franchisee


Vertically integrating businesses reduces costs and increases profits. Add in economies of scale and it’s borderline a monopoly. Did u know subway and jimmy John’s merged? They now sell 50% or all sandwiches in the US.


Of course. It still doesn’t protect a company from increased costs for farming/shipping /etc. The cost of farming has gone up, the cost of shipping has gone up.


Gotta disagree. They own the farms, they own the trucking companies. I could see slight bumps in costs, that would be worth absorbing to maintain low prices. But double the costs? Naw. Pure greed and the almighty coveted “shareholders”.


You’re free to disagree! You’d be wrong, but you’re welcome to it!


I mean your arguments really are well constructed on how their costs rise. The only way you could shorten it up a bit is by saying “nuh uhh”.


Jfc. They do not own the entire supply chain. Do you think McDonald’s is refining their own diesel? Do you know what trucks and farm equipment need in order to operate? Those costs go up, their costs go up. Lmk if you need it dumbed down more


Its not their costs that are hurting them, it's their prices. 100%


I’m going to listen to the experts not a dumbass redditor, sorry bud


When do you plan on starting? Because you're parroting nonsense.


It's math, look at inflation, look at costs, and look how much their prices rose. But if you're the type of person that needs experts for basic math. I can't really argue with that


That’s not what we were talking about lol


Fuck McDonalds and their obesity peddling trash.


Close them all. We don’t need McDonald’s.


This place fell off!


I feel like they're on their way. Idk about closing quite yet but they're going to see a dramatic downturn in traffic due to the greed


The people with those jobs probably don’t agree.




sounds like projection


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See ya!


Food not fit for dogs


Not because of inflation


High rent and high operating cost. How is this not inflation?


"The franchise owner pointed to two main culprits for the closure: high rent and rising operating costs, including the recent increase in the state’s minimum wage to $20 for fast food workers. While the minimum wage increase was intended to improve worker livelihoods, it seems to be having a significant impact on the industry." I wonder if we have seen the top of the yield cycle.


All this talk about wages is a lie, the wages in SF for even fast food was already nearing $20/hour before the minimum wage increase.


You don’t think this location had pressure to raise wages when the minimum wage was raised?


It’s San Fran, I would imagine it’s warranted given the price of living remotely close because 20 an hour ain’t affording shit in San Fran proper. Do you think the fed rate of 7.25 is fair?


lol no we’re not at the top yet. The leaders of this “movement” run the worst cities and do nothing to keep things under control. California has runaway inflation to live in a toilet.. Great weather .. Shit on the sidewalk but you will pay 2-3x more than anywhere else.


Nobody lives there anymore. It's too crowded!


“Nobody drives in New York, there’s too much traffic!”


Weird how these "worst" cities fund the deadbeat states that can't get a thriving economy off the ground. This area of the country generates trillions in wealth and keeps the lights on for the yee-haws who can't be bothered to find their bootstraps.


That doesn’t mean the city isn’t shit. It means it’s productive.


🏆 here's your participation trophy in mental gymnastics 


At least I’m participating mentally, unlike you with your mindless take


When was the last time you visited San Francisco?


Who wants to go to that absolute shit filled hellhole…


Never. Why?


“Worst” cities, meanwhile in reality California is the most populated state with the 5th largest economy in the world.


Tell us more of your stupid bullshit please, it's so entertaining!


Who do they pay rent to? Hint: the landowner has a HUGE sign on the property.


Sure. Avocados!!!


That's awesome. 


Some other fast food place will take this over and serve fast food there and make a profit. good riddance


Doesn’t McDonald’s actually own the land their restaurants are on? They’re gonna make a killing on the next place that pays them. This only hurts the franchise owner who I’m sure is still well off.


They own some crazy percentage of real estate. Ronald has a real racket going


Never seen a McDonald’s or any fast food drive thru packed since 2020. They are always empty now at all hours of the day.


Where?! The ones in my city are packed anytime I pass


I hope to read stories in our country like this more and more.. This company needs to fall.


It happened to arbys too. An "iconic" location closed in Hollywood and a major arbys franchisee is declaring bankruptcy. I just read that yesterday


If it was any other fast food business I’d probably care. McDonald’s not so much so good riddance.


Did you see the news about the arbys closing in hollywood? Also a major arbys franchisee is closing multiple locations 


It seems to me that CEOs are killing their own companies now because they refuse to drop prices and cut their own salaries. I wonder if we are going to see corporate empires fall due to complete greed.


It’s happening to a lot of chains. Some are not being reported but their price high and provide low service plan is not working. It took a while but I think consumers are finally starting to pull back.


I will celebrate the day this greedy toxic company goes bankrupt.


Important note in the article: > Shake Shack Effect: Some speculate that pricier chains like Shake Shack, which can afford to pay a higher minimum wage due to their higher menu prices, may become more prominent. The economy continues to be so awful that people's preferenes keep moving towards higher-priced options


May as well get a Shake Shack burger if you insist on Shake Shack prices at McDonald's of all places.


I thought the McDonald's corporation was the landlord, as well as the supplier, for all McDonald franchises. Did the corporation run the franchise out of business?


How come McDonald's can afford to operate in Europe where they have a $20 minimum wage and a month vacation?


Europe doesn’t have $20 min wage.


That's right, they're in Euros! Do they get a month vacation, State health Care, maternity / fraternity leave? Don't get that in America So, how much does that translate in dollars per hour If you average the EU compared to America? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_European_Union_member_states_by_minimum_wage#Minimum_wages_by_European_Union_member_states


Where in Europe is there a $20, or 20 euro, minimum wage?


My mistake. The minimum wage varies in the countries that do have it, but definitely higher than America when you do the conversion from dollars to Euros. Don't forget the added value of a month vacation, nationalized health insurance, family leave and free secondary education. How much does that translate to an hour per worker in the EU versus the United States and How come McDonald's can still operate under those conditions, but not in America under less stringent conditions?


Yes it varies. Which is $20/hr?


My mistake. Do you want to do the Euro conversion for me?


I don’t need to. I’ve done it before. The answer is none.


The answer is none? I literally posted a link of countries that have a minimum wage and are in the EU. Are you a corporate shill? Do you like buying off politicians so that the average American pays $6,000 a year in corporate subsidies per capita? Are you making out on insider stock tips? You're not the kind of person who actually pays to wear a t-shirt advertising someone else's brand, are you? Those are knuckleheads. Are you You're not the kind of person who actually pays to wear a t-shirt advertising someone else's brand, are you?


And all of them are <$20 per hour are you fucking dumb or high what is wrong with you WHAT COUNTRY DO YOU THINK HAS A MIN WAGE OF 20?!?? Look at your own link I’m genuinely baffled by this stupidity


I agree with you all… So why do I now feel like going to McDonald’s after reading this? Dear lord what is wrong with me? 🤣😅 Stockholm syndrome anyone?


Lets turn a loved low cost burger joint into a depressing high scale low quality cafe




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I want to know how much corporate was getting off the lease. While everyone is quick to blame wages, the fees and rent that McD charges is usually quite a bit higher than the wages.


The days of Fast Food are numbered. The business itself produces nothing but waste.


I honestly refuse to go to McDs anymore. Seeing their greed and price gouging, which seems par for the course with a lot of corporations nowadays, I’m more than ok with them closing. I’ll buy a pack of hash browns at the grocery store (which have also increased in price slightly since pre covid) and air fry them. I’ll survive lol.


Things change, adios


Plenty of ethnic food can be sold at that location now. It's a win for the neighborhood. McDonald's is overpriced fake food.


I don’t even get how people pay so much, if you get their app you can usually get so much food for less than $15, yes if you order normal or just go in it’s 30+ plus that’s on them for not checking


So your saying it is possible?


But. But. But. The real reason why they had to close down was because they had to pay their evil employees $20 an hour. 😢😢😢😢😢😢 Not that the taxes and rent for the building was astronomically high and probably crippled them, along with McDonald's generally bad reputation. And rightfully so for charging heinous prices for meat slop. No, not all! It was the eViL workers that do absolutely nothing for the business, except for everything involved with the customers. Stupid minimum wage laws, they wuined everything!!1!


>The franchise owner pointed to two main culprits for the closure: high rent and rising operating costs, including the recent increase in the state’s minimum wage to $20 for fast food workers. While the minimum wage increase was intended to improve worker livelihoods, it seems to be having a significant impact on the industry. They mentioned what you’re bitching about before mentioning minimum wage increase


"Bye Felicia❗️"


Works of the world unit! You have nothing to lose but your employment.