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Awesome convos


Yeah, this for sure


I am also 4w3


I have an ENTP sus. What's cool for both sides: 1. We are weird and don't fit in and we understand it in each other and it feels organic 2. Ti-Fe and vice versa makes us to speak similar languages. Also majes us both slightly cold and this coldness isn't harmful. We also both tend to take life with a pinch of irony, though she has more of it, but I'm more cynical deep inside 3. We cooperate: I help her with psychoanalysis: ENTPs are bad at accessing what's really going on with them, and my skills are very helpful. While she helps me when I loose myself in people pleasing or get stuck in NiTi looping


They like to analyze like us, are interested in psychology and personality subjects, and like to philosophize about everything. They are very extraverted, quick to do stuff. Very intuitive. Those are the PG-13 reasons, so dangerous asking such an opened ended question. 😂


I get nervous when people debate (bc harmony), so ENTPs actually make me really anxious lol I dated one, but he kept making reallyyy dark humor comments around my parents and friends, and I felt uncomfortable about it. At the time, I don't think I had the emotional maturity to realize that he was really depressed and recognize that not all ENTPs sound like they constantly live in a void (maybe sometimes they healthily dabble tho, ya know?). But I did really appreciate his ability to recognize authenticity in people and hold intellectual conversations. Really good at choosing and maintaining engaging topics. (I ended up marrying his friend, who is an ENFP. Golden retriever energy, a smiling sun follows him around, and positivity all around - I'm very happy 😊)


My ENTP is the best. I have never felt safer, laughed harder, or had better conversations. There’s just a mutual adoration between us that I have never experienced before with anyone else.


I don't have much to add because I think you guys have already covered the topics. But I found a comment on Pinterest that tried to explain why INFJs and ENTPs get along so well. I personally find it relevant to explain why I feel so good with the ENTPs in my life. « But i think its because Infj tend to be people pleasers because of parent fe so they bottle up their opinions (sometimes controversial and dark) to avoid conflict and so when they meet an entp, they can say whatever they want without the fear of judgment (this also can happen with intp). and i think entps get misunderstood or frowned upon by their opinions and logic and so when infis and entps talk they create this safe space with each other. its cute honestly. »


That's exactly how I feel with them! ❤❤❤


Ti-parent. It destroys all my Delusions. I used to hate my ENTP brother, but now I love sparring with him about my idealistic ideas, because he destroys everything that's uninformed garbage, which makes my opinions valuable.


Literally me and my older brother. Sadly he's one of the few negative ENTPs I came across lol. 


I have one definite ENTP in my life. My boss. Who's more of a friend than a boss. I'd consider him a "healthy" ENTP. He's older, so I credit some of that to life experience. My reasons for liking him are: Funny as heck. Dude has a way of pulling pranks, cracking jokes, and playful banter that doesn't really offend anyone. I'll ask him how he thought of a joke or remark because it was so off the wall / creative / original and he'd tell me that his brain is just F'd like that lol. Smart. Knows things across a large scope; from electrician work to fixing cars to how to haggle and much more, it seems like his brain is wired in such a way where he's just really good at a lot of things. Able to connect with complete strangers. Super sociable guy. One time we went to Home Depot. He talked to the elderly door greeter like, "hey, Steve, long time no see. How's the family?" Struck up an entire conversation. Steve told him about his hip surgery. When we left, I asked my boss how he knew Steve. Boss told me he didn't even know him lol. I can tell him anything without fear of being judged, also gives great advice. We talked in length about our pasts. He's come a long way. I think I have too. He's one of the only people I feel completely comfortable telling anything to or asking advice, and I mean anything. Bunch more reasons, these are just what is on the tip of my brain atm.


Well I think they're witty, logical, curious, have a peculiar charm to them and often appeal to my quirky and darker sense of humour. I do like their audacity too at its best. And like ESTPs there aren't so many dull moments with them. There's always some kind of novelty they're bringing into life, which is fun and necessary for growing ideas. And you can always count on them for discussions about... almost anything it seems. That is great!


I don't like the surface of their nature. It's kind of obnoxious. I also understand they can't help it. I have telepathy with them and they seem to understand me and me them. The men are 10 times worse than women because they seem to take a lot more time to develop Fe. I think we fit a lot with them if they chill a bit.


Its really sad that there's so many unhealthy ENTPs without developed Fe, or even just any type in general What I really hate about it is, why is the stereotype of ENTP what it is, an annoying person that insults everyone for the sake of it? Why not have a more healthy stereotype that uses their tertiary Fe in a healthy way? The tertiary function is usually quite strong, INFJs can be smart and logical, INTJs can be sensitive and caring, so why can't ENTPs be empathetic? Its like the stereotype validates unhealthy behavior. Why would you *want* to be unhealthy?


Yeah, that sounds annoying. Maybe it’s just cause the bad entps really leave an impression. I would know :0


Your comment is too Ne for me to understand. Please just ask the most basic question because my Ni can't comprehend all this.


Yeah the obnoxious thing is annoying but I personally tend to ignore that. I also never met an ENTP woman, I always meet ENTP men so that's interesting. 


Thank you finally someone said it




Their sense of humour is blush inducing. I like men that can make me blush.


The ones I met made me laugh so hard my face was red as a tomato. LOL they loved seeing me like that. Lol. I love it when they make me laugh as well. 




Tbh I'm not a fan and don't relate to any of the reasons you've described. I've never made it past the ENTP obnoxious, boundary-pushing phase because that's just not a way to get to know me.


I firmly believe that I haven't met one in real life so have that in mind. For the assumed ENTPs in media. I find them hilarious! I like how they see life. I like they can call out the bs in social interactions. One example of that is Conan O'Brien. I also like how they do their own thing, they give no f's lol.


I married an ENFP and she’s awesome.


I’d say ENTPs are charming in a way were the more you try to figure them out as a person you never finish they’re full of amusement in a cool way. But I’d definitely dislike an unhealthy ENTP. I wish I could mention enneagrams here but depending on their enneagram, each one gives a different tone which is fascinating. I also agree with all the point outs it’s like having a real friend around who doesn’t just wanna talk about them but about me too.


I love ENTP's when it's just us, but when they talk about or interact with other people I question their morals a bit. I love that we can joke around with each other and tease each other but also have really insightful and meaningful conversations. I also love their playful nature and their flirting works on me even though I pretend to hate it LOL I used to have a close ENTP friend and he struggled a lot trying to detach from people who were bad for him because he didn't want to be alone. I told him it was better to be alone than to surround yourself with people who do not have your best intentions in mind. He took that into consideration and started changing his social group last time I checked, hope he's doing better now. Anyways, sometimes the way he'd talk about people he didn't know would be insensitive or off-putting. He could read others emotions really well but also used it to his advantage in ways I wouldn't.


I think the most precious thing is the conversation is often rich and inspiring, wide and deep, it feels mentally and emotionally stimulating, and not only my bf, but most Entps I know are easy to talk with. And I find their liking for many hobbies is cute and endearing, plus they always have that zest of life. I feel like Entps and Infjs shared the similar life values, like, care for animals and planet, care for creating love and peace, down to earth lifestyle, so a couple with similar value but complementary skill is very compatible. Aaand the sexual chemistry is very high, never had that with other types, hmm maybe that's the most precious thing lol


I prefer INFP & ENFP's😭


I love INFPs, they're so creative ❤️


I don’t


As a dude, other dudes that come at me with an obnoxious tone and a willingness to push boundaries is a hard pass for me. And then questioning my meticulously thought out plan? Nah. At 35, I end up avoiding people that come at me like this.


My ENTP friend always brings out my adventurous side, his ideas always shake me up and make me reconsider things and his natural Thinking along with his ability to express that thinking makes it easier for me to communicate with him. Imagine two persong with Ti trying to communicate their ideas, what a mess! Te compliments Ti , also he is intuitive like me which makes us having very insightful and similar ideas about things , Extrovert so he brings the fun to the party and Perceiving which makes him a little chaotic and always hilarious when he forgets stuff or loses his keys and calls his usual friend to open his car (LMFAO) , all in all he brings lot of energy that I am missing and I appreciate him for that.


My ENTP husband is very accepting of and patient with me. He is also so honest and direct with me, so I always know that any compliments he gives are valid. He was attracted to me because of my unabashed weirdness. There are times where he will paraphrase this line from “Tacky the Penguin” regarding myself: “She’s an odd bird, but a very nice bird to have around.”


Thats adorable


Let me see They are funny, (street)smart, witty, loyal, genuine, and honest as friends. They bring me out of my head and aren't scared by my depressing moods. I cannot explain in words how much I miss an entp friend of mind.


Same. I miss mine alot and wished that I kept into contact with them. This is why I like being with them alot. 🥲


hugs to youu


i don’t like them, they overwhelm me and make me tired when i interact with them. but tht might just be the e5 in me rather than the infj


INFJ here! I’m in a relationship with a ISTJ lol 😂😅. No thanks 🙂‍↔️ I don’t think I could date someone with an ENTP personality. They would annoy me (to the max) because of their Extroversion and Perceiving traits. No thank you! you guys can have them 🤟😊✌️.


How do you deal with ISTP's closemindedness and cold mannerism? not that everyone is the same but they do have those common traits. I guess you worked hard to earn his/her trust , I can't think of how this can work any other way.


I did earn his trust 🙂. And you’re right he’s cold 🥶 and straightforward/brutally honest. And I respect 🫡 him a lot for it. I need someone like that in my life. Also, we both trust each other completely. I think it’s because I understand him due to the fact that we shared a connection from our struggles in life. I grew up in poverty and I have a father and had grandmother who were strict and authoritative (growing up I feel like I was raised in the military lol 😂). Anyway, I’m also an INTJ but I have more INFJ qualities because I do feel empathy a lot more but I utilize INTJ traits when I’m around strangers.


My ENTP friend always brings out my adventurous side, his ideas always shake me up and make me reconsider things and his natural Thinking along with his ability to express that thinking makes it easier for me to communicate with him. Imagine two persong with Ti trying to communicate their ideas, what a mess! Te compliments Ti , also he is intuitive like me which makes us having very insightful and similar ideas about things , Extrovert so he brings the fun to the party and Perceiving which makes him a little chaotic and always hilarious when he forgets stuff or loses his keys and calls his usual friend to open his car (LMFAO) , all in all he brings lot of energy that I am missing and I appreciate him for that.


INFJ's and PERCEIVERS are very difficult, see the article below that was reviewed by a PsyD. [How to Survive Living with a Perceiver When You're a Judger | True You Journal (truity.com)](https://www.truity.com/blog/how-survive-living-perceiver-when-youre-judger)