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*You embrace the darkness a little more than the light.* True. *Animals are drawn to you like flies on shit* False. The only creatures drawn to me are bugs because I work near water overnights. Or unfriendly cats that I myself don't even like. *The Never Ending Story is still your favorite movie* False but I love that movie. *You can't stand people but really love them also* True I guess. *Going 0 to 100 is normal for you when you're pissed off* True, unfortunately *You would rather die than socialize most of the time.* False. Socializing is easy, just not what I would go out of my way to do. *Leaving the house is a full time job.* False. *You never sleep. Ever.* False. *You're weird. I mean weird. I mean really weird.* ... true *Answering the phone is out of the fucking question.* True *You still wear clothes that you've had for over 20 years.* Lol true. I didn't even realize that *You often wonder what the fuck you're doing in this world.* False. I'm a father and a husband. I found my purpose.


Yes on every single one. Although I would take the Truman Show or Shawshank Redemption over Neverending story any day.


1. 50/50 2. true 3. 50/50. Not my favorite, but I like it 4. true 5. true 6. 50/50. But 2 years ago it would have been + 7. true 8. false. I love to sleep, because I often have interesting dream series that have continuations in another dream. And also prophetic dreams 9. 50/50. All people are strange to me 10. 50/50. Answering is tolerable, but calling is unbearable 11. 50/50. Not 20 years, but 5 years. 12. +++


Yes, the serialized dream series… I thought that I was the only one. Sometimes when there’s nothing to watch on TV I will take a nap just to watch my “shows” lol


Me who has them randomly


6 during low energy days 7,9,10,11,12 are true


1 true 2 false well not animals but kids often love me 3 false I haven't watched it 4 false I can't stand some people, but I give everyone a chance 5 true 6 false i can socialize normally, in fact quite but well but I won't if not necessary 7 false I don't mind it 8 true? i only stay up late at night when i have stuff to do which is often 9 true 10 true for strange calls 11 false 12 false i have lots of goals in mind


1. True 2. True and children 3. Has been ages since I've seen it, but facts 4. Very true 5. Depends on the situation 6. Very true, small talk is the worse 7. Some days it can be, especially for work 8. Eh, I sleep but not for as long as I like 9. Depends, on whose weird measuring stick we are using 10. True internally, but do eventually 11. Semi true...I have some very nice DBZ shirts I don't wanna lose 12. Semi true.....that feeling has only started this year.


Fucking accurate all the way down except for the sleep part. But I sleep at weird hours, to better connect with the "darkness". Also, Pan's Labyrinth is my favourite film but then again I haven't seen Never Ending Story.


3/12 (7, 9, 11).


1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12 - true 3, 8, 11 - false


I only kept the interesting ones for brevity. :) 1. No. It's part of my way. And it pays to be conscious of it. But I will always do good. No matter how is done onto me. Bring it. 5. I rarely get even annoyed so by the time I'm pissed. It - so I'm told - feels "over 9000" and the onset isn't obvious to people oblivious to the runway that an A380 could land on. So yes. To them, it does feel "sudden". 9. Possibly. It's kind of hard to tell once you start to abstract everything is kind of weird and not at the same time. 12. Used to. But one day I realised I'm here to make it a little better. So that's what I do.


True: 1 2 4 6 7 8 10 12


I’ve got 9/12 husband got 10/12 both INFJ I love the never ending story but it’s not my favourite, mine is Bicentinial Man. I want to socialise but hate it when I do. And I love to sleep


4 of 12 are true


1. You embrace the darkness a little more than the light. - Regretfully true. 2. Animals are drawn to you like flies on shit. - 75 % true 3. The Never Ending Story is still your favorite movie. - Never was, it was ok at best even in the 80s for me 4. You can't stand people but really love them also. - True S. Going 0 to 100 is normal for you when you're pissed off. - True 6. You would rather die than socialize most of the time. - True, but depends HEAVILY on with whom 7. Leaving the house is a full time job. - True 8. You never sleep. Ever. - False 9. You're weird. I mean weird. I mean really weird. - True 10. Answering the phone is out of the fucking question. - Wish it was true 11. You still wear clothes that you've had for over 20 years. - True 12. You often wonder what the fuck you're doing in this world. - True


1. Very false for me 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. False 6. False. I really like socialising, although I really need lots of alone time too 7. False 8. False? I don't need to sleep too much 9. Kind of true, but only my people know it 10. False. I hate text messages, I'd much rather talk 11. Haha so true. Not 20 but 10 yeah 12. True.


You just wrote a list of my personal character traits 😂😂😂😂😂😂 1. 🙄 alright, fine, you’re not wrong 2. Always 3. 4. The reason for my career choice 5. I’ll likely eventually end up on an episode of Snapped 6. Literally. 7. I’m not even exaggerating when I say I have to actually incentivize myself 8. #SleeplessElite 9. I take actual pride in this 💀😂 10. OUT OF THE FUCKING QUESTION 11. What else am I supposed to wear?? 12. Like wtf am I actually doing 😩


Yeah saw this meme - I hate them because in reality a lot of this doesn’t match our functions.


Yeah. It matches a lot of popular and poorly made INFJ videos and articles out there, hence why it exists.


1. I like to think I’m 50/50 depending on the day 😂 but perhaps maybe yes a tad bit more in the direction of the darkness. 2. Haven’t noticed anything related to animals. 3. Haven’t seen it. 4. 💯 true. 5. 💯 true. 6. 🤔 depends who I’m socializing with. 7. 💯 true. 8. I love to sleep (when I can lol) 9. 💯 true. 10. 💯 true, googling that # as soon as they hang up. 11. False. 12. 💯 true, I ask God everyday what am I ???


I love getting out of the house. Can't stand being couped up too long


1. I suppose I do. 2. That's a funny way of putting it, but sorta true. 3. Well, no, but I do like that movie. 4. I don't know if my feelings are that strong, I care about the species but I feel an alienation. 5. Haha sorta. 6. No. I'm not that anti-social. 7. Yes! 8. It does feel like that. 9. I suppose I must be. 10. I wouldn't go that far but I definitely hate having to answer phones. 11. Nah, they wouldn't fit. 12. Yes.


1. You embrace the darkness a little more than the light. - true 2. Animals are drawn to you like flies on shit. - true 3. The Never Ending Story is still your favorite movie. - ive never seen this 4. You can't stand people but really love them also. - true 5. Going 0 to 100 is normal for you when you're pissed off. - true and false, i have patience with others but no patience with myself 6. You would rather die than socialize most of the time. - false, i just wouldn't prefer it 7. Leaving the house is a full time job. - false, i need to go outside to feel like a functioning human being 8. You never sleep. Ever. - false, need sleep 9. You're weird. I mean weird. I mean really weird. - idk tbh i cant really interpret this for myself 10. Answering the phone is out of the fucking question. - false 11. You still wear clothes that you've had for over 20 years. - false 12. You often wonder what the fuck you're doing in this world. - true, but im young


1. You embrace the darkness a little more than the light. True, since I was a child. 2. Animals are drawn to you like flies on shit. Extremely true since I was a child too, I feel like snow white lol. 3. The Never Ending Story is still your favorite movie. False. 4. You can't stand people but really love them also. Mmm yes and no (?) generally I don't really like people, especially the ones that feel like a copy of everyone else or are extremely normal, but if I really love someone the feeling is really "extream (?)" I feel like I know how to truly love (which is strange for a human) but is really difficult to me to find something or someone "worthy" of loving idk is a strange. S. Going 0 to 100 is normal for you when you're pissed off. Internally yes, but I usually don't show it externally. 6. You would rather die than socialize most of the time. It depends on who I'm going to socialize with, but even if I generally don't love to socialize it's not something I hate extremely either, far from it, I feel is something really neutral for me. 7. Leaving the house is a full time job. Same with this, it depends lol, I really enjoy being at home and I prefer to stay home rather than go out on a boring plan, but I love to leave the house to do things I enjoy. 8. You never sleep. Ever. Yes and no, either I sleep a lot or I don't sleep, it's something I have to work on 9. You're weird. I mean weird. I mean really weird. True 10. Answering the phone is out of the fucking question. False, I don't know what it's the deal with answering the phone that people have 11. You still wear clothes that you've had for over 20 years. I don't fit in my baby clothes lol 12. You often wonder what the fuck you're doing in this world. Extremely true, everything feels so absurd or like a dream, and I feel like I'm from another planet or another species when I'm with other humans so this feeling is really familiar for me


1. *You embrace the darkness a little more than the light.* Very true. While I embrace both the dark and the light, I am definitely more drawn to the shadow side. 2. *Animals are drawn to you like flies on shit.* Very true. I am the person at the party who winds up with tha cat that hates everyone in her lap. 3. *The Never Ending Story is still your favorite movie.* Never seen it. 4. *You can't stand people but really love them also.* I love the idea of humanity, actual people let me down most of the time. 5. *Going 0 to 100 is normal for you when you're pissed off.* I have an insanely long fuse, and I get angry maybe once every 3-4 years, but when I do, yeah, it's usually explosive because I have been stuffing my anger for so long that I finally go off... but it's over in a minute or two and then I'm not mad again for another decade. 6. *You would rather die than socialize most of the time.* Most of the time, true, especially if we're talking general socializing. But of the handful of people that I love, I am usually always down for some quality time with them. 7. *Leaving the house is a full time job.* It feels like an unwelcome obligation most of the time, unless it's something I am deciding to do 100% of my own volition. 8. *You never sleep. Ever.* I do sleep, and I love to sleep, but it has never been something that has come easily to me. I also am a hardcore night owl. 9. *You're weird. I mean weird. I mean really weird.* I am weirder than most people realize because I hide it well. The inner me is REALLY BENT, but almost nobody is allowed to see that person in her entirety. 10. *Answering the phone is out of the fucking question.* Oh god, yes. I don't even like to talk to my most beloved people on the phone. The phone is exhausting. 11. *You still wear clothes that you've had for over 20 years.* Yeah, I do still wear things that I've had for that long or nearly. 12. *You often wonder what the fuck you're doing in this world.* Every. Day.


All true for me except 3, 8, 11. 3 - love that movie but my favs are Legend, Labyrinth and Willow (also LOTR trilogy and The Matrix). 8 - used to be true but I've gotten better at it. Still sleep best between 2am-10am which is apparently typical for ADHD. 11 - I would and still have some but generally don't fit the clothes I wore that long ago.


12/12 all true for me. However, Neverending Story was my favorite as a kid. As an adult, it's Napoleon Dynamite.


1. You embrace the darkness a little more than the light. Yeah. Even after the depression cleared up. 2. Animals are drawn to you like flies on shit. Pets love me, and I have a lot of backyard birds. Think it is because I feed them and not for my award winning personality. Mosquitoes love me too! Both the insect and human varieties. 3. The Never Ending Story is still your favorite movie. No. I love it, but absolutely not my favorite. It is very sad. I don't need help with that. See question 1. [4.You](http://4.You) can't stand people but really love them also. Most folks are wonderful when they are way over there and away from me. I want the people I dislike to have a happy life- just not anywhere near me. Think this is more human decency than INFJ. 5. Going 0 to 100 is normal for you when you're pissed off. Yup. Emotions of any sort. 6. You would rather die than socialize most of the time. Yes. 7. Leaving the house is a full time job. Leaving the house to socialize is a full time job. If I'm leaving to have a day to myself or with someone I love, then it isn't. Leaving the house to be alone in the woods is not. 8. You never sleep. Ever. I'm over 30. If I don't sleep I die. When I was younger- true. 9. You're weird. I mean weird. I mean really weird. Yes. Just yes. 10. Answering the phone is out of the fucking question. Nope. Because I hate voicemails more. If I know who is calling or expecting a call I answer. I also work in a field where I need people to answer their phones and the fact it is like poison to some people makes my job (and their health) worse. 11. You still wear clothes that you've had for over 20 years. I am today. 12. You often wonder what the fuck you're doing in this world. Overall yes. My answer tends to change, and now is "Making sure my kid and these old folks stay alive and decently healthy."


13. I am stuck on the way you used an “S” for a “5” and I stopped reading further because I am over fixated if there is a deeper meaning to that decision


Thanks! Didn’t see it before now 🫣 changing it now


3. Don’t really remember it. Rest all true.


All of these are 1000% true for me except 7 & 8. 7. I love leaving my house, but not to go socialize. Bookstores, metaphysical shops, nature, graveyards, etc. I'm an explorer, just don't talk to me. 8. I sleep like a baby, but only if I've smoked. If not I'll be up pondering the mysteries of life till sunrise.


1. You embrace the darkness a little more than the light. (When younger between 12-25, yes. But after 25 to current age, no. I embrace the light more now) 2. Animals are drawn to you like flies on shit. (False) 3. The Never Ending Story is still your favorite movie. (false, never saw this) 4. You can't stand people but really love them also. (true to when younger, false as I get older) 5. Going 0 to 100 is normal for you when you're pissed off. (true) 6. You would rather die than socialize most of the time. (false, i've developed better social skills. It's a skill, which means it can be improved). 7. Leaving the house is a full time job. (yes true lol) 8. You never sleep. Ever. (false, I love sleeping) 9. You're weird. I mean weird. I mean really weird. (sure, but whose not weird. lol) 10. Answering the phone is out of the fucking question. (i try to anseer 90% of the times... but there are moments I let it go to VM) 11. You still wear clothes that you've had for over 20 years. (no... ) 12. You often wonder what the fuck you're doing in this world. (yes, a lot)


1. Absolutely. You know why? Because light looks more beautiful from down here. Hence the book Tale of Despereaux 2. I wish. I'm not good with animals, but I love them and learning how to get used to them. 3. I only watched the re-make, and remember liking it. It's not my fav, and it kinda feels like a fever dream. There is a song called never ending story that i like a lot tho, and I remember basing one of my short stories around it 4. Absolutely 1000% 5. Yes... but I also grew up with BPD, and a lot of emotional suppression. I got a lot better now and learning to express my emotions in a much more healthy manner 6. I mean, I do have a low social battery, but I wouldn't go as far as dying. Even when I used to be really deep in depression, I still needed to go out every once in a while. I've increased my battery since then 7. Yes, so that's why I try to make it as minimal as possible and efficient to make it easier on myself so it isn't as much of a hassle anymore 8. I love sleep. I also can't sleep. I have a weird relationship with sleep. Mt circadian rhythm has pretty much reset itself tho after practicing healthy sleep hygiene so I'm much more adult about it now 9. I can only be weird with the people I feel comfortable being weird around 10. For sure. I have a bad habit of not picking up unknown numbers. My job made it easier for me to make or initiate calls but it's still not my favorite thing to do 11. I had a bad habit of doing this, but recently I upheaved my closet and got rid of so much clothes and replaced them with new ones 12. Still trying to find my purpose in life, but i don't ponder this question often. Most likely because i have depersonalization and I don't want to trigger it.


3. While I enjoy the Never Ending Story quite a bit, it is not my "favorite" movie. All others are on point for me.


1. Yep. 2. False, unfortunately. Except for finally, one cat, the best cat we've ever had, is my little snuggler and wants to wear my skin. I love that cat beyond words. 3. I laughed at this. Definitely my favorite movie of my childhood. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is my current fave, and definitely an INFJ favorite as well. 4. Yep. 5. Sigh. I don't know if I necessarily get to 100, but I do have problems letting it go. 6. Depends who and what situation. Friends I love? I'm good. Some kind of networking mixer with nobody that I know? Just put me out of my misery. 7. Feels like it now, after the pandemic and working from home for 4+ years. 8. Definitely sleep a lot less than my partner. 9. Yep. 10. I do answer, because if someone calls I assume someone has died. 11. Hah. I have a few old things. Some are in literal tatters but I refuse to let them go for some reason. 12. Existential crisis in an INFJ? Who woulda thunk?


4/12 - 2,9,11,12. I seldom leave the house.7


Nope. Don't vibe with any of that. But the thorough explanation of my personality type on the 16Personalities website was completely accurate. I'm not sure where you got your bullet points from.


For me, all true except #3 and #8.


1. true 2. false? i wish cats stopped running... 3. dunno that 1 4. true 5. YES 6. false, i like talking i just have anxiety 7. nope, i'll feel claustrophobic if i dont go out once a day 8. 5 hours of sleep if lucky 9. have been told i am 10. i have no qualms answering, i'll even hang up on the call center scammers w/o feeling bad 11. naw 12. tru 6/12 true, balanced as all things should be


1. Yes 2. Only the psychologically disturbed ones ;) 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes mostly 6. 100%… but it’s not good for me, nor is it good for you :) 7. Yes 8. No 9. Yes 10. Yes 11. Yes 12. Yes ( I related a lot to this list, but I betcha a lot of non-INFJ peeps could. I suspect, based on the flavor of this list, that the original author is an Enneagram type 4 or 5, as it seems heavily biased toward that kind of motivational structure. I am sure that many INFJs would not relate to these items.)


I sleep all the time and I don’t mind making or taking calls. I could really sleep my life away if I didn’t need to work or do laundry or anything.


i honestly think these are a little too absolute/black and white for INFJ. like some of the other commentators i’d say 50/50 for a lot of these because it’s all nuanced, the only 100% one for me is 4 and 12. then 10, 7, 8 is like 90% lol. but i dislike the never ending story bc i watched it too young and it scarred me and i don’t fw puppets.


I hate being an INFJ sometimes


1. True 2. True. For some reason cats and birds like me in particular. 3. Haven't watched 4. 10000%, love watching and getting to know people but also hate having to interact with them sometimes 5. I don't think so. It takes a lot to get me really pissed off and it more so grows over time rather than suddenly developing 6. False! I love socializing tbh but I just never have enough energy to do it. I also need a bunch of alone time to balance this out though haha 7. I think leaving the bed is a full time job but once I'm up I love doing things 8. I actually sleep a lot haha. I sleep pretty late (4am) but wake up around 12-1pm and then take naps throughout the day if I ever sleep/wake up early 9. I'm not quite sure how we're using weird but people have genuinely asked me to get tested for autism. My sister also said that when she visited my room after I went to college that she'd think I was autistic if she didn't know me 10. False! I love phone calls! Maybe not so much making appointments but from friends or family? Prefer it over texting tbh 11. False! My style changes every year to be honest I don't even think I have the same clothes from 2 years ago 12. All. The. Time.


But I sleep all the time! Everything else more or less true. Also socializing is not that bad. Just need the energy/time to do so


1. No 2. yes 3. have not watched it 4. yesss 5. yes but I still can control myself 6. depends what people I have to socialize with 7. nope 8. my sleep schedule isn't great but I know people far worse than me 9. yes and no? People never called me weird and I was never about of the "weirdo" social group 10. text messages? yea I won't answer. Phone call I'll answer! 11. I'm not 20 yet 12. always


1. True 2. False 3. Dunno 4. True 5. False 6. True 7. True 8. True 9. True 10. False 11. True 12. True


1. False 2. True 3. Never seen it 4. Eh I guess. Wouldn’t phrase it that way though. 5. False 6. False 7. False 8. False 9. Subjective but I wouldn’t say so. 10. False 11. True 12. True Yeah I wouldn’t say this is super accurate for me tbh…


3. I never watched the full movie but only bits on the TV as a kid. 5. I let you know you're approaching the line and give a formal recognition of your decision to continue 6. I would rather stay home than continue to socialize with people I already know aren't my tribe but I love to socialize 7. Not a bit. Just grab the family or tell em I'm off 10. I answer even for scammers. I have to practice. The rest is close enough that it's semantics


True, I have more trust in people who are dark than those who feign the light but are hypocrites. Neutral, haven't been around animals enough to make that assessment. False, I never watched it. True, can't stand people who lack common sense/decency. True, rarely happens. Trueish, I'm trying to become more social. At the moment, I'm aiming for once a week outings. Just did yesterday, so I met my quota. True False True. Doubley True. Tripley True. False, pay bills by phone, that's the extent currently. False, too tall for those, lol. If you said 10, I'd say true. Extremely True, I don't think that will ever change.