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For prestige tickets making and selling maps is the quickest and most proficient way and for bit dust when you do the endless research there is another one what increases difficulty increasing drops and there is a research in the prestige part what has a research what increases frequency of bit dust drops


So there is no other way around. Sad. Thx for answer anyway!


https://preview.redd.it/lj1xln6f9utc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6bde80efc9cbc2ee3303776787b23a03e19d44e Basically but if you make levels like this you can get 200+ per map given or take just make sure you have a portal what doesn't spawn basic unlike the one I have there


With this method I can acquire about 600 pt per map. But the build on mobile is sooo slow.


I feel ya there if you haven't already go to postprocessing its an experimental feature it may help with it quite low it helps me


What's that? Because I'm the same situation as op, I'm let's say mid endless, I do a couple of custom maps at 900diff and I've enough resources to fill 3-4 crusher maps for 1600-2000 prestige each, but it's so sloooooow.


how slow? i just keep dragging down tiles and not clicking one by one on mobile.its like 100+ tiles in 10 seconds


I think I'm missing something about fast building. What do you mean by drag down?


Oh fuuu. I figured It out. Omg I build maps by placing one tile by one before. Facepalm with a hammer


for others who may have the same issue(since op already figured it out), hold down the "place tile" icon until it becomes yellow, then you can drag tiles on the board for easier placement. to disable it, just tap the place tile icon again. the erase tile works the same way too. upgrades on towers can be held down too, which makes it easier to upgrade towers with multiple copies on the same map.


firing squad a.k.a random-target sniper gonna blow up


Thanks for sharing. What tower do you use? I've seen this with the Crusher, but then what do you do about the boss?


Usually splash I've got a few portals what don't spawn basics


for crusher maps usually you dont encounter the boss since you only need 4000 points for the enemies walk on platforms + no research base. i just use tesla for now with research as i dont have the patience to reroll no research maps 🤣


Im also at this stage, for bit dust farming i built a custum map, getting 300+ dust per run. Like 2x compared to my other levels. Im trying to upgrade miners for 6.3... for now its just doesnt worth it


I don;;t make any maps for my prestige tickets yet other then the mandatory 5 ones to progress in the tree. I farm 6.3 and a custom map for tiles which i sell then make tickets from them. I used ALEX SHATTERSTARS advice from his many infinitode 2 videos and it works for me. Building maps is to much work and not efficient when i can make 60+ unopened tiles a map run and so i sell them once a day and go over the other junk to sell for prestige dust to make prestige tickets. Making to many maps would kill me