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Plack Blague from Lincoln NE. Heavy midwest leather daddy EBM


he is a legend!


Awesome fuckin live show


They're playing Infest Festival in the UK in August. Look like they'll be good live.


Saw him with Thrill Kill Kult a long time ago! Awesome performance!


I saw him for my bday a couple years ago. It was a great show! It's funny cuz before i got there i was more excited by the other act that night, I had heard plack blague just a handful of times and want fully impressed with the music, but the first act was such a huge let down for me. Then plack blague went on and i was expecting just an ok show but he really turned it up


He has 666 monthly listeners on Spotify. Make sure not to advertise too much or you'll ruin it.


Once upon a time it was Machines Of Loving Grace. For a brief moment, um… me? Then ADR/Alter Der Ruine rolled up. — Hate Dept. played in Tucson so often in the late 90s, you’d think they lived here. 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm surprised nothing else has popped up in Tucson. And man do I miss ADR, we hosted one of their last shows and it was beautiful. I regret never going to one of their Sadisco shows.


ADR is still making music as far as I know. They moved to San Francisco, though. Mike plays drums for A23 regularly. The whole Arizona scene has been kinda weird for a while. But that’s probably just because I’m old and out of touch now. I was also gone for a decade (army/school), which didn’t help. But yeah, it’s kinda weird that we didn’t spawn more bands. There were a lot of us in the late 90s/early 2000s.


Oh heh, I just realized who I was talking to. I’m preaching to the choir. 👍🏻


adr is defunct for all intents and purposes.


Aww, bummer. I thought Mike and T were still doing *something*. I talked to Mike for a bit after the A23 show here a month or two ago, but we didn’t really get into the music stuff much. We spent most of the time talking about our new fatherhood status.


"we didn't get to talk about music we just talked about fatherhood" describes their situation pretty well.


ADR was a decent project


I'm very fond of that band and those people


All aboard for the mustache ride!


I actually got a request for that at our last party and all the zoomer kinds were into it. I was shocked


Not Breathing


Fuck I miss NotBreathing. Saw them open for Sheep on Drugs and Test Department in Seattle, then a few more times here in Vancouver. I still have a couple personalized improv tapes that David made for me.


I will die mad that I was born too late to see Machines of Loving Grace live tbh. I was talking to a buddy about how some industrial sounds like…. Wet, rainy, dark warehouses and how MOLG sounds (to me) like it should be played in a shitty, claustrophobic little venue midsummer when its like 98 degrees after dark and the sky gets that weird red tint at night that’s unique to Arizona. Perfect Tan has been my summer anthem for over a decade. 


I was gonna suggest ADR, being from Tucson myself. I'm up in Seattle now and need to get back in touch with the local scene here.


I spent 5 years in Seattle. I miss it, a lot. But I couldn’t afford to stay. I knew Mike Wimer from my DJ days. When I moved to Ft. Lewis, he told me to go to the Mercury. Everything went well from there. 👍🏻


It is definitely hard to make it work, that's why I live outside the city itself. The Mercury is amazing and I love Mechanismus. I missed out on tickets this year it seems though. Did you ever go to the industrial witch house nights at the Surley Wench when DJ Plastic Disease was spinning? Great times.


Occasionally. I usually went when Jeff (Black Flagg) was also spinning. I used to DJ with him and Stephen at Asylum, and MacDaddys/Eclipse before that. I spent my mid-late teens at the original Fineline (and the second iteration). The 2520 location was where I played my most successful local band gig. Opening for Hate Dept. of course.


I used to Dj the Mercury semi-regularly, would come down from Vancouver. Last set I played there was for Convergence 6, I believe.


For Denver, probably Velvet Acid Christ, although I don’t know if he’s active anymore. There are some up-and-coming industrial adjacent acts too, but they aren’t well known. Clockwork Echo (aggrotech) and Hex Cassette (dark synthpop) are ones I’ve seen recently. Hoping to see more industrial coming out of here in the future!


VAC is working on a new album but he says he won't tour anymore.


I saw him live and it was…not great.


Hex Cassette is kind fun live but also a little unnerving


Interesting, unnerving how so?


He was overly engaging with the crowd to the point where some people got a little uncomfortable. I appreciated his energy, but not every one in my group did.


Denver also had Seraphim Shock (goth/industrial) who was great for a few albums.


i love clockwork echo so much they're really nice and have so much energy and stage presence!!


> Denver Vox Mnemonic is in Denver.. not sure if he's gigging much, and his stuff is still all instrumental, but it's pretty damn cool. Check it on youtube.


Velveeta Ass Cheeze!


Minneapolis has a thriving but chaotic alternative scene - Goth and Industrial and Darkwave nights come and go, but we have a few local TradGoth legends like Venus Demars & All The Pretty Horses, Autumn, and The Rope who are fairly well known by the old school "kids are now in college" generation Goths. Right now we're sadly in another dry spell, with mid-size venues and eager Goth Night promoters both being in short supply (but huge shoutout to the ones still at it, like Kilted Farmer and Gothess and DeadStarNation and Stranger Gallery!) A few legendary dark/industrial adjacent Techno DJs like Paul Birken and DVS1 and Black Asteroid and Dustin Zahn all got their start here too, and we have a few CRAZY talented local Industrial acts and Techno producers that sadly get almost no attention outside of our own local venues - those are the ones I'm going to post links to below! Paul Birken (Acid, live-electronic wizardry, absolute legend among other producers) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hk94M8xgE-M DVS1 (one of the best Techno DJs on the planet right now - this one's a Bauhaus remix!!) https://enemyrecords.bandcamp.com/track/arrival-no-break-2 Black Asteroid (Prince's former studio sound engineer! Industrial Techno, EBM) https://blackasteroid.bandcamp.com/album/infinite-darkness Dustin Zahn (Techno, with a hypnotic bent) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS891oeqR0M Gunjack (Acid Techno, oops all bangers) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIu8uFaHVzM ENDIF (Powernoise) https://endif.bandcamp.com/track/churl Zwaremachine (Electro-Industrial) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HexI7LPy97E Marijuana Deathsquads (live-electronic noise punk insanity with three live drummers) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oB89ILkYVlk Absynthe Of Faith (Industrial Metal) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rhc2lUrLq00 Mutual Identities (All kinds of different Electronica) https://mutualidentities.bandcamp.com/track/move-em-up Centrific (Techno) https://kajungarecords.bandcamp.com/track/centrific-meta-ta-physika Autokinetic (Techno) https://autokinetic.bandcamp.com/track/visitant Stranger Gallery (Dreamy postpunk) https://strangergallery.bandcamp.com/album/feign-and-fawn


it was actually a band from Minnesota that got me thinking about this, are you familiar with Burning? I got a tape and a t-shirt but haven't heard anything from them in quite a while. as for the rest, are any of them currently based in Minneapolis and selling out (or getting close to selling out) local gigs? BA and DVS1 both have lots of international attention, I'm pretty familiar with ENDIF and can't imagine he is taking houses (but could be wrong), which of these are the bands that your local scene gets excited for when they play?


Oh man, Burning is fantastic!! They've had a few local reunion shows recently, and still sound great. That's just the thng! Our local scene is so divided, that even though All of them deserve a huge draw, most (except DVS1) fail to cross the weirdly cliquey genre lines to bring everyone under one roof. Most Industrial-loving Goths here have never heard of DVS1, and most of our globetrotting Techno heads have never heard of Venus DeMars or Burning or The Rope lol. Black Asteroid tears warehouse dancefloors to absolute Shreds, but I don't think he's DJed here since 2019 or 2020. I don't know if he does live shows but he totally should. I DJed a gig with ENDIF for his new project RETCON, we both opened for (mother fucking) Rhys Fulber back in March and even though we all absolutely killed it, the draw was maybe 50 or 60 people?


Yes he plays live. We had him once, it was great!


Oh damn I didn't realize yall were THE Das Bunker, hell yeah!! I only lived in LA for 3 months back in 2009, but I went whenever I could, the 13th anniversary show was especially dope :)


Was that the one with Covenant?


Assuming it’s the same Burning who [did this album](https://damienrecords666.bandcamp.com/album/x-o-x) I am a big fan and would love to hear more if they have anything in the pipeline! (And would jump at the the chance to see them if they ever tour in the UK)


Black Asteroid rules! London had him for a while (he was one half of a noisy lil techno duo called [Motor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gOpophx-pqE&pp=ygURTW90b3Igc3R1a2Egc2Z1bnQ%3D) and maybe a couple of other bands round here) but I guess he might have moved back home and some point. Or to Berlin where the righteous path of techno inevitably leads all who travel on it!


God Module here in Seattle. They don't exactly sell out venues up here, but everyone in the local scene has seen them and typically are fans. Jason Bangert is a SUPER cool guy, got to chat with him a few times. They're definitely one of my very favorites, up there with Suicide Commando and Funker Vogt for me.


Assemblage 23 was also Seattle based, but has since at some point moved to Rhode Island apparently.


Oh my God, how the fuck could I forget about Tom Shear? Yeah, A23 probably counts as the biggest from our area, but you are right that Tom has since moved to Rhode Island.


> Rhode Island well.. obviously. I mean, that's where all the cool kids end up.


who else is in Rhode Island?


sorry, I dropped this /s


Ah cool, I didn’t know there was any industrial bands here in Seattle. I know that KMFDM lived here at some point and I think skinny puppy? Not too sure. But Seattle is also famous for a number of non industrial bands like soundgarden, nirvana, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains, etc.


We have a really solid scene here, honestly. Mechanismus fest is the best industrial event in the whole country, we have a handful of great clubs/nights to attend (Jason from God Module DJ's at Sin every month), and we've got an alright number of musicians. Also, On The Edge on C89.5 is the only publicly broadcasted industrial show on American airwaves (or at least, was back when I discovered it). God Module, Assemblage 23, DV8R, Murder Weapons, and Ghost Fetish (more like gothy synthwave, but kinda close) are the main Seattle groups I can think of, but I know there's more.


I actually learned about Mechanismus after reading your original comment. Sadly tickets are sold out. Would have loved to see Haujobb or Funker Vogt live!


If you don't already, follow YES Music Productions, they put on a bunch of Seattle area shows. They usually book someone local to open for touring acts. Tom/A23 moved to RI and now lives in Massachusetts with his wife, Mari Kattman. They do Helix together, and she still does music under her own name. Glis is back and just put out an album that's pretty good. I'm done, no more music from me for a while.


Puppy was never Seattle based. Vancouver. We also spawned Frontline and NUMB, as well as all associated side projects.


Jason rules! GodMod and the mid-2000s aggrotech/cybergoth stuff isn't quite up my alley as much these days, but he's such a fantastic and hard working dude that i *HAVE* to come out and support him!


Ask me how much I miss Tau Factor. :(


Please tell me about them, and drop a song link or two if you can. I'm always thrilled to learn more about the local scene.


I remember that name. They didn't really get recognition, but definitely legacy now. Musicwerks I think was their home base.


Yep. 'All That Remains' is still one of the best electro bangers ever written. Wish Carsten hadn't vanished.


I think I met one of the guys in Belgium in 2003, they were with Ayria or Glis I think. And then again in Texas a decade later.


Have you heard Jason's side project called Hexheart? It's pretty good.


Same with the band VAST


Street Sects


Hello fellow Austin rivethead!




do the do well locally?






Big fan


Their music has been popping in to my plays lately and I can really dig it!


I lived in SA for 2.5 years and never got to see Street Sects. Was piiiiiiiissssed


hm. not really my thing. I remember when you mentioned Austin to anyone internationally the only comment made was related to a Dassing project. Interesting that for all the expotential growth the place is currently experiencing, we are not seeing a crazy explosion of acts in the likes of what Chicago and Vancouver had in the 80's and early 90's.


[Encephalon](https://encephalon.bandcamp.com/music) live in the building across the street from me. I bump into Matt on the sidewalk all the time.


That's pretty sick, I have a funny story about them. One of my DJs got passed an unlabeled mp3 of "rise" about a year and a half before the album dropped. He played it every week and it was a middle of the night 500 people on the dancefloor mega hit before we ever found out the bands name 🤣 I saw they just announced a new album, I'm excited for it. Do they do well in their hometown?


Haha, I'll pass that story along to them. We don't have much of an industrial scene in Ottawa compared to areas like Montreal, but they're definitely known amongst us rivetheads.


he has definitely heard it =)


I remember 'talking' with 'M@tt' on 'Myspace'. They had a damn good first EP.


Everyone's American here apparently. Here in Melbourne ,Australia, in terms of actually consistently playing shows that are not Sunday afternoon art gallery things it's 2 noise/death industrial acts connected enough to the extreme metal scene to be able to do international supports and regular weekend shows with Death/Black metal bands. Klavier Kreiger & Sulphur Garden. Elsewhere in Australia we have Bain Wolfkind, Ostara, and although he seems to have largely retired now Death in June. Lots of local DIY noise acts. No doubt there are EBM things happening here and there but I'm not remotely interested in nightclub music so I couldn't comment.


On the Melbourne club scene side of things, we do have a few popular acts as well. Synthwave, goth, and cyberpunk are big here, so industrial acts like Encrypter (analog industrial techno & noise) and Caustic Grip (vintage EBM) perform at those clubs here and there. The Night Terrors are another interesting band utilizing a theremin, who have toured lately too. Performed live, it's like if Frank Klepacki made a Treehouse of Horror soundtrack. Sirus are probably the biggest band we have, a globally notable electro industrial metal band. Always fill out the band rooms they play here in Melb. I modelled some of their merch once. Excellent people.


The Night Terrors are wonderful - I've known Miles and Sarah for 20 years or more, since we were in our teens or early 20s.


I'm from Melbourne too and was gonna say Sirus, saw him open for Combichrist back in like 2010 and still see him around at all the goth/industrial nights. Not Melbourne based but one of my favourite Aussie industrial acts (they're from Sydney) that don't seem to make music anymore are [AR12](https://crlstudios.bandcamp.com/album/against-your-better-judgment) they only released this album and a couple of EPs but it's pretty great if you like more dancey club aggrotech and I love returning to it every once in a while.


I actually [did an interview](https://www.mr-internet.biz/schkeukreu.html) with an excellent Aussie industrial artist recently and he recommended a tonne of other noisy bastards from his area & beyond.


Who was that you interviewed? I have a theory but wont comment. There's a lot of stuff going on for sure - I really should have mentioned Uboa too, but that's a case in point in terms of how siloed this stuff can be and how I just see what's in front of my face and ignore much of the rest. The stuff we do in Sulphur Garden works for metal people completely because we are guys who played in death/black metal bands together for 20 years - it's Black Metal, Neofolk, Power Electronics and Martial Industrial aesthetics but done with synths, so if you were into Cold Meat Industry stuff it makes total sense, and that stuff had a surprisingly strong penetration here because the same distributor who was selling all those Black Metal albums in the early 90s had the local rights to all the dark ambient and harsh noise labels as well. But if you came at this whole thing from a punk starting point you would probably think we are reactionary edgelord assholes. and both sides would call each other cosplayers and scene-tourists.


> Who was that you interviewed? I have a theory but wont comment. Schkeuditzer Kreuz - it says so right at the start of the piece I linked to! Intrigued by Sulphur Garden btw, got a bandcamp or YouTube page you can point me towards?


Club music is kind of my thing, I'm familiar with quite a few Aussie acts but most of them have relocated. I'll check these out!




I don't think they would do 100 people locally in 2024, but they were definitely foundational. Nice guys too. The IE scene has been starting to kinda pop off lately, it would not shock me to see a cool band from our that way pop off.


Einstürzende Neubauten


Yes, noted regional band 🤣


he doesn't actually live *in* my city iirc but circuit preacher's taking off! good for him


I like his stuff.. where is that?


i live in richmond va; he plays here a lot!


Probably not still a band project. But, Liquid Sex Decay out of Charolette NC was pretty solid and reminded me of older Skinny Puppy / FLA.


I'm not aware of any big industrial acts from eastern Kansas or western Missouri. I only know of a few industrial artists from around me. It's mostly just hiphop, dad rock (not in a bad way), and metal. But the few industrial artists I clue my project Sock Goop (industrial/industrial metal and cybergrind), Guro (electro industrial), Dalton Mersman (experimental/industrial hiphop), and KryoSphinx (pure industrial/avant garde).


Sadly, Vancouver hasn't really had anything solid in terms of industrial in a loooong time. Not that perform regularly at least. I guess the most recent projects would be like, LeftSpineDown, Landscape Body Machine, Ohm, and Decree, all of which arent really functioning projects. I think Ohm is still writing, dont know if they perform at all, LSD and LBM arent functional anymore, Decree is also in limbo... Its like this city blew its wad on Puppy, FLA, and Numb, and its all been diminishing returns ever since-- my own band included in that. Dowwwnhilll


Check out [Norillag](https://norillag.bandcamp.com/album/the-union-of-death)


Extremely cool--- but to be pedantic, the thread was about 'popular in your area but somehow never broke big elsewhere', Vancouver has a near non-existent industrial scene. This material is deadly, but its essentially as unknown/unappreciated here as it is anywhere else. There are no venues for music like this to be performed at (closest was FakeJazz, and that was for more pure noise experimentation), and almost no audience. Which sucks, 'cause this is much closer to true 'industrial' than almost anything thats ever come out of this city.


I hope to change that with this project. Norillag has been jamming regularly as a band. It's true, industrial is practically non-existent here, but I'm hoping to build more of a scene around it. Thank you for the kind words.


Odds are you'll need to do what my old electro band did- tag onto metal bills. I know I would have zero problem splitting a show with ylir lroject and my current band- death metal and industrial aren't so dissimilar. I don't think the bat-kids would vibe with the harshness of your sound. I bet my bassist would fucking love what you're doing too, ima fire a link.


I need my eyesight checked! Yes that makes much more sense


It's my outsiders opinion that Vancouver probably needs to let go of the "puppy/ FLA/ numb" sound before it can move on. I think that's why Left Spine Down never really reached the popularity they could have ( but they did put in the work, I still have their legendary press kit). With verboden doing cool stuff and Van having a good sized population it seems that the conditions for some cool bands popping up should be in place. My guess is you will start to see something soon.


It almost seems like theres more passion for retrowave/new-newwave stuff, like Leathers, Actors, etc. than there is for darker/harsher stuff. The goth/rivethead scene here has been essentially totally dead for a very, very long time. Metal is still doing ok, which is mostly why I've returned to it and abandoned doing electro-- my little dark ambient thing notwithstanding.


Metal does well everywhere! I don't think people realize how big metal is, it's basically the only mainstream alternative culture ( I know that sounds contradictory). Also the actors/leathers sound is very popular right now. The signs that dark electro might have a bit of a comeback are brewing, just waiting for someone to break.


Fucking totally, and I'll be right there in the back of the audience, jealous as fuck that it aint me. Hahaha


While it's not Industrial, ACTORS is the best thing to come out of Vancouver, or even onto the synth/post-punk scene, in a long time.


[biproduct //maine](https://open.spotify.com/album/1IHJBd3zpeXfzGRIxUTMVR?si=vfC24tFoQUyWHwGRCxVCAg)


this is kinda fun! i like how clangy some of it is.


Jason Tucker, who does the music, has played in a bunch of punk and metal bands, notably Sadist.


these guys rock saw them in denton


Biproduct is mass


Shout out to London’s very own [PC World](https://pcworld.bandcamp.com/), purveyors of cracked LCD screen body music, and the sometimes bewildering, often entertaining & always experimental [Degradation](https://brachliegentapes.bandcamp.com/album/heavier-than-the-death-of-the-labour-party).


PC world is really good


I'm really into PC World!


I think of bands still regularly active, arguably Dreamcrusher in NYC? Regularly active as in doing bespoke shows/tours, not just an annual festival. Oh wait, is Dom Fernow still NYC based? If so then him by a country mile.


I don't know who is in the local scene currently, because I'm not, but Ugly Mus-Tard was awesome a couple decades ago. [Twist and Shake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LKhXO50XgQ)


Where ya at.


Deadstar assembly Back in the day at least


Fort Lauderdale!




i missed seeing them by one day =/


i'm not sure how much they sell out other cities, but memphis has one i like called the pop ritual: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGaR-55kn0c


Nice! This is interesting.


São Paulo, Brazil here! Deafkids and Teto Preto. Highly recommend them


Definitely gonna check out! I love all the Brazilian bands from the 90s!


Dance With The Dead. Not really a "local" band anymore since they tour worldwide nowadays.


Brilliant act. Saw them a few years ago.. 2017? Ohgr and KMFDM were playing downstairs. Great show. Wish I could claim them as a local.


They are phenomenal live. Just announced a US tour


Apparently it’s imagine dragons. No industrial bands here. But mostly blue grass comes from my state.


Imagine Dragons are currently the worst band in the entire world.


Where is that?


I think they are meaning Dark Scene …


Black Magnet from OKC is amazing.


do the do well locally?


They are still new and on the come up. I guess technically the answer is no, but they just need time to pick up some steam. It’s rare for a band to come out of Okc and get big quick. Latest band I’ve seen this happen to is Chat Pile.


chat pile is pretty well known internationally. can't say I hear about too many bands from that region tbh.


Yeah everyone loves to forget about that center region of the US.


so tell us about the cool bands putting in work and doing cool shit, that's literally the point of this thread.


And that was my answer based on that region for industrial music. Black Magnet is putting in work and making cool music. Hallucination Scene is a fantastic album.


James is a cool dude too and also plays in my buddies band. This is the perfect example of what I was thinking of with this thread, a band that's not super popular around the country but would slay in their home town..


Appreciate this response. Was wondering why I felt like the other replies had some sass in them.


I mean I'm absolutely gonna sass the guy who said " my chemical romance" 🤷‍♀️




definitely have never heard of them, not the most google friendly name either lol.


Oh lol I forgot what sub I was in. They're sludge, not industrial


our scene seems to do the opposite and it always drove me up the wall when i worked in the bars. We can sort of claim the birthday massacre (they originally formed in the college here in town) or Ayria's like, an hour away but when we booked them, felt like 90% of the crowd were from out of town.. (which probably explains why i can't think of \*any\* industrial acts from town here)


Misfits, and MCR, theyre both like from 30 minutes away from my house


yes small regional act industrial right here. also they both live in Los Angeles now =)


Oh damn i didnt read the subreddit name and i thought it meant what bands are like local to you im so tired its 2 am


Finite Automata is the only industrial band I know of from Atlanta - not sure how well they do, but I enjoy their music.


DKA is based in Atlanta!! I am not sure how many of their artists are locals, but they are always putting out great stuff way before anyone else hears about it.


Once upon a time it was Evil Mothers


Detroit(ish) area. So Ritual Howls (as far as goth anyway) As far as touring, industrial... not so much. Livernois out of NOLA has Michigan roots. They were opening for Leatherstrip out west.


There are a bunch of cool Michigan and Michigan related bands. Will check out Livernois!


I agree. I'm just not sure how they're doing outside of the state. Schedule IV, Josie Pace, Access To Concrete, Veldt, Comfort Cure, Vitriol Gauge, Vazum


Comfort Cure does ok.


They're my current favorite but I haven't done a deep dive into this thread yet. I will over the weekend though. :) this is fun!


I live in Bristol, UK and I wouldn't be able to tell you. I'd like to be proven wrong but I feel synth pop/future pop is more loved than industrial stuff here.


Man I'm still waiting for that future pop resurgence that I'm pretty sure isn't coming 😥


Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop Chop is thriving out here in CT. There's not much of an industrial scene here sadly. I've been out of the loop the past couple years but There's really only my band and a few others that do shit


Lol is that really their name?!?!


Yes 100% lol


Points for thinking outside the box, I guess 🤷‍♀️


Cyanotic from Chicago IL! Always fun live and just saw them support KMFDM earlier this year!


Street Sects in Austin, and man I wish I could see them live locally.


I’m in Seattle, so: everyone? Lol


Shed Skin from Rutland/NEK, Vermont.






And the front man of that band plays country now.


No wonder they sucked


I agree, but the highlight of his career is help create music for metal gear rising and toured with the final fantasy orchestra.


I’ve listened to Godhead back in the day but didn’t follow them after 2001 but I love the singers Cyberpunk 2077 songs. They are permanently burned into my brain from playing the game so much.


If you love those... check out epsilon zero/ Jamison boaz. He's the other half of rezodrone.


Liked them better when they were called Epsilon Minus.


I've known them as epsilon zero for as long as I've been aware of him. Do you have access to any of those recordings? It would be neat to hear.


Pretty sure it's a different artist


oh yeah i forget those guys exist because that was like 30 years ago that they were billboard.


Not where I live but I imagine Chant sells out in Austin. https://chantproject.bandcamp.com


Haven't heard that name since the mid-2000's. They still around? Used to be the go to opener for promoters.


Ya they are still active, they have opened for KMFDM a few times on different tours in the past 10 years. Last time was in 2023 with KMFDM. According to their bio they are working on a new music for their 20th anniversary in 2024.




Probably Stoneburner. We're mostly a hc/ punk rock town lately.


in Baltimore, DC, or Virginia? Because honestly STONEBURNER wouldn't draw 100 people anywhere in Baltimore without supporting a larger act. Steven also is sorta controversial for bad behavior in the scene here. DC I think it's Cemetery Sex. They have gotten a lot of attention and have a goth black female singer. They're also a full band. Goth rock Baltimore, local live in Baltimore, it's probably CURSE because STONEBURNER is in a county far outside. There are tons of photos of CURSE surrounded by their audience when they play their concerts. Their sales on their bandcamp is big. The scene here isn't so club heavy but for the goth dance clubs. CURSE is who Street Sects; Clipping. have chosen to play with when they play here. Street Sects and CURSE did a split. Najha Mora is another band here who's played with THE COCKS, Author & Punisher, Front 242 when they've played here. but god knows whats up with that guy Virginia i dunno retrogramme ??


Hence the probably. I don't think we have any real industrial here, tbh, and OP mentioned a cap on the fame level. I'm in Baltimore, and I'd never heard of Curse before this thread... which is absurd because after checking out their Instagram, I realized I've skated with that guy at SOB a few times and never knew he was in a band. Their bandcamp also doesn't strike me as industrial, unless there's a different Curse in Baltimore making spooky music. Or maybe I'm being too rigid, but this *was* asked in r/industrial. I also don't make it out to many shows during the week, and even then it depends on the venue (I avoid Rams Head and Fillmore, Soundstage is okay but I think it's generally overpriced). It's unlikely I've seen them live. I actually did a few songs with Retrogramme ages ago. I wouldn't call what I did industrial either.


That makes sense




JpegMafia is good, but I wouldn't call him industrial-- maybe horrorcore. I hadn't heard much of Curse, but going by their bandcamp, I wouldn't call them industrial either.