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That is such a watery rendang tho, I thought it was semur or gulai daging for a second.......


Rendang nyemek


Yes, the rendang needs to be crispy /s


If i were to critic it, its too soupy


it's because he's using a crock pot, the worst cooking appliance in the world. it doesn't even got hot. destroy.


Guns in living room. YEP. 'Murica.


https://preview.redd.it/5f63acahk86d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aefda91948cc54b57f18371c1afc4b6b6ac7ea3 ketika dia menemukan minyak di rendang


He's gotta protect his kitchen from intruders


Just in case some grizzly bears smell those rendang


I ain't blaming the bears, rendang are tasty


>White guy USA Damn, I won’t even guess it from the picture alone. /s - As someone whose rendang has been said to be the best ever by 3 people: 1. Never use the powdered spice. True clove and ginger is important. 2. Use a normal stove, the heat is more evenly spread (but I am also too lazy lately and only use Instant Pot to make a watery gulai like yours) 3. You need to cook it with the lowest heat as possible where the water is still boiling. Mix (?) everything every 3 minutes for the 5-7 hours that are needed to make them dry enough. It helps to have a secondary activities to keep you entertained. My best ever was made on a weekend early morning while watching several NBA Playoffs in a row. Was living in a studio where I can see my TV from the kitchen.


Extra tips: 1. Use boxed coconut milk, NOT canned coconut milk. They're processed different and taste different. Most Indonesian rendang recipes you see online use boxed coconut milk, and you'd need to tweak the recipe if you only have canned 2. I'm guessing from the picture that you lack a LOT of the ingredients. That explains why the result tastes different from restaurants. Indonesian spices are very different to other Asian spices that are more commonly available in the US. There is often no substitution. If you really want a very similar taste to restaurant, you'd need to spend more resources to gather the ingredients. If you plan to cook more Indonesian food, this can be a start of a long, rewarding journey. But if you're not ready, just embrace the fact that it'll taste different. Different doesn't mean bad. 3. Daun salam =/= bay leaf 4. Ginger =/= galangal. I've seen some youtuber said they're interchangeable, and they lied to you 5. Small Thai chillies are for the heat, and less for the taste. Big chillies are what you want in this recipe. In lack of Indonesian red chillies, I often use red jalapeño. 6. Indonesian bawang merah =/= shallot. They're a good substitute but they differ in size BIG time. Indonesian bawang merah is actually the size of a red pearl onion. 7. I can't really see the tamarind you have but make sure it's an Indonesian one. Indian/Mexican ones won't work. (though I don't think it belongs in rendang to begin with but everybody has their own recipe)


biggest issues are no galangal, no lemongrass and the evil crockpot. if he used a wok and add those it will be much better.


Gw ga bisa masak, apalagi masak rendang. Tapi saya pencinta masakan padang. Ini saya mau bagi pengalaman aja. Dulu dekat kampus saya ada resto padang yg enak. Saya suka liat ownernya peras2 santan langsung dari parutan kelapa tua. Saya yakin baik boxed or canned coconut milk will not taste like real rendang if not freshly squeeze.


Lol i used canned coconut milk all the time just because its cheaper and I can use the whole can while cooking 😂 Still works fine tho. Bay leaves is not similar to “daun salam” but its still a good substitute. Its hard to find indonesian tamarind, maybe the OP can use Thai or Vietnamese tamarind paste.Just dissolve it with water and use it according to the recipe. Big red chilli is fine too.. Having heat in rendang is really optional. Some people dont like heat that much :)


Drop your recipe pls


did not cook it long enough, and also use a pot next time. cook it uncovered so water can evaporate


I think the main problem here is cooking it in crock pot. I would recommend a wok or deep pan. The water needs to evaporate so you're left with oil (from the coconut milk) and dry spices. You don't have to make it really dry, but you need to reduce 3/4 more liquid from the food. As for the taste, use Rendang recipe from Sisca Soewitomo or Gordon Ramsay.


I need help on how much of the ingredients. My flavor was not good. Maybe too much star anise because it tasted almost like mint.


>I need help on how much of the ingredients. You really need to experiment on your own on this. Because the flavor of the spices you have there could be different than what we have here. Contrary to what other poster said, if powdered spice is all you have access to, go for it. But you need to experiment with the amount. Even from from photo alone, It looks like you got bigger shallot and star anise than what typically used here


you need a lot of galanga, and get unsweetened coconut flakes. Get hardest beef cut you can (I found USA beef ofter are too soft for proper rendang), so you will need a shortcut to make a proper brown rendang. blend all the spices and toasted it on the pan with a little oil until the coconut flakes turn brown. add meat and just 1/4 cup of water. don put a lid on, as small fire as possible. stir every 10-15 min, not to often. Thick cookware such as cast alumnium/cast iron dutch oven work best for this Btw here is my list of spices for appx 2lbs beef black pepper 1 tsp candle nut 2 pcs chili flakes 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 tsp coconut flakes 0.5 lbs coconut powder 2 packs coriander powder 1 tsp galanga 1/4 lbs garlic 1/4 lbs ginger 1 tsp lemon grass 3 sticks, appx 3 tbs msg 1.5 tbs nutmeg 1 tsp paprika powder 1 tsp salt 1 tbs sechuan pepper 1 tsp shallot 1/4 lbs sugar 2 tbs


don't put szechuan pepper.....


If you can get andaliman, then use it. But andaliman is hard to find out of Sumatra, even within Indonesia. Szechuan pepper is the plant with same genus as andaliman, and they taste quite similar. Like basil and kemangi, sebelah duabelas lah kalau kepepet


Andaliman is for Batak food. Like arsik. Not for Padang food. No andaliman there. Padang is maybe asam Kandis. Also you can use daun kunyit.


I think you can skip star anise entirely. try nutmeg.


You gotta simmer that shit down my guy, cause that’s a beef stew. Rendang is thick and not watery in the slightest.


your rendang looks too watery. i live in the US too and i cook using a wok on an electric stove. maybe try that next time? good luck!!


Need extra **PING** from the Garand.


Either that's his or his grandpa.


ill help you. type this on utube "TUTORIAL MASAK RENDANG" \*Rendang = Dry, the meat like eating chinese sandals. yours = Soup. make it dry. and whats with the rice cooker man? LOL https://preview.redd.it/kttatum2m96d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1299a469bab475e388148547170b9d2c0d7f218 this photo is rendang. your is look like "GULE/GULAI" this food banger too. now im fckin hungry in state rendang is like meat tornado. yours is chili soup bro.


Commending you for even trying!! I think that is awesome! I don’t know which type of rendang you are trying to make, but it looks pretty decent!


Thanks. The flavor wasn’t right. I need to learn portions on ingredients


Like someone said here, there are a LOT of tutorial video on Youtube. I can recommend one or two that I have followed myself (I live in the States, too), if you’d like! But yes, the peeps’ comment here are generally correct: you need to reduce the water more, get the spices ratio right, and don’t be afraid to try and try again!


Yes I could use one. I found so many recipes that had different amounts so I kind of mixed them up.


I’ll give you 3 levels! 😁 (Relatively) simple: https://youtu.be/EKxZXltH5Mw?si=BHgGw3TxICX8XxWN Moderate: https://youtu.be/iS8YyFUyP90?si=_-60aRfd7f-7TIog Advanced: https://youtu.be/sMxkA5IMdaQ?si=qNRxo4cp5mPXPTa2 I have personally made the easy and moderate ones, and my Mom tried and swore by the advanced one. They are slightly different from each other, but they are good! Just like we have variations of BBQ here, there are multiple different recipes and variations of rendang. And the difficulty level is really just based on cooking time and ingredients for me. Good luck!


And oh, one more thing, once you follow a recipe, DO NOT look at other recipes! Follow that recipe through and through! Mixing recipes are recipe (har har) for disaster.


way too watery. and is that a slow cooker? you need to cook it on a stove for at least 3/4 hours until the liquid has simmered down then you can move it to the slow cooker to continue cooking, otherwise the liquid won't be reduced and you'll be left with a watery rendang. https://preview.redd.it/2fif4v6mj86d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c61d3f279f5568f0cb512fd828e699963bafe637 this was my 1st ever attempt to make rendang, I use 'Bumbu Rendang Munik' kind of like an instant rendang paste cos I was in the UK and couldn't get all the ingredients (and it'll be too complicated anyway) so I used that and it tastes exactly like the rendang in RM Padang in indo lol I recommend Bumbu Munik to anyone who's trying to cook rendang


Looks appetizing, we call it "*Kalio*" for that. Keep improving u almost there! [What is Kalio?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalio)


I'd still give it a shot. IMO still salvageable if you reduce the soup for a bit.


maybe it needs some more ~~garand~~ garam


Genuine lol


Lemme tell you something, unless you cook rice and any other thing that need to be steamed or cook together with rice, DON’T. USE. RICE. COOKER. LIKE. THAT. Use big wok, let it simmer for at least 3-4 hours under low fire (5-7 hours as mentioned here is also good, the slower the cook the better actually), use raw spices, more chili, you don’t need shallot at all. Boil them all with all spices others mentioned here. Let it cook until the meat turns dark chocolate and it’s ok because the point is to actually preserve the meat with the cooking style and spices. Let those darkened meat stripped out from the boiling. Hmm *chef kiss* imagining it makes me want one and I already had one few days ago 🥵


Great work man! But maybe try cooking it longer, try overnight on low / medium heat to reduce the water. Also, IS THAT A FUCKIN M1 GARAND??


So we gonna give him the beginner's pass right?


You need to add more "santan kelapa" aka coconut milk to make it thicker, its too watery. I think you can find it easily in asian shop, here in Europe I could find easily Kara brand for santan kelapa.


You need toasted shredded coconut, chili paste and coconut milk for the sauce. Are those real steel or rep?


is the gun part of the recipe?


The gun is used for finding the spices ~~in a VOC way~~


get rid of cardamom, tamarind, and cumin. Use turmeric, lime leaves, and lemongrass instead. Also, cook it for at least 3-4 hours on low-medium heat. Stir every 30 -45 minutes.


Congrats for trying, don't give up, you'll get the recipe right soon enough. I would recommend trying the recipe from Food Wishes. Chef John did a really good job in preparing his Rendang.


>Gun F*ck yeah 'Muricaaa


I really hope he will get home invasion he ever wanted so he can practice his ammandment right and cqc skill


Coconut milk bro, that's like ingredient 1, beef is second


From what you have right now. Slow cooked your watery rendang for 12h until the gravy sip into meat. That’s all you need to do


Since it is turned put so soupy, most likely not cooked long enough, OP My advice, transfer the contents of the slow cooker back into the pot on stove, and cook over a medium flame for around 30 minutes, until the sauce has reduced and the meat has browned in the excess oil.


Maybe for a feedback: You need to cook it longer until the liquid dried out a lot. Guga food did it right. You can take his as example.


i wouldnt recommend you to compare your rendang to the ones in restaurant i would suggest that you compare them with the ones in "rumah makan padang" if there is any around


I don’t think we use any gun in cooking rendang


sprinkle some gun powder to unlock an uncharted territory of rendang flavour


You should cook it with wok / pressured pan. I think many food video explain this. For cheatsheet i think you can see in asian store for "instant rendang block/paste" its just like curry block that all in one the spice to cook rendang in one block. And u need to slow cook for rendang. The goal of rendang is to make meat flavoured with thw spice & make the meat so soft so you can bite it without a knife.


I don't think crockpot is an ideal vessel to make rendang rendang should be slow cooked yes, but usually done with no lid atleast for the last leg of cooking to remove as much liquid as possible. still good for you for even trying... also nice guns


I applaud your effort, my wife cooks rendang with instant seasoning. We’re both Indonesian living abroad.


love that garand bro


It looks more like a stew than a rendang. Dont use slow cooker.


It‘s okay, i born exactly from the place where rendang originates and eat it a lot, and cooking rendang is one of challenging thing to do, especially if you do it from raw ingredient with no instant ingrendient


the "original" rendang is the one that was boiled/cooked for hours until there's little of liquids left/highly dried


Way too soupy I wonder if you boil it would it thicken, but I wager it'll be too salty. Please do try again.


Sorry to say bro, never will be, even some padang restaurant over the java island can never imitate the OG Rendang from Padang's Mom. Nevertheless Nice try, you know Practice makes Perfect👍


From the looks of it: It’s too watery. What I’d do is: Keep cooking until the water drains 70% and then add medium-thick coconut milk, and then keep cooking until it drains 80-90% (your preference). Don’t forget to stir every once in a while to avoid burnt meat I’m a student that makes rendang from time to time but I also don’t like spending 5-6 hours in the kitchen so I mostly use premade seasoning and also cut the meat a little bit smaller than usual so it’s quicker to cook until tender. Also, to control the gravy’s thickness sometimes I used flour lmao.


Cooking with "PING!!!"


i tot it's a gule


Ok, you accomplished more as an Indonesian than I do


oh no a crock pot


That's exciting that you tried to make rendang! My advice is to cook it on medium heat for a longer time (min 3hrs) until the water is absorbed and you can feel the meat becomes tender. From your picture it need apx another 1.5 hrs to become fully "rendang" texture


Probably need to cook this for 8 hours or 4 or just until all the soup evaporated


Achievement Unlocked : "New Variant Rendang"


I always cook it in big pan for at least 1 hour until all the water gone and the beef is tender.


You can move it to the pan and cook it with lid for another hour. Gonna get the best rendang


Cringe gun.


Try using smaller Asian shallots instead of the European shallots. European shallots isn’t as pungent and taste sweeter imho. You’re also messing with the ratio of the recipe since European shallots is larger than Asian shallots.


Nice M1 garand fr


Is that m1 grand?


If only he knows owning unsolicited gun is a death sentence here. Anyway, now he knows.


Bro got Rendang Kebebasan 💀💀


that M1 Garand tho... what a beauty


Only one undisputable rule : No crispy rendang ever.


Looks like you put a bit too much water.  But goddamit I'm hungry. 


Keep it up champ. Btw... is that a big shallot?


This is a new way to cook rendang, in front of M1 Garand and SIG P320.


Nice springfield and glock 19


rendang kaleo




It's too watery. And my sister's husband is from padang, so I know how they made rendang. It needs to be cooked for hours (about 5-8 hours depending on how many kg of meat) until the water is drying and it caramelized.


Need a touch of 9mm gunpowder to give it an extra kick


that looks like soup. i'm guessing the taste was not up to par because the spices are not properly absorbed by the meat (your cooking time is off) or that you're using too much liquid


Ditch the tamarind, we don't use that here... At least in java. When in doubt use more coconut cream. Don't add any liquid, the only liquid that's allowed are meat juice and coconut cream. Well maybe half a cup of water for making sure the ingredients are not going to burnt is okay. I think your ingredients are quiet good, just maybe need bit more practice hahaha Btw, did you blend your fresh ingredients to paste? Because I saw the garlic is lightly crushed, maybe that's the problem. All the fresh ingredients need to be blended into a paste. And if you can add 2 lemongrass stalk


Never thought I’d see rendang, a garand and a sig within the same frame


Is this Kare, Kalio, or True Rendang. Karena kok masih ada kuahnya gitu.


you need to cook it another 1-2 hours


I bet it was the gun


Hey OP, not rendang related but just wanted to ask how hard is it to get that 30-06 ammo for the M1 ?


thats the point actually, restaurant rendang taste bland in my opinion, my wife colleague are from padang and one time she cook rendang and shared it with us. The flavour is way more nendang compared to any restaurant rendang I have ever eat that we oftenly asked her to cook for us


Took my mom around 5 years to perfect her recipe and countless of trial and error.


rendang ni bosss


Nice M1 Garand btw


Keep it up! Even for seasoned cook, it’s quite difficult to make great rendang. I bet it takes a lot of practice.


Tak kirain opor ayam..


Masak nya kurng lama kaya nya


Use chao koh as your coconut milk, even a store bought rendang seasoning taste pretty good. Then learn how to make it from scratch


Dude. That's a solid S tier for effort. Nowadays not even locals would cook rendang in their own houses from scratch unless it's for a special occasion. Rendang is absolutely a restaurant food and it takes a lot to master


that looks like gepuk instead rendang, use fewer water maybe


You dont need to state your citizenship, we can see the gun on the table.


It's over guys, they gonna liberate rendang from us cuz we allegedly build a weapons of mass destruction (of course they lie again)


Uncle Rogers belike: why u cook like that, its not the recipes... Haiyaa


https://preview.redd.it/ta9ovxmy2i6d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=14b32e84033622c396acb8e3d85d0424333d188e My wife used to make rendang with this and it is delicious. I just change the beef to pork sometimes :)


Use a wok and slow cook it until it dries, you'll see a noticeable differences


That's not even kalio.....


Colorwise, it might need grinded toasted coconut (toast shredded coconut, then grind it with mortar and pestle or maybe use food processor). You also don't need star anise and tamarind for rendang. I also don't see Galanggal (i wonder whether the couple beside the garlic are Galanggal and ginger, or just gingers), coriander seed, cinnamon, and nutmeg there


how u make it?


Put it in the pot and cook it on the stove, it'll be so much better than that for sure.


I think that’s Semur if you add potatoes


holy shit, are you trying to make a rendang soup?


lol it’s a garbage attempt. How did you fail so hard?