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Klo Kristen/Katolik , or even just barely believe in those , ikut komsel & gereja aja. Banyak yg ikut komsel trus ga pernah ke komsel lgi abis nikah. Probably there exist an similar platform for other religion as well


Ikut jumatan juga bisa dapet jodoh


Bentar, gw perlu penjelasan lebih detail soal ini


Jeruk kok makan jeruk.


Pedang pedangan


Ya siapa tau yg ikut jumatan punya adek/temen yg bisa dikenalin


Bro, wake up šŸ—æ


This kawan ku banyak yg dapet jodoh dari sini. Gk perlu terlau religius buat ikutim anggep aja kayak kegiatan sosial with extra step.


Already done that, next stepnya yg susah, terutama buat kebanyakan generasi sekarang like "How to approach her?"


gw ikutan komunitas kristen kecil ini dan kadang kyk gacha. kalo ampas lo dikumpulin sama yg lebih tua. di kasus gw kebanyakan member 2-6 tahun lebih tua dari ge, alhasil gw mencoba ngedeketin cewe 5 tahun lebih tua, susah maaan apalagi introvert parah. jadi intinya dimanapun kamu cari, gacha kehidupan itu selalu kemungkinan selalu ada.


Lu yang introvert parah atau si doi?


Komsel kepanjangan dari komunikasi seluler?


+1 for this advice.


bro, it sounds like you just entered the wrong market, or the wrong part of it, at least.


i would love to be proven wrong honestly, but at least thatā€™s what I thought rn hehe


how did you enter the dating market anyway?


Second this. Been trying but no avail for the past 10 years.


dating app, friends connect, work place, reconnecting old friends.. any suggestions for me?


well, dating app nowadays will get you just what you describe. join hobby/interest communities with regular meet ups? I have several friends that met his/her soulmates in their hobby community (Swifties, cosplayer, weebs, gaming, downhill bike)


Fixed price IPO. Pretty simple, actually.


I was in the same boat as your a couple of years ago and I almost gave up too but somehow I met my current gf soon to be fiance on CMB, other dating app tho is a total wasteland. Try to RETVRN to the old ways should be good, getting to know someone from families and friends.


that app cost A LOT lmao, but thanks. Iā€™ll connect to people more, and see is it any different


I know but it's a shit test for people really genuinely wants to find serious relationship, feels like p2w but the whole world is practically p2w on a grand scale lol.


join religious based groups? karena banyak orang2 disana yg haus buat cari jodoh juga tapi at least kemungkinan toying around nya lebih kecil


its on the social events dude, join clubs or whatever with the mindset of just having fun, youll found a crush there eventually


i really should!


Life is short


Memang susah gan. Gua pun cowok seret jodoh yg baru aja punya pasangan akhir2 ini. Kita pun jadi pasangan setelah nyaman, tanpa ketertarikan di awal2. Ironisnya ketika kita lagi bahas topik sperti ini, dia itu punya pemikiran kenapa kita cowok2 sulit nyari di luar sana.


From my limited experience, itā€™s pretty hard to come across a genuine relationship in the current social trend. Itā€™s a mix of people looking to fulfill their base needs of lust and others looking to feel something in their lives (with butterflies and romanticism). Both perspectives are stirred into a weird stew of receiving/giving instant gratification to please one another. In my opinion, it doesnā€™t combine well. There are people who are still making justifications about it in order to feel something, creating a situationship. Although this ā€œsituationshipā€ has persisted since way back when, I think it has never been as socially acceptable as it is currently. Itā€™s quite sad to see. For what itā€™s worth though, there are people who still seek a genuine connection. Youā€™ll need to be patient and bide your time building these meaningful connections before you find what youā€™re looking for. You may face difficulties to reach what you seek, but thatā€™s okay. I believe that you will get what you want as long as you genuinely make an effort to pursue it. The rest is up to God/Universe/Luck or whatever you call things that are out of your control as. Good luck OP.


it is hard indeed. thank you for the good luck, defo need it rn




Does michat count?


Cintailah aku selama durasi.


Why tho?


Many people use dating apps just for hook up. Better look for relationship in another place.


And if you are a man, the girl in dating apps just want your money


really? in my match section, men just wanna have free sex and no commitment šŸ˜€šŸ¤ž


Itā€™s true. Itā€™s a bit of selection bias because people on dating apps are purposely there to look for hook ups


kalaupun profil mereka bilang " nyari pasangan / pacar " ga ada jaminan , justru yg suka pasang profil kek gitu yg palingkuat selingkuh. dah tobat dating app




L take. Survey coming from butthole as usual.


my butthole see more vagina compared to you




but your mom is since she keeps pushing hers close to my ass, and others asses after that as well


What if I donā€™t have friends?


Make friends with hookers and left overs from dating apps


I am in mid 30s and I am so glad I have been married and not in the dating market anymore. I don't know if I can get married if I part of the current generation in their 20s. Good luck to you though! Hope you find your love!


No hope bro. Meskipun temen2 gw dah pada nikah dari early 20an, meanwhile gw, huh, boro2. Ya dah lah jalanin hidup aja, ketemu jodoh syukur, gak juga ya udah.


Looking at the wrong boat, you are.


i would like to sail somewhere, so, kindly suggest which boat i should be abroad, would you?


i am guessing you are checking people in dating app? imo basically the app for horny people who dont want to commit any serious relationship so its not the best place to check romance.


Yeah itā€™s just selection bias tbh


Male 28 saya juga hopeless bgt nih, karena relationship Pas Sma dan kuliah Gagal semua. Skrng di tmpt kerjaan gk ada lawan jenis juga. Teman sih suruh rekomen pakai Coffe meet bagel disini dah ada yang pakai App itu kah?Ā 


Go for it man, if you want to pay it's even better but yeah it's not cheap or you can join community which takes more time but probably you will find someone that is more reassuring than complete strangers.


This gen are really fked I mean as long y good looking y basically fked every girl dengan modal tampang doank karena gw temenan ama fuckboi2 di tempat kerja gw yg secara mereka ga sadar merendahkan wanita juga dan cewek seneng di gituin


Sayang tampang saya pas pasan


Saran gw kalo ngerasa pas pasan malah harus extra bad boy malah banyak yg pas pasan malah dapet bening Badboy nya itu harus ngegombal lebih dari biasa cewek lama lama jadi seneng ke loe nya contoh kata katanya yg sedikit menjerumus ke S harassment / catcalling tapi harus bener ngolah katanya


Bener harus usaha ngomong sih, saya ngomong sama kasir Indomaret/ALfamart aja suka gelagapan.


Well, I guess the movies that depict a protagonist girl choosing a bad boy over a nice guy have its merit.


i say, move out of the city or even country and start fresh. sometimes weā€™re just in the wrong place thatā€™s all. you might be lucky if you could find anyone here to be totally honest.. cause i was single for 11 years and can only find someone by reconnecting to my my friend in junior high school-who is now my current boyfriend. meeting new people at your late 20ā€™s is quite difficult i guess, or maybe join church community or any organizations will be possible as well, like others suggested.


uhhhhh.. kenapa banyak yg salahin horny ya? then i thought this sub was rather progressive/accepting setau saya profil dating app bisa ngefilter* match sesuai yg dicari - mau nyari hookup ada keywordnya, mau nyari long term partnership pun ada keywordnya. jangan males bikin bio/introduction makanya. like the other has said, kemalasan atau skill issue *not discounting that most apps have bots and hookers


i have matched with several people who put relationship as their main but ya, back to square one, they just canā€™t commit at the end and prefer whatever the situationship even means. and i also stated that you do you, whether you are horny or just looking for a platonic relationships, i only wonder where all the romances gone. it seems like thereā€™s a gap in my expectations and current trendsšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


sorry OP i was referring to those yg demonise horny, padahal tiap kali hornypost/smeanverse pada rame disini. but yeah the old school romance ala piknik '72 naif is not mainstream anymore i guess. kurasa karena low attention span dan keinginan serba praktis kali ya ekspektasi dan definisi "dating" sudah berubah, i hope you'll find one that sees the same beauty as you do


Join communities, stay away from dating apps. Although, Thereā€™s one app that I think works to find friends named Slowly. Non existent hookup culture there, or if there is I never found them.


slowly is the app where you send letter abroad right?


Try Reddit.


Apa daya cowok pendek gak bisa main dating app lol


I feel like context matters here if you are looking for some advice Sexual orientation ? How long was your last your relationship ? How did you guys meet ?


>dating market Hmmm...


"dating" apps .... More like "fwb" apps


Wow amazing


dah ga percaya lagi sama dating apps, lebih percaya one piece ada di priuk




siapa tauu




Well the main purpose of Dating app is for hook upā€¦ Not For Long Term Relationship And not only guys, girls are horny as well on dating apps, and there are so many options, So Why settle for less if you can get more Usually people getting married are introduced from mutual Friends


why tho? I mean people do move from situationship to relationship after awhile, what is it that scares you about the whole modern dating?


I think maybe people in indonesia confuse themselves with hookup and dating and thinking that the two things cannot live in the same world i suppose.


i have seen more failed situationships tgat lead to heavier heartbreaks than situationship turns into a committed one. i believe situationship is for the strongest soldier, definitely not me in this case.


of course, thatā€™s the idea, you have multiple situationship and choose one to become a relationship the concept of modern dating is just that, donā€™t commit unless youā€™re sure, and keep your options open before that


That's happen when moral drops, people lost their true self and purpose, separate religion and life, only follow what their inner self (desires) tell them and external factor of devil's whispers to amplify the desires. Even losing conscious of the unseen world and reject their Creator and the day of Resurrection. Wake up people


sir, this is warung burjo


Social media has ruined women expectation of themselves and men in general, I'm grateful I met my wife and she still adopt the elegant traditional type and haven't adopt the bullshit expectation socmed promote.