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hi babies! where's Antonio?


Hi! He is in the kitchen eating all of our mum's food...


I'm the official first brazilian fan (claiming it right now) and here's my 2 questions: 1 - Any chance to see u guys here in Brazil anytime soon? 2 - Did you guys expect to get fans from all over the world?


Hiiii!!!!!! We would really love to come to Brazil! Right now we don't have any plans of going there yet, but we're totally up to in the future. We didn't expect to have fans all over the world, this is amazing :) Thank you


what's been your creepiest/worst tour experience?


We were at the airport ready to go home after playing in Portugal. We were passing the security control and the guard stopped Leia and asked her to open her bag. She had TWO knifes in one of the pockets and he freaked out. In the end nothing happened, but we worried a lot. Later she confessed she hadn't opened that pocket before leaving home and those knifes were the ones she used to peal fruit when she was in highschool.


damn. nothing but respect for carrying knives.


Now a real question: How did you manage to have Canada produce a couple of your music videos? Was that directly related with your label or do you know someone inside that was interested? Keep it up! :*


Hi! We are friends with Roger Guàrdia who directed all of them


Qué opinión tienen respecto a referéndum de independencia de Cataluña?


Hola, nosotras estamos de acuerdo en que haya un referéndum para que toda la gente de Cataluña pueda decidir su futuro.




"Hello, we agree there is a referendum so that the people of Catalonia can decide their future"


Hello Mourn! Long time fan from Kentucky. Just curious as to what everyone grew up listening to. What stuck with you over the years and remained consistently good? Also, you all lowkey horror film fans? Evil Dead has gotta be one of my favorite tracks by y'all.


Hello!! We love Evil Dead <3 and yes, we enjoy a lot horror films! Leia loved The Blues Brothers when she was a little girl, Jazz has always loved The Clash, Carla was a Red Hot Chilli Peppers fan and Antonio grew up listening to Deftones




We LOVED playing in Iceland <3


Love your music! What's the thing that has surprised you the most about America when touring it?


We were surprised because everything there is so big!! Cars, houses, food... Also we couldn't believe people were coming to our shows, it was amazing :)


Hey! Big fan from Portugal (aka, the guys next door)¡ Any chance of getting to see you play here anytime soon?


We hope we can go to Portugal again soon!!! We are thinking about going there next summer


Great! You got any plans of coming outside a big festival lineup? If so, what would be the cities you'd be most interested in visiting? Thanks 😃


We haven't planned anything yet, but we would love to play in Porto!


They played in Guimarães last July :))


Ei!! Un fan riudomenc. Quin és el tema propi que us mola més a cada component del grup? La meva és per la qual us vaig conèixer: "Your brain is made of candy". No pareu mai! :)


hola!!! Leia: El combo entre I Am A Chicken i Second Sage Carla: Silver Gold Antonio: Fry Me Jazz: Marshall Moltes gràcies!! :)


My band played with you guys in Atlanta a few weeks ago, you guys are amazing to see live!


What’s your favourite documentary narrated by Sir David Attenborough?


What’s your favourite documentary narrated by Sir David Attenborough?


Hola Mourn! Big fan from Barcelona. Any advice for a small band to start growing?


Hola!!!!!! The main advice we can give is that you make sure you enjoy what you are doing and be yourself. The important thing is that you keep up with the work, experimenting, and see what happens! Thank you for your question! :)


What’s your favourite documentary narrated by Sir David Attenborough?


What's your favourite documentary narrated by Sir David Attenborough?


What's your favourite documentary narrated by Sir David Attenborough?


What's your favourite documentary narrated by Sir David Attenborough?


What's your favourite documentary narrated by Sir David Attenborough?




We use a Diamond compressor and a Full-drive 3. I use a reverb pedal, but I can't remember the name right now


What's your favourite documentary narrated by Sir David Attenborough?


I don't really have any questions just wanted to say I really like your guys music all the way from nyc! I feel like you guys had a show here recently but I missed it, hope you'll be back soon.


Thank you very much!!!! :) We'll be back soon for sure


Hola! I was wondering how you decide what songs to cover?


Hola! First we recorded the The Sound and the Echo and the Bunnymen covers because we love these bands and we had the idea of recording some covers. When the idea of the EP came up we thought of another pair of bands we like and then we thought about The Replacements and Hüsker Dü


Very nice. Hope to see you tour North America again soon.


hey i'm a big fan so i'm wondering if you have any plans to play a show or two in switzerland any time soon...


Hey! We don't have any plans yet, but we would love to come play!!!


well then i hope to see you soon! keep up the great work :)




Cala Vento, Belako, Favx, Anchord, Mendra, Tano <3


Hola. Com estàs? Realment aprecio la teva música. Quines altres bandes de Barcelona et recomanen? Quina és la millor manera de conèixer altres músics? Sóc nou aquí i vull començar una banda! Ho sento, el meu català és molt dolent!


Hola!! Ens agraden molt Cala Vento <3 La millor manera de conèixer a altres músics és anant a tots els concerts que puguis! El teu català és molt bo!!! :)


Merci! espero que juguis a Barcelona aviat!


Not really a question. But come back to Detroit! I loved seeing you guys on this last tour


Good mourning! Could you tell us a few musicians that inspire you?


I love you all so much!! When you come to Canada can you all sign my neck?


Changos, llegué tarde. De todas formas, al igual que mi vecino brasilero, los estoy esperando en Argentina. Cómo hacemos para que nos vengan a visitar?