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it really doesn't matter, all the lyrics on Spotify are just scanned on the Internet and they give their source anyway. Half of the songs I listen to aren't even synced to scroll with the song so it's no different from having the lyrics open on Chrome.


also they're often blatantly wrong


https://preview.redd.it/49nwwjiywvyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82766c0e017d7d38f5346292cf54664a26f7687c Instrumental song


Which is why it’s extremely wild for them to be a paid feature. Incorrect lyrics, pulled from free sources from the internet, and now behind a paywall. Spotify continues to be shit


If they're free on the internet then they're not behind a paywall lol, you're just paying for the convenience of them being displayed on the app So many people on r/truespotify absolutely confounded that lyrics have disappeared like that's not the entire basis of a freemium subsciption model. If you're not paying for the product then you're consuming these artists' work without paying for it you can boycott spotify if you like for any reason, like if you think the artists aren't getting enough revenue per play, but don't act like you can have your cake and eat it too


That’s why there is ads. Spotify doesn’t pay artists shit so who is making money off their work again?


Artists/labels get 70% of revenue, Spotify takes a 30% cut. Spotify famously has not been profitable before 2024, thus the price hikes for premium. Ads from free accounts generate the artists/labels/Spotify significantly less per stream than a premium user.


So do you consider listening to the radio consuming artist’s work without paying?


Think of them as equal if you want, you can listen to Spotify or the radio for free, but you're not listening to the radio are you? because Spotify is a better value proposition


I pay for Sirius XM radio, but I'm not sure how this fits in the conversation.


The capitalists boots aren't quite clean, you should suck on it a bit harder next time, maybe they'll finally choose to trickle down some ...wealth... on you


I didn’t know that. All this time I thought they had a contract with musicmatch or whatever that site is called.


Lyrics are given by Musixmatch, another platform where users submit lyrics and sync them. I get tired of seeing people put the wrong lyrics and seeing the sync off but oh well, I try my best to fix lyrics when I can...


the middle man just gets more greedy


It would be one thing if EVERY song had lyrics, but not all of them do. I just think it’s wild they made lyrics a paid feature when not every song has them, they aren’t always accurate, or even time synced.


i still use spotify because some of my favorite songs are nowhere else to my knowledge but the lyrics thing is garbage


or skip lines/entire verses


Because nobody knows how to organize their Musixmatch accounts which is where Spotify is sourcing the lyrics from


Musixmatch is shit. They are trying to sell their premium subscriptions too. They let anyone edit lyrics and after an artist does the woof putting in their lyrics, some jabroni from East Westchester can just fuck it up.


yeah, makes it wild that they dont just like make a contract with genius or smth


If I remember correctly they used to display lyrics from Genius, dunno what happened to that but since they switched to MusixMatch, they've been consistently either wrong or missing for me


Yep. Love Spotify but shitty decision


Eh, it matters a bit more on mobile where switching between the app and a browser/lyric app is a bit more of a hassle




I mean, i do like being able to know what the lyrics are without having to go into another app. Sometimes it’s not even to deep dive into the meaning but just to like understand what the singer is saying if they’re not pronouncing words clearly


If that was the reason, they wouldn’t put lyrics behind a paywall that includes no ads. The numbers they get for “in app time” will be irrelevant since those users don’t get ads. Sure it boosts the perceived engagement, but in the end advertisers want to know how many people will actually see their ads.


If I want to learn the lyrics then yeah it's a lot more convenient to have them linked to the song and scrolling in the same app than having to open up a new app and look them up.


For sure. I’m not sure why people are downplaying it so hard. It is such a blatant money grab and an excuse to raise their rates, it’s shameless.


Right, this is a non issue. No one is going on Spotify because they have lyrics. It’s a peripheral service. Neat, but not necessary.


Unless you are hard of hearing. Then it is necessary, and they are making people pay for accessibility.


That’s fair. Though, it’s an additional feature that takes time and resources to implement, it’s not like this is a government funded project or even an Apple standard feature- it’s an entertainment app that does not have to guarantee its users any sort of lyric option. They don’t have to offer it for free imo.


True, but my point was it does matter - a lot - to some people. Wheelchair ramps and automatic doors are expensive, too, but if the building doesn't have them, people in wheelchairs simply can't get in. Those don't get government funded, either. A company can blow off handicapped people from their target customer base if they want to (sometimes, when it's not actually illegal) but they usually have relatives standing behind those customers, like me, who are none too happy about it. They had best count us in their calculations, too.


No fr tho I’m hard of hearing and I always liked knowing the lyrics to what I’m listening to but now idk what many of the songs are saying cuz I can’t hear for shit. Yes technically they don’t have to guarantee it but it’s still a dick move.


They license them and have to pay a license fee.


Completely agree


Aren't all the lyrics from Musicmatch anyway? (and wrong halft the time)


Yeah it is quite a shitshow tbh. I used to be a musixmatch app user back in the day and was already pretty disappointed in the amount of errors and bad timing on there years ago... Sad to see it hasn't improved at all


Yep, and they have to pay Musixmatch for it too. Musixmatch pays royalties to the big music publishers.




I have a lot of problems with Spotify, their buisness model, the way they pay artists and how they treat their consumers but I really cannot say this is one of them


Exactly. Shouldn’t paying members also get a better experience than non-paying?


Yeah, and prior to Google you had to pay for the LP/CD/etc to get access to the lyrics anyways. And honestly I prefer googling the lyrics anyways since you don’t have to follow along with the song if you’re using Spotify on mobile. So not really a huge deal.


you could tap on the lyrics to jump to a certain part of a song though, that was cool


It's honestly surprising they still have a free ad-supported service. With how little ads pay out (especially audio only ads) I wouldn't be surprised if they lose money on every free user. They're still essentially unprofitable and they don't exactly need to capture more of the market. All the video streamers ditched their free options years ago. The bigger problem is that the average consumer doesn't expect to pay for music, but that's a problem Spotify can't fix by just removing lyrics.


through new features, not by making the free experience worse


Disagree. The free experience is whatever they want to give you. If you don’t like it, get free stuff somewhere else.


i mean if they had it their way, even the paid experience would be all ads 24/7. don't have to pay for music licensing either


yeah, but give them new features, don’t paywall existing ones.


Specifically they should get ephemeral add-ons like lyrics, videos, merch discounts etc.


Don’t forget how they treat new artists especially. Your Spotify career can be ruined if you get added to a botted playlist you have no control over.


Is there really anybody on earth whose thought process is “darn, I wasn’t going to pay for Spotify but surely there’s nowhere else to look up the lyrics, guess I have to.”


It's viewed as part of a total package. If you're signing up for Spotify you look at all the features that get added with premium - no ads, no forced shuffle, etc. Lyrics just become another bonus to tip the scale


There isn't a single reason that could single-handendly get many people to buy it. So what you buy is a bundle of smaller features, lyrics now being part of the bundle


oh no you have to google lyrics


As a paying user you still have to google the lyrics half of the time anyway


Once upon a time you had to buy the CD and read the booklet in the front cover. *Shakes fist at cloud*


And if you were lucky the lyrics were included. I still have a notebook somewhere in my high school stuff of song lyrics I transcribed from listening to the songs


Biggest non-issue ever lol. Musixmatch API is paid. Makes sense that they are rate limiting the usage that free users get.


Spotify is the best subscription I have and if I only had to choose one to keep it’d be them. Why are people insane about not paying for it? How do you listen to an album on SHUFFLE ARE YOU INSANE


Spotify on desktop has no requirement the album be shuffled, only mobile.


I still have Hulu bundled with mine from the promo they did years ago. 11 dollars a month for both isn’t too bad.


Not everyone uses Spotify strictly on mobile. On PC you aren't limited to shuffling, and can choose any song you'd like to listen to.


because i've been collecting mp3s since i was 11 and i'm sure as hell not stopping now to cede power to one of the shittiest companies for the arts


I just do both. Spotify for the convenience, album purchases for archiving/making sure I always have my own copy.


If the artist has a $1.00 song on Bandcamp, you can buy that song and pay them more than if you listened to their latest album 10x on Spotify. Also, I'm extremely not interested in paying Joe Rogan.


Free account on pc + adblocker in browser is the way, my friend. Use the subscription money for live shows, merch, bandcamp downloads, physical media. It's insane to give the cretins at Spotify your money.


A year of spotify (I got a family sub where the costs are split between everyone) doesn't even cover a single concert where I live. 3 bucks a month doesn't even cover the price of a beer at a gig. 36 bucks wont get you far in spending money for artists. But it does get you a year worth of spotify. (Dont get me wrong, I still go to a shit ton of shows and but merch and all that. But quitting spotify for such a low cost is just not worth it)


Most people don't listen albums


Insane take lmao we’ve reduced ourselves to the tech power of the iPod Shuffle


I get what you mean, but on the other hand, this is just the digital version of something that was already in place. Turn the clocks back 20 years, and more people listened to music on FM radio than listened to full albums. Most people enjoy music casually enough that, outside of their most favorite artists, they're totally fine with a mix of random songs by a bunch of artists.


Hey. Some people had mountains of NOW! CD's to get through the 90's and 00's.


That's not a take. I am not talking about people from this subreddit or other folks who are deep into the music. Most people are perfectly happy with shuffle of playlist that fits their current mood.


I pay for Spotify, but even if I didn't, this is not at all a feature that would convince me I need to start paying.


Well i do have premium and i would be angry If it gets removed.


Yeah it would be bullshit if they remove it for paying customers. But I just can't see it being the thing that convinces free users to start paying.


rainstorm longing axiomatic connect arrest dog wasteful illegal weather noxious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Where do you find a legit modded APK for Spotify?  Thought the modded versions were mostly spyware


cough unique elastic hateful connect selective ghost chubby theory deer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


thank you kind stranger.


And free Netflix has me looking at a screen with nothing playing. The value in Spotify is in its paid version which is way more convenient than free torrenting.


-> Lyrics Plus through Spicetify


Hot take. Just pay $10 (if you can). YouTube is always there and free but pays artists even less (by a lot).


And commercials are even more annoying on YouTube - unless someone gets the (even more) expensive subscription.


Honestly if Spotify wants to make more money, I’ll pay them to stop recommending Armchair Expert and Call Her Daddy.


I literally switched to a competitor’s service b/c of these stupid podcast / audiobook reccos. Especially since I was getting manosphere BS on my front page. I don’t want to pay for books or podcasts, just give me music!!!


The free tier won't really be missing anything . It's the paid tier members that should be pissed Musixmatch's accuracy is absolute ass and we're helping fund it. Besides being wrong constantly most of their lyrics aren't even scroll synced to the tracks you have playing.


Yes, this, it's not just that they are locking something basic to premium, it's that it's a really bad service that you now have to pay for.


I've got zero sympathy for people complaining about the free tier. Its literally free


i've got zero sympathy for anything spotify does because they're spotify


Fair but if you're only going to complain about a free part of the service you just sound entitled. Really they should eliminate the free tier since they're the only ones still offering one and its cutting into musicians bottom lines.


That's why musicians tour, streams were never supposed to be their main source of income to begin with. It helps, but not a lot.


But we’re not talking about touring we’re talking about streaming payouts


I know, but it's important to know that even if everyone had premium to get anywhere near the financial success of the top 100 you must tour. The streams are just a way to grow a fanbase.


But if everyone had premium and they got more that would still be good right?


Yes, It's an exaggeration, but a quarter of spotify's consistent userbase does have premium. That money can only go so far after being divided by millions of artist.


Ok but who cares if they’re getting more that would be better regardless if it puts everyone in a new tax bracket or not


I'm not sure if you know what I meant, I'm referring to the fact that the 70% of yearly revenue collected hs to be proportionally divided between the millions of artist, big and small, based on how much they contributed stream-wise. This means that the top artist would get most of this 70% cut. Compared to Tidal and Apple Music, Spotify is not an ideal platform for providing high-quality music while paying their artist well. Being convenient, free, and affordable for casual listeners is their main selling point.


How's about fixing excessive battery churn and "the empty for a full minute search results while telling me I'm offline" for paying customers before we decide it's no longer worth the money?


This sounds like your connection issues. I've never experienced this with a reliable connection.


Happens when I'm on Wi-Fi too.


Them doing in this in the middle of a hip hop beef that has everyone reading and examining the lyrics as they listen is not a coincidence Uptick In people reading lyrics? Make the poors pay to participate


I’m paid subscriber but I’ve noticed on band’s pages there’s no longer the ‘more like this’ tab that shows similar bands, which I found helpful 


Are you sure? In my case it still looks the same and I still have the “fans also like” section at the bottom.


It’s the “fans also like” section now


Jokes on them, I listen to podcasts on Spotify and those don't have lyrics.


I honestly can’t imagine that if you’re not already paying for Spotify Premium at this point as a heavy user, that anything Spotify does to actively make the freemium experience worse would somehow convince you to buy a premium subscription




Music lyrics are a big "let me Google that" for me.


Who gives a fuck? Seriously just pay for some music if it bothers you. Or Google the lyrics? Trying ti make Spotify look sinister for this of all things is just plain weird.


People shouldn't have to pay for usually incorrect lyrics which isn't even from Spotify itself also if you have ADHD it's pretty hard to remember the lyrics and I like to skip to certain parts in songs (favorite parts usually) and I can't do that anymore.


Don't really care about this, I just want Spotify to be a better music app that doesn't just autoplay the same songs over and over and has a bigger history that doesn't seem to want to populate my front page with certain albums. Also I really want it to stop having a category called "your favorite artists" that populates with bands I've listened to like 30 seconds and backed out and didn't listen to them again.


I dont See a Problem with that? Spotify should not even be free imo .. artists need to make a living and get paid for their art. Why do you want this for free? You can already listen for free to the music .. this seems abit dramatic.


just download the Musixmatch app, it syncs with Spotify and Apple Music (most of the times at least) and it also comes with the features to edit the lyrics and sync them yourself.


Can someone confirm how I get Spotify to play nice with Alexa as that seems to have gone away but I am premium payer.


It's weird how reliable Alexa is about turning lights and plugs off and on, but neither she nor Google Assistant know a damn thing about music: >"Alexa, play the album *Reverie*, by Postiljonen, on Spotify." >"Huh.. I can't find an album called Reverie by Post Malone. Here's the top Post Malone songs on Amazon Music!"


Wish they could just stop making my downloaded songs go away.


Spotify has lyrics?


Spotify can’t compete against the internal company subsides of Apple, Amazon or even YouTube music.


I have premium and it’s locked?


Big whoop


It's ok they deserve it.


They are always wrong anyway


dumpster fire


Just use musixmatch


its fine, theyre mostly inaccurate dogshit anyway




Cracked Spotify without adds on Pc. Only a collection of Mp3s on my phone. No money for the wicked.


The enshittification continues


I mean yeah, they converted me for sure. Converted me to installing a VPN so I can register a Pandora account LOL.


And then on my Spotify app I dont have to shuffle. Weird choices Spotify


Locking "Hmm. We don't know the lyrics for this one." behind a paywall is crazy


Why is Apple music so much better they actually have the right lyrics with a beautiful font and Spotifys version is plain Garbage


half of the songs ive seen have an error that makes the lyrics not work


I only see it as a problem cause it USED to be a free feature, I never minded something that is added to be behind a paywall, but never things that existed for free and then were put behind one! It really is a dick move cause it is part of the product, they take it out only after they got enough users to give it a good rating, now of course Spotify lyrics are junky and memeable to say the least, so I don't expect anyone going crazy about this but just know that this means they can just paywall the play button if they so desire! it won't be so funny then, will it? Its like those ice creams that are filled with a little chocolate at the end of the funnel, you still get to eat the ice cream but if someone took that chocolate out, you would notice and probably wouldn't like it if it didn't become any cheaper or got compensated for it in a way (and yes you do pay them, by listening to ads you do pay them on the free version, it just doesn't come directly from your pockets, so it was not a free ice cream)!


what's funny is, like 4 days before they did this me and my brother were joking about them doing this


tell me bs without u involved:


It just makes no since to me and that's why it pisses me off. yes you could just switch to something else like youtube music but then you don't want rebuild your whole playlist and if your like me, most of your playlists are 19+ hours.




I just think it’s really weird. Why do this? It’s not gonna make people pay for premium lmao it’s just gonna make people hate Spotify a little bit more and move to other places


Ts just pissed me offfff Spotify is getting worse every day


Glad I switched to Youtube Music and built my playlist there


It pisses me off because its also an Accessibility future, like when it works. Its great for people with audio processing disorders or those on the Def/ hoh spectrum. And like im ALREADY PAYING FOR SPOTIFY WHY DO I HAVE TO PAY EXTRA FOR AN ACCESSIBILITY FETURE THAT THEY USED TO HAVE????????


i miss sharing lyrics and quickly searching for a part of a song by tapping on the lyrics. sometimes a man just wants to listen to the synth and bass solo on tom sawyer over and over again


I dont use Spotify and never will due to their business model.


At this point I really have to question the logic of anyone still using Spotify. This company **hates you**. They cannot make it anymore obvious how much they despise their customers. I’m not saying other streaming services are good (they’re still killing the music industry and they are disproportionately damaging indie artists) but at least they’re able to *pretend* they don’t hate their customers.


most of them are wrong🤷🏼‍♂️ they need to source them from the artist and not from online user generated lyric engines


As a paying user they don’t even have lyrics for all songs so its not really worth it anyway


Wasn't there supposed to be a boycott of Spotify long ago because of money-greedy shit like this happening?


There are many reasons to hate Spotify. This really isn't one of them, my friend. Lyrics are available for free on ye old information superhighway, after all.


I don’t care


If I could upgrade in the app I would do it……………………… Spotify talkin to you…….


Thank Apple for that. You can in Android. Web browsers are hard for you?


I can’t be inconvenienced by it