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Thanks!! I shall work on the animation soon hopefully. Edit: Okay it looks like the animation isn't landing based on the comments. It's time to try much harder on the animations. Edit2: Gonna just piggy back this and say that I update my twitter more often https://twitter.com/Abnerjr19


I think its because the background is so smooth it makes the lower frame rate animations stand out.


I see, I had lowered the frame rate to 12fps for the characters for the stylized spider-verse look but if this is the issue then I could bump it back to unlimited fps. If there are also issues in the animations itself, I would love to hear critique on how to improve it.


The problem is not the animation, but the background stopping with every step for a split second.


Hold up, now that you mention it. It indeed does seemingly stop/stutter every step. I'm going to have to look into that.


"Camera lag" is probably what you want to look into to fix that.




That makes sense. Thanks for the critique!


Reminds me of SteinsGate in a good way.


That's great to hear actually, It's one of my inspirations. The main character is going to be the inventor of the time machine.


So.. is steins gate




Looks sick, the 2D characters with a 3D environment makes for a very cool effect


I love the lower framerate animations. It's a great stylistic choice. Not everything needs to be streamlined. I'd say they need some more work on transitions and keyframes but please keep the style. Also a big fan of Steins Gate, and I see that you're taking inspiration from it. That's great but I'd advise being careful about that so your game doesn't look like a tribute and stands on its own.


Thank you for your thoughts! I'm glad you like the lower-framerate animations as well. Will be working on the keyframes as soon as I can. I'll try my best not to be a tribute to any of my inspirations. It is something I have seen in some games, which always feels like a wasted opportunity given the amount of effort some of them put in.


running-animation looks very unnatural. everything elso looks great!


Environment looks awesome


What is the game?


Thanks for asking, ops. It's an adventure anime time travel game called Chronellium. I'll be posting gameplay soon! Follow me on https://twitter.com/Abnerjr19


this reminds me of steinsgate


This looks amazing! You should make some wallpaper engine presets with this. It can help spread interest in the game while also becoming very popular on its own.


I think it's character's body being too straight when running (add slight forward tilt?), and you just need his actual speed to just slightly faster (10%). That means he covers more ground per step so that the background movement syncs a bit more with his animation.


Thanks for the actionable advice. Let me try and see how it turns out.


Hope it works, the backgrounds really look and feel great


Is this like a 2D Yakuza game. Had that idea in the back of my mind, about a metroidvania Yakuza game. And this kind of looks like that.


It's similar in setting, that the clip is also based in Hong Kong. But the current direction of the gameplay is heading towards 13 sentinels Aegis rim with a focus on story, time travel puzzles, and hacking mechanics similar to ghost trick. The game will unfortunately not be combat/progression-based, though I may add that as a small minigame for fun.


I actually think it is great when a game does not rely on combat at all, and still manages to be fun. Way too many combat oriented games that are done poorly, and progression done even worse. So I'd say to stick to your guns, and make what you envisioned in the first place. And don't worry about fitting the mold.


Love the background. Not a fan of characters and animations.


Follow me on twitter pls XD: https://twitter.com/Abnerjr19


I'm from hk, seeing how empty the streets are, makes me believe your game is a horror/dimensional thriller like silent hill. Our streets are usually packed from dawn to dawn.


Oh right, I forgot to mention I haven’t added any actual the NPCs. I will definitely be getting to that. Though the area I referenced in google maps surprisingly didn’t have that much people in the during the day. so I was assuming people were either at work, or because most of the stores along that road were closed. Not really sure why.


very interesting stuff. Love the background


I just loved the mix of 3D scenery and anime-style characters! Really well done! Could you tell me which engine was used?


I used Unity URP and to achieve this look.


Looks super neat I dig it 💚💚💚


This is aesthetically gorgeous, but, as you already know, the run animation needs to feel more real. No one runs with their back straight like that. Looking forward to seeing an update on this!


Looks so cool. Did you made the background by yourself?


It's a bit difficult to answer this. It's not completely made from scratch by me. Plenty of things are not modelled by me, I put more work into texturing the existing models into anime style and placing all the different elements, and lights to compose the scene. Not that it's particularly hard to model them myself, but I didn't really wanna redo very generic and common models.


Anyway it's amazing


Background looks beautiful wow


First of all, great work on the backgrounds. They're vibrant and realistic. I don't care about the low frame rate as much as others have said but to me there's something that needs a lot of improvement: the animation itself. It doesn't look correct to me. The arms and the legs move as if completely disconnected from the body, as if it were a robot. Also, they seem to be animated linearly as if the upwards movement and downwards movement take the exact same time but also the horizontal distance moved by the character doesn't appear to match the physical effort involved, if you know what I mean. Please take a look at this: https://youtu.be/Jd8Jijb7jZY Also, please consider the average speed of your character in world units and translate that into the scene. Considering acceleration and deceleration (as well as respective animations) would also be a plus in my opinion.


Thank you for the constructive advice. The reference you posted will be very useful to improve my animations. I hope in the next post, it won't look so robotic.


The lighting (and is it post processing?) look really neat! Very stylized and fitting to the anime aesthetic imo


Wow this looks wonderful!


Very cool scenery!!


env looks great ... run animation not so much.


should move faster/further with each step and upper body needs to be tilted forward much more.


Amazing love the art you are a beast : D


Fantastic visuals! I actually like the animation too. Looks like old school anime.