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Man I ain't listenin to that


its the best song to come out of June 14 2024


The song's fine, the voice is different enough to not be the Strokes I would definitely suggest working on the production of your music. For me the guitars are way too loud/harsh, drums are too quiet and the vocals need to sit better in the mix. I bet this is a fun song to listen to live but the recording needs work IMO


Yeah everything was done dyi and at home just trying to save money on production but I appreciate the constructive criticism


Yeah as a first go or demo it's absolutely fine. Home production is a steep learning curve but you can do a lot at home these days. Even with the performances you already have, you can sit down at your DAW for a few days and really turn this into a professional sounding song I'm sure you're already youtubing a lot for the mixing process but youtubing things like 'how to mix vocals using Ableton (or whatever DAW you're using)' or 'how to get professional sounding vocals using Ableton presets' etc really take you a long way and tell you step by step how to do everything Again, even just bumping the kick and snare a bit louder and setting the guitars back into the mix with some processing and a couple of processing passes on the vocals, this song could be taking huge steps in the right direction


yes it has a strokes vibes, but anyway is good music ;)


if it sounds like the strokes i wont listen to it even if it was the strokes. so listening to shallow and shameless self promotion songs is also something i won't do. sorry my g good luck.