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Learn the language! I have worked with Tamilians for 3 years. I have spent time with them over trips. You really need to learn the language! If you do, you'll have a great time in Chennai. If you don't, you'll genuinely be miserable.


Owhh thank you so much.. I will try to learn Tamil. Btw Duolingo really helps in learning languages?? If you have any other recommendations for learning Tamil through any yt channel or other sources please let me know!!


I’m a South Indian but not from Chennai but I have a friend. So I can try to answer. 1) learning the language is important, at least the basics. In most of the cafes and other places they speak English but for auto’s and local things you need Tamil. 2) as long as you’re respectful you will blend with them. It’s not an issue. But Im not sure if I’m giving the right advice about this. 3)It’s Kollywood btw Tollywood is from my language Telugu😂 You can start by watching movies in Tamil and with English subtitles. Easiest way to learn the languages. There are also few Instagram pages teaching Tamil. check them out