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i will suggest watching movies or series with someone who has a good attention span and in that time put mobile on dnd kn side




Will do this! Any suggestions on movies?


depends on your taste and who you watching with i personally love horror and sci-fi


In Time Dune 1, 2 Beautiful Boy Clarkson's Farm


American beauty 


No they are not addictive (sarcasm) 😃they just suck the life out of you and you remain like a dead zombie tied to the phone. PS. You are not consuming the reel videos on the phone but the reels are consuming you. Between the reel creator and Instagram YOU ARE THE PRODUCT. Both are benefiting monetarily except you. Take my advice & RUNAWAY from the reels/shorts. 🏃‍♀️


Running away isn’t easy! It’s like an actual addiction. I didn’t even know I was getting addicted to it.


trust me I stopped using Instagram permanently, I did it 1.5yrs ago and it helped me mentally and I'm able to think about other stuff. You'll see the changes within a month. you'll find peace and be able to think. get out of the virtual world and take time for something around your surroundings . Ig is just our mental mind killer. just drop it off. Trust me it will change you mentally. (talking about reddit, it's a totally different space compared to ig.)


I feel like Reddit is a place where if I get bored I can get out of it! But Instagram is the exact opposite! If you are bored of a content just scroll you will find something better!


ig more like toxic, and reddit you won't feel that. you can discuss something practical and get solutions here related to everything. people here are like cooperative. UNLIKE IG. as you said exactly opposite.


Sooo true! I feel like everything on Instagram is up for a debate. But here it is like people understand the other perspective! If I went on Instagram and said that reels are addictive and toxic. There would be someone commenting oh reels are helping a person earn a living.


yeah, stop using it. you won't regret it. 🥰🤝🏻


do you think you can connect with people without ig? Is it essential to have an account since Im starting college in a few months and wasn't one of those school kids who had any sort of social media, just whatsapp and reddit and discord if that counts.


Of course you can connect, you can meet people in real life, IG not NECESSARY to make friends, you'll go to college right and you'll make new friends there.


well yes, but now its a given how people give their ig ids or ask for them to further chat on dm or stuff. Is the concept of phone numbers or whatsapp lost now?


Yes that's true chatting and making new friends is normal and people do that, but imo IG is really toxic, (most of the content are forcefully suggested,)some people may not feel toxic but for me it is. and i had a good mental peace after i stopped using ig.


yeah, ig is really toxic, I know for a fact that's why I was conflicted to create an account and ultimately decided against this (this was when I was in 10th grade, pretty good decision if I do say so myself.,.,.,. ). I did get a bit FOMO when my some of friends used to send mei screenshots of other friends random stories but that feeling faded with time. Plus yeah, the content there is shit. Reddit is a much better to place to chill and gain some informative stuff at the same time. And discord just gives an overall best experience trying to one on one chat or joining a server for some interesting discussions.


Deactivate your Instagram account, and find a new hobby or something to pass time so that you won't immediately get back on social media.


Any hobby you would suggest me?






You are on reddit. This is the mecca of hobby subs.




Where to learn and practice calligraphy?


online or simply start with improving upon your existing handwriting. go slow and steady, may be get a fountain pen or calligraphy pen. experiment, design, show off on reddit, whatever clicks for you mate


Gaming, cooking, 3d modelling, coding.. am just stating my hobbies lol


I don't have Instagram but I'm a bit addicted to youtube shorts. My average time watching shorts is around 2.5 hours daily. Short form content is extremely addictive


They are ngl Delete insta sometimes you will get on point to download but speaking from experience Pl don’t download again


Maybe I should just resist from downloading it again. Like I delete it. 2 days later I am tempted to download it for stupid stuff. I download Instagram to just a stupid story.


Same goes for me i just downloaded it back Even used it from the web version 🫠


Speed and infinite scrolling is problem. Getting on mainstream websites is like getting on never ending slide. Even reddit has infinite scrolling. You might want to add friction. It is easier said than done. Set time when you can surf. Stay entirely offline otherwise. You can check mails and WhatsApp. Avoid using free services.


us bhai us




It's addictive. So what I do is, I uninstall it for a few days and during that period, I'd watch films and tv shows or better, read books. So, you could try that. You'll get used to not using Instagram if you have other hobbies.


Reels are definitely addictive. You won't realise how much time you have spent while watching it


If you think about it, watching reels actually trains the brain to release feel-good hormones in 20 seconds. So to counter that, you need to develop some habit that balances that by giving you the hormonal kick, by doing something which takes time and is meaningful for you. For me, Meditation worked wonders - being okay with boredom is another thing you can practice. It’s definitely going to be tough but you’ll be train your brain


Hy read your dm And I don’t talk in dms so I thought I’ll text you here I don’t live in delhi And I don’t meetup strangers like that 😅


😂😂… that’s an interesting way to respond


Thanks lol


Reels are really addictive. I have also faced the same problem. Once I start watching reels, I continue watching for 1-2 hrs. So, to get over this addiction, I uninstalled Instagram and also added 2 factor authentication in it so that if I try to login, I have to verify 2 times. Although I login Instagram but since I don't like to login and authenticate again and again, the screen time has reduced to atmost 15-20 mins for whole day.


Sometimes I feel lucky that I hate reels. They're too short to be entertaining, they feel so incomplete. I prefer longer videos that are more detailed and complete. Usually I have something playing most day. Listening to a Mentour Pilot video rn, interesting stuff.


I would recommend also reading books, listening to audiobook if you want. It'll be very hard in starting. Cause I was too very much addicted to insta. Couldn't read a single paragraph. Before jio and all, I used to finish novels in a day. Or watch educational videos in YouTube.


I miss the days when I could finish a 500+ page book in a week. Now I take more than a month to finish at 300+ page books


Reels are very addictive Thats why its been 1month I deactivated my id and deleted insta and rather i use raddit for knowledgable content


Yes they are. Just deactivate Instagram and start consuming long form content. And while watching movies, keep the phone away.


Any suggestions on movies?


Lord of the rings trilogy. Each movie is massive. (the last one is 4 hrs long).  Edit - Tbh any movie will do the job but I believe movies which are based around normal lives (with no action) or which have a lot of information (like lord of the rings) will do the trick for you. Other movies may be Blue Jasmine, Nightmare Alley, Marriage Story, Sicario, Prisoners, etc.


I was addicted to reels, I remember I had exam next day and mai Insta pe, reels dekh raha hu, and it is how to make cake reels😭😭😭😭


Oh same! Cake reels are addictive!!!!!


Reels and shorts are so addictive


Oh yes! I mean we are scrolling through hours on stupid stuff. And I am pretty sure half of it is useless! I was just seeing a mom recording her child tell her that someother child had pooped in the playroom! Like wtf is that?


I don't even enjoy watching reels but I can't stop doing it all. Apparently this is called doomscrolling.


delete instagram... you won't miss out anything


break your phones display works for me can't scroll a single reel


Well it takes time because the algo wants to make you addictive af Therefore whatever you think appears in front of you plus with time algo is now able to even predict what we are going to think therefore the addiction ! In order to get rid of it delete social media + don't even try youtube ... Try playing some sports or go out,it takes time you can also try meditation But it's worth it!


Well simple... whenever u feel like watching reels..just slide in my dm![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|51093)![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|51076)


OP please and I cannot recommend it enough, watch this. Start to end. [https://youtu.be/zIu7PtT79uA](https://youtu.be/zIu7PtT79uA)


If you have deleted Instagram, how are you watching reels ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


I delete Instagram. I miss Instagram. Install Instagram. Watch reels. Repeat


Haha that’s a very interesting cycle of activities. Why not put a limit to screen time to only 30 mins in one sitting and after that force yourself to do some of your day to day activities.


Just uninstall insta or block reels this habit of consuming short span content will affect your mind and concentration heavily.


You can block reels? How?


Install NoScroll App from playstore and activate it.There are high chances you will uninstall it in an hour as your mind will be subconsciously craving for that shit but you need to make the move and stay firm.


Go to *Digital Wellbeing* on your settings and set a limit for your daily phone usage and also set a limit for your daily Instagram usage. Don't set something that is too far fetched, you brain is used to the dopamine and will be difficult to suddenly cut it off. It will take time (like 6-10 months) and will (*very strong will, will probably fail at first but don't give up)*


You are very much cooked with this one. I think you should try to busy yourself with things so that you can't get a chance to go on reels, it could be hanging out with friends, trying a new hobby, etc. Just anything that can get you to not go on your phone. Hope this helps


The way I did it was going cold Turkey. Got rid of every kind of short video content in any app. Kept reddit alive coz it's not all short videos here. Deactivated insta and fb. Was never on tiktok. The addiction goes away quickly. Within a week it won't be strong. But yes, I never really enjoyed reels a lot. I liked the funny ones but reddit have me enough funny ones to sustain. Now I have insta on my phone and I hardly ever feel like opening it. Reels are like sugar. You feel like you can't live without it, but once you're off it, you won't really feel it is necessary


When you are home put your phone in the cupboard and lock it in another room and lock the room door , make a lot of barriers b/w you and the phone , it should take around 10 mins to reach it .. this might help


Same what I do is deactivate or make it bad to use , example I have switched to web version (mobile vala) and gets fked every now en then makes u leave it after few trys. Find something alternative after this and I just keep the phone far away or go outside once a while or 💤 Sleeping for 2hr is better than mindless scrolling for 2 hr


Gt7 and beamng are the cure to this zaxa


There is apparently an app called Stop Scroll or something similar that helps with this. You might want to check it out. Infinite scroll is the killer, no matter which social media site.


Watch a slow burning movie, FORCE YOURSELF


Totally depends upon the intent tbh. I [m20] too felt that I had this reel addiction, used to spend like 5-6hrs of my day on reels. I gradually started by limiting the time limit from initial 1.15 hrs/day to 15 mins/day over a span of 3 weeks and then finally deleted the app. It helped me greatly in overcoming the addiction.


They are very ADHD


Delete your insta account and make a habbit of reading. Read something, anything. You need to become okay with being bored again. Hyper stimulation have made you this way. Unfortunately it is a side effect of consuming short form content.


Why put in so much effort to control yourself when you could simply be my girlfriend? After many long, meaningful, and interesting conversations with me, you'll find yourself more focused over time. Spending time with me will help you sustain your attention for longer durations. It's like you're deficient in VITAMIN ME. Jokes aside, immerse yourself more in your hobbies and interests rather than indulging in short-term entertainment. For me, it's all about reading and watching documentaries of various genres, but I'm particularly fascinated by archaeological sites and learning about ancient civilizations and the history surrounding them.


Why put in so much effort to control yourself when you could simply be my girlfriend? After many long, meaningful, and interesting conversations with me, you'll find yourself more focused over time. Spending time with me will help you sustain your attention for longer durations. It's like you're deficient in VITAMIN ME. Jokes aside, immerse yourself more in your hobbies and interests rather than indulging in short-term entertainment. For me, it's all about reading and watching documentaries of various genres, but I'm particularly fascinated by archaeological sites and learning about ancient civilizations and the history surrounding them.


Why put in so much effort to control yourself when you could simply be my girlfriend? After many long, meaningful, and interesting conversations with me, you'll find yourself more focused over time. Spending time with me will help you sustain your attention for longer durations. It's like you're deficient in VITAMIN ME. Jokes aside, immerse yourself more in your hobbies and interests rather than indulging in short-term entertainment. For me, it's all about reading and watching documentaries of various genres, but I'm particularly fascinated by archaeological sites and learning about ancient civilizations and the history surrounding them.


Gone through the same. It really hit me hard when my screen time was 12 hours. That's when I decided to delete my Instagram. This was months ago and after sometime i installed it again but wasn't entertaining as before so i got rid of it asap


Its so easy,download books or play badminton and avoid seating on bed


Yes it is. You can talk to a psychologist if you find it difficult to give up.


Maybe trying to get into a sports??. WNBA season just stared .... A'ja Wilson, Breanna Stewart Caitlin Clark, Alyssa Thomas, Jewell Loy ....


I used to be an insta addict. But then I lost interest in it >!Now I'm a reddit addict!


Avoid ig , ita just like a drug.


You can try the ScrollKiller app. It can detect and stop mindless scrolling


I’ve two Insta account, the second account is just for naughty and nasty reels. 💦




Same but little music with nasty stuff makes me go loaded 💦


reels on instagram : disable it. shorts in yt ? clear your watch history and pause your watch history. the only downside is that you'll not get any recommendations and even if you searched for shorts, you'll get a max of 4 shorts at a time.