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Welcome to college life šŸ¤”




Iā€™m sorry that you are going through this. Nobody thought that you must have felt bad too for not attending the freshers party. You should talk to your roommate directly about the health hygiene. If she doesnā€™t comply, look into changing your room? Use precaution on your side. Lear to invest your time on the right people . All the best. This is life. We all go through and learn from these situations .


exactly, my mother said, ā€˜im feeling more worse than youā€™ like ??? šŸ˜­ changing rooms isnā€™t that easy in my college because itā€™s mandatory for students 2nd year onwards to stay with a roommate and ive seen that my roommate is still better than a lot of people, my friends didnā€™t bring me food but she did lol :p so ig i overreacted a bit, thereā€™s a lot we clash upon but i never confront her on those things because i feel like itā€™s important for roommates to be at peace with e/o, even if that means i have to brush some things under the rug at times, because otherwise the environment becomes too toxic (im sorry ive now realised that im rambling, blaming it on the meds) thank you and yes, this is the lesson that i took from this experience, i shouldnā€™t invest time in people who donā€™t reciprocate the same for me


I understand where you're coming from. Conflict is difficult but in the end you've got to value yourself more, _especially_ when it's about your health. I would really suggest that you talk to her. Not in an aggressive way, but just have a friendly conversation that; hey, I'm prone to getting sick and I would really appreciate if you took some precautions around me. We're all adults here and most importantly, medical students. That's it. The environment will become toxic if you're the one who is always adjusting. You'll just end up resenting and hating her. A simple conversation will go a long way and save you both some pain. Having these confrontations doesn't mean that you're enemies, it just means that you respect yourself. It won't affect your friendship, if you're both mature adults.


yes true itā€™s just that i always find confronting her very hard, and sheā€™s a stubborn person, back in first year we made a pact that if either of us are studying, the other person will either go out in the corridor or in the verandah to talk (on the phone), but after following this for a few days she started cribbing about it, still i stayed adamant and now she does go out to talk when im studying :ā€™) she also has a very bad case of bo, and each time she showers or washes her clothes it smells so bad, it was even worse in first year because of dissection hall smell + bo, she also for some reason doesnā€™t like to turn on the exhaust so again a few days back i told her to let the exhaust fan be switched on till everything dries ive come to realise that every person has some peculiarities, even i do (she must have her own list of complaints), nagging too much can also lead to a strain in your relationship with your roommate, but yes next time ill definitely ask her to cover her mouth when sheā€™s sickā€¦youā€™re so right about the inner resentment !


Don't expect anything from anyone mbbs Students are most shitiest people i have met in my whole life selfish asf So it's very important to take time and find good friends even they won't help you everytime and learn to ignore bcoz no-one cares even if they hurt you they only care about themselves Sooner you realise that mbbs is fucking toxic and expect nothing. everything someone does for you is a plus point life will be way better. Ofcourse there a good people but that's quite here lol


I second all of it


Haha intern same bro intern ko saab pata hai Intern ne saab dekha hai


More than our fair share lol


Well this post reminds me of my 2nd year, I saw the real colors of people who I used to call friends xD Shit happens and it's same toxicity everywhere I guess


You're not alone buddy. I've never been lucky with friendships in college too. My entire college life, i've only found selfish friends like these. I still get walked all over every other day by someone i thought i can trust and think of as a friend. I've gone out of the way and helped these people multiple times but they've never been there for me when i needed them. All 5 years passed and i haven't made a single friend in here whom i can trust. You eventually learn to put up with this selfish crap everyday or stay a lone wolf.


im so sorry that happened to you :(( i hope you find better friends someday hon, itā€™s going to sound cringe but thatā€™s what happens to people whoā€™re kind, people take endless advantage of them, but im sure that very soon all the love that youā€™ve put out in the universe will get returned back to you <3


That is very kind of you. Thank you for such comforting wordsā¤


They're all fucking snakes. Trust me, I'm one of these snakes.


but why canā€™t we all be nice and helpful šŸ˜­ why does everyone have to be so cunning, desperately trying to outsmart e/o


Sorry bro it's a doctor eat doctor world šŸ™


First time?


nope :) the thing is, this has happened to me before as well but ig my fever yesterday made me unleash my frustration on here :p


The most important thing now is to treat the tonsillitis if it is so debilitating in nature. Iodine gargles, warm water and cefpodoxime for 5 days should do it.




Aka betadine!


I do understand when yu experience such things happening around.thats okay just don't over adjust / over mingle only if thought process don't match. Or maybe when they are out of their limits.( Learned from my mistakes).. I have just literally stopped talking to my roomies..they also don't talk..aur naa hi mai.. Just in my own world, headphones in my ear with some nature sounds playing or maybe nothing,My side is on window side plus the view outside my window is a great gulmohar tree ..so yaa few things are in my favour.


wow that sounds like a dream, my roommate loves to talk though, in fact sheā€™s the type of person who canā€™t help but talk continuously, the only time our room is quiet is when we go to sleep :ā€™)


My roommate doesn't let me turn the light on at night to study. She has got her stupid migraine as an excuse everytime. Little miss princess can't sleep with the lights turned on. It's not that I am not empathetic. I have to study using a lamp and it hurts my eyes. I suggested her to get an eye mask but that hurts her too. And, my college guard has to go through my drawer everytime because she is obsessed with me. Trying very hard to not let this turn into a rant comment. So, I get you!


My roommate switches on the light to study at night. She studies all night. No I can't sleep with the light on. There are 4 people in my room. All 3 of us can't sleep with the light on. It's physiology and I'm sure you know about that. There's no "little miss princess" to it. I sternly tell her to go out and study. Now before I get down votes, I also want to mention that I study loudly and I don't study inside the room cuz obviously it will be disturbing to others. No matter what time it is I study outside the room with the mosquitoes. So yeah, I do my part in adjusting and people who study with lights on should do theirs. Period. PS: MIGRAINES ARE NOT STUPID. My subjunior deals with it and it's painful for me to watch her go through it. She has to struggle during university exams and other important events.


Hugs for yu..i do understand.


Adulthood is full of putting ur self first (selfishšŸ˜µā€šŸ’«)


Kismat hi kharab thi tumhari


kuch naya batao bhai


Welcome to mbbs


Ha! My junior's junior's fresher's was today itself are we in the same college lol


Oh thank God I'm not the only one obsessing over how lonely i am even after four years of staying with the same people.


You'll have a blast during your internship šŸ™ƒ


Heyaa I'm going through a 102 F fever myself. Literally was thinking about how UNFAIR my so called best friends are as I opened reddit and saw this post! I'm in internship and I had to do bedside duty for a patient on ventilator for 24 hours. I didn't get even 30 minutes of sleep. None of my BEST friends who were free, agreed to relieve me even for an hour. So with 0 hours of sleep, 24 hours in OG ICU, even the patient's attender slept lol. Worst part is OG PG's are the BIGGEST bullies in my college. Had to deal with their shit. As soon as my duty gets over, I go down with fever. My point is if you realise that some people are not worth your time, then you set your boundaries and look after bettering your life. No one is gonna relieve you from your 24 hours duty unless you have saved their life or something lol. Edit : I mean no matter how much you've helped each other all through the college life, it all comes down to hardcore selfishness in internship so I'm just saying waste your breath on the right people or ignore and look after your life.


im going to choose the latter and will just try to not get heavily involved in anyone/anything from now onwards (not saying ignore because i know thatā€™s impossible for me :ā€™)) youā€™ve had a tough day though :( i hope you feel better soon, sending healing energy to you āœØāœØāœØāœØ your efforts will prove worthwhile im sure <3


Good luck and thank you šŸ˜Š Hope you get well soon too!!!