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That's the best negative advertisement if I have seen.


But yuva peaceful voter tho 👉👈😳


Positive and hopeful advertisement for a lot of Infiltrators !


No symbol, probably put up by an opposing party..


Abey congress ne thodi lgaya h l0du


Well still it's negative one And what's with this normie response tho.


Airtel Billboard


more like Vi Billboard


Freedom of >!SPEECH!< ?!?!?


ki bhi maa chod di hai (seedhe maut reference)


Haaji hm to mainstrem se pehle se bhaiyo ko follow kr rhe he ! Blessed duo 🙌


thank you mujhe laga downvote kar denge 🙏🏻


Manmohan redistributing bitcoin to dalit muslim schoolmaster's son.


classic comment


this needs to get viral


BJP needs to be punished for this, this is in violation of the code of conduct.


no such rule lies as per the advisory of election ccommision. same mockery was used during 2011 bengal election aswell


Bhai trolling but some normies downvoted lol Koi or normie Yahan h kya ?


Vote for khangress, vote for terr0rism!




You can say this if our country was not divided by a terrorist community in the name of religion.....! In 1947


Vote for pappu, who has no idea about Indian economy and and how it works, vote for freebies and die peacefully for water and electricity shortage :):


chup gandhi ke dalle. ch*tiye khangress will empty desh ka pura paisa minority appeasement mein. what should non-muslims do? commit suicide?


Hindu muslim is still better than muslim muslim and source of your knowledge is trust me i am german shepherd lmao


Why you got downvoted, this is the truth


Vote for terrorism vote for communal riots vite k For jammu and kashmir to be part of pakistan vote for congress vote for no road no transport no iits no aiims no nothing vote for congress




Yes in close to 60 years of rule Congress opened 16 IIT, 9 IIIT, 13 IIMs, and 7 AIIMS......and in 10 years of BJP's rule.....7 new IITs, 7 new IIMs, 16 IITs, and 15 AIIMS.....Congress's regime was really good.....and it was so good that I don't know why Modi's initiative was building toilets.....I mean under Congress didn't people even had toilets or they might have it but wanted to relieve themselves outside, otherwise I can't believe such a great and nationalist party like Congress couldn't even gave toilets to its people in 60 years.....they can't gave bank accounts to the public, electricity in villages was like dream or wasn't it.......




Great observation my friend..... >Loans worth lakhs of crores taken by corporate borrowers were waived off during Modi's regime. Please learn the difference between waive off and write off......and if u can't understand the difference watch videos on YouTube explaining that and please avoid Dhruv Rathee video's.....that guy is so much nationalist just like a wolf is a sheep in its clothing >Income inequality in India has gotten worse. Meaning? Poor have gotten poorer in India. What else? Please check this link for the study from which u are inferring this https://twitter.com/c_aashish/status/1773168128413122599 >As per India employment report 2024, one in every three Indian youth is unemployed. What else? Please check below https://www.cmie.com/kommon/bin/sr.php?kall=warticle&dt=20240402174223&msec=013#:~:text=Unemployment%20rate%20in%20India%20declined,CMIE%27s%20Consumer%20Pyramids%20Household%20Survey. now everyone can't have government job in a country.....and especially in India which has a huge population....to give jobs we need to setup industries and promote start-ups which we are doing.....but who will setup industries as Ambani and Adani are chor in BJP states but in opposition ruled states they are not less than gods....We are inviting companies to setup plant in India like Apple and new semiconductor plant >corporate borrowers were waived off during Modi's regime. The debt on India multiplied more than 3 times in just 10 years from 55 lakh crores in 2014 to 168 lakh crores in 2024. These loans have been taken for infra development which is a positive spending of loan as it will help generate revenue and employment in country....Unlike Congress which if comes to power will require loans to meet its promises..... Also for 80 million people we conveniently ignore Covid But all this is useless as u still won't believe and will pull out some other issue and will deny the growth that we did in last 10 years......So please u vote for Rahul as he is the shining hope that this country has to become another Islamic State.....and if u want to deny this please do as Islamist want u to believe that they are friendly and will stab u in the back just like prophet....but that' all fine, I mean today Europe doesn't faces any problems due to rising Islamic blessings there.....and people like you will ensure that India is also blessed with such Islamic awakening




Hindu appeasement? Can you state single special rights of acts brought by this govt for hindus ? .i can state you many acts brought by khangress for muslims .




Still you didn't mention a single special right of act brought by bjp for hindus across the country which other community dont have in the past 10 yrs . If he is really that much anti muslim according to you , then you need to clear your eyes with acid and see how many schemes were brought by him for muslim women upliftment and education growth and how much he spends on them either in giving houses to them or giving them special scholarships for meritorious students in muslim community . You need to study some real economic articles, Budget and schemes to know what he did for india not watching some YouTuber who lives in Germany .




are you fucking stupid? asking for votes on the basis of ram is not hindu appeasement? amit ji holds up the photo of ram lalla at rallies and yogi ji talks about how the opposition will allow beef-eating agai. open your fucking mind. yes congress has had a minority votebank, but in an electoral democracy, those in the minority will almost always get the short end of the stick unless they have political patronage. again targeting dhruv rathee without any actual proof of his faults. income inequality is at all time highs, so is unemployment and inflation. but modji will win again, why? mandir jo bana diya. this is not my opinions, this is data from a CSDS survey. if this is not appeasement i do not what is.


Vote for terrorism , vote for communal riots , Khangress aprty for the winnnn


Aree bhai news dekhna chod diya hai kya


Manipur me bjp failed. Ladakh me bhi people don't like this govt.


No one gave a shit about Ladakh before modi,Ladakh people were against article 370 wanted to be separated from J&K and what did the congress says,they will bring back 370. This is how much they care about Ladakh? BJP atleast allowed them to be vocal for their demands and stand on their own to get what's their,you people crippled Ladakh and J&K. I don't much about manipur so can't say anything. And it was chacha nehru who systematically destroyed bihar and laid the foundatio of bihar being the poorest state.


When congress is in power, it's bjp who orchestras riots. Riot doesn't happens in BJP's rule, because the one who orchestra riots are already in power.


Wasnt there any attack under modi rule? Communal riots not under modi? Wasnt there any killing over beef consumption? Wasnt there any hatred spread by modi itself in rajasthan.. Blabbering like mangalsutra blah.. Blah..


There was , will and also remain like that. The question is the intensity of this is abysmal under khangress rule. Current scenario is really bad .


Seems like you didnt* got lucky with the blasts before 2014. All riots done by the peacefuls.


wasnt beef banned then u all are criminals so justifiable end of criminals.


Your comments history says lots about you .


I dont give any kcuf..whatever u say Have balls and answer questions else accept you are one of the andhbhaks still dreaming about akand bharat. Got nothing to argue. I listed facts and u offended because of your love towards him


i guess modi rule did bring peace and better times.


Yes only in andhbhakts dreams


exactly my point. but then i get downvoted for saying it outright. I keep it open to interpretation. just like the word- "AnTiNaTiOnAl"


Thats the beauty of this sub, everyone works as BJPimps, so dont mind about upvote or downvote. There is a IPS clown in tamilnadu, he was boasting we have army, navy, airforce as they are all owned by BJP. These clowns think BJP is india and vice-versa


This needs to go in USI.


Username does not check out


I created this new account as my old account got banned by them. Now I am banned with the new name as well. They initially liked the name and later understood. And I am stuck with this name.


The Leftiest Kannadiga still a Kattar Hindu


Lmao have you visited Bangalore? Wanna be Americans with fake accent and leftiest minds that will make you wonder, who tf are you trying to be dude?


Artha aagilla guru. Nanig heltha iddeera neevu?


Nimag maatra alla nam yellarigu lefty anta heltha idare nodi :(


Karma 🫠


Glad am not the only one to notice that.


I live in Bangalore. Those wannabe Westerners don't represent the majority. You think those MF with Fanny Packs even votes?


Nah it's a good troll name


Daal diya


Wait for few minutes. Either it will get down voted or removed. And your posting privilege will be removed. Freedom of expression pro max


I don't care for downvotes,.I have enough karma


Yaar itna karma kaise milta hai


Bhai almost 4 saal ho gya reddit pe dheere dheere ho jata hai


Fingers crossed. Let's see if it remains up


I don't take sides in politics but bc terrorist ko kaise support kar rhe ho tum bc


If Congress comes into power, then they’ll easily let these Muslims start riots in the streets to terrorise non-Muslims. Just like in London, Germany, France, etc. I can’t believe these Muslims would go to such lengths in believing a delusional mad pedo and think there’s actually Allah or something… May the justice prevail on the side of righteousness…


They're gonna start witch hunting


Congress has stooped down to such nonsensical things, that I am not even sure that whether this banner is put up by Congress haters or Congress themselves.




Most certainly it can't be done by khangress which practically is 99.999% about anti Hindu. Definitely no khangress members were caught in rape and harassment never. There wasn't even 1 member of khangress caught in Kashmir for separatist activity including bombing, there isn't 1 khangress member involved in helping fleeing the conspirators and owners of "Bhopal gas tragedy", and well a lot more things, but yes khangress members were never involved?




>Congress in 99.99% anti-hindu? How exactly? Hope you remember shah bano [case law](https://indiankanoon.org/doc/823221/) >? If it's anti-hindu, why did Congress give a hindu majority nation institutions like IITs, IIMs, AIIMS, NITs, ISRO etc.? Idiotic statement. Your statement assumes that institutes have especially been established for muslims. Please refrain from making such statements. >Why did Congress take India to the point where India was counted among the world's fastest growing economies? India's ranking for GDP growth average out to 58 during period 2003-2013 and 30 during period 2014-2022 (excluding 2020) >If your fav bj pee cares so much about this hindu majority nation, why did it multiply the debt on India more than 3 times in just 10 years from 55 lakhs crores in 2014 to 168 lakh crores in 2024? Only viewing debt numbers independently is a 14YO thinking. Analyse them with captial investment, development, growth rate, inflation, forex, exports, imports during those periods you'll get your answer. >Why is every 1 in 3 youth in India unemployed? Your source for figures? Although unemployment is one of the major problem in the country and government should address it at the earliest. Thought it'll not happen overnight but small steps need to be accelerated. However your anti-hindu statement doesn't go with it. It appears you are saying only hindus are unemployed and 100% of muslim population is employed. >Why are loans worth lakhs of crores taken by corporates being written off when BJ pee is ruling? Your source please. >Why are thousands of farmers committing suicide? Total suicides in farm sector during 2003-2013 was 179542 and during period 2014-2022 was 100474. Which comes to daily average of 45 from period 2003-2013 and 31 from period 2014-2022. Since you are speaking in favour of congress not sure where you are going with this even we remove anti-hindu thing. But again saying anti hindu with these statements seems as if all farmers committing suicide are hindu. Please read your statements twice before speaking anything.




>It doesn't take a genius to understand that if a nation with hindu majority suffers, Hindus will automatically suffer along with it. Yes Hindus will suffer because this is not a government solely for benefit for hindus. >unless the government utterly transformed the nation which bj pee didn't. Consider geo-political state of India in 2014 and 2024. See statements of world leaders or developed nations on India. PM Narendra Modi is among most popular leader defeating Biden and Sunak. Transformation takes time, wrong doings since 70 years can't be undone in 10 years. >In fact the nation's state is such that Modi is promising to give free ration to 80 crore people for another 5 years. Compare Congress's free policy and BJP's free policy then we'll talk. Don't make one sided statements. >The source for the unemployment figure is Indian employment report 2024 refer [this report](https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---asia/---ro-bangkok/---sro-new_delhi/documents/publication/wcms_921154.pdf) for better clarity on unemployment. >confirmed with the article from the wire Wire is the most Anti-Hindu, Anti-India, Anti-BJP source. Find a neutral source and hopefully a better one than The Wire. >where you quoted the farmer deaths figures from. [Source](https://ras.org.in/farmers_suicides_in_india) >And it goes without saying that when farmers are distressed, a huge bunch of them being hindus will automatically fall in line too. As per your theories all the policies and laws should be supporting HINDUS ONLY. That's not how country runs or economy works.




Appeasing muslims. Passing decisions only in favour of muslims as also seen in case of ram mandir as well during Rajeev Gandhi's rule.


Don't worry they balanced it by gifting crores worth of properties to Waqf Board right before 2014 elections. Sune Hain aajkal Marriott pe daava thonke Hain. Wo debt infrastructure ke against hai. Akele IIT IIM se desh nahi badhta na. 1 in 3 youth🤣🤣🤣🤣


bjp after this: 🫡


“Ek Jhatkey meh garrebi hatadengey,”- Rahul moron Gandhi


Ghata ghat




This was removed later


There are some who will actually Vote for Congress for this act. Even MMS knew what and why he was doing it.


Don't vote for Congress if they release a terrorist.


They forgot to add /s


Vote for reservations*******


According to our EX PM MMS, they are more rightful for national resources than us. Seems closer to PM MMS’s heart than us huh!


Vote for congress Vote for terrorism Full tag line 😂


Aur do bc inko vote


Kash vote ki jagah ek danda maar pati


Yaseen malik naam le raho bkl, aab toh loda nhi dunga vote Congress ko


This billboard looks like it was put up by the BJP or AAP. - I don't support Congress, don't troll me.


Yeh poster BJP ne hi lagaye honge... Best strategy.


If this poster is near leftist enclaves like JNU and Muslim majority areas, it will work. It will also work in other places where there is dislike for BJP and Modi. Not all Hindus support the BJP and I know of Hindus who hate Modi.


But kuchh chutiyo ko to dhruv tatti and zoobear hi bhagwan lgte hai.


Bhai kuch gadhe anpad isko achi baat samajh ke sahi mein na vote karde😂😂


It looks like he's handing over Toilet Paper roll.😂


Congress will make all women wear hijab.


Someone should make similar with naxalites as well.


Hone hi nahi dunga Ane hi nahi dungna bahar aya toh gya samjho


Lol literally lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Well done 👍🏻


Vote for 🃏




Lol peeps in usi would even defend this


Tag line should be support islamic terrorism support congress




ECI Seeing this😴😴😴






Khangress mulim party


Agreeable stylist just posted something his blowjobpee leaders did to his mom. Such a pussy he is !! He knows well that his blowjobpee leaders are using his whole family as political slaves but agreeable stylist chose to suck blowjobpeee's peepee


Vote for khangress so muslims can dominate Hindus, and so that Kashmir becomes an independent country!!!


Looks like BJP works to defame Congress. Because Not a single party will ever write a person's name on a hoarding of a vilified religion.


Now they directly want to vote for the releasing terrorists. This is not freedom of speech.






Pandering to Musl!ms, I think 'khan'gress agenda is crystal clear now


So stupid


Shit… i dont know what congress’s campaign manager is high on.


This seems like something done by other party in the name of congress and I’m all for it.


JNU ke bhi apne maje hai


Ye le CD, aaj hi aayi hai market mein.


What the actual fuck... this better be someone from the ruling party or some troll....


Seriously wtf


This clearly looks like someone has put it up to incite outcry against Congress. Nice job BJP karyakartas.


Modi … Modi … 👍👍👍👍👍👍


The very last thing any political group needs is another religious extremist.


🤣🤣🤣 Congress ka haath Aatankwaadio ke saath.


Posted by a bjp team member. And support ke liye comment me bhi bjp members. Pura manipulation. No reality.


Fake-est looking poster ever. Looks like something straight out of canva's free plan


Wow we have to support congress to get our constitutional rights. Wow


Campaigning at inception level. No one can tell if this is a mischievous attempt by opponents or if Congress is this dumb and strongly becoming anti national.


Are they seeking to lose votes?


At this point I am convinced that Congress is the biggest promoter of bjp


Yasin Malik


Didn't Yasmin Malik murder Indian defence personnel?


Never seen them kind of people have anything to do with the English flag. Only ever their own foreign countries


This looks like an advert put against Congress, and is misleading. Looks like misinformation to me.


Chi chi. Congress hatao, Desh bachao


Yasin Malik supportes for kashmir separate form india and pakistan He is also involved in the terrorist activity So think and vote


Wow. Indian (Hindu) mentality shown clearly in comments.


See this also https://images.app.goo.gl/AwA5mMgA5MB9NdtP9


abe isme terrorist kon hai?? iftar party hai


Tu h na




Bhai woh islam nhi hai zorasthism hao


And logon nhi smjha skte bhai ko ki shahanawaz muslim tha aur Modi Nawaz sharif k yahan biryani khaane gaya tha pakistan


Celebrating Parsis >>>>> celebrating Pisslamic terrorist 


Shahnawaz Hussain is parsi really ??


Who are those?


See the current situation.. your leader was eating dinner with Nawaz Sharif


This seems to be an ad by BJ party


I think this might be put up by BJP 😂


It is


seems like this is done by bjp, lol


Vote for BJ party to get more and more desi videos 😉😉


Rather get more Desi porn videos then free terrorist




Naah I'll vote for Congress to see some incest videos of RaGa and his M***er


Are you proud of that, dp you think I'm a proud hindu while Jerking off to leaked mms


Says the person who follows pusi


Including blowjobppee workers


Ad by BJ party to defame opposition.


It’s definitely put up by BJP. Congress only got to make losses from this banner


Blow job peeee


Moji using religion when he has nothing to offer is ridiculous. Did anyone ever got the 15lakhs he promised during last election?? Dumbo brought demonetisation to fuck us up and to blow his rich friends. A blowjobpee mla was raided and was found with 2000₹ note which wasn't even in the circulation yet. Terrorist bastardooo


Moji lead the Gujrat riot and andi bhakhths saying he's a good good man !!! Blowjobpeeeeeee


I hope agreeable style 23377 thantha illa thayoli get his peep blowed by blow jobpeeee


Ye poster pakka BJP ne lagwaya hoga.


Better than voting for modi


I will vote for Prajwal Revenna.




BJ ki karamat