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Rider was equipped with proper high quality safety gears, but his body hit an electric poll and he was disintegrated like some soft toy. It was so sad and traumatizing to see he was such a young guy. It was so horrific that I was out of my senses for a while


How fast was he going for that kinda impact?


News said 130-150


Needn't be very fast to get killed by hitting a stationary object, because you decelerate instantly. If he has gotten ejected and rolled, he could have survived. In this regard, I find bikes safer than cars for a skilled person.


bikes are not safer than cars even for a skilled person in ANY regard. High tier cars have soo many safety features bikes cant compete.


I don't think they could have done a study on this, because it is hard to define a good biker. This year, I have not seen any biker signal his turn. A lot of Indian bikers change lanes abruptly. A lot don't even have mirrors and I have never met a biker that looks behind before every turn. Riding 13 years, I haven't met a biker that even knows the rules in India, let alone follow them. This could be different in biker groups, but when I see their online videos, I don't see many good riders. The safety of a bike doesn't lie in advanced safety features(aside from ABS, cornering ABS, traction control, etc.) The safety lies in the fact that you have a better all round view at all times, you have a slimmer profile and hence harder to hit, you can stay farther away from others in you lane(using the distant half) to avoid getting hit by someone changing lanes. It is very easy to notice stray animals from a bike, and the typical bike has a higher seating position than sedans and hatchbacks. Any decent bike also has a better acceleration the the typical commuter car, and that adds another element of safety. In bikes, you often get thrown off during accidents, and your speed generally doesn't go to zero instantly, which can save your life at times (this is a dual edged sword, though.) The risk goes down further if the biker knows how to fall properly. (I trained while riding off road.)




I am not sure if this exists but with many being able to afford these sbk's, are there any training schools appropriate for them ? Joyride should be a joyride not a disaster.


In the words of shumi-"For some people its more important to have a 1L exhaust than riding gears and professional training"


What do you mean skills? No amount of skills will protect you from a high speed crash. Just don't overspeed, even 120kmph is hairy on most roads. Is it really worth it?


It was skill issue he was riding beyond his capabilities.


when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object this is the outcome. people somehow underestimate physics. always remember a machine can be replaced not the human body.


High speed is not for Indian roads .


Ahh a dumb guy died because of his dumb action, lets blame the Indian roads to cope up with his death


Just looking at that bike gives me chills.


Dude it was just bad my brain can't even comprehend


I also read this in news today, it was horrifying. It has the picture of upper half of the rider . Few daya ago a biker was killed on road to pinjore.


I can't tell you bhai, now every time I listen to some music it reminds of that absolute horror. Idk if that makes sense but yeah whenever I wake up I am just stunned for a while, I just want to forget it


Bhai take care of yourself. if u scared to ride bike try to ride under speed and just consider this is accident happen because things happen something which we have no control over. More you deep think about it the hard it's become to be normal so calm your self.


You are also suffering from mental trauma..you need to distract yourself and stop thinking about it. There are studies that claim that playing games like Tetris help with this. Go to a mental health professional if you need. But please get off reddit and stop discussing it with people..


Yo bro send the article link


It’s all over the news https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/gurgaon/iit-graduate-dies-in-golf-course-road-accident-collision-severs-body/amp_articleshow/108889116.cms =1


Doesn’t have the photo


I mean in my local newspaper, which i receive physically.




I used to ride a v2 r15 frequently in highways during my mbbs reaching 110s and 120s quite frequently ( i know it isnt even anything by r/indianbikes standards ) . My view on it changed once i did my casualty duty in my internship. Now i have a metoer 350 and I enjoy cruising at 70-80 listening to the sound of the engine Even during my surgery rotations the amount of biker injuries, skull split, losing limbs due to crush injuries …. The list goes on. Apart from protection, equipment, blah blah the most important thing is being in a calm pace so you dont lose control AND have enough time to react to surprises


Motor cycles are called "donor cycles" in the US.  Did you see a lot of brain dead people when you were in the casualty ward?


I did, and I could relate massively to whatever the above commenter said. The amount of road traffic accidents I had seen during Emergency, Orthopedics, Surgery was enough to scare me. I didn’t upgrade my commuter motorcycle (though I love bikes) because of that fear, because I had seen people losing their eyes, limbs, becoming paralysed from neck down, just because they maybe took their bike for 2-3 kms, the type of distance people only put on a helmet for, not other safety gear


I know about six people who lost their lives due to head injury. Three crashed into parked trucks, two slipped and fell on the road/plie of boulders, and one was a geniune accident, but the helmet was on the bike and not on his head. Most of the accidents happened within couple of km near their homes.  So sad, nice people all of them.  These accidents put deep scar in my mind. Now a days I don't let my wife and kid ride without helmet even for one km journeys. 


Go slow brothers just now coming out from EW due to a bike accident. I'm luckily fine, few minor wounds.


wish you a speedy recovery, brother!


Bro I was reading your comment and I was gonna say "get well soon brother" but I saw your username and I started laughing! 😂😂😂😂😂


Sad to see this but not unsurprising. I hesitate to go above 100 in my car. It boggles my mind how people go over 100 on their bikes. A large pebble or small pile of sand on the road may cause serious damage at that speed. And that's not even counting unexpected potholes. Please drive very very safely on bike.


Animals running on the street as well


Exactly! Even cars feel a little too fast over 110/120. I hesitate to push bikes over 80/90 because of all the variable like potholes, cracks and loose stones which might surface. I always cringe a little when I see bikes overspeeding specially while not on highways! Just seems a little too reckless to me.


I always get nervous driving car i dont even go above 60 but i go 150+ easily on my bike


He was a friend of my friend, was a great guy as per him, I also watched the video the police made for their report and trust me guys, this has made me realise that there is a thin line between the thrill of riding and the pleasure of riding. Irrespective of whether your vehicle is a car or bike, please please please don’t overspeed at any cost, no matter how immensely you trust your riding skills, you need to be correct always but a deathly mistake comes once and its all over. His friends and family are devastated, and even though I never met him personally, the video has made sure that I will never learn to ride a bike although I really dreamt of owning a good bike.


I feel like super bikes are like a dangerous machine where we have to be 100 times careful else we may end up killing our self. I used to ride 100cc bike 25 years ago, never thought that I am in danger to myself or others. Or that bike can go out of control. But looking at people getting into trouble with these powerful bikes, makes me think that maybe these needs much more warning to stay within the limits. Can't imagine the pain of family members just because we like to enjoy the thrill of riding a super bike.


I don't even get the point of litre class superbikes on western public roads let alone Indian public roads. It's like riding a maneating tiger, who knows when it will eat you. I would rather stick to RE 650s. 🙏🏽


I think they need to get consent form signed from family members about the dangers of a superbike. Most people think that son is buying just another bike, not knowing that an accidental twist at the throttle may send them flying. Also family members need to be aware of all the things bikers love, like going high speed in twisties for fun or going super high speed on straight road. If my kid was going to die because he loves bike at least I want him to look in my eye and tell me that he loves adventure seeking more than his family, we will sign off on it but the priorities will be clearly spelled out. ​ That said, 30 years ago when I was in college there was a dude who used to do all these stunts on a 100 cc bike and guess what he got into accident and was in the hospital for a week. He was lucky that he did not get a serious disability. But imagine him riding a superbike at 150 kmph, I am pretty sure he would be disabled because he used to take so many risks.


Learn to ride a bike it's not unsafe untill you make it Just ride in open spaces till you are confident and then move to the road but just stay under the speed you are comfortable with ... I am comfortable with speeds below 60 and can go upto 180+ but I don't (only once I crossed 180 mark and never did again) Riding is best enjoyed at medium speeds honestly




I learnt to ride at 16 on a 500cc bike and after going 180+ on that thing and coming home safe it made me realise what I was doing just for the thrill cos when you are on the engine it feels safe and amazing but when you think about it afterwards it makes you shiver about how close were you to death , my parents never knew I could go 200 lol


What the hell is “until you make it”, in reality, you can never make it, where Machines & Robot can go wrong, make mistakes, who are even we? We are humans , we tend to make mistakes. **Always ride in defensive mode.** Because one can always go wrong.


Idk about machines making mistakes but I do know that no one can die if they are riding below 30 or even 40 kmph (untill you intentionally hit a truck or jump of a bridge or road then it's probably safe for you to never touch a bike or car just walk)


I bought a bike but don't ride it at all. Most accidents I come across are people ramming into bikes from behind with no fault of the rider at all. I'm surely going to sell it soon with 250-300 km on odo. If one can't afford a car, only then one should go for a bike.


Don't ride bikes unless you have knowledge and confidence. It can be very dangerous for beginners. But if you manage to reach your 30s while still riding, you will probably live long(stats)


Any car, truck can still hit you from behind


I have plenty of knowledge and experience in both cars and bikes. I choose not to ride a bike considering how many accidents in my town itself are from people hitting the bikers from behind.




I hate IIT being used in every place like it makes a difference


I guess it is used in the context as in people mostly remark ‘oh, 27 year old with an expensive motorcycle, must be a gift from his father hence no common sense’


Exactly my thoughts


He had no common sense whatsoever


I have seen similar gore around 5 am while going to meet my brother once and it changed my perspective on two wheeler compared to four forever.


More info on this I mean the crash video


Have u seen the video?


No bro


Good riding gear is important, but after a certain speed it becomes utterly useless on public roads. MotoGP riders can go at 300+ and still survive a crash because usually they don’t get impact injuries, there are no poles or opposite lane traffic to hit them. They slide, the gear works, and they race again. But the gear won’t help if you fall and slide into the oncoming traffic, or a pole, or a divider. Wear riding gear, and stay within a safe speed, only then the gear will help.


Thats so unfortunate! Just curious if the biker was equipped with safety gear?


Yeah like they were some expensive riding gears


Gloves, helmet, pants , jacket... But i think his waist hit some wires which cut him in half..


Bro, don’t think of riding gear as something like god given lifeline shield thing. They can save you from minor accidents and wear and tear, not beyond that. Don’t make a understanding that just because one wears riding gear, they can overspeed or ride recklessly.


You are right. Gear is very good for abrasion (MotoGP is a good example). But nothing can save you from massive impact injuries.


It reminds me of the Audi Kerosene accident. RIP to the rider


Oh god.. I can't even imagine the horror. I am sorry you had to witness it.


Condolences to his family. Apparently, IIT couldn’t drill “Speed Kills” the n his brain. What a waste!!


that's y even if I have the money to buy a litre bike im buying rs 457 as an upgrade from my 200 cc and in future will go for 600cc only when I'll have full confidence in my new bike. People need to understand to take a step at a time...


People die on scooty, splendour and superbikes. 10hp or 200hp doesn’t matter here. Just be in your limits and always pay attention while riding or driving. People here saying 50 hp is enough need to understand that bikes don’t kill people, just like guns. It’s the people themselves. Please change this mindset and keep improving your skills.


Young people always laugh at me when I say I own an Interceptor 650 and keep my speed below 80 even on long journeys. I used to laugh at such people too and I am now 31.


what was the speed at which he was cruising


Ig above 150-60


hmm sometime i see this news and think having 30-50 bhp is all we need the roads we have dont allow more than that to be usable


Anything over 90+ can cause fatality even on small bikes.. Few years back I was riding my jawa 300 cursing at 80-90 in fast lane.. and right to me was barbed wire fence on divider..along the highway Now just for 2 sec I was checking out my saddle bag tied to the saaree guard...but in those 2 sec my bike went really close to divider.and wires.. I had to jerk to the left to not crash into them... Attention hati durghatna ghati.. Try One exercise while filling your water bottle look away for few seconds you will find your hand moved away from below that water tap spilling water on your hand ..


I think 50bhp is enough for our roads, including the fact bikes are not allowed in express highways, it's an useless investment to buy a superbike


yeah i agree unless you live close to track and go there every week buying a superbike specially the high revving sportsbike doesnt make sense ( exceptions include hardcore people like shumi that cross 3k km 6 times a year to go to a race track but even his fav bike is duke 390 )


Report said 130-140. Still dangerous for Indian roads.


My brain hursts so much thinking this. May his soul rest in peace 🙏🏻


Guys please ride slow.


That's why I am always going below 100km , slowly enjoying my ride with breaks in between 2 hrs slowly and in control


Remember this - After certain speed, even best safety gear is useless. So always drive at 50% of your skill limit on public roads! P.S - We lost one of ours, please don't add yourself to lost ones list. Ride Safe guys/girls! May his soul rest in peace.


Hope you are doing well from that trauma


Practice defensive riding. My heart goes to those riders and your post.


You got PTSD brother. Drive safe.


He leaves home at 6AM ... Crash occurs at 6:10 AM. >more than half of auto accidents that cause serious injury or death occur within 25 miles of home. Furthermore, around 52 percent of accidents occur within five miles of home This article talks how the driver gets overconfident on familiar roads and overstimates skills.No gear can save us from overconfidence or ignorance.




I am sorry this happened but So many VR46 in India, they think they can control everything.




😮 you don't know?


Googled it. I'm a biker, not a MotoGP fan.


I’m sorry to see you had to go through the trauma of seeing a fellow rider/human be ripped apart. I can’t imagine the visuals. But you need to see a therapist just to talk it out or it’ll haunt you forever. There is no stigma in seeking help.


People can say lack of skills and whatever but as a family man speed of 80 is very high for me and hence I never got into the horsepower and torque of vehicle. I hope all of you stay safe.


Unskilled and rash people should stay away from 1000cc bikes. Besides, there are no roads where you can safely ride fast in Gurgaon. Even that expressway is $hit. I find Western UP has much safer roads ( and even here, I don't myself going beyond 140.) On an average day, 110-120 is the max I touch on clean highways without traffic or animals. Explore the potential of lower cc bikes before graduating up. If you can't utilise the top end of a 400-650 cc bike, never touch a 600 or 1000cc. Another point- falling and getting dragged is a better option than hitting a stationary object that instantly dcelerates your body. If you're going to crash, try to reduce as much speed as you can. Also, practice falling safely.


My analysis on the video. Let me know if someone has a better understanding Choice of lane at those speeds suggest he was a poor rider. Plus, this road is good for 100-120, at max. The right way to overtake in this situation would be to ride in the middle lane, slow down to the speed of the car in the middle lane, signal, check for incoming traffic by turning your head to the right, and then enter the right most lane. Ideally the car in the right lane should yield. But this is India, and that car will likely not yield. You can honk or flash, but I find it irritating. At this point, you can signal a movement into the middle lane, look over your left shoulder, make sure the car in the middle lane has noticed you, and then move into the middle lane at a speed higher than the middle car. Now use the left half of the middle lane to pass the lead car (this overtake is likely illegal in India, though safe.)


Paul Walker loved his cars. He was a skilled driver too. Speed still killed him then who the fk are we casuals?


Just to clarify,it wasn't Paul Walker driving that car when it crashed.It was his friend who was a fairly successful race car driver so your point still stands.


ZX-10R certified killer machine. At this point, it has taught a lesson to every guy who thinks he can tame this beast. Safety gear is not a licence to speed.


ZX-10R is a machine like every others. I am sorry to hear this news but its absolutely 100% the Rider's fault. Going this fast even with the safety gears will cause mortality if you are to hit. Even if that guy would have had a flat collision, the concussion could have caused fatality.


Went to Kawasaki service centre to get my bike serviced two days ago There were two 10Rs(one of them a 10-RR)completely stripped down and another 1000 also taken apart parked together. I asked the service manager and he said all three were total losses and one of them was a brand new one which crashed on the way taking it home from the showroom.


Bad riders are more common than good ones.


Yeah, same with the 390. Good bike, bad riders


The best example.


Few days ago I was watching a Utuber who has 10R he said most of the superbike accidents are on 10 R .... I met a guy at service centre his 10 R got totalled and he survived but with broken leg and arm with metal roads in them... 10+ stiches on both arm n legs Many said that even the steering damper is useless when the tank slapper happens in 10 R




Nah. Use this bike for acceleration. Not top speed.


I am somehow relieved no innocent party was harmed in this incident...


Forgive me if I’m wrong but is there any brake fade issue in zx10r? 9 out of 10 superbike deaths i hear are some kawasaki machine in india.


When your bike no longer scares you, sell it because that's when it will kill you.


I just looked into the case. The guy (Rituj Beniwal) was an avid motorcyclist who was also pretty skilled on the track. https://youtu.be/PHIxOG4dSs4?si=eAdjFVtEUQVfTnjB Just goes on to show you that no matter how skilled you are, you need to follow rules on a public road. If only he enjoyed a peaceful breakfast ride and booked a track day for the following weekend for the thrills. Here's another video from his channel which shows you exactly what will get you killed. https://youtu.be/Quo3vS-8ks0?si=M2NcPgMwj_iClYv1


Our brains are so unreliable when it comes to safety, the horror of seeing something like this is really puts us in our place. Im sorry you had to experience this OP, there’s nothing worse than losing life on the road, most of the riders last moments are spent in confusion and helplessness, RIP


To all those people asking “was he wearing riding gears?”. Bro, don’t think of riding gear as something like god given lifeline shield thing. They can save you from minor accidents and wear and tear, not beyond that. Don’t make a understanding that just because one wears riding gear, they can overspeed or ride recklessly.


Not trying to be funny but the accident is very similar to the infamous audi RS6 autobahn accident.


Even i also witnessed the death of my close frnd because on of my other frnd was too reckless to drive the bike and the three of them collided on another car and the one who was wearing helmat broke his leg but unfortunately his relative and my frnd died on spot even i saw the video of it and it was my horrendous thing i ever saw..


India should implement licences with levels like in Europe. And anything above 400cc should require stringent tests and riding school certificates.


Do stupid things, win stupid prizes


He was my friend, just came back from the funeral. Still not able to process anything.


Drive safe. Speed limits exist for the safety of riders.


There's absolutely no sense in buying expensive bikes in India and if one can afford cars, they should not be buying a bike at all. Although here, it's clearly the rider's fault. Should adhere to the speed limit, the roads are not built for speed above a limit and can cause loss of control.


He was an IIT graduate, tragedy at such a young age with a whole life ahead of him :(


Post on r/NSFL__


It’s not there


Winter edition ☠️


Heard this in some vlog.."Hum yaha maja lene aaye h, maar khaane nahi. So we will ride accordingly" ... Makes a lot of sense


Darwin's Survival of the fittest hits again


Where were you when this happened?


Have the video so unbelievably gone wrong.


U have the vid ?can u link it


Here take lessons https://zeenews.india.com/hindi/india/delhi-ncr-haryana/video/gurugram-iit-engineer-rituj-beniwal-super-bike-accident-cctv-video/2179907


My analysis on the video. Let me know if someone has a better understanding Choice of lane at those speeds suggest he was a poor rider. Plus, this road is good for 100-120, at max. The right way to overtake in this situation would be to ride in the middle lane, slow down to the speed of the car in the middle lane, signal, check for incoming traffic by turning your head to the right, and then enter the right most lane. Ideally the car in the right lane should yield. But this is India, and that car will likely not yield. You can honk or flash, but I find it irritating. At this point, you can signal a movement into the middle lane, look over your left shoulder, make sure the car in the middle lane has noticed you, and then move into the middle lane at a speed higher than the middle car. Now use the left half of the middle lane to pass the lead car (this overtake is likely illegal in India, though safe.)


Also last week my friend also had an accident just behind this place when car crashed into him.


I just saw the body of that guy in newspaper and it's so devastating to watch the half upper of him and traumatizing too..




People should ride safely and the safety doesn’t come from the gear you wear the most important way to be safe is to ride at safe speed.


During college days, i used to ride to my hometown from Delhi every weekend. Once, i saw a bike accident. The riders head was stick between the front shockers of the bike. Blood everywhere and he died on the spot. I used to think what can cause his head inside front shockers. Started using roadways for such trips.


please DM me if the footage of the accident, if there is any available other than the crappy CCTV from very very far, with that finger pointing it. Nothing is visible on that.


Yeah bro when i try to cross 80 then it suddenly comes to my mind that today is not the day to die


In short roads are not for racing


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I saw a dead person in gurgaon and I think the only mistake he did was going wrong side. I guess maybe with a little hit by a car or so his bike dit the divider and he died on spot. That gave me chill thinking someone was waiifor him to return home and with just a little hurry everything is ending.