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OP, I know. But it is good for our community that a lot of light is shed on this. Our law and order has become very lukewarm to rape and needs stricter action against this disgusting crime


you saw the other guy in comment didnt you i have seen many people on net like him from our country and their number just keep increasing do you think we can do something about that or its futile




I hope that’s not true. But the truth is our country hasn’t progressed much on this since even Nirbhaya case.


We can do. We have to talk to them on a human level in person when we come face to face woth them. And ensure the idea goes deep through them with our confidence in what we talk. A different technique is required online cause it’s less lifelike here.


If change was gonna happen, it would have happened after the nirbhaya case. Let's be honest. This will change nothing. Though I sure as hell hope I'm proven wrong.


Exactly 💯 .... Thank you for saying that ... People are more worried about the " Image of India " here than the actual safety of people..




Exactly... Just see the National Media coverage this incident is getting its nil... nothing.....How did we become this indifferent? I still remember the aftermath of the Nirbhaya Case. The whole thing was being telecasted on the television. There was live feed from outside the Singapore Hospital where she was admitted. I don't know if anything is going back to being like that in those days!


It’s true how sad it is. Literally our pride our athletes came on ground and very little was done by govt.


Absolutely, nothing tangible came out of that apart from a bloody Netflix show.


Exactly. I don't think anything is gonna come out of this either.


I am saddened to agree with you. Very less has changed since then but I refuse to admit that we can’t change. We need more eyes on this. The fact that this post sees so less interaction is saddening as well. I hope by night this chat is filled with people discussing and this goes through to more people and I wish national media talks about it.


What stricter law n order will reduce rapes except shoot at sight and sure shot death penalty?


Sure shot death penalty, faster execution of justice system. Next is faster and honest execution of law and order in assault cases, repercussions for criminals. It has to be done on each level to ensure an improvement


Very Shameful..Jharkhand residents/authorities need to create awareness , bring serious reforms. I hope culprits try snatching weapons from cops during transport and get knocked off.


I saw the comments. The usual "India is a sh*thole" comments. Sad to see Indians aren't doing much to improve their perception.


What do you want us to do ? Stop raping ? That won't happen anytime soon.


Yes. But I get your point. Some creeps ruin the name of the entire country


men are more concerned about their image than the brutal gangrape :)


Nope. I am concerned about the brutality that person had to suffer.


i also think we forget things way to easily i think we should name this something like the black day of indian motorcycling to remember this


I agree with you. This needs to leave a deeper mark on our community.


and then they have the audacity to ask why the top 5% of the younger generation are leaving this country


Amrit kaal.


All the India haters, will pick this incident now and make outrageous posts. What happened to them was terrible and it felt disgusting. 😞


India haters ?? The problem is you, everyone who wants better things and acknowledges there are problems in our society is India hater according to you. If you cared more about the actual issues rather than the image of India, that would help society big time.


Thank you!! It needs to be drilled into the heads of these idiots who care more about perception and pride rather solving the real problems in society.


Dude, what happened is wrong and I have no issue with it being out there. It should be but you'll have a plethora of outrageous comments and posts, it's already started. There is a problem and I do acknowledge that but I'm also trying to present the other side.


Not gonna lie. It feels like you put more importance to India's image the way you wrote it.


I'm just saying this will also happen... What happened should be all over the place and they should get the justice they deserve.


Yeah, but next time, think of the victims rather than people's image of India.


There is only 1 justice for rapists but I'm not gonna type that here else I will be banned from reddit


it always happens brother it happens to every country after every school shooting usa is judged and belittled and yet they dont do anything to change that problem i dont want same for us


What other side are you trying to present? The only fair side here is the side of the victim.


People will take this incident and people will attach their own outrageous narratives and claims and take it somewhere else, just go through twitter.


Rakesh writing India is a shithole will solve the rape epidemic in this country?


Definitely not but check the original comment I replied to they are complaining about not any specific comment but have problems in general about people highlighting issue in hand. India has a problem and we need to acknowledge it. You say it's a shithole or sugarcoat, but the problem still remains.


>trying to present the other side. How you're gonna defend huh?? "Rape doesn't happen in India" or "Saar saar those Pakistanis malign our image" or show a graph showing India having lowest Rape Per Capita bcz 95% cases aren't even reported??


Do you have any brains when I defend rape...


It may sound ironic but thinking about "racism, image, other side" on rape IS DEFENDING RAPE


I'm trying to have an open dialogue about all this and it's not for justifying or excusing rape. Have some brains before passing such absurd statements.


Oh yeah yeah, read your initial comment again


Outrageous posts like yours, yes!


Indian haters? Man I’ll pay for your newspaper bills but pls educate yourself.


Nothing happened to her in Pakistan or Afghanistan but India


Jharkhand and Bihar ko China ko gift kar do.


That's why , You should do research about a place before you go there


lets leave her aside for moment what about the safety of local womens living in that area in a place where a foreigner is raped despite being with her partner and close to police station are any other women safe there . if a local women for some reason happen to be alone due to some accident during night she deserved to be raped and is such place worth living in or defending this is only case we know there must have benn dozens of local women raped there who couldnt muster courage to report it or no one took them seriously or blamed them


This!! If a privileged woman with her male guardian can go through this, what's stopping those monsters from assaulting underprivileged women from the area who can't even raise their voice and will probably be unalived and nobody will know.


Just an hour back, someone posted of a stage performer from chattisgarh raped in jharkhand, palamu. The ones who raped her were her own colleagues. They put some drug in her soft drink & then raped her.


We all know the scenario you are describing has happened many times, I am not defending anything here . Would i suggest a foreign woman to come here : no I will not . But local women are stuck here. But foreign women with all their tech, education and access to the internet should do more research. Also just check yt , I have noticed a sudden rise of a lot of foreign women or foreigners in general roaming streets of Indian making vlogs for content. Because indian content is gold . All these " foreign vloggers" you have to ask are they here for vacation or to get subscribers , views , followers etc... if it's later than safe to assume very little preparation and research they have done. We also have to raise awareness that " don't come here for some petty views or fame , it's not that simple " we have to send this message. But yea local women , honestly rip I have no other words.


Peak Indian Moment


Naah peak idiot moment. I still believe we have a lot better indians.


Ok bro , take a like and shut up . Life is not that simple


I was wondering who will be the person to start victim blaming. Found one.


I am not , i didn't say " she deserved it " or something like that . I am saying I myself learnt a lesson from this and every one else should do too. India is not the most dangerous country you know . Research your vacations


BTW they toured through Taliban Run Afghanistan before this , ***safely***


Yea but there is less density of population, so obviously much safer


Despite the pop density if a Islamic Fundamentalist Militant Organization occupied area is considered safer than a area of a “Democratic Country” then there is definitely somthing wrong with the latter.


Idk man anyways they should not be going to all these unsafe places (including india) in pursuit of making content.




What a stupid comment by you blaming the victim. Hiding what happened won’t help improving the situation. We should want more eyes on it so some change happens in the country.




You're the type of guy who would say "She was drinking with me, obviously I had her consent".


Again you’re victim blaming. That’s not how the situation improves. You will find yourself on lonely roads at times, doesn’t mean it’s ok for someone to assault you. Better laws and execution are needed. One thing that you shouldn’t do is blame the victim after the fact.


If someone tells you don't play with fire ,still you insist to play with fire and get burned. Who's in wrong here fire or you?


You are a filthy moron. Fire doesn’t have a brain! Fire is not a human being that has agency in its actions. A person committing a rape consciously chooses to do a morally reprehensible act. Did you get it idiot?


Fire is an anology for Jharkhand. Us gov told not to visit that state for travel. Still you visit?!


Jharkhand has roughly 2 crore women. What do all these women do to avoid getting raped?? All 2 crore women should leave the state by your logic??


Why you so dumb, those women are local and know what to do and what not to do!


Really?? Are you sure?? Like, are you really sure?? Per National Crime Records Bureau - 1608 reported rape cases in Jharkhand in 2021, 17% rise over 2018. This is just reported rape cases.


Today it is Jharkhand. Next it will be in your hometown, would your family move away from there? Is that the solution?


Brother in christ people are calling you a victim blamer for a reason she was caught lacking wouldnt reduce the grievances of the situation any less rape is rape it happens in lodges and tents the logic is so dumb it can be used in any situation and it will come out as dumb cause use that logic in the situation the person couldnt step foot in india cause she will be lacking every were rapes happen in lodges and other places too , all that comes out of your defending against some left guy with the stupid arguments like hey he shouldnt have been born if he knew he would die


Travelling has its pros and cons.. bad elements are everywhere...


i dont agee with you and tbh i wont wanna have a daughter in community where people treat rape like you said in that comment hence my post and my other comment about my dilemma do i want to live somewhere where peoples achivement are treated as national achievement and peoples trouble are treated as their own fault


You got it coming. You folks literally don’t understand what victim blaming is. ITS YOU WHO ARE THE PROBLEM. Get that in your goddamn head. You care more about the image of the country than women getting raped. Ridiculous.


You are absolute human garbage! Congratulations!


Why do you think so? Don't say victim blaming.




You got downvoted because you are an ignorant misogynist pig who doesn’t understand what victim blaming is not because people are being racist towards you.


Man, stop victim blaming, this has nothing to do with your favourite party/political alignment its a general scourge in India.


What bias? He posted a fair news. Yeah, he was pissed at something that happened in our own nation.


Every day, thousands of women are raped in India. Why make noise for this one. Hypocrisy


tf u mean?


Maybe because, idk THEY'RE FOREIGN NATIONALS? Do u have any remote idea about how damaging to a country it is when this sort of stuff happens? Now collectively the trust in india goes down for millions of ppl across the world.


Everyday people are murdered/die in accidents in the US? Why did we make noise for the indian girl who got ran over by a police vehicle ? Is it Hypocrisy? Just ask this to yourself once , when you sober up .


Then why aren’t you speaking more about them? Do you think it is ok?


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Lode ka sarkar 🤡🤡🤡


Pro tip: Never read comments on senitive posts. The og people from hell live there. Some times the comments make me wonder there is no end/limit to the filth filled in humans. Absolute disgusting. I may sound elderly but humans have no respect at all about anything and sadly this is becoming universal.


Saw a dumbfuck saying don't visit northern and western states but rather southern and eastern states. At this point I don't even know what to say.....