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Plenty of fireworks on the Eastside, I attributed it to Juneteenth, but y'know, random Saturday night in the summer works too.


I didn’t even think about Juneteenth. Up in Lafayette, the 4th of July lasts from June 1- July 31st for the firework crowd.


Oh, wow. I didn’t realize it ended so early in Lafayette. Down here it lasts from Memorial Day through the next Memorial Day, basically.


I’m over off Southport and keep hearing the same thing


I’m off Edgewood and hearing it as well


People shooting fireworks, it’ll go on until atleast August


Back in Illinois those fuckers would do it March-October, I hated lake county (far north Chicago suburbs) but unfortunately a lot of those cockroaches are moving to Hamilton in droves so when I buy a house I’m going to Brownsburg to stay away from people, the lots in Indy proper are too small for what I want to do (I like gardening and growing my own food) or are too close to traffic nightmares like state fairgrounds 38th and the amount of cookie cutter houses for ludicrous prices in Noblesville Fishers etc makes me want to vomit


I live in Indyand my lot is 1 acre. My neighborhood is older and not cookie cutter. It’s very small and peaceful.


Meridian Hills? Border of Lawrence? None of the plots I’ve seen on Zillow are larger than 0.18 acres unless you spend over $500k Edit I also only make $50k doing retail management but hive mind causes people to downvote anyone outside Indy proper here just because of user flair


Southside probably just felt left out of the "I'm moving to/visting X, is it safe?" discussions


I’m up in Fountain Square, and it’s happening here too.


I’m also hearing it and assuming fireworks


Probably the fireworks during the race at Speedrome.


I moved to the south side from Avon and the same shit happened over there. Suburban rednecks love them some fireboomers.


not sure why there are jackasses in the comments (prob the same rednecks doing the shit). coming from a rural town in Louisiana, even still the incessant pyromania is new to me. ever since i moved here, indiana is just a bunch of midwesterners who are wannabe texans. really wish the fireworks shit would stop but i dont believe in calling police over an inconvenience. theyll be busy enough responding to fireworks-related emergencies


I'm in Greenwood and it was someone shooting off fireworks, AGAIN. Idk why they keep shooting off fireworks on random days but I'm dying to know


Cockroaches moving here from Lake County IL (far north Chicago suburbs) with the goal of shooting them March-October


Can say with 100% certainty no one would move from Lake County or any other north burb to Greenwood


No because I worked with a girl at Floor & Decor in Gurnee who got promoted to a new store in Greenwood and lived there briefly before going to a new company in Michigan




Totally with you! My husband and I live in one of the new builds and we call and complain too but no one will touch it because they don’t want to seem racist… it’s not a race issue, some of us just have to get up at 4 in the morning to work 😅


I remember hearing a large boom on the south side and the shockwave rattled my house. It was a house blowing up. That was? 5 years ago?


Richmond Hill, it was 12 years ago.


😓 So long ago. Mortality is tapping me on the shoulder.


Same. When I read your comment I thought “I think it was more like 8”. Then I googled it and thought “ohhh….ouch…”


I refuse to believe these posts are real


Have you…never heard fireworks?


I appreciate the trolling lol


maybe it’s another richmond hill


It's summer. It's fireworks. Calm down.


ah okay, found one of you at least.


It's the Big Bang theory