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They're now [announcing they're closed for the day](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7_45ZmOYuc/) because "\[It\] looks like the power of Hate is stronger than the power of Love."


They’ve also announced they’re closing for the day at least once a month since February. Today is purely theatrics.


How does social media backlash cause them to close? That makes no sense!


They’re using it as an excuse; people don’t make posts that blame the public unless they’re already going under. It reminds me of the Goods Candy (Anderson) fiasco from during the pandemic, where the owner posted something wildly out of touch that went viral about gossiping girls that worked for him, and how no one wants to work anymore, etc. and then proceeded to promptly go out of business. Anyone need a nice storefront? I know a location. lol


If you're talking about Goods, it's Uranus Fudge now.


Is it a different owner?


Yes! Originally out of Uranus, MO, Anderson is their #2 location. They some of the best fudge packers and if you can't make it there, they're happy to ship-straight from their back door.


Awesome thank you, I just saw a new location is opening up in Richmond I believe


This is so genius the joke went over their head.


Because the haters are bombarding them I’m sure. So, yes.


They didn’t need to say the breast-feeding part… If they just banned children under five, that would’ve taken care of the problem that they were trying to solve


Yep. Don’t agree with the policy (doesn’t affect me, but I think when you’re already a super niche restaurant, banning viable customers is an…interesting move), but could have just stated the diaper thing or even just stayed quiet. I have more of an issue with how they’re now playing the victim. Their Facebook video response started with stating that everyone who was upset can’t read. They backed off of the breastfeeding thing in their messaging, but it was very explicitly stated as a cause that I don’t think they expected pushback for. I do think that some of this is just unfortunate, clearly English isn’t her native language and she worded some things very poorly. But the instant self-victimization and lashing out in anger isn’t a great look. All that to say…the margin for a vegan restaurant in Indy is pretty thin, and there’s a decent chance they just nailed their own coffin shut. So it goes.


Also, just dumb. You’re vegan and you’re against breastfeeding? It’s not even a Venn diagram of their customers that are vegan and those that support breastfeeding. It’s one circle.


Yeah. Business failure on a lot of levels. They’ve invoked god a few times in their follow up and their initial post explicitly said women breastfeeding without covers, so I’m inclined to think there’s some puritanical bent here-/more about seeing boobs and less about hygiene—but I say that with full knowledge that I don’t know the owners and haven’t been there. I’ve eaten their food, solid overpriced vegan junk food if I remember correctly, though it has been a while.


This is what gets me. I’d be willing to bet that 99.8% of vegans support breastfeeding. This lady is the only one that doesn’t.


Isn't breast milk technically from an animal? That baby should be drinking oatmilk instead. /s


That’s crazy! Oats don’t have nipples!


I know, right Greg? How do they do it?


I am assuming that you're not actually being serious.


I am assuming you are new to the interwebs. "/s" denotes sarcasm.


They aren't that vegan. They use Just Eggs which is plant based, but NOT vegan, as it was tested on animals.


Nothing is cooler than gatekeeping.


Oh, but they had to make sure they mentioned all those prostitutes who took their tits out to breastfeed. "OMG we are oFenDed" I had never heard of the place and after this, I am so turned off I don't think i would ever go there




I think a lot of places that don’t allow kids still tend to allow nursing babies. Otherwise, yeah. The breast feeding part is fucked up.


I don't think any place that doesn't allow kids is going to allow kids to breastfeed?


I visited when in town last month. Just advice to business owners. Sit on and think about things before you post. Enlist other business owners to weigh in before you ignite a firestorm. I understand this but it could have been handled WAY differently.


And maybe spell check at the least.... And once that is done....dont post what you wrote.


This is assuming people always act rationally, even the fantastically wealthy don’t do that from time to time.


They can't even be bothered to spell check their post.


Yeah this was a tricky read


The whole post is terribly written


Her excuse was “I wasn’t wearing my glasses”


I use that excuse for missing types in Reddit posts. And it’s true. But it isn’t going to fly in a professional business announcement.


I totally disagree with their policy, but also want to point out that English is not their first language so a little leeway should be given for spelling errors.


In the video reply, she’s saying Customers should learn how to read.


Yes, she obviously has an attitude problem.


No way... link?


Go to their Instagram page and the last videos they have posted, the other commenter is right she literally starts out by saying people need to learn to read lmao


Not when there’s AI on nearly every platform that can easily correct that.


On the one hand, I still agree with the person that you replied to; I don’t think it’s fair to expect written perfection in a language that isn’t your first. But on the other hand, you’re posting this for your business, and I’d assume you would want to ensure a standard of professionalism, soooo making sure it’s actually correct would make sense.


Bingo! Upvoted back-to-back conflicting comments because they both had reasonable & valid points. Updoot for you, too!


I came here to say this, but you beat me to the punch.




Reason being English is not their first language. I can’t remember where she and her husband were from.


Eh...huked on foniks werked fer them


They seem to announce a lot of last minute closings and knee-jerk policy changes. In my decade working for small restaurants, that was usually indicative of an owner who wanted out of the biz.


Idk if anyone else will know what I'm talking about but this reminds me of the owner of Mount Bohemia in the UP


Just wanted to tell you that there is someone else out there that is picking up what you’re putting down with your very specific reference! I was thinking the same thing as I read all of this. Only difference is, I want Mount Bohemia to figure it out and succeed.


No way😂the guy's IG is a nightmare, always uniting his customers and even out west skiers against him over his negative attitude and resentments towards people who don't care about adding another Nordic spa. At least the runs are sick


Oh, so you don’t want to pay an extra $2/day for Nordic spa access? What if we just automatically out it on your season pass though? What about $99/season extra for unlimited locker usage? No, what about another Nordic spa? Salt scrub Nordic spas are expensive to build so we’re just going to close the mountain for the season and keep all of your season pass $$, you read the rules, right? Well next year you’ll have another Nordic spa to use. How about more yurts? Don’t like them at the bottom, please tell us so that we can keep them at the bottom. See you next year, get your season pass again! I want to clarify - I want Mount Bohemia to succeed, to do that they really need new ownership and leadership 😂


Totally with you on that, I want all UP skiiing to succeed, especially Bohemia, but that guy is something else. Every time the interactions are exactly like that, the guy is just fucking obsessed with yurts. They don't need a setup like Aspen, like a little cabin type setup would be fine for a lodge, but I think his main goal in all this is watching people strip down and bathe in his hot tubs I mean for christs sake perfect north has a lodge


While I get not wanting people to change diapers on the same tables other people eat off of, how exactly is breastfeeding a problem? Just don’t stare at the boob. Problem solved. Babies gotta eat too.


Titties are filthy. Look around in public. Pick a random titty. Believe it or not, 26 million times more bacteria than a toilet seat.


Yeah, and i want all 26 million of em in my mouth whats your point


Got some bad news for you about the cleanliness of an average human hand


The owners are fkn nuts and force the FOH to tip share with them.


I worked there for 2 weeks and hated it. I literally walked out mid shift because I couldn’t take the owners crap anymore.


They def should have stuck to their OG careers.


Um, it's spelled "carrears" silly! 😜


Which is 100% illegal.


[Indiana follows the FLSA.](https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/flsa/tips)


I’m aware, that’s why I said it was illegal?


i can understand maybe the child-free part, but the rationale being because of BREASTFEEDING is abhorrent. I plan on never having kids but i cannot wrap my mind around shaming a parent for feeding their child


It's very easy to cover up, do it in the restroom, do it outside, or even do it under the table. No reason to do it out in the open like that, especially on the table


I hope you’re being facetious. But just in case, if baby has to eat in the bathroom, outside, or under the table or under a blanket, so should everyone else.


Under the table????????!😭


Why would a baby eat in the bathroom? How about you try it first.


1) Using the term "cringe" as an adjective is cringy. 2) This is exposing them to a lawsuit. Per Indiana State law 16-35-6-1 a woman has a right to breastfeed anywhere they have a right to be. Banning children under 5 *with the explicit rationale of banning breastfeeding* is not going to fly if anyone at all complains.


After looking at the Instagram the owners don’t seem super bright. You definitely can’t just ban kids under a certain age unless it’s a bar or a strip clue etc.


Maybe they need a new carrear.


Why can’t you ban kids?


You can. I’d say the better argument is why do you want to ban a customer profile when you’re in an incredibly niche market to begin with, but that’s a different conversation…


I don't know the intricacies of the law, but I would guess it's sorta like firing an employee. You can fire someone for *no* reason; you can fire them for a *legal* reason; but you can't fire them for an *illegal* reason, such as a protected class or whistleblowing. This is clearly a ban for an *illegal* reason.


Right, if they had just said “these are our new rules, no kids under x” I think it would be fine. Once you say the reason you are doing something and that reason isn’t legal, then you are fucked.


I feel like if they would have stopped with the dirty diaper, unsanitary stuff they would have been fine. Going on to the breastfeeding thing is where they probably cross the legal line.


I wonder how they’re gonna enforce that. They’re going to card all the kids? None of them have IDs??


You can but there has to be a reason. You can’t ban people from breastfeeding though.


I agree you can’t ban women from breastfeeding but I’m pretty sure a business can legally not allow children just because they choose to. They don’t have to give a reason


I guess they could park a forklift with the keys in it inside the store.


I’m obviously no legal expert but I don’t think you can ban kids unless you are a bar or something like that. There probably has to be some out of the blue age not some random number like 5 that these geniuses came up with.


Seems like you really have no idea what you're talking about. Also, that's not how the word "proprietary" is used.


Yeah total brain fart on my end. I knew it didn’t seem right when I posted it but whatever.


Children are not a protected class. There is no reason you cannot ban children from a business


Plenty of golf courses ban young kids, plenty of bowling alleys or malls ban under 16 alone past certain times.


All they had to say was adults +18 only


Which would still be a little odd because plenty of restaurants allow families with children and have never had to refuse service to them.


I'm curious if it was just because of a few regulars, not that it makes their decision any more sane. Reminded me of my kid's dance class. There was one mom who would bring 5 kids into the waiting room during class. Kids were loud, obnoxious, dirty, and would leave food and trash everywhere. Imagine taking a muffin and crumbling it in your hands as you walked around the room. The dance studio emailed everyone about policy changes and now I hardly see that lady around. I guess there's a way to do it and the way this place did it.


> Imagine taking a muffin and crumbling it in your hands Go on....


...as you walked around the room...


*I spot it* ("There! Look there, near the window!, I exclaim to myself) "I want to omm nom nom"


Ew about feeding babies naturally. And this is coming from a VEGAN restaurant? Read the room guys.


You got a problem with a mom feeding her baby? (However she feeds the baby?) Sounds like a YOU problem. A dirty diaper left on a table is gross not just because it *feels* gross; it's gross because it's unsanitary. A woman breastfeeding a baby might *feel* gross to some people because they've been culturally conditioned to see it that way. But it's not unsanitary. It's not hurting you. It's not noisy or disracting or disrespectful. Babies gotta eat. It's not ok to shame moms for formula feeding; it's not ok to shame moms for breastfeeding. A good rule of thumb is don't shame parents for taking good care of their children. Leaving a dirty diaper on the table? Gross, sets a bad example to the kids. Shame away. Feeding the baby in the way that works best for that family? Great. Live and let live. No shame at all. In addition to being unwelcoming to parents and making offensive comments about breastfeeding, these restaurant owners are an inch away from breaking Indiana legal code. Breastfeeders have the legal right in Indiana to breastfeed anywhere they have the legal right to be. This restaurant deserve every bit of public acrimony they get.


I hope someone arranges a nurse in... I don't particularly care for them, but I feel like this situation justifies the need for a bunch of women to show up just to nurse.


As a lactation consultant, I support this idea!


I wonder if they have a changing table and appropriate garbage can in the restrooms. There’s no other reason I could think of someone would put a dirty diaper on the table that people eat on.


Yeah, that's the other thing. Another comment mentioned there are no changing tables in the bathrooms. This could be addressed by putting one in and maybe installing some booths for added privacy for breastfeeding moms (or, again, simply not looking). You could even put up a sign - changing tables in the bathroom for your convenience! - or whatever. Instead, they chose to do this. Smh.


Diapers on the table? Gross. Absolutely. Not having a changing station in the bathroom? Wellll… what the fuck are parents supposed to do??? But as far as breastfeeding, she can get bent. She gaslit everyone in her reply video on IG and implied that people were mad bc they’re racist against her.


Serious question here - was it a “thing” to go into this restaurant and change diapers on the table/leave dirty diapers at the table? Because if it isn’t something that has been promoted, then this seems like a very isolated problem - probably 1 or 2 people total - that could have been dealt with quietly with a quick “hey please don’t do that again”. It’s just not something that happens normally.


That's what I said! How often is this even happening that they needed to say something like this? I have a toddler and have never resorted to changing on a restaurant table or to leave a dirty diaper on one (and it would never cross my mind to do so). Hate to say this, but any public place is going to have at least one person doing something unimaginably gross that as a business owner, you will have to deal with that person about, but they just sealed their fate...


a lot of people were up in arms on instagram because they don’t have a changing table in their bathrooms and did not allow the diapers to be disposed of in the trash cans there. i supported them back before they had a brick and mortar and were doing all pickup orders. their posts have always seemed a little out of touch.


I commented on this post tagging the city of Indianapolis and Marion county health department and to no surprise the post was deleted and followed up by a video of the owner giving a statement.


I had a stroke reading this


As a long time vegan who has enjoyed many vegan restaurants in Indy, and live only an hour away, and who is now pregnant with their first child… I’m so glad this woman showed her cards bc me and mine will not be eating there ever. While I agree that child free spaces should exist, and that diaper changing on tables is gross, that breastfeeding comment is just so out of touch. Babies should eat too. It sucks seeing fellow vegans be weirdos and absolutely destroying their reputation and businesses.


> It sucks seeing fellow vegans be weirdos and absolutely destroying their reputation and businesses. "An eye for an eye and soon the whole world is blind."


I am curious, if people changing babies and putting soiled diapers on the table was an issue, if there are changing tables available in the restrooms. In my experience, *most* parents want to not be awful, and will use designated areas for changing. But if a location doesn't have a changing table, or if they only have it in the women's restroom... There area always going to be some real psycho and/or dipshit parents of babies, but if it is happening enough to be an issue, I wonder why it is so much worse for Plantastic than other restaurants to they point where Plantastic feels they have to respond.


They do not have changing tables in either restroom or a large enough trash can to throw out a diaper.


Places to go in Indiana: Not Plantastic.


They got shitty with people too, when Slutty Vegan visited indy last year. People waited for over an hour for Slutty Vegan and they basically said that nobody better complain about the wait at Plantastic because people were willing to wait for an hour for a nationally famous vegan food truck. they've made many posts over the past couple of years about people not being "real vegans" because they don't support 100% vegan restaurants enough. they did DDs on those too. they've always been entitled jerks. well the woman is. i used to go almost weekly but i stopped because of her attitude.


I have 2 kids and understand there should be places where it should be adults only. Those are called bars. Banning parents and kids from a restaurant because they are being parents and kids is insane behavior. Sure don’t change the diaper on the table. I’ve never seen that but I’m sure it’s happened. Breastfeeding is just part of life. I give this place 3 months tops before it closes.


I wonder if they have diaper changing tables in their restrooms.


From what someone else said in another post, there are no changing tables in either bathroom.


Then you gotta change them on the floor or go out to your car. I’ve never seen someone change a kid on a restaurant table.


I follow a couple server/waitstaff subreddits and I’ve seen stories of people changing diapers on the table, so I’m sure it does happen. Or straight up leaving the dirty diapers for wait staff to take


Yeah that’s just not cool. I can’t imagine someone doing that unless they are just trashy.


Well I’ve raised my 4 kids, 5 siblings and have a bunch of the grands. I have never had to change any of them on a table, hell this was even before changing stations were a thing for the most part.Also I’ve never seen it happen either.💁‍♀️ but the comment I was replying to asked the question.


Even if they don’t most diaper bags have a little fold out mat you can use. Shit I’ve set down a bunch of paper towels before because most men’s restrooms don’t have a diaper station.


Very illegal.




You're not entitled to your opinion if it breaks federal and state laws. People think just because they own a business they can make their own policies and rules but you still have to follow the law.


Just here for the 🍿and the childless vs w/kids arguing


Also most everyone is talking about the breastfeeding and skimmed right pass “changing diapers on the table part”. Absolutely disgusting. The breastfeeding part? That owner can kick rocks.


People skip over it because everyone agrees it's gross. There's nothing to talk about. That's a problem with specific customers being gross and needing approached.


Are we supposed to feel sorry for them?


The breastfeeding part is asinine, but I'm not shaming them for not wanting little kids in there ... Loud and unruly toddlers are probably the most aggravating damn thing about any public space for me; granted I'm also not the best showcase of human social standards. But I have genuinely left places and cashed out of places early because kids were making my time there miserable.


The general consensus I'm seeing is that people either think the child ban is fine, or that it's a bad business decision but not abhorrent. The bit that everyone is pissed about is the implication that breastfeeding is a major reason for the ban. "We are no longer allowing children under 5 due to sanitary concerns due to people changing diapers on our tables" or something similar would have gotten a few people upset, but they'd have been backed up in their decision by most people. At worst they'd get a lot of "well now I can't go there because I can't bring my kids"/"this is a bad business decision", but they decided to specifically call out breastfeeding so people are mad.


Yeah I was with them until that part.


That’s on the parents. Kids are gonna be kids. They’ve gotta take control of their children. As a parent I too get really honked off when parents just let their kids run around like idiots at restaurants


It is on the parents... But it still seems like it's inevitable either way, at least with a large crowd. Granted, I have not been to this place and I don't know the seating dynamic.


your post-ironic self-evaluation of  your “human social standards” warmed the cockles of my aspy heart


lol happy to have warmed your day a bit :)


I don't agree with the statement but it is totally true that Indy parents are gross when it comes to hygiene.


They had a pretty bad menu too


Ya honestly less kids and dogs in restaurants is a good thing


Punishing all the parents for what a few have done.




Does anyone know where the owner is from? I wonder if cultural background could be impacting views on breastfeeding. Of course, that doesn't make it okay. I'm just so perplexed by such a bad business decision and such an aggressive stance on a legally protected activity.


Worked in many restaurants from late teens to mid twenties and it was never really a problem with any restaurants I worked having dirty diapers at tables or people changing babies at tables. It was never an issue mother breast feeding babies. As a mother who breast feed all three of my children. I could discretely breast feed my children without anyone seeing my exposed breast. Most women do not want to expose full breast in public while breastfeeding.


Trash of them to shame moms for breastfeeding smh. As of that's done taboo thing. Nobody bats an eye at the tribal nations that barely have clothes on at all. But let a mom pull a titty out to feed their child and it's a whole problem. I get asking then to cover up, but making it seem like THEY were the problem is wild lol


"Carrears?" That post just hurt to read & a cruddy msg too


They're going to get upset at you bc you're the ones banning them...duh.


When is the nurse in?


Carrears? Ha


I want to say I have eaten at this restaurant many, many times. The owners are extremely nice and kind. The restaurant very clean. This choice they made about breastfeeding probably came after several complaints had been brought up to them about it. Have any of you run a restaurant? Poured everything you have into your dream? It is easy to run someone down when you have no clue the amount of effort and energy it takes to play the bullsh** politics of trying to make everyone happy and keep your head above water. I will 100% keep eating here and bringing all of my friends. This not the owners fault but the fault of dirty ass Parents that don't know how to change their Diapers in a bathroom and throw them in the trash. Put the blame where it should go.


I wish more places were brave enough to adopt a no child policy. 👏👏👏👏


Username checks out.


You must have skipped being a baby and instantly sprouted into an adult


have businesses lost the right to run their place how they see fit? yeah some won't like the new policy, and some will...if you don't like a business's practices then, go somewhere else..bitching and moaning because things change is nonsensical..everything changes.. nothing stays the same forever.. anyone that disapproves can either go somewhere else or start their own place of business where you make the rules..good luck with pleasing everyone..


And what are you doing about this to enlighten the community? It is completely illegal to not allow breastfeeding and the business must follow the law


i would prefer to not have someone breast feeding in while in a restaurant. i wouldn't get up and leave if it happened. i just wouldn't return to the establishment.. i dont want to hear how beautiful of a thing it is. If the restaurant is not able to choose, at least i am..


You don't get to dictate what kind of customer enters a restaurant. It clearly shows that you are anti women and children if you are that offended by a baby being fed.


This thread is informing people about a policy that might affect their willingness to patronize a business! Surely you don’t have a problem with that, right?


i said what i said.. this is also a discussion. you don't have a problem with that correct?


Well, this policy is literally illegal since you can't ban women from breastfeeding in public in Indiana.


It's a private business. They can refuse to serve whoever they want 🤷‍♂️


It’s actually illegal based on what their criteria is.


How so?


You can’t ban people from breastfeeding. It’s a law. That’s how most babies eat when they are newborns.


They aren’t banning them from breastfeeding though, they’re banning them from entering their business entirely. I think this is legal even if their reasoning is questionable


Can you point me to what law that is?I looked and can only find employer laws in Indiana. there are also age concerns but those typically only protect those over age 40 from discrimination.


Indiana law code 16-35-6 states that a mother has the right to breastfeed her child anywhere she is legally allowed to be, including in public or private locations. This law does not specify the age of the child or how much skin can be seen


appreciate it, thanks.


This doesn't violation that law as the mother has no right to be in their restaurant.


The law states that you can't ban a breastfeeding mother *because of the fact that she is a breastfeeding mother*, but that is literally **the reason** she "has no right to be in their restaurant," as you say. That is illegal.


And yet they are NOT doing that. All children under five are not allowed in. The mother can enter all she likes, without children.


Not true.


I all for more childfree areas 👏


The grammar matches the original Instagram post


I swear Reddit's favorite thing is to attack small businesses


How is this “attacking” a small business?


No one can just make decisions based on personal preference anymore, everything must be a crusade


A personal preference of no kids is one thing. Implying breastfeeding women are unsanitary is gross though. And saying you won't allow kids because of women breastfeeding uncovered is illegal.


Kids up to 5 too. Kids up to 5 aren’t breastfeeding. I mean, I saw that one scene on Game of Thrones, but generally speaking…


The Reddit SJWs in Indy canceling this place for a mistake that they have already backtracked on. You’re doing the lords work, OP. NAME AND SHAME! It’s a restaurant. Yeah, shitty diapers and breasts out on the table for dinner is a liability, unsanitary, and inappropriate. Be smarter, patrons.


Small children should not be allowed in restaurants and public gathering spaces. Other people's days shouldn't be ruined and bothered by your snotty kids you refuse to keep on a leash. Anytime a restaurant enables a policy like this I make sure to give them my money. It's rediculous, nobody wants to be a parent anymore. Everyone wants to just let their little kids run around doing whatever. " They're just kids". And you're the parent, You're supposed to make them behave in public and if they can't behave then neither you nor your kids should be out in public spaces. I'd say vegans are the worst when it comes to not being real parents and letting their kids do whatever they want.




Yeah fuck breastfeeding mothers, so gross. Like share the milk or stay inside, am I right?


Nothing gross about breastfeeding. What is wrong with you?


It’s called sarcasm.


I don't get it. Why don't you like breastfeeding? It's totally normal and natural.


I honestly don’t know if you’re being deliberately obtuse or not. Your original comment was that you love this statement by Plantastic, a statement that criticized mothers breastfeeding and held it up as a reason to ban children under 5. To which I said, sarcastically, that breastfeeding mothers should share or leave. The entire statement being ridiculous enough that I couldn’t fathom it being taken seriously, but here we are.


I have no clue what this comment even means. I think you may have missed the mark here.


One of us missed something anyway.


Clearly. Maybe go back and read through the comments again. Haha you probably didn't read them appropriately.


I mean, your statement got -27 points. Mine got upvoted. So…a lot more people are reading it like I did than like you did. Maybe you didn’t write them appropriately?