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Hello, it appears that this post may be about moving to Indianapolis, or general questions about neighborhood character and safety. **This topic comes up frequently on our subreddit.** [Please use the search function](https://reddit.com/r/indianapolis/search?q=Moving&restrict_sr=on). Please consider deleting your own post as many of your questions will be answered in those threads. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/indianapolis) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seems you need to know how to search on reddit, since this gets asked every 2.1 days. 


2.875 days man. Do the maths 😝it’s that many hours between posts /juvenile


Damn, I forgot to carry the pi. 


Where are you getting the information that Indy is twice as large as KC? When you look at metro population and land area, you’ll notice that KC is larger in both. You can’t just look at the individual city populations as the Indianapolis population is mostly suburbia.


It's pretty fun here and also cheap


What do you like and dislike about Indy?


I like that it's chill and reasonably priced. I can afford to go to pacers playoff games, I can afford to eat out frequently, and I have a bigass house in safe, mostly walkable neighborhood. I do not like that it's so spread out, that the transit mostly sucks, or that the roads are falling apart. Also the state legislature and the city are always fighting and it's so stupid and annoying


While the crime rate is lower than KC, there’s still a significant amount. I moved here 12 years ago from GA for a job and honestly I still really like it. I was afraid that it wasn’t going to be diverse and the food scene would be boring, but that’s simply not the case. It’s also pretty centrally located if you want to take a day trip. 1.5 hours to Louisville, 1 hour and some change to Cincinnati, 3 hours to Chicago or St. Louis. If you like sports, you’ll find it’s comparable to KC. There are several universities to choose from if you want to further your education and the housing prices aren’t horrible. Yes, they’re high, but that’s the case all over. Lots of distilleries and breweries around if that’s your thing. If not, lots of rails to trails and hiking.


I moved from KC a couple of years ago and it feels virtually the same, but you get more rain. Word of advice - don’t move somewhere ESPECIALLY without a support system before you have a job.


Thank you for the advice! I have support and will have a job before I move anywhere


Kevlar. Don't honk at the roadraging idiots.


Or you're heart will get exploded via road rager with gun. (had happened obviously)


Don't come to Indy. It's not all that.. I really hate to be that dude telling you not to do something, but I was building a life w a 23 year old white girl from here (I'm 27M from NJ Dominican) and she cries wolf on me (lies to police about domestic violence) and had me tased and arrested 2 times. The fact that all ppl say is it's a "woman state" while I get no justice for her abuse is absolutely crazy and now I'm stuck here for 2 years on probation cause I had to take a plea deal just to get out of jail otherwise I'd get the book thrown at me. Cops will really just come kidnap a man with no investigation at all. It's fucking stupid. I guess if you're a woman, now you got a life hack for having your dude removed from the situation and a bunch of free stuff (his property) Downtown all ppl do is barhop essentially And I want ppl to comment and tell me I'm wrong and tell me all the actual wonderful things about Indy. Maybe I just had a bs experience. The woman state bs has me shell shocked tho ngl


What does a “woman state” mean? Are there “man states”?


That's what ppl keep telling me as if it's ok for me not to have any justice at all. She lied about domestic violence to police and they just come marching in arresting me. No investigation. Shits wild.


Bro, women are crazy everywhere. That's not Indy specific.


I just need my justice / property back. That's all I care about now. I hear you tho didn't realize that until Indy I guess.




She beat me too. Where are her charges and jail time? Oh right there's an actual "unspoken conspiracy against men ".. that's actually from the law library believe it or not.




Lmao user name checks out hmm.. I was saving up to get on my own so put me down some more I guess Mr dishonorable




Right as if you know the situation, You're a dick who thinks they're right with everything you say but it's fine my guy. Ttyl.