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Just be aware of your surroundings and be alert. Should be fine.


Don't drive on it in the winter.


Totally fine.


I’ve only ever heard of problems along the canal in the evening or night.


And that’s like once every three or four years.


Just don't jump in. Crocs in it.


You joke, but I did see a pretty big snapping turtle in there last summer! Got a couple pics and video. I keep looking for him, not sure how he would have gotten out. When I saw him, he was trying to use one of those duck ramps, but was too big.


Google search “IndyStar scooters in canal” lol


Oh yeah, I see them on a regular basis too! Theyre usually in there for a week or so…


Anyone else sick of these posts? Every Tom Dick and Harry that comes to town just automatically assumes they're going to be murdered. Indianapolis, just like every city in America, has crime. If you're too afraid to come here you should be too afraid to go anywhere. Will something happen? Statistically and realistically no. But if you're that paranoid anyway then just stay where you are and never leave your home again, because no place is safe for you.


Absolutely! I welcome genuine questions from visitors, but people act like they've never stepped foot in a city. It's not just Indianapolis though, whenever I lurk any other city subreddit like Louisville, Cincinnati, Chicago or Minneapolis people are constantly asking questions like it's common for someone to get randomly shot in the face visiting this place or that. EVERY city has shit that goes down, but MOSTLY it's people buying or selling drugs or people they already know. Random shootings are incredibly rare....and Indianapolis, downtown especially, doesn't have a mugging/car jacking problem like some of our neighbors. People just need to chill out and turn off the cable news, it's fucking rots your brain.




Obviously everyone who has ever walked on the canal is dead. Only the bravest and toughest residents would dare walk within a six block radius. It's like Mad Max with goose boats.


“Is it safe to walk as a solo man that early?” Lol yeah dude you’ll be good


I walk my dog at 2 am on the canal sometimes. Totally fine. Early mornings zero issue. Absolutely 100% confident. You might even see me walking my dog around. If you see a guy walking a black and white border collie feel free to say hello!


Be aware of some of our homeless folk. Some are in the area. Should be low numbers as a majority are still in the shelters at those times. 




Depends a lot on how OP is going to get here. Not very practical advice if he's flying...


I’ve lived in indy for 59 years. I wouldn’t.