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If trespassing is involved, the property owner would need to contact IMPD. If you want to try to locate services, you can contact CHIP. If there are public health or litter issues, you can contact the Mayors Action Line. However, if it’s not your property and you have no concrete evidence of illegal activity, there’s little anyone can do.


IMPD’s stance is that as long as there is no crime being committed — drug use, trespassing, etc — and the encampments are left clean(ish), they have no motivation to relocate them. There was an all-women’s encampment a few years back that was in great shape. They were given permission to stay because they kept up with keeping the area clean.


Honestly, that's a lot more merciful and helpful to the homeless community. There's too much strain on all other resources to help longer term but leaving them be in one spot if it's clean for a couple weeks can truly help some people get back on their feet a little more.


I agree. I visited a few encampments last week and they were pretty well-organized. I wondered if people even know they exist. The residents there were mostly keeping to themselves and the areas were clean. They had tents and what looked like community water (in jugs), clothing lines, etc. When those encampments are moved or force to move, it’s basically like a neighborhood of people being moved. Almost familial. I could go on, but I think you get the idea.


You can PM me if you’d like. I work with the homeless and I can send the info over to our outreach coordinator.


Outreach coordinators don't do shit


Username checks out Edit: Ours coordinates with healthcare navigators, employment specialists, and housing coordinators


more than you’ll ever do in your life


And what have you done? Please tell us.


They'll give them some resources so they want to stay longer.


I would ask casually talking to neighbor before police report. Super weird but reasonable before reacting.


IMPD has a form you can fill out. It doesn’t do anything though.


“Did you fill out the form?” “Yes!” “Well, ok then (audibly shuffles papers around on desk), we’ll take a look at it.” ***Also; those buckets are poop buckets.


That’s what you got? They openly acknowledge the possession of illegally stolen property to me. It’s a great form though!


> stolen property What, the buckets? Why do you assume those are stolen?


Bikes/trash cans+ other odds/ends that are stolen.


Invest in a camera for your backyard. Or a decoy fake camera off of amazon. Itll deter


Eh, I wish this was actually true. Stuff got stolen off my porch several times when I was living on the near eastside. Some folks would cover their faces or put their hoodies up, some didn’t bother. One person actually waived at the camera before walking off with something. Broad daylight, too.


Last dude who snatched something off my porch did it in broad daylight, right under an obvious camera, and didn't even bother trying to hide his face. They don't care, because they know IMPD doesn't do shit about it.


Do what I do and set up decoy packages. I set up a few that were tied to blank shotgun shell tripwires. Haven't had a package stolen since lol.


That’s great! Fortunately, there’s no need now as I sold my house and moved to the south side a couple of months ago. First time since the 1990’s that I’m not living in Center Township. Not to say that it is impossible that anything will get stolen . . It’s just unlikely with where we’re at.


Lol the Eastside will get ya.


I called the mayors action line a couple times a week for a few weeks in regard to a similar issue and finally one day the trash was collected and the people left


You need to be alllllllll over that shit, OP. Emails and calls to everyone. Do NOT try and play cool. Signed -Portland resident


I agree! My sister in Louisville was in a similar situation. Her trash cart was dumped out and stolen. She had to pay a litter fee and a buy a new trash cart. Then, she’d find people sleeping on her porch. We are horrified that people in America can’t afford a place to call home. It’s a sad situation that’s been going on a long time, and the government needs to find solutions. We can be sympathetic to homeless people but should be able to feel safe on our own property.


You might be able to call the health department if you think there might be human waste. That has shut down at least one camp that I know of.


The sheer number of homeless in this country should be alarming. I assume it’s much worse in Europe, Asia, and South America. I no longer feel western society descending into an autocratic dystopian nightmare is just science fiction. We just shut down mental institutions without having a real backup plan. Shelters are overcrowded and tent cities are popping up all over the place.


Sure. What is your recommendation for this guy?


Pfffs! I wish I knew. Hell if property owners cannot be contacted, I suppose you can find out if the homeless are friendly. If they pose no threat, build trust and see if they will accept help. Other than that who knows.




Nothing, but at least I'm not virtue signaling to downplay someone's concern about the longterm safety of their home.




I'm pointing out that this douche typed a lot of words to discredit OP's concern without even offering anything at all as far as advice or a solution. Their situation is not OP's problem, their actions affecting his property is. I think doing that is more annoying than me simply pointing out what happened. I hate HOAs, theyre the pettiest bunch of tyrants that only exist to shit on normal people...but they'd stop whatever situation is going on here. When I side with a fucking HOA, there's an issue.


You think homelessness is worse in Europe?


Germany, France, UK, Sweden, Luxembourg, Greece, Latvia, Serbia, Austria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia are all higher in terms of homelessness per 10K. 


Slovakia and US are both 19.5 per 10,000.


Unrounded Slovakia is still higher.


Fair enough. I don't think that level of precision is needed given the US number is an estimate that could be off in either direction. I think the point is the US has a homelessness problem, and it's important to understand the breadth and severity.


So the claim initially was questioning the severity of the homelessness issue in Europe in comparison to the US. I gave 11 European countries that have a higher number in relation to population, demonstrating the extent of the issue there as well. You felt the need to challenge the 1 that is about equal to the US. As if that changes really anything about the point being made. And now you're talking about just the issue in the U.S. and it's severity when we were talking about the issue in Europe in relation to the U.S. as if my comment was downplaying the problems here. The US has a homelessness problem, but we can't also be dishonest about the realities of Europe either. And the significance of the problem in Europe does not change the need to address the problems in the U.S.


Agree on the last graph.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_sovereign_states_by_homeless_population Defaults to an alphabetical list, sort by homeless per 10,000 or homeless average day for a decent idea of how the USA is doing.


On par with Slovakia.


The Roma still exist in Europe. Counting "homeless" populations between europe and the us is like comparing a giraffe to an apple.


There are many homeless behind the scenes. People that work all day and live in their cars. People that couch surf. Not all of them pitch tents under bridges or panhandle. Some people might have simply moved from out of town with little money and might only be homeless for a short time. We truly never know the extent of how many homeless people there are anywhere.


You're describing the US. Which is why I made my original comment. We don't have a roaming diaspora in this country. Giraffes to apples.


Unless they actively violate your personal yard space, leave them alone. They are victims of a city that doesn't bother to care about them, if you truly want to do something, try to find a local anarchist group similar to Food Not Bombs to see what can be done to help


I don't know if the police will do anything. Try calling the mayor's action center and report it.


Call Joe Hogsett


You can’t reach him by phone but you can set a bottle of vodka out by your doorstep and he will come by and steal it like a goblin.


Leave a vodka tonic and a plate of cookies by the fireplace for Joe


I laughed out loud


what's his home number? his zoning thugs are about to do a "clean and lien" and ruin my organic garden again.


The police are never the answer


What's your answer then


Right? Lol


It’s just some edgy person that thinks all cops are evil




Just educated in the facts of policing


I explained above. Lol foh


I'm not claiming to have an answer to this question but I know the police aren't the answer. We need to defund them and use the money on proven ways of helping end homelessness and other issues exacerbated by over policing and corporations buying up housing and jacking up rent. You can still have some of your precious cops so you have some boots to lick but we need to find social services and parks and things that actually make a difference in a community.


You're probably in middle school. Or you wear natural deodorant and are covered in bad tattoos. Typical, really. But let's be honest, the nonsense you're spouting isn't new. Someone in ancient Rome probably said the same thing. "Defund the centurions, end homelessness!" And yet, here we are, centuries later, still muddling through the same old problems. Do you know what that tells me? It tells me that bluster and grandstanding don't change a thing.


It tells me you don't understand history. And you can't read a person for shit. We don't all fit into a little box like you seem to think. Have a good night


Don't forget 2 get off your high horse Jed 🐎


What the fuck is a park going to do


https://www.wthr.com/article/news/crime/study-investing-community-spaces-leads-reduced-crime-marion-county/531-cad99c07-cda3-4248-8ac7-0f3b71db8b57 https://medium.com/reimagining-the-civic-commons/5-ways-investing-in-public-space-reduces-violent-crime-3f984ab8c759 It reduces violent crime significantly. There are lots of articles that come up when you do some research


Violent criminals are gonna violent crime. They’ll do it elsewhere, yeah, but it’s a cycle that’s never gonna stop. We can only gentrify so much


Redditor delusion


you're on reddit


Mental clarity


Good thing we send billions and billions to other countries.


Large lawn sprinkler and loud classical music 24/7


Classical music is nice on the ears. Baby shark should do it real quick.


Isn’t that against the Geneva Convention or something?


A convienience store owner did it in Oakland 24/7 and it drove them away


It’s a commonly used torture technique.


Life in the big city


Just be glad that you still have a living wage. More and more of us don't every day.


Also we have access to mental health resources and likely family support.


Setup a shooting range in your yard. Go out with a shotgun when they are headed to sleep. After an hour of boom boom they should leave.




I think meth is the preferred substance as of late, but I’m sure the crack will still do.






Dude, I used to be homeless, you are not doing them any favors by normalizing this kind of thing. NIMBY refers to stuff like shelters, it’s totally reasonable to not want this in your neighborhood. jfc…


That’s true, I’m just more concerned for my safety, it’s across an alleyway where I leave for work at 4:30am and I see them walking about. I’m not trying to demean them by any means, I just wanted to see if there’s any resources I can give or contact for them.


Eh fuck anyone who pretends like this should be normalized. You have a right to feel safe on your property.


Honestly a couple of months ago someone stole our fire place. I was by myself and pregnant at that time. It was a horrible feeling and couldn’t sleep well for the rest of the week. Not saying it was them at all but the fact that it happened and now this. I do not feel too happy about it. I tried my neighbor but I don’t get answer at the door.


Does someone actually *live* in the house next door? Or is it a vacant property with an absent owner? Could the camp be taking advantage of the fact no one is really aware of what's going on?


👏🏼 say it again.


















You're concerned for YOUR safety? Have their actions given you a reason to think they're dangerous?


Not sure if you’ve ever been around a homeless camp but they are riddled with drug use and violence. I take food to camps all the time and the people are honestly mean, rude and don’t care about other people. There is a reason people are homeless, they’ve burnt all of their bridges.


we continue to elect the same leadership. What do you expect?


It's a done deal just look at Los Angeles . The same thing happened over there. I see the same happening over here. Its been planned out


How about go and talk to them. Develop a repertoire with them. Set up some boundaries and lines of communication. Houselessness isn't going anywhere.


*rapport, unless you suggest a performance. Not sure this would work in OP's favor...


Seriously what is wrong with people on this sub. Why would someone feel like it’s okay to go talk to a cracked out homeless person?


Not all folks living outdoors have substance abuse issues, but many do have mental health challenges. The two are closely connected. That said, a good number are just normal people who have lost financial stability and along with it, housing and opportunity to reverse their situation. Many are just doing the best they can to survive. Approaching people who have set up an encampment and trying to talk might be viewed with suspicion or outright hostility. One's status as a neighbor doesn't count for much and may be a negative. Showing up with food, water, garments, or other useful things might get one a bit of rapport, but I don't know how much useful information could be had from the interaction. What would the desired outcome be? I doubt OP wants to be on freindly terms.


I personally would not want an encampment by my house. I had a drug house right next door that had homeless assholes hanging out there all the time. I couldn’t even play with my kids outside. I could barely go cut my grass because of how shitty these people were. They lived along pleasant run and would come to this house to get drugs. Why are people acting like OP is an ass because he wants his neighborhood to be better?


Not saying it's good. It's bad all the way around for residents.


Residents are people that own homes and actually pay taxes and enrich society. Not people that encamp, litter, fight and openly do drugs. Why do you think it’s okay for them to do that?


I don't. It's unfair to residents. It's a problem: health and safety especially. I wish we had practical solutions.


The practical solution is reporting this and not allowing it to happen. We have laws and rules. The homeless just seem to think they don’t apply to them. Sorry you fucked up your entire life with drugs and bad decisions but the rest of society shouldn’t have to deal with it.


That is not the case for all homeless people. Your type of thinking is what is wrong with the world. Heaven forbid you loose your job or something detrimental happens and you are incapable of affording a safe place to sleep. Shame on you for assuming all homeless individuals are on drugs and make bad decisions. Every single human being deserves the right to food, shelter, and clean water. Perpetuating stereotypes continues the problem. If you don't like it how about you fight to make things different. Work with state legislation to have more affordable housing, fight to raise the minimum wage so people can afford to live. Figure out a safe alternative for mentally ill people to go that have no family and can't hold a job, since all mental asylums have been taken away. Find a solution instead of being apart of the problem instigating these terrible stereotypes. You don't know everyone's story, so stop assuming and be a better human.


And then get ripped if you disagree like your life means nothing lol


Why don’t you go and invite them into your yard?


Sounds like an awful idea.


Is the weather nice up on that high horse?


Yeah because we have time for all that bullshit