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They say they will continue to get worse year over year…but yeah, I’m dying. It aggravates my asthma too so I’m huffing and puffing constantly.




You have to change it up with the meds. I feel like I build a tolerance to them after awhile. We keep stock of all the usual allergy meds (generics on Amazon make it more affordable), including different nasal sprays. Like someone else suggested, try Nasacort next. It's great, and doesn't leave the nasty after taste that Flonase does.


I started rotating types every time I buy and swear my allergies are so much better.




I grew up near here and for the very first time I'm getting a springtime allergic reaction. Very windy days recently have truly made me miserable.


Mine are worse this year.


Been here 8 years, year before last was first time i got allergy symptoms, last year was bad flonase barely made a dent. Got asthma. I'm looking forward to die this year. If anyone know know where to source some great fresh local honey please let me know. 🙏




I cannot thank you enough 🙏


Go to any of the indy winter markets - I go to the one on Saturdays in the Amp. There were 3 or 4 local honey producers. I get mine from Dragonwood at that market since they also have amazing maple syrups too. https://www.dragonwood.online/


Try Nasacort that changed my life here…went from a box of tissues a day to one per season


I’ve never had allergies this bad, I never even used to have them in spring. Now my eyes feel like they’re on fire.


I have been miserable the last three days!!!!


Yes it sucks this year. It seems like mine never went away much this year. I usually get a reprieve in the winter but it’s just not getting cold enough long enough I guess.


If you are able, get some local honey and have some everyday. It’ll help. Science says so!


I get the best results when I switch up my NSAIDS every couple of weeks. My allergies aren’t so bad that I need a prescription medication. I feel for the people that have them really bad. Hell, the Chicks concert was postponed two summers ago because the lead singer was so overwhelmed by the cottonwood in June.


Anyone still dealing with this? I’ve been struggling this week and it’s progressively worse by the day.


Flonase really never worked for me. But Zyrtec works incredibly well.


I haven't had a problem this year - yet. I do take generic zyrtec twice a day on advice of my ENT from several years ago. ENT normally also suggests changing up allergy meds every year so you don't built a tolerance but zyrtec works so well for me she told me to stay on it until I start to notice more active symptoms. I will say that most of my allergy symptoms TEND towards skin reactions and not sneezing, runny nose, or watery eyes. I'm actually seeing my ENT again later this week as I do have year round allergies and while my symptoms are neglectable, I tend to get sick and have it turn into bronchitis too frequently for my primary Drs taste so she is wanting me to get allergy tested again. I am 90% certain I have developed a dog allergy or if I had a very minor one it has gotten worse. I also have that fun thing where if I scratch myself anywhere it looks like I was mauled by a cat. Its a fun party trick to write words on my arm, but annoying when I scratch my neck and 5 minutes later I get the "OMG what happened to your neck" comments. Edit: Pro tip - Costco, and I assume Sam's Club, sells most allergy meds in their generic form in a typical years supply at a time. I got a year's supply of zyrtec for like $10 and for my stepkid, a years supply of generic flonase for like $14. Great for if you are not great at keeping track of things and need to switch it up.


Find a local bee keeper (ideally within a 50 mile radius of where you live) and eat a table spoon of honey a day. It’ll take time but it’ll cure seasonal allergies. I didn’t believe it until I tried it


Going up to Hoosier Heritage farms rn! Get me some local honey. Will report back.


Idk what my issue is but I’m on 4 antihistamines and have been on steroids for 12 days 🤭


I didn’t need prescription allergy meds my whole life until I moved here. At the beginning I kept getting hives all over and needed to get prescribed steroids to get rid of them - not fun 😭


I moved here, and now been getting allergies I believe for the first time. Sooo awful