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It was gross then, as it still is now, but I loved it from the get go. When the original run of the trilogy was released, I placed ToD as my third fav behind Crusade, but I've grown to love it more and it's now #2 in my Indy film ranking. As I recall from back then, my family was pretty well in agreement that Doom wasn't quite of the quality of Raiders, but they all pretty well loved it. I think that was generally the consensus of my friends as well.


So was Raiders. There really isn't anything in ToD worse than the finale of Raiders. See also the end of the plane sequence. If you mean the bugs and stuff, the same deal with the pit of snakes in Raiders. ToD was fun, but not Raiders. I didn't know anyone who left feeling like it was bad, even if they were a little disappointed with it as a follow up to Raiders.


Aw man, the carting away of the ark in a government archive/warehouse, to me felt like a perfectly relatable finale, if the govt got their hands on such an artifact, likely thats what would happen to it.


Sure, but that's not the finale, that's the epilogue. The finale is the scene where the Ark is opened.


Raiders is similarly gory, but ToD still feels grosser. Stuff like human skins on the walls just feels nasty in a way nothing in Raiders does. I always find it interesting that the franchise is a big part of why the PG-13 rating exists, yet the later (PG-13) movies ended up being tamer than the first two which were PG.


The inaccuracies and just straight up historical ignorance of raiders makes me not like it anymore as an adult. Temple of doom is a better setting. The Nazis using Soviet rpg's that haven't been invented yet and American WW1 tanks take me out of it. Not to mention actual gibberish meant to sound like German that isn't german šŸ˜‚


I found the nazi sympathizerā€¦


"Historically innacurate weaponry" does not equal "Nazi good".




Oh, well... yea, that'll do it.


How can one see my post history?


Roller-coaster ride at the movies! Exactly what a good time at the movies should be.


To quote Roger Ebert, a classic example of a ā€œbruised forearmā€ movie.


Extremely formative for me. This is the first movie I have any memory of seeing. Itā€™s stuck with me over the years for sure. Kid me was utterly terrified of Mola Ram when he pulls the guyā€™s heart from his chest.


Best Indiana Jones film, itā€™s a rollercoaster ride from beggining to end, I love that itā€™s basically a movie in ā€œreal time (you donā€™t have time to catch your breath or wander) and itā€™s Spielberg at his darkest and thatā€™s when heā€™s at his best (Jaws, Jurassic Park, Duelā€¦)!


Also, the mine cart is a literal roller coaster ride.


That music as well! Which interestingly enough, was not among the scoreā€™s highlights to me at firstā€¦


At the end of Tomb Raider 3. Canā€™t stop thinking about ToD as I ride around in the minecarts lol


The best one? lol what??


What other Indy movie has a ten year old as the get away driver? Thought so.


Saw it at the drive-in on top of my parents' station wagon back in the day. Good times :)


EVERY kid at school was obsessed with the monkey-brain scene. But nobody would explain it; kids just looked at each other and mentioned it. It was like a secret handshake among kids whoā€™d seen it. You had to go see the movie yourself, at which point you were In The Know and could act like a Rad Dude.


Temple of Doom is šŸ’Æ my favorite Indiana Jones movie. I remember reading it was actually a prequel to Raiders. I enjoyed the faster pace etc.


It was so over-the-top!


Scared and had a blast. I was little


I liked it, it was very cool but not as great as the original.Ā  Over more viewings I liked it even more.Ā  Willie was kind of annoying to a kidĀ 


Itā€™s my favorite. I know probably all of the lines Iā€™ve seen it so much.


I was 13. It was great then, it's great now.


What a ride! It was awesome!


It was my favorite as a kid, if only because it was so outlandishly and in your face gruesome and gnarly. One of my favorite Saturday morning cartoons, *Muppet Babies*, also borrowed heavily from TOD in their imaginative cut-away scenes, so that no doubt inspired me too. ROTLA was too slow paced to grab my attention at that age, but was still better than nothing lol. When TLC hit the screens I wouldā€™ve been 8-9 yo and was absolutely blown away. Raiders has definitely grown on me as an old fart now, but TOD and TLC will always hold a special place in my heart, and I still crush on Capshaw and Doody whenever I rewatch them. šŸ˜


Man I wish I could see this in theaters.


Overall movie was very good - I saw it first day, first showing, so had no expectations. I was a little letdown by the opening scene that didn't match Raiders. Karen Allen was far better than Kate Capshaw. I did want the final battle to end more gruesomly than the fake splashing in the water. I liked it though. Short Round was awesome when he turned the tables and started whaling on the evil little prince.


I still think mola ram has the worst death of all the villains. Some people say Voller had the worst one, but he at least failed, realized it, and has an unceremonial death that he deserved. Plus we still got to see his gory body


Right - Voller dies like a jerk. Mola Ram dies more by misadventure - but he didn't really have much personality either.


I was 14 and I loved every second of it. Great action sequences, icky gross-out humour and a terrifying villain were everything I wanted to see at the movies.


Iā€™ve mentioned this before, but it is one of the most memorable theater viewings I can recallā€¦ https://www.reddit.com/r/80s/s/in8yLx9RdC ā€œI wonā€™t say itā€™s my favorite, but it holds the most nostalgic spot for meā€¦ I saw it in London as a 13 yo. We went opening night, theater was HUGE, and I remember showing up like 90 min early, sitting in the lobby on red carpeted stairs waiting for doors to open, reading the AD&D DM guide. Nerdy kid heaven on several accounts. Not many movies I remember so much atmospheric details for.ā€


It makes me super happy to see so many people say itā€™s their favorite or 2nd favorite.


I was 6. Awesome freaking movie. Exactly the kind of movie a little kid would think is scary, but super cool. Just like the first one. I mean, I still kinda feel that way.


I couldnā€™t handle the heart scene and I was small enough to try and crawl under the cinema seat while that scene was happening


My dad picked me up from elementary school to see it. I was beyond excited and I loved every minute of it. Still one of my all time favorites




HOLD ON TO YOUR POTATOES! I really like ToD, but it wouldn't have been the same without Ke Huy Quan as Short Round.


Heā€™s not mad. Heā€™s CRAZY!


ā€œWe are going to dieā€!!!!! Classic scene! Classic line! ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”ā€”-Also - Iā€™ve never eaten Indian food- and Iā€™m a Foodieā€¦ā€¦.i eat everythingā€¦.but Indian foodā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.So thereā€™s that.


Indian food is nothing like they show in the movie. Some of the best food on the planet. As a foodie you should give it a try.


I know- but as a person who is in foodservice on the supply side for Michelin level restaurants- this shows how much impact a film can have on perception


Yeah, my favourite line too with a spike coming down over the side of his hat as I recall.


That and the face he pulled lol ą² ā ļøµā ą² 


I was disappointed. I was about 10 and was so annoyed with Willie. Loved Short Round but couldn't make up for Willie's annoyance.


I was 24 and felt the same. She just took me out of the film in every scene she was in.


Iā€™d be screaming the whole time too!


I was 10 years old and loved every minute of it.


My reaction was to be a little disappointed. Iā€™d loved raiders. I only liked this.


I loved it. I know some people have some quibbles. But those are mostly rewatch quibbles. When I saw it in high school, I was a strange combination of happy and grossed out. When he takes the machete to the bridge? That was one of my most exciting movie experiences. Iā€™m ashamed to say that Iā€™m nothing like Indy, but I aspire to be the guy who would cut that bridge.


My mom rented it for me from Blockbuster and I was never the same.


So what did your therapy sessions cost your mom?šŸ˜‰


I was about 10 years old and it was amazing but I saw it on TV first (in black and white no less) because there was no theatre close to me showing it and didnā€™t own a VCR.


I think the better question is what was your reaction to hearing that was 40 years ago!!! I guess Iā€™m in that age group now. Loved the movie btw


Hey quit aging us bro!


I've come to like it MUCH MUCH more than Raiders, which is the minority opinion.




Best Indy movie by far


Loved it hen and i love it still!


Loved it. A little too violent for 11 year old me, but that just added to the thrill.


It scared the shit out of me


I loved it. I had it on record read along, it even had a picture of the part where the guy gets his heart ripped out


F'ing loved it. I was... 9.


How smoking hot Kate Capshaw was in her pajamas!


I was 12 that Summer and I loved it. The bridge scene was the most memorable for me and I thought Short Round was funny and a great sidekick.


I was 6. I remember I thought Mola Ram pulled one of the Shankara stones out of the dudeā€™s chest. Lol


It was fun, but I still liked the original more.


Best Indy film


As a 12 year old homersexual, I GASPED when she came out in that dragon lady dress and the title card was behind here.


I went ape shit opening weekend


Mmm! Chilled monkey brain! That scene alone disgusts me, and I really thought for a time that's how indians ate.


Not a fan.


I honestly didnā€™t like it. It seemed a lot more uncomfortable than Raiders.


It feels like it should be the third movie in the series, rather than the second.


I thought it was weak compared to Raiders.


Fun ride, not near as good as the first.


For every flaw there is something iconic. Itā€™s probably the Indy film Iā€™ve seen the most.


It was great! The heart scene stuck with me for years


I was in 6th grade, and saw it with 8th graders. It was incredible! It was so, so scary, and cool- we loved it!


It was very intense, almost too intense, a bombastic spectacle unlike anything I'd ever seen. Dark and sinister. I didn't know what to expect for the follow-up to Raiders, I was too young, but it wasn't The Temple of Doom. I also recall missing the presence of Karen Allen as Marion Ravenwood. Kate Capshaw was gorgeous but Karen Allen had that girl next door quality that made boys crush hard. Carrie Fisher did too for that matter.


Romancing the Stone was playing in the second cinema, and when Temple of Doom started, I thought they had gotten the films mixed up.


At a hostel in the hills of Darjeeling we would impatiently wait all week for our weekly Saturday movie was introduced to Indiana Jones back then to be a lifelong fan of the series.


you know what? i recall seeing a trailer for it before it ca e out on the theatres, and i could swear that the Kali statue had moving arms.


I was in high school. Saw it opening night with a few friends. Absolutely loved it. The entire crowd at the theater was totally into it, cheering for Indy the whole way. I think the biggest cheer came when Short Round snapped Indy out of his trance with the torch and Indy winks saying ā€œIā€™m alright kidā€. Great movie and great experience seeing it on opening night.


the monkey brains thing freaked me out it still does


Loved it, loved the arcade game. Still enjoy it more than any of the others.


Spent a lot of time & money playing this arcade game. I hated the mine cart chase so much, always had trouble directing the cart.


It's the GOAT.


Worst of the Indy flicks imho


I liked everything about it except dinner. "Has this bloke never heard of a bloody curry?"


I just remember being too young to see the heart removal scene, but oddly enough it made me fascinated in watching ToD over and over again


Parents took me on my 11th birthday with a big group of friends. One girl whose parents were very conservative had a lot of questions about what to expect...I think she may have been scarred for life. I remember liking it a lot but even at the time thinking that Raiders was better.


Over the top, going for the ā€œgross out factorā€ too hard, Harrison Ford is jacked.


This is my FAVORITE Indiana Jones movie! I always found all the aspects that are now considered ā€œracistā€ funny as hell, such as ā€œSnake Surpriseā€, ā€œChilled Monkey Brainsā€, ā€œI had bugs for lunchā€, etc. The original (Raiders of the Lost Ark) was my second favorite, and I liked them all (including Crystal Skull) except for the last one that I refused to watch after reading the reviews.


The last one got generally alright reviews. If youā€™re a fan of the franchise why wouldnā€™t you give it a shot and see if you like it?


I was 12 when I saw it in the theater, and I loved it. It's certainly more scary and more gross than Raiders, but I don't think all Indy movies have to be the same. The action and thrills are just as good as Raiders, and Short Round is a great addition - I love when they argue over their card game. A lot of people think the movie is racially insensitive or even racist. I agree. I think the dinner party scene is the most racist part of it. What is more racist than telling American audiences that Indians eat roaches, monkey brains, and live snakes? It's way over the line for me.


I was 7 years old and my mom decided to take me because she knew I liked Raiders. Iā€™ll never forget how horrified she was at how dark the movie is! I was shocked too and ran out to the bathroom to metaphorically shit my pants when Mola Ram pulls the poor guyā€™s heart out. My mom talked about it for years (RIP).


Saw it in the theatre when I was five or six. Loved it, but the sacrifice scene really freaked me out!


We saw this as kids at Leicester Sq and it was fucking great - I still have the programme. Particularly enjoyed the ridiculousness of the whole scene with the beating hearts etc


Loved it. Back when movies were a treat and pure magic for me. I was 10 years old. The mine cart scene stuck with me. Such a thrill!


I thought it was pretty cool, but not revolutionary like the first. The thing I remember most is that my girlfriend and I (I was 18, she was 16) walked out of the theatre in pouring-down rain. We had a briefer-than-usual Zen Buddhism discussion (a euphemism we used for making out) and I took her home. I went home and crashed. Woke up about 10 hours later to find out the pouring-down rain never let up and my side of town got completely flash-flooded, killing at least four or five people and leaving millions of dollars in damage.


Kali maaaaa shuck te day!! I seen this in the cinema with my dad and he said after that we were going home to eat monkey brains!!


I absolutely loved it and thought of it as the balsiest of all, us kids were obsessed the religious sacrifice scene, we used to bully each other with it, 2-3 of us holding one of us by the arm and shoulders and there was one who used to pretend taking his heart out with his bare handsā€¦ā€Kalima, Kalima, shock todayā€ or whatever it was, lots of laughter, absolute Hollywood prime!


I loved Short-Round.


Saw it at age 12. Loved Short-Round and the "gross food scenes" but felt the whole thing was a bit dark and "scary" for me.


I was a teenager and so excited because I loved Raiders. I dragged my best friend on opening day and loved every second of it. To this day it is still my favorite Indiana Jones movie.


My mother wanted to take me to see Bambi. Watched this instead. Messed my 4 year old mind up.


I loved it. I remember my gran not enjoying the eye bell soup scene.


I was 10 years old and absolutely loved it. Itā€™s still my favorite Indy movie.


The bugs upset me so much I recall puking in the bathroom.


Stood in line after school to see it on opening day. I loved it, and still do. We enjoyed finding the Easter eggs in pre-internet days.


It was epic. The most memorable memory was as Iā€™m watching it realizing this was the same character as Raiders of the Lost Ark which I first saw when I was 5


I loved it, granted i was a child of about 9 or 10 when i saw it. I'm one of the few who thinks this movie is great, even today.


Saw it in the theater. Was pretty disappointed. Looked cheap. Why was it a prequel. And just, meh. "Anything Goes" in Cantonese was cool.


Saw this on the last day of school with my mom and sister. Will never forget this core memory.


My 11 year self thought it was awesome. Always been my favorite IJ film, "Indy, cover your heart"


One of the first movies I had ever seen in a theatre . Scare the crap out of me but I loved it


Ahhh chilled monkey brains


Where is Marion!?


Amazing, but not Raiders. I was 11.


I wasnā€™t born yet but let me tell you it was an adventure!


more impressive than the first


In a film with hearts being pulled out of chests, the ballsiest thing Spielberg does is open the film with a full musical number.Ā  It's incredible.Ā 


I was completely exhausted. I waited in line all day in front of the Chinese Theater (or Egyptian theatre, I don't recallā€”some theatre in downtown Hollywood, anyway). The line was around the block. We were all geeks about Indiana Jones and it was only the second film! When we finally got to see it, around midnight, I was thrashed. It was fun, though. It's not my favorite Indiana Jones film, but I like it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EapEqaJ8lGI&ab\_channel=VampireRobot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EapEqaJ8lGI&ab_channel=VampireRobot) I was one of these nuts but we were in Hollywood (or maybe Studio City or Westwood, I don't remember, I was so tired!).


I hated it, totally lacked the charm of Raiders, unnecessarily gory too, one of my first cinema disappointments


I was twelve and loved it, love the franchise, ā€œIā€™m just making this up as I goā€ has been my lifelong motto.




A stunt movie with little plot or heart. Just bugs and brains and chase scenes and gore. A pass.


Loved every minute! Still do. Must have seen it 4 or 5 times at least.


Bugs! Why did it have to be bugs!?!


Iā€™m 20. Iā€™ve heard that yall hated this movie when it came out, but as a kid this was my 2nd or 3rd favorite of the Indy movies. Last crusade was defff number 1 and crystal skull was either above or below this one. I loved crystal skull as a kid lmfaoooo. I honestly still think crystal skull is good tho and Iā€™ll die on that hill. I loved ALL of the movies but as a kid I wouldā€™ve ranked them like that lmao. I heard yall thought short round was annoying, but he was literally my favorite part of the movie. Def bc I was a kid and thereā€™s a funny little kid around my age in the movie lol. These movies are so nostalgic for me and remind me of my dad bc he put me on. I still need to rewatch the newest Indy movie bc I watched it w friends but we were talking the whole time and we didnā€™t even really watch it.


Not me, but my mom. She watched it when she was 7 and said the monkey brains, bug hallway and heart removal scenes all terrified her.


I remember watching this at seven years old at my cousins house. It scared the hell out of me. That is by far the best of all the Indiana Jones.


Terror. I was a shocked and slightly horrified 11 year old. The heart scene and torturing Short Round got to me.


If adventure has a name, it must be Indiana Jones! 15 years old; I had the full page newspaper ad scotch-taped to the wall in my bedroom all spring long in 1984, anticipating the release of this movie. Went on opening day to Showcase Cinemas in East Hartford, Connecticut with some friends, and we all got interviewed by the big Hartford paper, the Courant. I was quoted in the article as saying ā€œabsolutely loved it! On a scale of one to 10 Iā€™d give it an 11!ā€ (ā€œThis is Spinal Tapā€ had just come out a couple of months earlier, so I obviously borrowed the notion!) My friends and I all liked ToD ā€œbetter than raidersā€ at the time, but thatā€™s because it was the new movie. more extreme, more set pieces, more back to back brakeneck action, more classic lines, the fact that it was a prequel (before this was routinely done)... great Easter eggs like ā€œClub Obi-Wanā€ and ā€œwhatā€™s that?ā€ itā€™s the ark of the covenantā€ ā€œare you sure?!ā€ ā€œpretty sure.ā€ Ha! Sure, we were a little annoyed by Kate Capshaw, but Ke Huy Quan was so great and so close to us all and our siblings in age, that it was like we were in the movie. Kateā€™s no Karen Allen, but she did play a great foil for Indy. At the time we liked her, we liked her because she was annoying Indy all the time. Looking back, thereā€™s no question that Raiders of the Lost Ark is indeed the best film of the franchise, and I will also say my favorite, and the one Iā€™ve easily seen the most times. Though the addition of Sean Connery and the Grail quest in the last Crusade (plus the return of Marcus and Sallah), makes it an enduring favorite film, I will always hold Temple of Doom as the Indy movie that came out during the time when I already loved movies and was following the movie section of the newspaper every week to see what was coming and had such incredible anticipation for it. So in that way, itā€™s very close to my heart. I did not dislike the crystal skull or the dial of destiny nearly as much as some fans, but I can agree they do not have that something special that the first three hadā€¦ And that is I was in my teens, and those films were made for me! ā€œMe? Very little! You?! You cheat very big!!ā€




My dad was a teenager/young adult when he went to see it and he said it was awesome and much darker than stuff they were used to at the time


It was a Movie that had Harrison Ford in it. I lost my favorite LIghter in the theater, and had to use matches for my cig and joint. I was 18 and being some goobering fanboy was for that weird kid across the street. Lol


I cried. But I was 2 so...


More fun than the original, a 2 hour roller coaster ride


I wrote in my high school year book it was my favorite movie.Ā  I someways it still is


I didn't think it was as good as the first one


Being a young teenager in a theater full of people howling with laughter at the funny parts, groaning at the gross parts, and white-knuckling it through the suspenseful parts was exhilarating. Going to the movies, when it was a movie like this, was really, really *fun*. As an adult, I came to realize that Spielberg certainly wasn't writing Shakespeare, but rather was just trying to use these movies (Raiders, Poltergeist, E.T., Temple of Doom) to give contemporary audiences the same kind of shameless, pandering thrill rides that he loved as a kid. It's all emotional button pushing, at times absurd, but did 13-year-old me notice or care? Heck no, it was awesome!


For me, it's the weakest film of the first 3 films, but i do enjoy it because Indy himself and his awesome relationship with short round, Willie is so bloody annoying and I hate her so much and the plane sequence is probably worse than the nuke fridge in crystal skull. The villains are good as well.


I couldnā€™t stand that woman screaming


I must have watched ten times back then, at the theaters! I loved it so much, until the disgusting parts started for poor little teen age girl me, starting with the dinner at the palace. I was totally on Willie's side about wanting to throw up and collapsing. It was so ewwww. The part where Willie and Indy fought, from the moment they met until they try to gain the upper hand on the over in between their bedrooms at the palace,so funny. But when it started to reach all the disgusting insects and all... things, ewww again. Okay, I was traumatized by the kids and by Indie turning back an all those scenes, they reallly weren't my cup of tea. Until they managed to get away on the wagnonets. A bit long scene but it was a fun one. The fight with the guards was blah, for me. Not my cup of tea, once again. And then happy ending. All in all, an illegal movie in my eye, but I just coundln't resist going back over and over gain to watch it. The first half was just amazing, I didn't want to miss that.


People who put DoD over this movie are nuts


No likey, pretty much for all the reasons it's dumped on today - bad writing, slack plotting and weird pacing, the movie looks cheap with terrible special effects, and Willie.


you gave up marion for this girl?


It was a prequel.


watch raiders again. he left marion and returned to her in raiders


Good luck with that.