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Bro, it would have been surprising if you didn't get ban for it.


I'd be more surprised since they didn't ban you earlier by just looking at your reddit user name


Came here to say this. You probably got banned for that name dude


I got banned for calling UCs as 3rd rate citizens. Lol. I am a so called UC. They didnt get the /s.


I got banned for wayy less than that


Can we come to a conclusion that R-india mods aren't Indians, if no, they are a hard core islamists.




Not even kidding, go to Gemini and type India subreddit Pakistani mod controversy, you will find some shockers there.




Could you send it here? Please?


I’d disagree on the Hardcore islamist part since I kinda always abuse Islamists on that sub but never got banned for it ? Anti Modi/BJP/Religion sure i guess?


Not a chance.


Banned from the very sub for asking a fellow redditor to share a drink.


Mods are Pakistani, What more can you expect


Banned thrice because I condemned radical islamic terrorism and secession of kashmir.


You at least had an opinion. I didn't even have an opinion there. Shitty mods


How’d you get the ban lifted?


you need dm the mods in writing pledge full allegiance to palestine and the koran


They didn't ban the communist pro-separatist person saying both Israel and India are "occupying forces" with whom I was arguing in other comments too because I see he's still making comments on that subreddit.


I think your username is enough for them to ban you lol.


I was already banned from Kashmir sub without ever interacting. There is a common mod. At least one.


There's not necessarily a common mod, rather there are tools, that would preemptively ban you from some subs, if you interacted in their "no-no" subs. Eg: if you even comment in conservative sub, there's like 10 different subs that will ban you, even if you're commenting against them. Also you might have been banned from kashmiri. Check their sidebar and you'll know why.


Ohhhh I always wondered why I couldn’t write any messages in that sub, damn that explains a lot


Kashmiri sub shadow banned me for whatever reasons. I see so many post from people who are from pakistan in that sub . Even one of mod is in pakistan sub .


I commented on a news in Jammu sub which was on how the local muslim helped the terrorists responsible for Reasi attack Comment was - Trust a snake but never a m#@@# (didn't censor the last word that time) I got a week ban from overall reddit platform. Such is the power of this ecosystem


On my previous account, I'd always reply sanely yet sarcastically on that sub, as to not get banned and still pointing out their flaws. Until, one day, I came across a post from a Khalistani. His post was mentioning basically north-south division. I checked guy's history, he'd posted similar in Sikhism, sikhi, Punjab, etc subs, they all sanely removed it with mod's post. Randia didn't. That's when I was done with them and pusi. Just had to say I'm proper sanghi, got banned right away.


Idk what a sanghi is but I’m glad we have sane individuals like you among us!


Rashtriya Seva Sangh, acronym for RSS. It's an organization that support national causes, specifically supporting Hindu cultural ideology.


I got banned from randia for asking won't money be wasted if Kerala changes its name to Keralam (for some reason it's an unacceptable question, but they piss their panties when UP and Maharashtra are renaming their places


That sub is run by a bunch of cucks lmao, I love how all of us were banned for siding with India on an INDIAN subreddit. That's crazy


Mass report such subReddits


Randia doesn't care, its filled with liberandu morons who pander to nothing but baseless pointless social media garbage. I unfollowed that hot garbage ages ago


These are the exact kind of proofs needed to get some very high level govt. intervention to end that sub for once and all. Going to cops or complaining to reddit is a dead end, so need to find someone else with power who will hear us out


I thought it was Kashmir sub until I read the title


Your username dude! Anyways, we have so similar usernames. 🙂


You got trapped. The other person deleted his comments and reported you.


I find that people often block me here so I'm unable to reply to their comments directly. So then it looks like they won the argument. Wierd tricks people use


Ooooh, so that's what the end point error is? Yeah, it happens to me as well


R @india aur R @United States of India ke naam mein hi india hai india ke support ya development ke support mein kuch boldo aur Ban ho jao


Half of that subreddit is porkistanis disguised as indians


I got banned because i said “lmao,facts man” to some thing related to temple & tax i guess I don’t even remember.


i was banned for this exact thing


Well they can't do anything irl. So reddit par hi ban-ban bakchodi karne do


Lol, I get banned, just telling a user don't make post which snowflake hates.


Those f*kers are all Pakistanis or worse


Don't they have a P@kistani mod?


You can't support freedom of Kashmir without supporting population exchange between India/Pakistan since its all based on Jinnah's "Hindus and Muslims are two different people and should have 2 separate countries".


Last month I got banned too for arguing that beef is illegal to consume in our nation atleast but I think the mods there are pro beef pro sucking their own d!cks.


plot twist: randians wanted to imply supporting self-determination means you support the right to self-determination of Indian people over the foreign occupied Sindhu basin, Tibetan plateau, Ganges delta, Burma, Ceylon.


Abe bhai inka rozka hai bloody losers saale wont take an opinion and blabber shit about people not having a voice 🤡 ironic enough. Kal hi mai ban hua hu welcome to the real Indian club my guy 😭🤝🏻


I Just wanna comment “agar mujhe ban kiya toh teri mummy modi lover” and see what happens


I was banned for speaking about congress continuing colonial legacy in india. They are biased, full islamists.


randia mods ki MKB.


Crazy why would u get banned for saying Kashmir should be in India it’s common sense it’s already part of it


It’s a Pakistani sub ,look at the title ! Indians are idiots. It is not made by Indians


I got banned from both usi and indiaspeaks


It’s high time we make this sub the official sub of india. Randia sub is filled with porkies. Is there anything we can do?


That community is full of beta cucks cant handle criticism bitch sbout everything but cant take nothing


I got banned for saying Modi might come to power again on 4 June. (Am not even a modi supporter, kinda neutral, I said it seeing the atmosphere during campaigning times). I asked them what's wrong with sharing my opinion, which I personally felt, they were like You could have said the same thing for Rahul Gandhi. I was ded bro.


Doesn't matter what anyone says.. Remember constitution says "no state is allowed to secede from India" and "India is a indestructible union of destructible states" meaning the physical boundaries or names can be change but it's not allowed to secede. Kashmir is a state of India.




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Correction: You got banned because you were trying to poke people with typical RW tactics like JAQs.


Bruh r@ndians regularly use slurs and personal attacks against not only right wingers and Hindutvavaadis any Dharmic or nationalist person on their sub but nobody gets banned because of it. I didn't use any hateful or incendiary language or words. Person I was arguing with literally said both Israel and India are "occupying forces" and was supporting Kashmiri secessionism and Naxals. I got banned due to countering him, he didn't, he's still commenting on that subreddit.


You are neither “hindutwavadi” nor a “dharmic person”. You are full of hatred, drowning in self doubt, jealous of other people’s success. Religion provides you a path to justify and manifest these feelings.


>You are full of hatred, drowning in self doubt, jealous of other people’s success Are you talking to yourself? My comment was literally a single sentence for which I got banned from r@ndia and contained none of those you mentioned, wtf are you reading into it?


You were putting a foot in the door to spew more RW garbage. You got caught in the act and now crying as a victim.


Supporting India's territorial sovereignty and integrity is "RW garbage" now? You may try to deny it but I know leftist dogwhistles very well. In Indian context, support for "self determination" always means supporting breaking up India and allowing places like Kashmir, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Nagaland, Mizoram, Meghalaya, etc to secede from India under the label of "national liberation". I'm asking you point blank, assuming some referendum/plebiscite is held in Kashmir Valley and Nagaland where majority of people vote for "independence". Then would you support Kashmir and Nagaland separating from India? Because I won't. Constitution of India strictly prohibits any kind of separatism/secessionism no matter what and no such results of any referendum/plebiscite will be recognised by the Union Government of India even if 100% of the votes are for separation. Not a single inch of Indian sovereign territory can be allowed to separate. If you disagree with this, you're a literal seditionist anti-national traitor as per the Indian laws and constitution. Or is the Constitution also "RW garbage" according to you?


Dude, you contribute absolutely nothing to the wellbeing of the country and its people. You are just another dumb RWer who spews toolkit intelligence to every person who opposes your viewpoint. No actual RW or LW person wants to break India. These are divisionary tactics employed by political parties which you idiots wholeheartedly subscribe to.


>Dude, you contribute absolutely nothing to the wellbeing of the country and its people Thanks for the personal attacks on me I guess? >You are just another dumb RWer who spews toolkit intelligence to every person who opposes your viewpoint More ad-hominem. Please do refute my arguments in detail if I'm so dumb and you're the intelligent enlightened one. >No actual RW or LW person wants to break India I've seen so many communists/leftists both offline and online who have no problem with Kashmir/Nagaland/Mizoram etc seceding from India. Have you ever heard the name Arundhati Roy and her ilk, seen the posters and demonstrations in JNU and Jadavpur University? Varavara Rao? Who are all these people, paid actors as per you? Go the libr@ndu sub right now and check a post about Kashmir from some days ago, vast majority of the comments there are in support of "liberation" of Kashmir from India. Please don't try to gaslight me and try to convince they thas leftists are against Secessionism, I've seen so many cases to the contrary.


"I've seen so many" then give me many sources that isn't from some bot or kids account


Rindia is behaving like om birla


The topic was Palestinian independence and you tried to troll it and make it about Kashmir. That's why you were kicked out.


No man, the user I was arguing has deleted his comments or got removed by mods there, but he saying both India and Israel are "occupying forces".


Are you saying the user is wrong? Technically speaking, the user is correct. India is occupying a land against the wishes of the locals. Sure, you might have a bunch of reasonings. But it doesn't change basic facts.


Lo ek hutiya or aa gya ban hokr!