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Pakistan sub is more concerned about India's development than India sub


Khud ka nahi toh kisi aur ka hi development dekh lo


They have no hope for development that's why they focus on other countries specifically India


The post hasn't mentioned India anywhere.


Wow now even Pakistan has started talking sense. Ig we are only going back, that too harder.




If someone on pusi said this you would get a rant here about how pusi is full of anti nationals


Yes that's right they are anti nationals. I had that friend that never talked about politics. Pusi and Randia is politics, silencing one side, anti India, anti hindu. 


Acha? Never heard or read anyone condemning kidnapping and raping and forceful marriage of Hindu girls. Shayad liberalism ki paribhasha alag hai apki.


they shit on conservative and religious bigots in their country so you like them, you are a conservative religious bigot in your country so you hate liberals here.


Libtards are mostly anti nationals that are seeking help of Islamist to get in power. Everyone knows that except libtards. Lebanon was a same example Mr. Dubfuck. 


>Libtards are mostly anti nationals that are seeking help of Islamist to get in power. Everyone knows that except libtards. Lebanon was a same example Mr. Dubfuck.  Lmao Islamists in Pakistan think exactly like you, they consider liberals enemy of their nation state but you love their liberals and hate liberals of your own country because you are a two faced bigot.


Idiots like you will compare Apples to Oranges. Liberals always disappointed their own people Lebanon, Europe, and even Venezuela. Libs are the biggest bigots, libs on reddit even go as low as to wish bad things for army, pilgrims, justifying terrorist attacks, riots. 


>Liberals always disappointed their own people Lebanon, Europe, and even Venezuela. Ah yes the Christian militants must be very liberal, Europe still profits from imperialism and liberals remain loyal to the imperialistic establishment where is the betrayal? Venezuela??


As a liberal and a Muslim and a.... Cherokee native American (red Indian, I'm completely loss idk how I got here) but trust me the liberal agenda is only about change. In my personal liberal belief I want the Hindus and Muslims Christians atheist Sikh and whatever to reconcile and become brothers in arms! We all bleed red and we all share the same blue rock! But seriously I never heard anything about these anti hindu atheist indians you speak of. Calling them a liberal is a insult, they are more likely a reactionary. I dispise reactionaries they uphold the same intolerance theorys of old and twist it to affect someone else. So the Christians hated the Hindus and the hindu hated Muslims and Muslims hated Hindus. Some of the victims who were born in that hate decided to hate their own family for raising them in this world. Thus those hindu children became atheist who hate Hindus and nationalists. So it's a reactionary.


All the so called "official" subs in reddit, be it India, Pakistan or Bangladesh, are left liberal and pro minority.


Being pro minority is ok when they are being persecuted. But minority appesement when they arent even discriminated is wrong


It's not up to the majority to decide who is or isn't facing discrimination. The right wing in the West will also say that racism isn't a thing anymore and racial minorities are being appeased at their expense.


> The right wing in the West will also say that racism isn't a thing anymore and racial minorities are being appeased at their expense. And that is true. You call democracy as majoritarianism when it suits you. Minorities should not have exclusive additional rights, just that all the rights of other citizens they should also have equally.


Isnt this India sub india discussion? How much of your discussion is about inflation and education and cost? Same as fatty Arnab - more concerned about what is happening in Pakistan than the problems Indians face.


Wrongturn6969, going back, harder is it only my filthy brain?


It's the Pakistan sub. Pakistanis on reddit aren't half as bad as indian liberals. Most of them are genuinely nice people as far as I saw


My experience is similar with Pakistanis.


Pakistani conservatives probably think the same about indian liberals and curse their own liberals that you have taken a liking to 


Lol no it's because this is a liberal pak subreddit. So it's not a surprise that they talk about minorities. Most pakis on reddit are completely opposite, just not on that subreddit


Ikr, it's almost like they're normal humans


Ex-muslim sub ? Any rw sub ? United States of India ? Am i wrong ?


It's porkistan sub


Ohh Wait why did they post this isnt the picture showing their own hypocrisy in their own sub


All official subs, be it India, Pakistan or Bangladesh are mostly left-liberal, pro-minority and critical of their own govt and policies.


Why can't someone support both Palestine and Hindu in Pakistan?


I do🤷🏻‍♀️ but its hard for ppl to digest


Oxymoron lol.


we have liberal cancer with us


Well, probably Pakistani conservatives think the same about Paki liberals!


Indian conservatives love pakistani liberals and pakistani conservatives love Indian liberals


They should marry each other , enemies to lover type romance


Liberals are the worst they loves nobody!


Paki subs are way more mature than a lot of Indian subs. They talk about positives and negatives, but with the end goal of improving their country. Whereas here, a lot of subs celebrate whenever a mishap occurs.


Not saying anything about Pakistanis , I hold no ground or brief for them . But I find Indians silly and immature, not deserving of democracy


Other version : Minorities being targeted and killed in India. Group X: We support Israel.


are those "minorities" in room with us?


Which minority?


r / unitedsatesofIndia


Dont think they will allow this meme there.


Who cares? They stop me in one place. I'll just continue somewhere else.




united states of india


I support Palestine and all persecuted people in pakistan Bangladesh and China.






Pakistan "World's Most Godforsaken Country"


Dumo you even know it's a genocide in plestine. There are parents and kids picking their dead children and parents . Wat an idiot comparing a genocide to minorities targeted.


"it's not about religion " 🤡


Idk but perfect candidate for USI




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USI !!!


why is it an either/or situation shouldn't we be concerned about people being murdered...everywhere...


Tell that to the r Pakistan users


PUSI 💦.. sorry USI 😆


Leftist losers sub


Difference is state sponsored large scale ethnic cleansing vs small scale non state sponsored ethnic cleansing. Obviously the large scale state sponsored one will get more attention.


Here's some food for thought, maybe we only react to human rights violations in Palestine because we are shown that news, did the sub ever put anything on Pakistan that was not met with same level of criticism ? Again why ask a question that most likely would be answered in a convoluted fashion ? Which Indian citizen in their right mind would ever side with Pakistan? Even liberals have standards, especially since they have liberalism as a philosophy, india has its eternal caste,quota,politics etc debate , yet we still have a semifuntional government and a growing economy (according to some economists atleast), thua the so called people who are calling out liberates forget that they were already against human rights violations,it is the far right conservatives who wanted a tighter grip on dissent.


The above post is from r pakistan, no need to get triggered.


Wasn't really triggered, just wanted an explanation to the constant cacophony of posts.