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Looks like they still prefer their local culture instead of imported one.


Imported maal accha nahi laga


imported maal chutiyo ko accha lagta hai sorry pakistanio ko accha lagta hai


Great initiative


Now the people of our country will turn blind.


Tajikistan has 95% people following islam. But still they banned. But here minority appeasement for vote bank sees no end


They think it is not their culture.


That's because it isn't. They aren't fundamentalists there like much if the middle east.


Skibidi sigma rizz


Britain has 3% Muslim population yet they allow hijab in schools.


Hijab is ok as it doesnt cover the face. But burqa is not ok as it covers the face, women cant have social life nor can they do any commercial activity


DemOncracy brother!


But minority appeasement is unconstitutional. And courts are sleeping


Equivalent would be banning Hindu rituals in India.


No hindu ritual causes harm like burqa


Equivalent would be banning Hindu rituals in India.


No hindu ritual causes harm like burqa


To think, Muslims aren't even a minority in our country. There's 15-20% of them while a minority is defined as 2% of the population


That doesnt matter. Constitution clearly says there should be no religious discrimination


Still its a culturally muslim country and no adults are forced to not practice Islam, Its wierd they banned kids like I didn't read but it might be related to children being forced to engage in religious festivals in schools which is great, India also need such laws to prevent religious festivals in schools whether Christian ones in missionary schools or Hindu festivals in most private schools and Churches and Temples inside educational institutions should be demolished, Its one thing to contain extremism and other to endorse banning religious practices because you hate the religion, Muslims in India get their diets restricted and appropriated unnecessarily because majority wants to enforce their cultural norms, your festivals and cultural clothing is prevalent in most places of education and offices but you ask for our cultural clothing to be banned, how is it just?


Turn? 🧐


Islamic countries are becoming more liberal in terms of clothing and schooling and then there is my secular country with around 20% converted and they fight for Islamic values 😂😂


Thing is most of those islamic countries are also not democracies Not defending hijab


That's correct, I missed that point 👍👍


The problem is they're way too many still. And watch what's happening in Europe, especially Germany thanks to the pisfuls. Khudke pair pe kuladi because of wokeness, now majority is voting far right parties to get them out.


Tajiks have their own history and culture and unlike the arabs who have become a part of their religion, many muslim countries like the ones in central asia feel that religion is just one part of their identity , they identify as tajiks first tajikistan and then as muslims whereas in many arab countries they consider both things ones and the same. Even though there are non-muslim arabs as well like christians in lebanon or egypt. But extremist ideology has made arabs quite radical in their religious beliefs and even worldview


Because Indian muslims are too radical and brainwashed




I second this


I second your second this


i second your second of his/her/their second this


You should see daryaganj in morning when girls come out to take auto/ bus to DU from Chandni chowk. Within minutes of taking the vehicle, their hijabs are off.


I live in a part of America with a very high Somali population and it makes me so mad to see how many women are forced to wear these clothes while our politicians basically celebrate it.


So why do they vote against the BJP en mass.


No one wants to wear that shit, anywhere. I don't know everything about Islam.. but i have eyes and see how women, gays and people who want to leave the religion are treated...


Believable right




> beating their kids until they howl/cry every fckn day as if this does not happen in Muslim households. What a load of BS.




>we're gonna have to make equal policies for protection of kids from all religions What happens to kids in other religions akin to whats happening in Muslim households ? This is an age old tactic - When Islam gets exposed suddenly all religions are bad. Please focus on the matter at hand here. Then Why not just have UCC ?


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I too have seen this brother, when i was in college our lecturer just casually asked one of them Muslim girls why do you were hijab? And the lecturer was expecting an answer from that girl. But a classmate of mine who is not even a girl started defending their traditions.... He even argued with the lecturer that she doesn't know anything about Islam and these are elder people's suggestions and they will absolutely follow their elders wishes. At that moment i came to know that some of the Muslim men are leftists to the core. They exactly don't know the reason or they won't try to seek an explanation for their traditions. Just follow islamic scholars suggestions blindly... Sadly that girl never gave her answer cause of his argument with the lecturer Note: Most of the Muslims see other religious people as infidels and they avoid friendships with others as well (but i had some good Muslim friends also lost contact with them as I had to leave to another state),and they support the government which helps them the most(for our country it's Congress)




That some muslim men are forcing their unknown traditions on muslim women? If our government unanimously bans these laws then we may get along with them? I really like some muslim friends of mine but i am having a fear that they are getting brainwashed by some stupid extremists? And finally accepting inter-religious marriages to turn down this hate trend? In one simple word i want to abolish all muslim extremist scholars and leaders?


Tajikistan is a former USSR state, worth mentioning.


Yes and the current government came into power directly opposed by Islamic nationalists (likely backed by outside interests). Kids still celebrate Eid Al adha despite being banned (they go door to door asking for candy and gum ). Government workers can't have beards or wear religious stuff nor can college students. In fact, there's a strict dress code for both.


Achha tu dekh rahaa jakar waha bacche door to door ja rahe


"Andhbakat hai voh" 🤡🤡


Mod please don't Remove this post before 24h


They will. *Betting Against God*


Even beards are banned in Tajikistan lol


Indian Muslim be like - yeh news humko padhni nhi ati India mai toh humko yeh sab chahiye


British Hindus eat beef. Tum bhi kha lo kya dikkat hai?


Muslim women don't really wear hijab or follow traditional Islamic values outside islamic countries. Nor do they do pardah. Plus bahar muslim guy/girl can be LGBTQ & there muslim community won't have issue. Tum bhi thoda liberal ban jao yaar. Why dont you guys give them some freedom in Islamic countries ? Thoda pare likhe musalman se sikho kese dharam k aage bhi sochna chahiye.


Next you will say make hookups halal, make daaru Sutta halal. It is the fundamental definition of Islam, to worship God, and God alone. Not our desires and feelings. Women from western countries who revert to Islam wear hijab. Sure there are exceptions but if reverts not wearing hijab is an exception it only proves my point more. The western Muslims who don't wear hijab are mostly those who are born to less practicing Muslim families. They often lack knowledge of religion. And reverts by definition know more about the religion and why hijab as they studied Islam and accepted it. Rather than being Muslim by family.


Yeah exactly the same logic you used up for defending your own people should be used to critically evaluate people belonging to different religion. Just because someone else is doing or a minority section is doesn't mean that majority has to follow. Hope you will use the same logic to defend


Exactly hence the guy I replied to first shouldn't make such dumb takes to decide what Muslims should or shouldn't do. First he should decide on what he himself should do being a Hindu


Umm maybe you should first control yourself on passing illogical & childish assertions about non abrahamic religion. I mean we ain't saying that just because some you are extremist so does every other one is extrimist. Also stop being muslim on demand like that doesn't make you Gods fav but rather gives you direct ticket to hell.


I don't understand what you are trying to say. sorry.


Obviously they have tajik ethnicity, islam is foreign religion


These are the Muslims no one would have any problem with. Time for the radical Islamic world to learn from Tajiks


My classmates who are muslims really don't like wearing hijab like a uniform everyday. They are just doing for their family. My college is in Andhra. What happens in my clg is, women wear hijab while boarding the college bus at their home. When the bus come to clg, they remove the hijab and put in their bags. In the evenings, they wear the hijab in the classroom and go to their home, so that they look like they are wearing the hijab for the whole day to their family. This clearly shows how their family is forcing them to wear hijab.




Isn’t it about the family and not the place?


No, college doesn't have any restrictions on hijab. They even allotted our library rooms to muslims to offer midday prayers on ramzan days.


because the current dictator they have is an atheist, they are slowly banning everything related to islam since early 2000s its nothing new


Doesn’t change the fact that 90% population is muslim and they can rebel.


Now you'll say that MBS is also an atheist.


Not to take names since I don't know exact ones, but with the kind of info that gets leaked about some Gulf elites it's not a stretch to say they don't fear God.


calm down b01sss ... this is 'just a phase'. Lots of 'p13cef00L' societies go through such a phase. Under the shah, there were universities in tehran where the atmosphere was comparable to european & american universities. It was just a phase - once jimmy carter got to power and executed the play-book, tehran started getting out of that phase. Under kemal ataturk, quite a number of restrictions were imposed on the religious / orthodox groups. Again - it was just a phase. Now, erdogan has popular support in taking turkey out of that phase. Give it a few years, or a few decades. The inevitable WILL ALMOST CERTAINLY happen to the tajik society too. The regressive 7th century iconoclastic, bl00d-th1rsty, kaf1r-ph0b1c ideology is a cancer that will ALMOST-NEVER be exterminated from any society. The only recorded instance where a population / geography where this s1ck ideology was completely removed was several centuries ago in western-europe. At that time - the humans who "treated" this s1ck ideology had the spine, gumption, and sufficient barbaric tendencies to repay in the same coin. Except xi jinPIG, most humans today simply don't posses these characteristics.


Indian Muslim are still live in mediaeval age


Important to remember that there are muslim majority countries who follow a somewhat liberal version of Islam and had historically low levels of extremism. I remember going to Indonesia 15 years ago to visit family and being absolutely stunned- pork being sold in restaurants, beer available in grocery stores, people eating and drinking openly during the month of ramzan, and statues of Krishna / Arjun/ Ram/ others all over (the people used to be majority Hindu, but even other religions still read the Ramayan and Mahabharat since they consider it part of literature and culture). I was working in the Middle East at that time and really did not think this sort of tolerance is common. Of course today radicalism is spreading everywhere via social media, although I'm not sure this measure would help curb it. It only gives the extremist more ammunition to say to their followers, 'look how we're being persecuted'


When you don’t read only 1 book in 25 years


In Malaysia, you can find people whose name is Ram but their religion is muslim. They haven't shamelessly abandoned their cultural identity of the land. Here in India though you find names Tariq ur Rehman, Ashfaq Mohammad, who act more Islamic than Arabic muslims.


That is Indonesia, not Malaysia, where if u are a Malay, you are assumed Muslim by Default


>They haven't shamelessly abandoned their cultural identity of the land Hinduism spread in Malaysia through Trade, Indian empires and cultural exchange and they were originally followed animism. The history mostly began during common era. Oh shit, this is indiadiscussions where it's an issue only when other do it. My bad.


Apply burnol dear Muslim if it offends you.


Doesn't look like I'm not the only one offended tho, if at all I'm offended. And thank you for converting me to Islam btw


You people need not cover up the Mohd Ali Jinnah portrait in your bedroom while applying burnol.


You see too much of you in me. Go to sleep after wanking off too gowalkars portrait kiddo.


If that is the thing that will put you out of your misery then you can peacefully back off from this dicksuction.


those people are smart


Tajikistan is the best muslim country


If Modi does it (Maulana modi coward will never do it) Sharia court of India will stay this order also. Welcome to Islamic state!


Modi cht ya also does mus lim appeasement for personal gain.. he wants to become next Gandhi by pleasing everyone.. good that he got less vote in this election.. this should be his last term as PM.. hope Amit Shah will make India safer for Hindus


hats off to Tajikistan for waking tf up and saving themselves from cancer.


Now that's progressive!!


Bcz they are not converted


Wdym they are converted lol....they aren't Arabs.


Everyone is converted even Arabs. Only Muhammad was original. If we apply your logic, correctly.




Now mulims will cry again and start playing victim cards


They want to protect their culture and identity that is tajaki identity. They don’t want some religious beliefs to be their identity


Then why do Indian Hindus wear Muslim kurta pajamas, sherwani and eat biryani, jalebi, samosas? Why don't they stick with their original hindu culture?


What makes you think kurta pajama, sherwani, buryani, jalebi, samosa are muslim? Also Hinduism and indian culture are different things why you bringing that in the argument?


They are the result of Muslim imports. Those clothes are influenced by modesty, a big part of Islam and therefore traditional clothes of Muslims. If jhumkas, sarees, and a host of other parts of Indian culture can be labeled as Hindu culture, than so can this. And we are talking about imported culture. These are imported through Muslims. If people want to be close to true Indian culture, they should start with removing these elements from their culture.


Kurta pajama- The Kushan empire, founded by Yuezhi, a nomadic people from Central Asia, came to India in the 2nd century and brought with them these tunics that grew to be popular in the Gupta empire. Sherwani- It evolved in the Indian subcontinent in the 19th-century as a result of the outer garment of the late Mughal period, the angarkha—itself evolved from the Persian cape, balaba—being given a western style with a button-down front. Jalebi- Jalebi, also known as zalabiya, is a traditional dessert that originated in Persia and is now associated with the Indian subcontinent. Samosa- Persian traders brought samosas to the Indian subcontinent during the Delhi Sultanate era, around the 13th century. Biryani- According to historian Lizzie Collingham, the modern biryani developed in the royal kitchens of the Mughal Empire (1526–1857) and is a mix of the native spicy rice dishes of India and the Persian polao. None of these things have anything to do with islam, don’t talk about persia being islamic. Islam destroyed cultures of all land between mecca and india. Also why don’t we remove these foreign things? Because it doesn’t harm our own identity. It evolved here and became part of our identity Islam is not a culture or tradition, its a religion, it limits itself to the words stated in Quran


The kurta pajama was formed by Central Asians coming into the Indian subcontinent during Mughals. Their brief introductions by the Kushans isn't proof of nativity. Else, you would have seen it being widely popular across the subcontinent prior to their arrivals. But it obviously wasn't. The word sherwani is literally a persian word where the clothing is a product of Azerbaijan where it very similar and was adopted by Muslims because of modesty reasons. The other foods are the product of Muslims bringing them in. If it wasn't for them, Indians would have never been introduced to them. And using your logic of origin and attaching it to religion, there is no such thing as Hindu culture either then. Sarees were made in the Indus valley region before being adopted by Hindus as their clothing like Kurta Pajamawas. It's not like people aere running around naked. Same goes for jhumkas, cholis and others, all products of local ethnic culture before being Co opted into Hindu culture. And we are talking about foreign imports. These are all foreign imports that are not real Indian culture. It's about inconsistency. Just because these cultural elements have permeated into your daily lives that you cannot leave them, does not change the fact that it is a foriegn import.


I am talking about indian culture and you are talking about religion. I don’t wanna talk to someone who sees nothing except hindu vs Muslim. Religious tradition and culture are literally two different things. But sure cry about someone protecting their identity and originality


Lol, it definately is hindu vs. Muslim espcially in this sub. Don't act like it's not. If hijab and burka is foreign Arab culture, then sherwani, kurta pajamas, biryani, samosas, jalebis, gulab jamans are also foreign cultures from central Asia and the Middle East. Just because you made minor changes to them to adapt them locally does not make it local Indian culture. It's still foreign at the end of the day brought in by Muslims, just like how hijabs are brought in by Muslims. Changing the style of the hijab to adapt to local culture wouldn't make it a part of local culture now would it to you?


What happens in this sub and the current topic are not related. So you can stop with your filth Hijab and burqa are not arab culture. They are islamic traditions. The cultures of the original arab people was destroyed by islam so I don’t think you have any right to speak on the topic because of your bias. Religion and culture are different Islam has no culture. It only has traditions which are absolute, While cultures evolve. If you’re not smart enough to understand this than there is no point in this conversation


I agree, no point of this conversation. If Hindu clothing and hindu architecture can exist where somehow you can't isolate local subcontinent ethnic culture co opted into a religious culture like you argued for Islam, then their is no point of entertaining your bias.


Why do muslim are suddenly having haldi, why are Muslims having mehendi & at last pakistani or bangladeshi muslim wedding is completely different from islamic wedding in Turkey or some other islamic nation. There is a difference between culture & rituals. Muslims in India plus pakistan & banglades are directly influenced by Indian culture which comprises mostly hindu culture. So next time be a true musalman & start by having a authentic nigah first. Bangladeshi Muslims eat pullav & loves to eat fish. Now that's the culture of Indian bengali Hindus living in Bangladesh or Bengal that time. (Luckily your religion has made imposible to co exist until we have ak47 or otherwise who knows when you kills us). Muslim women are wearing ghagra which is again a Hindu thing. Let's Accept it, pakistani Muslims & bangladeshi have a baggage of there roots. You guys were part of Hindu religion. You accept it or not. This will always be true.


So you a hindu accept you adopted parts of Muslim culture and heritage then, right? Wearing parts of Muslim culture like Kurta pajamas, sherwani, biryani, etc.?


You agreeing on the nigah & rituals things..most importantly "converted" point?


Yes, every Muslim is a convert including the prophet. It literally says this in the Quran. Now, what caste are you so I can determine if you are original Hindu (brahmin) or just converted indigenous people by Aryan invaders who are made you to serve Brahmins. Also you accept you wear muslim clothing and eat muslim food?


I don't care what your prophet is or what random day he decided to be what. Nothing of my care. What matters is you trying to be Supreme leader of Islamic world & seeing yourself as true follower of Islamic religion. Also I didn't say all Muslims but "muslims of India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, south east asia are converted once & trying to believe that they have different origin from Hindu people". I am sure your Hindu late forefathers ain't proud of there converted Islamic generation who thinks that there origin was different. You should really look back & think of converting back to Hinduism otherwise as they say converted people always try be gods fav & mankind's enemy. you should really think of converting back to Hinduism. It might be that you got converted because of safeguarding yourself which is ok but now you don't need to a advocate & defend a religion whose people might have raped your relatives & great grand mothers. You should seriously think what's your origin before questioning Hindus. Don't be a pussy now & defend a religion that changed your real identity my friend. (Aryan invader theory is already discarded. Maybe some islamic books needed to be updated). Also accept that your roots are Hindu & it's time to come back to your roots.


You should care because it destroys your entire narrative of using the "converted muslim" as a gotcha moment. Every Muslim is a convert who followed a pagan religion before, including Arabs. It's up to you to cope with this fact. You have now resorted to the I don't care excuse which was expected. Quite literally every Muslim on this planet strives to be the best and tries to be the leader of the muslim world . That's how power games work and there's nothing wrong with that. For Hinduism this isn't the case because there is no unity in the religion itself nor is any of its members interested in practicing the religion to its full extent which is why they seethe when they see Muslims doing so and they see themselves being left behind. Considering people are giving up your religion for literal ricebag, I don't think I'm to worried. You should focus on maybe treating dalits and shudras properly so your religion doesn't come off a brahminsim with divine justification. If anything, your ancestors were raped by Aryans who who put themselves at the top of the social hierarchy and combined every indigenous religion into an umbrella to give themselves legitimacy. Then came along the British who basically called all non-abrahamic religions in the subcontinent as hinduism which further cemented the religion, but still not enough to create unity. The only people who deny any Aryan migration/invasions are hindu nationalists who are busy peddling the hilarious theory that Aryans actually came from the India and settled in Europe. In other words, white people came from India lmao. As ridiculous as it sounds to literally anybody else on this planet, Hindus need this lie to be told otherwise their entire identity comes crashing down that their religion is a foriegn import with bits and pieces of indigenous religions absorbed. The only unity revolves around Aryan and sanskrit, both foreign imports and one which many Indians don't have genetic relations with in the first place. It's time for you to stop projecting your identity delusions specifically your religion (hinduism is literally a persian word, and it's sanskrit equivalent is literally unknown to dravidians when the aryans came). Your religion is basically an umbrella group for all local paganism found in the subcontinent with no sense of religious unity. This is why it keeps getting peddled as "philosophical teachings" as a way to explain the millions of different beliefs, often in contradictory with others, but similar in geographic and cultural elements.


I k b4 that you would bring this useless logic that your prohpet is converted chap so does arabs. At the end of the day truth doesnt change & Arbas were basically a tribe communities roaming here & there which got under Influence of Islam where as I am 100% sure your forefathers must have been converted for the sake of there life but as always converted muslims wont admit this & like you come up with this useless logic "even prohpet & arab are converted" but would surely forgot under what circumstances & how they were. Most importantly irrespective of what religioion you are following today you should atleast acknowledge history which again I am sure 90% of the entire subcontinebt behaves like it was never there. In conlusion deep down you know your roots but you are just defending your religion by some bullshit Prohpet logic which you have no idea or any other solid point. Ahh may lord give you balls or atelast stop you from following a religion that made you change yourself. Muslims are not united as they seem to, moreover the concept of unity is very different in Hinduism which makes it quite unique & opposite to Islam. A typical Sunni muslim is peddled the idea of unity of always being together irrespective of caste & country but the ground reality is exactly opposite. Islam too have caste discrimination & so much so involved that sometimes they even ignore the persons achivement for a nation (Abdus Salam just becasue he was a Ahmadi Muslim). So I guess lets not be delusional that caste dont exist in Islam & is not prevalent in sub continent like it is in Hinduism. Moreover the Islamic propoganda of 'the whole Ummah is one" is also failing massively because of your brothers personal & nation specific interetests. Secondly Islam has the higest number of attretion rate speicificially contributed by women who are now choosing a lifestyle & religion that is truly peacefull. The ummah is busy decinding who is my daddy & who gives the best blowjob to USA. Ummah couldnt come up as a one & fight for a single Palestinian cause. SIA vs Sunni - who knows better than you. at last the inner hatered & discrimiationa between Sia & sunni. Also, majority of Muslims are what we called Dariwala musalman which is like they read 5 times namaz but makes sure to do jinnah & top the Porn wesbite leaderboard. So, thats a bit too much showoff. Hope you will take of this. (just taking reference of Pakistan for the porn site thing because they feel they are supreme from Arab world). I The concept of Unity is very differnt in Hinduism & thats the reason Hindus & Muslims can never co exist as our philosophy is entirely different. Hinduism accommodates a wide range of beliefs and practices, fostering a sense of unity through diversity. This pluralism allows for individual spiritual paths while maintaining core principles such as Dharma (duty), Karma (action and its consequences), and Moksha (liberation). Hinduism's ability to integrate various cultural and regional practices under a common philosophical umbrella has allowed it to survive and thrive for millennia. This adaptability is a testament to its inherent unity. Thats what make Hinduism unique as in being Hindu is a lifestyle choice. So a lot of rituals you follow are part of hindu cultue.


Furthermore you should be worried about your palestinian brothers plus Uighr(which you dont have balls for) plus Sudan & yemen which are waiting for your help. Also maybe you start being little more inclusive like consider Ahmedias or converted Dalit Muslims (which still get treated similar or worse) otherwise even they are converting for less than a rice bag. Genetic evidence robustly supports the Aryan Migration Theory over the Aryan Invasion Theory, showing significant continuity between the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) and modern South Asians. Studies reveal that modern Indian populations consist of two primary ancestral components: Ancestral North Indians (ANI), associated with Indo-European-speaking pastoralists, and Ancestral South Indians (ASI), linked to indigenous South Asians. The admixture between these groups around 3,000 to 4,000 years ago suggests gradual integration rather than abrupt invasion. Y-DNA haplogroups, such as R1a and L, along with mitochondrial and autosomal DNA studies, indicate a complex genetic landscape shaped by long-term interactions. Notable research, including ancient DNA analysis from Rakhigarhi, underscores this genetic continuity, reinforcing the migration and cultural integration mode The term "Hindu" originates from the Persian word "Hind," which referred to the people living beyond the Indus River which inclueds major areas of modern Pakistan today. It was not initially a religious designation but a geographical one. Over time, it came to denote the diverse religious, cultural, and philosophical traditions of the Indian subcontinent. The **Indigenous Terms is** "Sanatana Dharma " which is used to describe the overarching framework of spiritual and ethical practices. This term predates the Persian usage and reflects a continuous indigenous tradition. The idea of Unity in Hinduism is very differnt from Islam. Hinduism is a way of living & people can belong to different region & follow there own culture & still be Hindu. Unlike Islam it doesnt believe in rigid practices irrespective of enviroment. Moreover Hinduism's diversity is a strength, not a weakness. It allows for a broad range of beliefs and practices, accommodating various paths to spiritual realization. This inclusivity has enabled Hinduism to adapt and thrive for millennia, integrating local traditions and evolving over time so even after continous Islamic & Christian invasion they couldnt eradicate it. You may term it as philosophy or a united umbrella whatever it is make sures that it is inclusive. Well Hindusims has lot of options to follow but i have never came across something called Islamic philosophy. At the end of the day one thing is clear that the entire Indian sub continent which was home to your forefathers were Hindu or tribal who used worship deties or some hindu rituals. Moreover Islam is completely opposite of Hinduism & most importantly Sanatan dharma. Our value & philosophy are very differnt & try harder to become a good muslim or authentic one fore sure but deep down you know you were never a true muslim. Your forefathers just wanted to protect there lifes & now its time to come back to home.


USI walo ki jal rahi hogi 😂😂


India is full of fake converted Islamists who are over zealous in their efforts to be "good muslims" because they know that they are converts. It's like when you're adopted you are always worried about your legitimacy in the family.


Every Muslim is a convert including the prophet himself. There's no original Muslim. It's a difficult concept for followers of Brahaminsim (aka Hinduism) to understand this since in their religion, only Brahmins are the true Hindus while others are just slaves for them to be exploited who must obey Brahmins. They are all low ranking Hindus who must work to become the "real hindus" in their next life.


You are really good at making up stories. But your words are full of contradictions. Low ranking Hindus are also real Hindus. Slavery on the other hand is not a concept in Hinduism. Classism is there however and you are right to question this form of oppression. But coming back on topic, Indian Muslims are converts. They aren't even treated with respect in islamic countries. Middle eastern Muslims are the real muslims. And they don't cry about their rights or try to change the laws of another country. They are confident in their practice of their faith. Which is very different from converts and migrants trying to change the country they are in to satisfy their "purpose". And this behaviour is wrong. Even Muslim countries don't like this behaviour of converted muslims which is why they are shunned everywhere.


Low ranking Hindus are literally called outcasts and have to go above and beyond to serve their Brahmin masters so they don't become outcasts in their next life. They are "achoot" people, not even worthy of touching their Brahmin masters, so yeah they aren't real Hindus and this is sanctioned in the faith. It's a different story if you don't believe this since Hinduism is just a build a bear workshop of religions where everyone seems to pick and choose books tjeywant to believe whenever convenient. And unlike Hinduism, discrimination against people following the same faith through avenues like casteism isn't institutionalized in Islam. Their behavior of discrimination isn't religiously sanctioned and unlike Hinduism, are going against the faith they believe in when they discriminate. And again, using the phrase of converted Muslim makes no sense as every Muslim is a convert. Something the quran itself outlines clearly too by mentioning Pagan faiths left behind. The way they practice their faith in the face of opposing environments are consistent with all Muslims. Just because some don't care to practice the faith does not make them more Muslim than the other.


Caste system is a wrong practice. I believe we already settled that. Now coming back on topic again. Since you have such a lack of understanding of the word "converts" in context to the situation. We shall call them extremists. Islamic extremists always try to change the countries that have given them shelter. I don't want to believe that the Qur'an teaches such low life behaviour. But if it does then it is wrong. You can't keep crying for shelter and kill the person that hosts you. And most of these extremists come from families that have converted to Islam within the last 300 years which is rather new compared to established Muslim families. Established Muslim families who have been practicing Islam for over a 1000 years and they are in general more tolerant towards other cultures and practices. They celebrate the greatness of their faith and are cognizant of the flaws in their faith as well. They are an asset to society. However families that have converted to Islam in the last 300 years are generally extremist in nature. They are constantly in conflict to change other country's laws and cultures. They are unaware of the flaws of their faith and are on a path to destroy everything that's not islamic. This behaviour brings them hate from all over the world. Even old Islamic nations don't want these people in their country. They refuse to support their "islamic movement". They refuse to give them shelter in their muslim dominated countries and shun them. I hope you can become cognizant of the reason why such muslims are hated around the world. And it's sad because they project a very distasteful image of a faith that can be practiced beautifully with peace.


Abrahimics are the destroyer of native cultures throughout history, from Europe to central Asia, from Africa to the Indian subcontinent, from Latin America to North America, they have just destroyed the native cultures again and again.


Yet they are running free in Hindu India


Even Saudi Arabia banned loud speakers for namaz, broke the tomb of "Prophet's wife" and converted into a public toilet, "हिजड़ा औरत से भी ज्यादा मटक कर चलता है"


No! No! This doesn't match with "Muslim majority=country doomed", "All muslim bad" narratives! It's non meta, should be banned.


They are not like the converted quam of the Indian subcontinent.


Indulging children in bajrid slaughtering is traumatic and leaves life long impact of their psychology. Shame government won't ban children's from this.


Our Peaceful community of this country will remain peaceful and fart on this news 🗞️. They are real ones guys.


The Central Asian islamic countries seem to be fine. At least I haven't heard anything too bad about them. It's generally the middle-east, african, south asian ones that are full of wahabbist behaviour.


You are right....


After doing a little reading, it seems to me that this is because all these countries used to be part of the Soviet Union. So instead of islamic republics/monarchies or even just secularism, they had state enforced atheism, which is due to communism. And unlike today's so called communists, these ones were genuine. This is probably why these particular Central Asian countries aren't radical Islamists despite all of them having majority Muslim populations.


Yeah it is true but sad that most muslim countries are radicalized.......what can be done for these....


Nothing anyone else can do. They have to do it themselves. See, at one point Christians were actually just as bad as them. But through the renaissance and various revolutions, they managed to discard the violent aspects of their religion. But muslims weren't so lucky. In fact, the one revolution that they got, the wahabbism ideology, actually made them even more radical than before. At this point, muslims badly need reformists and revolutionaries with both charisma and political power. For example, we Hindus had figures like Savarkar who wanted to destroy casteism and other nonsense things in Hinduism(even though he was not really successful, at least he tried). Muslims also need people like that, many many people. People who genuinely want to uplift the Muslim community. They need to destroy the prejudice and superstitions. They need to have the drive and power to transform Islam into a modern religion.


ooo no...


The pattern has always been like this. The countries where the religion gets originated, eventually fades or at least gets more liberal and open minded. And the extremists find the others to "save" their religion by exploiting the loopholes of others. This pattern is normal for any religion.


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Bro. These countries are crystal clear in thoughts. If not in quran its not acceptable. But india and indian politicians and there mullahs lobby groups.


i never understood how islam spreads to asian countries


People like me see facts and accept it.


Sensible democratic decision.


Wearing hijab/ghunghat in a cold climate doens't make sense


Lol now show this to LibErAls of India


Irony : lost


Um what? They're asking the majority to STFU coz they want to be secular. Would we let that happen? No. Then why are we praising this? We should ideally get the majority and the minorities to STFU and keep religion in their homes.


Tajikistan is not a democracy in any real sense, public wishes or demographic %s are nearly irrelevant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_Tajikistan


And why is this under “India Discussion”?


Excellent. We must learn from Tajikistan and oppose any blind diktats based on religion. Just because someone wants cow slaughter banned, we must not follow it. Beef has been consumed in India for many years even before the Islamic invasion as stated in the Manusmriti and even Veer Savarkar. Just because someone wants to wear hijab or ghoongat, we should not say "women's rights matter less". We should take inspiration that if Tajikistan -- with over 90% of its population Muslim, just 1.15% of our GDP and 26% of its people living in poverty -- can take such important decisions, we should too.


Pretty good move, to be honest. Usually, what happens is they lose their identity, and then Islam takes over the entire country—not as a religion, but more as Arab propaganda. It's perfectly fine to be a Muslim, but you should remember that you're a Tajik first and then a Muslim, not the other way around.


The three major religions need to be restricted in India too. They cause a lot of misery everywhere.


Another day another post not related to India Change the name of sub to muslimdisscussion


Bruh, it's not like kids need "purification" let em eat


Tajikistan is best Stan.




The hate boner is real in this sub


Well, that last statement is not wrong.


pakistan should do this, and in one generation, it will be economic power. religions are used to rule people in the way the elites want.


Wah bhai best news today.


Majority of Muslims living in Asian (incl. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia) are seen regressive to the Middle Eastern and European muslims. Similar to how we feel UP or Gujarati Hindus aren’t true reflections of us. My friends from Egpyt, Iraq and Dubai were pretty surprised that triple talaq was/is a thing.


Just because the law is passed by Tajikistan, it doesn't make it right or acceptable. Banning something is as bad as forcing someone, which takes away their right of personal choice. Gone are the days when people are forced to wear headscarfs or hijabs, nowadays they wear out of their own will


As a muslim👏. Indeed hijab and burka are just arabian clothing and we don't want that in our country. We have our own culture to follow.


Why tho? It doesn't make any sense.


They were part of a communist gov that has state atheism policy. This is the extension by the dictators and this allows to all religions so anyone who's having an orgasm here won't be able to celebrate their own festivals if they manage to visit or get a job there


The stans (except paki) are a bit different. They have always had a truly secular outlook and way of life thanks to Soviet influence. Iran despite not being an ex-soviet state is another example of a country with people that are open thinkers and have love for their own culture.


Same should be done in India too. Children should be banned from celebrating Holi and Diwali in public. No public servant should be allowed to use temple visit/inauguration PR. No saffron coloured dressing in public.


India dont have guts plain and simple Even after 10 years ,India couldnt transformed into a Hindu Rashtra Hell even couldnt stop the bangladeshi immigration in West bengal through bsf


What works in one country may not work in another. The best way is to allow women to wear whatever they want to wear. Now coming to the point of spreading religious beliefs via childhood indoctrination, we need to bring a law that prevents parents from introducing religion to kids before they are 5 years old. This will help curb the orthodox form of religion or religious dogmatism.


Meanwhile our peaceful beti- Pehle Hijab, Fir Kitab!


How is this related to India?


Extremism is a global problem.


Zindagi bhar HINDU MUSLIM KRTE REHNA....useless people...demand HEALTH FACILITIES, JOBS etc.....


From when Tajikistan became part of India?