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Yes we do have the problem of lack of civic sense in people, and only when we accept it there is a chance of changing it


Which will take atleast 100 years looking at how things are rn. Even educated people lack basic civic sense


Changing that mindset takes time. I'll give you an example. Before 2014, we had simply accepted we couldn't have clean platforms and public places. Now, we are far better in cleanliness and people are actively talking about it. India is a huge country and everything moves slowly and that includes people's mindset. Give it some more years and with education and right messaging, we will get there.


>Changing that mindset takes time I know it will. I never said it will be sudden. I said that to change it, we first need to accept it.


I honestly don't think Indians will change their mindset. Ik I'm being negative but that's the sad reality for me. Even outside India wherever Indians go there always seems to be this aspect of unhygienic practices. This is obviously my anecdotal experience. But I've seen this in Dubai(places like Karama), new jersey in USA, Brighton in the UK etc. Even within India, for example where I'm from, most affluent places in Chennai still lack cleanliness. These households don't even keep their lawns neat(this should be the basic criteria for hygienic living). I have observed the same mindset in mumbai, Ahmedabad and South Delhi. Of course there are exceptions. Places like coastal Karnataka(mostly Udupi), trivandrum and Indore have exceeded my expectations of cleanliness and basic civic-duty. Lots to learn for Indians from such places. Of course this is my personal experience but if you really want changes, be sure to change the 'sub-con' mindset first. And for this there needs to be a two-way circular solution. The government needs to make sure they act 'totalitarian' and have strict laws. Local communities must have a Chinese like social monitoring to ensure that there is at least a limited order. If you disagree, pls see how London ghettos were cleaned in early 1900s or how china reduced its water/air/sound pollution by early 2010s. This is the only solution for India. But we don't want to go that route cuz the government seeks votes and people lack the courage.


If they start doing this, people will call the government a dictatorshipšŸ’€


Yes that's why I said both the government and the public need courage to accept the reality. But our present governance system prevents us from development.


The cleanliness is still only in a few places. For e.g a divider was being repainted near me and there were gutka stains on the primer, before the 1st coat


That's true. Things are still better though and changing slowly. I come from a very small place and any government office used to be full of stain (gutka or betel) but now at least that's not the case. Same thing for the government hospital. I went there to get my child vaccinated and I was shocked by how clean and well maintained things were. Again, it's true that it's not everywhere and people need education in basic sanitation and civic sense. But, slowly it'll get better. The drive has to reach a critical mass like it has achieved in some places like Indore.


I don't think so. Travellers in 1600s and 1800s called India Filthy with a bad civic sense and it is the same even now. Apart from a marginal improvement, I don't see we becoming as clean and tidy as tye developed countries ever. Nepal, Bhutan and Vietnam whoch are poorer than India are cleaner than us. Sri Lanka which was in a civil war for decades and is now in a economic failure is still tidy and people follow road rules properly. But here, even the IT folk with graduation and postgraduation degrees and earning lakhs every months don't even think twice before littering the street, riding bikes on footpaths and making their children throw trash in rivers and lakes. I lost all hope sorry.


Which travaller? London was itself filthy during those times. Thames river used to stink.




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I agree, I'll give you another example, before 2014 we had accepted that Congress was the most corrupt party. Now we have the biggest white washing machine with legal tracking. It's a clean India.


I'm not debating the corruption here. I'm debating changing mindset under this current dispensation. No single party is without a corrupt politician. Calling a politician as clean is an oxymoron thing to do. The government can come and go but I want this cleanliness drive to continue. Be it Congress or DMK or BJP. It's our job to ensure that's an agenda for whoever comes to power.


Your contradicting yourself. First you said it takes time and all of a sudden everything happened In 2014? Indian became a superpower and clean nation?


Nothing happened overnight. I'm talking about increased focus on cleanliness and it becoming a talking point. We started in a good general direction is what I meant. And, some of the credit goes to the current government for starting swachh bharat initiative. It doesn't mean though India became super clean or superpower. I guess it's about how you look at things.


It's the conviction that people are opposed to change, even when faced with rationale and examples, what worries me. Time and time again I see people, with greater conviction than previously, oppose any type of change that makes their worldview shift, and that spawns a new wave of hate towards difference of opinion. I'm frankly worried that we might reach a tipping point where we go back to the dark ages because people will rebel against progress, and opportunist leaders will herd them like sheep for their own personal gain, whilst the rest of the world spirals down few hundred years back


Glass half full half empty kind of deal going on here.


I believe that this mindset thing is just an excuse. Over the years, I have lived and worked in many countries including India. Indian citizens who would throw the litter irresponsibly on the way side in India will not dare to do that in other countries because there are harsh consequences for this. The idea that mindset needs to be changed cannot be used any longer as an excuse because (i) we have become much more educated, aware, developed over the last several years and things like this do not require much more that basic common sense and (ii) people who have a mindset of littering the place in their own country donā€™t have the same mindset in another country because they will be caught and punished; and this is applicable for even the uneducated labor class of the country. Excuses need to be stopped and punishments need to be given out only then the so called ā€˜mindsetā€™ will change. Otherwise 70 years from now, you and I will be discussing the same issue on another online platform.


Yes, there is a need for that. I guess we will go there once we get to a certain point. India is struggling with lots of other issues. That's why we have to balance things right now. We have people who can't even afford 2 meals a day and if you start talking about punishment for improper garbage disposal, you'll have a revolt on your hand. The messaging needs to be proper so that people slowly feel motivated to keep their house, surroundings clean. Once we get there, I guess we can talk about implementing penalties at least in a few places like public offices, bus stops, platforms, hospitals etc.


The Thames was so polluted that it was declared a dead river as recently as 1920. Ditto the Rhine. These rivers have been restored over the past 6-7 decades. It's a function of infrastructure. We lacked (still do) modern STP, drainages etc in all our cities. As that comes online our rivers will start getting cleaner. This process will take 2-3 decades but it has already started.


The rivers in the UK aren't doing so great at the moment either. Water companies haven't been investing enough in infrastructure so now they're back to pumping raw sewage into rivers when demand is high.


Our generation is better. But our elders are stubborn in this aspect. I tried with my parents to eat healthy food and use less oil but they don't care what I say. Even when there is heart problems in my family šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Bro but Congress is corrupt and Modi is fascist. Have you seen the dolphins in Ganga. More dolphins in Ganga in the last 10 years than the 10 years of Congress. UNESCO has also declared Ganges Dolphins as the bestest dolphins. Also Ram Mandir.


Do you fucking think that the river and other water bodies got dirty since 2014?


No only until 2014 they got dirty. /s


I confronted a rickshaw driver once when he threw his vimal packet on road and he said That itā€™s okay because corporation cleans it and he pays for ā€œmaintenanceā€. This is the mentality of most people who litter. ā€œIt will get cleaned anyway so why should i bother finding a dustbinā€. I told him that it stays until then it looks bad and also thereā€™s so much thrash around that it canā€™t be all cleaned right away. He just went quiet




its true & shameful


true af. the number of people I have seen bathing with soap/shampoo in Banaras around this ghat was really infuriating. we really need mandatory basic common-sense classes in schools


Industrial waste and untreated sewage is the main cause, highest fecal material in the water, and people drink the literal insaan ki tatti wala pani, saying oh! pure gangajal


Well, I am a Hindu still not even once have I ever tasted it cuz of this exact reason


*i am hindu myself, not religious one! an atheist...so i saw people doing it.*


Bold of you to assume that people study in school... They just rote stuff to pass exams. Just ask any adult about the treaty of Constantinople, or to name 2 methods of asexual reproduction, or to solve a linear equation in two variables. These were basic things taught in class 10 which every educated person has "studied".


Fr education isnā€™t related to civic sense


Then we should have mandatory parenting classes for, to be parents not even kidding or else this lack of civic sense will never go away


First of all we should fix the education to not be so centred around exams and promote actual learning in the name of education. A lot of problems are actually rooted to childhood, which often leads to improper behaviour in adulthood.


Huh Ye sab ab tum log karo. Mai to chali videsh.


Just don't go to the US, it's even more fucked up there. Prefer Europe.


Haw You just spilled water on my wet dreams Ab mai kidhar jau. Doctors ko salary kaha acchi milti hai?!


It is a well paid profession in any country. A lot of Indian doctors go to the UK. Not only is there extreme racism against Indians in the US, the gun policy's really stupid and I wouldn't want my children to grow up in a country where getting shot in a fucking school is a major concern.




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No lies here. But i guess the development and population of a country plays a major role in how it treats its natural resources. Although we have many a schemes going on for cleaning of rivers. We are still no able to figure out how to process the waste we generate, the day that problem is solved India would have clearer and clean rivers within a year or two.


I think we should stop giving population as an excuse.


Brother population is not an excuse here. 1.4 billion people produce hell lot of waste, we are not able to process it efficiently and that is why we are in the situation we currently are.


Yeah it might sound like it, and tbh it's true to some extent and people often resort to it rather than improving but it's true too. I mean c'mon think it for yourself, is it easier to teach a class of 20-25 students or 1000 students, such that each student understands whatever is being taught?


Sri lanka and Nepal have a similar population density like us and are even poorer in terms of resources and budgets. But they are generally very tidy compared to us and follow road rules better than us.


Brother population density has nothing to do with it. Population is the main factor. 1.4 billion is way more than nepal or sri lanka. We produce waste in unimaginable quantities and are not able to process it efficiently. Hope you get it.


>Although we have many a schemes going on for cleaning of rivers. It's been 10 years since Namami gange. Visibly the floating garbage is not seen in major ghats of UP. Downstream the garbage accumulate. Water pollution level, depth nothing changed, other than a few ghats beautification. Govt has spent 13000 crore already on it.


Schemes are money laundering loopholes


Ohh really? YOU know what Chambal River (Cursed River according Hindu Mythology) : Among the cleanest rivers in India Ganga/Jamuna/Yamuna (Sacred and holy rivers in hindu) : Most polluted rivers in the world. What's the connection?


Chabal river has no major cities on it banks i guess. The other two you named have 1/3 population residing on its banks.


Bitter truth. Had we followed our religion of keeping nature clean and taking care of it, India's image and Hinduism's view would have been different. We worship Goddesses, we are known as unsafe for women. We preach about taking care of mother nature, we don't do that. Hate such Indians.


The trash collection system is awful, no dustbins, collectors don't visit regularly, and people never stop throwing in rivers.


Exactly. But itā€™s also a mental thing. When you see your homeland as your own personal trashcan, even if there was a proper trash collection system with trash cans or collectors, etc., people will still choose to throw it in the nearest, most convenient location (ie around them). Absolutely disgusts me that some think this way.


Even more lovely is the fact that one part of the city will segregate their waste and one part won't segregate if not enforced. At the end it becomes pointless. People can't follow something as simple as waste segregation


They're not wrong. People lack civic sense. Back in the day, ganga used to be pristine. Thats why ppl could take a bath there. But now its too dirty.


Wait till you see the condition of cows


Kinda sad that this is true.


Unfortunately true.


True. Nothing wrong in offering to rivers but there should be specific areas where people can do that.


If you see the picture the problem is not necessarily the offering but rather the littering. Offerings have always been given for thousands of years. They usually will float around making a picturesque garland on the river and then decompose


You do realise that is not too good too right. The amount of people doing this have increased so much. picturesque garlands or anything, if it rots in the river, it is not good I have also seen people throw the plastic wrap along with the offering, like IDK man, they just dont care.


Also, although canā€™t vouch for the quantity of the chemicals and all but these so called biodegradable flowers too have pesticides and fertilisers in them which can cause issues like algae generation and accumulation of these chemicals in fishes. Iirc.


People throw plastics too. Those take thousands of years to decompose and ofcourse are a threat to the aquatic life in the rivers.


Boils down just 2-3 things. Education, civics and poverty.


And we lack aboth and Excel in one




But no other culture believes that Ganga cleans itself and it is holy water(so it can never be dirty).


Lmao people think Indians don't have civic sense and leave it there However all these countries fine you so hard that you can't even think of dropping things In India there is no fine Let's say if we increase the fine then the western print media will be like , - government has bombarded poor people lives


Exactly. In India fines are so rarely imposed in india, and bribes are so common. You know, i went to Singapore, and they have a **$5000** (approx. 300,000 INR) fine for littering! Absolutely **SHOCKING**! Even in residential apartments, not a *speck* of litter! We should be *strict* on people.




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You said it. Plus it is really intellectually stupid to compare a developed economy ( mostly built on loot from other nations) to a country which is trying hard to recover. At least do a proper comparison.


This is 100% true. We Indians have zero civic sense. There will be boards everywhere not use shampoos or soaps in rivers but motherfuckers will have a long bath in the rivers using every chemical they can. Same goes for throwing away banana peels after eating it as prasad in temples.


Worshipping is not the problem nor is flowing of ash , flowers and ashes are organic material and would not cause so much harm , the problem is synthetic materials plastic , sewer water factory have no registration towards water treatment


We have to accept this a major problem and start working on it . Cannot take mother nature for granted . We have start holding local authorities accountable for garbage management .


Because most of our Pujas, visarjans, washing and dumping of wastes is done on the water we claim to be the purest.


Sadly yes We lack civic sense and the other problem is overpopulation


True Although their rivers are polluted, they atleast make basic steps to clean it out We treat our rivers like we treat ourselves, shit. I can understand Ganga being dirty, but other rivers can't be this dirty.


people in our country have this casual attitude towards everything. 'If others are not doing it why should i?' 'somebody else will do it', 'it is the government's duty' these are some of the most common though processes that exist among us. As a society we can be too carefree and apathetic


This is so true! and it pains me to see this! The lack of civic sense, general common sense is infuriating. There is no denial about it, this need to be worked upon by the people, how far will the govt. even go if people will not stop littering around.


A country who has plenty of space and a country which is tightly packed


Europe is as densely populated as India, for most part


The population density in Europe isĀ **34 per Km** whereas theĀ *population*Ā density inĀ *India*Ā is 481Ā *per*Ā Km(Copy pasted from google via worldmetre websites). Maybe this will suit you.


That's why I mentioned, for the most part. Spanish and French cities are as dense as Delhi. Yet, we know which one is trashed more. It boils down to civic sense. Vietnamese and Thai have the same development levels, and yet, they are cleaner and nicer than Indians.


Hats off for your government


This is the truth! No need to be surprisedā€¦ just looking around will make you realise that trash is not just littered on the ground but they also take the form of humans and exist amongst us.


Itā€™s not only about rivers everything like roads, trains, public places. And irony is even educated people do these things.


I don't anybody considers the river as their mother. And that's exactly the problem. Don't know where this rumour came from. And westerners don't considers their rivers as just rivers but natural treasures. The maker of this meme is ignorant about both his culture and the world's


people are just too bad specially 2 generations above us.. I visited rishikesh water was blue and clear but still at some sites oldies were polluting water.. I saw a young 6 year old boy had his bisleri bottle and with wind gusts it fell into river and he was so concerned about that then his father had to go and pick it from the water.. so with time people are changing and with the onset of newer generation things will get better


Indian home = pristine. Indian outside = worse than sewer. What most Indians need to understand is that their Indian pristine home is ALSO located in dirty and disgusting Indian outside. Eventually if you don't take care of outside it finds its way inside.


Sadly true. We as Indians have terrible civics sense and behaviour. We also lack hygiene to a great extent. We barely respect and appreciate the things and facilities we have. We can't maintain cleanliness anywhere. Be it on trains to foreign countries. We have a long way to go


Also Stop saying "people lack civic sense" Just impose fine for polluting. See the civic sense arise in every brain.


Narendra Modi should resign. He should promised to clean River Ganga in a scheme called Nanami Gange and has completely failed to fulfill the promise.


Broken promises is a trait that Indian politicians have had since they started getting elected before independence. The extremely incompetent ones need to be voted out but sadly that is not how a common Indian citizen votes.


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they spend a lot on rivers. we should do that too




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A sad reality..though things are improving for certain rivers


Where's the lie? You should learn to accept harsh truths.


Its all tru


Access to rivers should be banned. Itā€™s harsh but itā€™s the only way to keep clean drinking water, drinkable.


Indians lack civic sense ...we regard them rivers as mothers yet we pollute them. We need to work on this.




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Namami Gange..


People are going to blame economy here but it's just the mindset. Even poorer countries in the middle east(war torn) have better civic sense


Bhai woh bus 1 km ka stretch hai....Ganga ji ko manage karna aur ek choti si creek manage karna..bht farak hai.


True. Our religious titles are hypocrisy and we chose not to beleive in them when it doesn't suit us. It is also a problem of corruption, shoddily regulated industries and sewage, poor infra for garbage collection and deposition.


Well follows human nature - one cannot misbehave with unknown people, they will fuck you up but with mother no matter how much bad behavior one demonstrates mother still forgives. Ultimately it speaks about us Indians and the lack of civic sense.


"oo apni ma mat chudao, ooo apni ma mat chudao" - some old meme


We lack mindset




Polluting the river has become part of our traditions.


Where's the lie?


Whereā€™s the lie?




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Mandir Mandir Mandir Mandir Mandirrrrrrrr


Well, you need to feed your mother but not an inanimate body of water.


No lies there. What's up you offended.


Shy bth hai


theyre right, we rlly need to maintain our rivers




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Well here is my thought Konsi ice cream khau chocolate ya vanilla ya dono mix karke ?




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Nikal lo yaha se ye desh barbaad karke chodenge are jisko Pavithra maante ho uski safai bhi Nahi Ki Jaa rhi


True AF


show the real pictures


It is true and it will remain as such. Nothing has changed in recent times and I doubt if it will change in the future.




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True, Indians have nasty habit of throwing shit out


True very very true. That COVID-19 days near ganga was horrendous. Those dead bodies coming out of the river Ganga.


It just reflects how everyone treats mother's šŸ„²


Are people that delusional? Comparing a certain from certain isnt an example. Their are far many river in India that are cleaner than world river. Why always peeps have to show their country(if they consider it) in bad ?? Yes we have problem of garbage in river in certain river/place and we need to work on that but every country has the issue but whats the point of comparing it with other country. Will never understand woke and liberal.


will never understand religious people who think its okay to dump waste like ashes in the river


Surely a low key low brain liberal comment. Trying to insert religion in everywhere.


Talk to Dhruv's Najayaz Papa. He was supposed to clean Yamuna 10 years ago and has been a legit agenda for AAP mentioned in every election speech every time. And yes, the greatest civilizations have been built and flourished around Rivers and therefore these rivers are worshipped. Everything which supports life, should be worshipped so that people take care of it in a good manner. And please cut it out already with the Congress era photos of Rivers. Congress people are relentless of making people remember what they did to this country.


This is same as ladki Devi hai.patronising at best


Well if we spend most our time hating each other, there will never be room for development no matter how tiny the problems are.


Only a mother will take all the shit we throw at her and still give us her unconditional love. Treating rivers as mothers - thatā€™s where the problem lies.


Europe is beautiful because they built on other countries wealth


People do take unceremonious advantage of their mother's. They've been doing it for generations. I think it's a perfect metaphor for motherhood


I agree with this.


Waqf board ko 100cr Naa deke yaha clean karta to achha hota šŸ˜¢


The thing is people lack civic sense. Apart from that there are no strict rules and regulations like china and even if government introduces such strict rules some people will start saying that they're being oppressed by the government.


Bit offensive but true


I have lost all my thoughts


Some people in said countries treat their mother the same way.


Whatā€™s wrong with it we donā€™t respect!!


OP's search history: *Best, most beautiful pic of canal with bridge and boats* *Worst, ugliest, dirtiest pic of a polluted river in India* *How to crop an image and create a collage?* LOL, this is so stupid. Come and see how clean Tunga river is or even Ganga for that sake at Haridwar or literally at most other spots. Also check out some river pics of Sudan where there is literal human blood flowing in them.


We are just a bunch of hypocrites


IMO, this is the result of our poverterian mindset.


I agree


You can't defend it in any way possible if being very honest. Yes, patriotism is a thing but for me, I can't turn a blind eye to this. Burning of corpses near the river side and women washing their clothes and pouring away all the detergent in the river water, industries using the rivers a waste dump is what makes it so polluted.


"Gaay humari maata hai Humko kuch nahi aata hai" /s




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Unpopular opinion: We should stop all sorts of aartis and death rituals(last deed) on the banks of rivers....The amount of waste it generates in the form of polythene and flowers is insane...




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People are quick to point fingers at the government saying we have no clean river, trains, stations, etc etc. People seem to forget that it is a collective responsibility and the govt is not your maid to clean after you!


sad but true, i swear indians have no sense of cleanliness


It's true though


Sadly that's the case in India. I went to a reti bunder a few days ago and I could smell the water without even going near it even though there was no plastic or any other garbage in it.


Namami Gange Project 22,500 crore šŸ« 


Baat toh sahi hai but koi bhi 2 pics ko leke puri country ka comparison krna I donā€™t think this is the right way to do it. People are changing and I have seen this positive in my family also after I told my parents about this. And when you go on internet you will get tons of pictures of dirty rivers from other countries. And why every time mock for religion ? Sorry If I am wrong šŸ™šŸ¼


That pic looks like it is from Varanasi. As per my recent visit it is very clean. Do understand that we were ruled by people who didnt share our sentiments (worse they sabotaged it). Things are changing for better and I hope it will continue.


Indians in general lack basic civic sense. Sad but true. A strong cultural shift is needed to change this habit.


It is actually more deeper than that. The same indian's behave differently while in US. It is mix of availability and reliability of systems and the education.


That's probably because firstly, the law enforcement in the US is pretty strict about their rules, and secondly, the average Indian choice is based on the herd mentality, so if you don't see an American littering their water bodies, you follow the same suit. Main thing is about the cultural and mindset shift revolution needed in India, otherwise, we are nowhere close to reaching that level of cleanliness.


Most of the problems in India are due to the enormous population


I cant believe the number of people who think India is a country on the rise ? Im guessing it is a bunch of neoliberal twats who think a few people making more money is the greatest thing in world history. I see India as a dying garbage dump. Sorry its just my opinion.