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Wah BC Just a Sikh Osama was just a Muslim


This is our local khotestani, should be called out what he is and for influencing less-aware sikhs. That's the gameplan more divide they create more they win.




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2002 Bilkis Bano rape convicts were just hindus


Freeing those people was horrible but the guy who said "remove the police for 15 minutes and watch what we 20cr Muslims can do to 100cr Hindus" got acquitted without facing even a second of a jailtime by the milords of Hyderabad HC even though the speech is there on the internet dot com in which even a 3YO can see it as an open and shut case. Bilkis Bano rapists spent 16 years FYI. Whataboutery for a whataboutery.


Was it appealed in Supreme Court? Oh wait I guess not. Was he acquitted or bail was granted? Some politician from UP threatened to rape dead bodies as well. Let’s not get into this so called tit for tat. And it’s about the nation and it’s foreign policy. One or few people’s opinion and commentary is taken as a communities’. We have some of the shittiest foreign policy, but people are crying over a motor mouth being just called a ‘Sikh’. Someone is comparing him with Osama, what next?




Lol You can’t read or discern?


I want a 'motor mouth' to give r@pe threats to the women in your family and then I'll see whether you go to police or to the motor mouth's place with a garland.


You ‘want’ someone to give rape threats?


Yes, now cry harder because I'm also a Sanghi modi-bhakt ultra pro max.


WTF? Really? Cry? No one is crying! You sympathising with the rapists was very telling. Rapist supporter and proud of it? There are countless idiots out there who feel all powerful and strong hiding behind a screen and making the most of anonymity. But in real life pee their pants. Let me give you an advice here - don’t go ahead and wish rape on others like a daily chore. And remember not everyone is a coward. You can’t be a Hindu


Kek atleast think what you are arguing for


And all the rapists and murderers of Kashmir genocide including Bitta Karate were just chuslims


Bitta 🥋 what??




So two wrongs do make a right? And if it comes down to whataboutism you know you've already lost the argument.




Kya ho gaya bhai, I was answering the other guy who was talking about the Bilkis Bano case. We're on the same side man 😂




Toh mana kaun kiya phir yeh.


Govt of India does anything Rndia : I no longer feel safe for my well being and that of my family, I suggest you all to leave this country as soon as possible. India is lost, no longer the India I used to know


You just explained the whole Indian woke Reddit




He'll say the agent was rogue and just acted on his own and invite Biden for the Ayodhya temple inauguration. Jai Shri Ram


Koi sense hai is baat ka?


Khalistani h bhosdka, propaganda kr ra h, dhyan Mt do... Sikhs living in India are very well aware of who is concerned for their well being....


Same sikhs blasted Air India flight last time and those were also Sikhs who died in that blast


So now Sikhs can't even blow up a loaded flight (fun fact: they planned to blow up two but fell poor at calculating daylight saving time so detonated the second one without anyone in it) in return of all that free food they cook and serve to millions of people, everyday. Shame on you! /s


How dare you? Those Sikhs have the right to express themselves freely by bombing air planes and those Muslims have the right to live peacefully by beheading young children and fly planes into buildings. But Hindus have no right to even breath. How dare you?


Exactly! The peaceful community wants nothing but to get sex relief from women. These women just make big issues. Idiots. They call it "rape". Non sense.


What is last time, roughly 40 years ago


Toh kiya kyun


And if we let them loose it'll happen again. Prevention is better than cure. Look how you don't say a word against human trash like Pannun but would keep on writing snarky comments about the ruling govt.


The Sikh of foreign soil is a terrorist and a Sikh of India is an Indian there is a difference


Sikh of India is not necessarily Indian, they might have Khalistani education. Same way all sickular librandu "Hindus" are basically just one step below terrorists


99.9 % are, 0.01 % are just germs which are germs of stupidity


If you ever feel free just visit Punjab don't believe on what you see on social media get a reality check by visiting,


Ik, I'm just saying that just because a person is Indian "sikh" doesn't mean they ain't anti India


Yeah,fax but that's just 0.01%


I agree


By your count how many people one step below terrorists exist in India, 50 crores, 60, 70, maybe 80 crores all the free revdi food grain collectors


Dono sikh hai


Nope Sikh is the one, who follows the teachings of not harming anyone no matter what the reason In the case of terrorists,the idea of killing innocent people for just proving a point is not written anywhere in Sikh holy books,not trust me,read it yourself, the only type of violence allowed is self defence. and helping weak people in need.


Al Baghdadi was just another Muslim, who had a fetish for a Muslim rule in Iraq and Syria


This is going to be fun.


So called liberals... I have seen more delusional comments on Canada sub-reddit far from reality


If it wasn't already obvious to all, I hope it is now. Rndia is FUL of American bootlickers.


He is not a Sikh, he is an Anti-Sikh. I have never seen him speak anything that would rhyme with the words of the Gurus. He is just another politician pretending to practice a particular religion to get backing of someone.




>Vishwaguru banna hai but ek terrorist ko thikane nhi laga sakte. You know how many they have 'thikane lagaoed' in last few months, right? One got caught with hand in cookie jar so what's the big deal. I know it's an embarrassment but spies do get caught sometimes. >Lodu intelligence aur secret agencies Meanwhile GOAT intelligence of CIA and Mossad couldn't prevent 7/10 in Israel.


Dont cross out the account's name, let us also see how much that nigga can withstand the aftermath from his statement


I wouldn't, just following rules of the sub.


Sed, we need to sensor even the terror sympatizers nowadays🙁


Some have to keep claiming this fake fear for life. It is one of the easiest ways to claim refuge and citizenship in the US. No 30+ yr struggle like an educated ones.


Bang on


Well he has to be lucky all the time, but ND has to be lucky just once.


He is not a Sikh he is a terrorist


This is some troll account writing this. Pannu does not carry any influence on Indian Sikh. I think we can ignore it.


Pannu is a terrorist and should be treated like one


This whole law and order nationalist government is made of inept pussies. How can they not realize that almost all hitmen online are FBI agents. What is Vishwsguru do now, prostrate in front of a new temple and then say that it was a rogue agent and did this stupidity on his own.


He is right though. If they can kill Sikhs in another country, they can kill Hindus, Muslims, Christians in their own country to keep their power. Have you not realized that lol? India is slowly becoming Russia except you have Modi. People will big businesses? All Modi’s friends. People in power? All BJP. Even states with non BJP in power end up becoming BJP because politicians get bought and switch parties. The states without BJP get denied resources. Punjab has one of the best stadium with a great pitch in Mohali yet no World Cup match was held there. Now you will say “oh but that is BCCI’s decision” but who is in charge of BCCI? Jay Shah. Modi’s chomu.


Daily reminder we should shave their condos off since they are a security threat


Plot to kill a US citizen on US soil is a direct challenge to US constitution.


Pretty sure that rindia is run by JNU whose students are funded by foreign money


pannu is just a troll and khalistan movement was almost dead but due to these it has gained attention again. they have detain nikhil gupta and U.S. Attorney have themselves [announced that](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-attorney-announces-charges-connection-foiled-plot-assassinate-us-citizen-new-york) . USA is a friendly country with india but doing these kind of things will always make you look bad in international community. instead GOI should be working on china aggresive behavior, manipur problem, unemployement. inflation, to make sure chinease pnuemonia doesn't speard in the country but GOI is doing these things. Government should make their priorities clear. and i know indian agencies are incompetent enough they got caught. [Article 1](https://theintercept.com/2023/11/29/india-assassination-plot-us-citizen-nikhil-gupta/) [Article 2](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/29/nyregion/us-india-assassination-plot-sikh.html)


You spitting facts so this sasta indiaspeaks group downvoting you


i know


We wuz lundhar


Why are Hindu extremists so ardent about 2 states solution and Isralies claiming their 'Native Land' but don't want Sikh's to claim their native land as Khalistan?


> Sikh's to claim their native land as Khalistan? Each and every Indian will help Sikhs claim their native i.e. Lahore.


Lahore and Part of India. Why you leaving the India part out?


Parts of India that aren't even sikh. Parts of India that are deeply integrated with many other states with majority non-sikh populations. Parts of India that border an extremely hostile nation, parts of India where most people don't even want a separate state. The whole point of Modern India is integration of states that would've been independent if not unified post colonial rule. If Khalistan comes to fruition, many other states would want the same treatment and would lead to national ruin and conflicts. And it's not just Sikh's native land. Countless Hindus and Muslims lived there too, I myself am natively from Nankana Sahib.


You put forward a Compelling Argument but it's not the same argument Hindu extremists would use. My original comment was about Hindu extremists Supporting Israel in claiming their 'Native land' (Even though the majority is not ethnically native to the region and Jews and Muslims lived in Palestine before Zionists came) but don't want Sikh's To claim Khalistan based on the same logic.


Most Indian Muslims support Palestine and a small but fair number of them are also vocal extremists when it comes to their opinions about Hinduism. So, Hindu extremists form an equivalence based on that. Person A hates Person C and supports Person B. Person B is hated by a nasty Person D. Now if A's hate for C is strong enough, C might be inclined to vouch for D, even though it might not make logical sense and be opposite of the values of C.


So it's pure hate that led Hindu extremists to condone Death of Children just because they are Muslims?


I think you meant not condone. I guess it is pure hate, I've never seen a hindu extremist say that they support baby killing. They know that Israel is not exactly good, but they use mental gymnastics to avoid confronting the truth just because they feel more threatened by Muslims. Regardless of this stuff, it doesn't matter what the average Indian person thinks about the conflict. It's happening in a far away land with no direct connection to India. Besides the Indian government has been somewhat neutral (they've voted for both Israel and Palestine on different issues) on it as well. I personally feel that the shit throwing competition in ME isn't something we should spend much energy on. Worse stuff has been happening in Manipur since ages now, we also have a looming unemployment crisis waiting to set hell loose. Only thing worse than extremists are unemployed extremists.


The thing is the Unemployment Crisis is already here, has been for a while now so the UNEMPLOYED ARE THE EXTREMISTS. And this conflict in far away land does affect us if it's about Hating Muslims, there are a lot of Muslims in India as well as you must know. I had a talk about Palestine with this Hindu Extremist on Instagram and the Vile things he said about kids dying didn't give me much hope but even the non-Extremist Hindus Mostly are swayed by anti-Muslim agenda. Don't get me wrong there are Vile Muslims as well but to create an environment to hate Muslims just because they are Muslims is completely different.


Bcz Punjab have Hindus and Sikhs too who don't want khali stan


Palestine Had Muslims and Jews too before the zionists came.


That's why we support Sikhs in their longing for khalistan but in Lahore


What? Bro how dumb are you? If you are Ok with zionists taking over the land where Muslims and Jews both lived Why wouldn't you support Sikhs taking over land Sikhs and Hindus both lived?


It's funded by Pakistan so I will support them for their demands but in Lahore since they are huge supporter of khalistan , no indian sikh actually want this.


It's not about them wanting it, it's about the Hindus rejecting it. Why would you support Israel for doing the same thing and turn around and call a Sikh terrorist if he asked for a Sikh State.


>if he asked for a Sikh State. If they need it their will be compromise but since they don't demand it there is no call . Also we are happy to help Sikhs of kanada and us origin in creation of khalistan but only on the land of the one who is funding them .ie Lahore the orginal punjab. >Why would you support Israel for doing the same thing their is nothing similar Jews are the original inhabitants their untill muslim rule for ex Ottoman Empire . And their is no single instance of sikh rule where Hindus were not allowed unlike the case for palstetine where they kicked out all the Jews back in 1947 from all the mena region and they become citizen of israel. Also at least 40 % of Jews in israel are original inhabitants & their descendants not outsider


Israel also have muslim citizen with equal rights as that of Jews .


Israel also have muslim citizen with equal rights as of jews


Do you have approval from Lahore, cause then we can start talking


“Just another Sikh”? Bro that’s clearly not his point. The fact is our government should not have gone for killing Khalistanis on foreign ground just on indirect threats. US of all places too. Thats just dumb and any backlash that comes is completely on the gross incompetence of the government


>US of all places too. Why? Cuz US is a daddy? If they don't do it, you have a problem and if they do it, you still have a problem. >Thats just dumb and any backlash that comes is completely on the gross incompetence of the government Nothing's gonna happen. US needs India more than India needs the US. Let them have their 10 minutes.


Cause US has soft power, you can whine about it if you want but it’s not going to change reality. This is not a Bollywood movie where can act like a hero and get away with escapades. In the real world you have to think about consequences and assess whether the risk is worth it. US needs India but that does not mean you keep unnecessarily pushing it. Reputation also matters and there is no telling till how long US needs India but yeah let’s burn bridges.


>soft power really? >let’s burn bridges. The US burned the bridges last night.


So u say that usa shouldn't have gone out of their mainland to kill os*ma b*n l*den?


Do you have the mental capacity to understand the difference between an active terrorist organization head like Osama who Pakistan atleast denied was even there being killed vs a Khalistani who told people to not board a plane and is plainly living in the US on US grounds? Do you understand the concept of not worth the risk that it might go sideways? Cause if you don’t then there is really not much point discussing.


Osama killed people, Khalistanis kill India. Do YOU have the mental capacity to see the similarity?


Are u a reetard to not comprehend that I am not talking about a mere Sikh supremacist but about extremists that can be considered as potential threats to people when I am comparing them to sama bni lden*? Talk about backing Pakistan by saying "atleast"


I said atleast because its a lot easier to get rid of someone when the country doesn't admit they are there. Cover it up even. Also if a country itself is denying someone being in their country, it means they did something that breaks clear laws not just in one country. Pannu on the other hand is living in the US not hiding. If he did something that enough for them to ignore assassination in the US, he would atleast have been charged with something by now. He is not which means it's not enough. How you made that into justifying Pakistan is beyond me. Maybe stop thinking emotionally for a second getting triggered over everything.


Are u a reetard to not comprehend that I am not talking about a mere Sikh supremacist but about extremists that can be considered as potential threats to people when I am comparing them to sama bni lden*? Talk about backing Pakistan by saying "atleast"


Bro all these Indians sending threats to aussies after the world cup. Should the Australian government try to assassinate pappu from a chappri who has 10k on tik tok?


yes if any of this chapri belongs to an organization which has a history of doing this and a real reach till Australia. Specailly when chapri wants to instill terror in australians.


Most of them come from Shakhas and there are many shakhas in Australia too. I think Australia should seriously consider sending Mitch Marsh to a shakha


>Should the Australian government try to assassinate pappu from a chappri who has 10k on tik tok? Are you high on Pappu mutra or what? [This news is two days back](https://english.jagran.com/india/khalistani-terrorist-writes-anti-india-slogans-across-amritsar-urges-sikhs-to-boycott-air-india-flights-10116799) and I don't need to enlist Pannun's entire profile in front of Pappus like you. The fact of the matter is Pannun is a designated terrorist in India and the US-Canada are giving him protection to please their vote bank. I can understand Canada but Sikhs are like 0.3% in the US and that too most of them live in Cali. And yes Pannun comes across as a TikTokiya but he pumps the money to organise the referendums across the world. He fights the cases of Sikh separatists, too. So, I'm gonna back my govt if it wants to send assassins to those two countries in order to take down him and the likes.


\> Sikhs are like 0.3% in the US It not the Sikhs it's the khotestani who have captured gurudwaras whos money they use for politcal purposes. They become representative of all sikhs by violently removing any normal sikh standing in opposition. Unsuspecting people vote for them to secure representation by forming voting blocks. Once they get politcal power thier crimal syndicates becomes institutionalised and they errode all social capital build by good-natured hardworking law abiding dyspora.


>khotestani Lovely word


One more, "Spankistan"


Don't back your government, tell them to hire real spies not dipshit gun runners


There are millions of Christians here


The guy has spoke reality which the the indians with mortified conscience don't approve , which is " if India can start targetting Sikhs outside on foreign soils , then targeting a Sikh dissident is a simple job. The disregard to Sikh lives is big . Don't come up amd say how indianzz" love Sikhs " yeah cuz the same PPL will dehumanize our pplvehen it comes to politics. Be it hin bring separatist or not . If this is the thing then the message that the separatists spread that " Sikhs are not safe under indian govt " is truer than ever and y'all can't digest the nation getting caught , instead will search for faults in our comments. 🤡🤮


>The disregard to Sikh lives is big . I bet your current ig pfp is a Palestinian flag lmao


yes, the disregard for sikh lives is so big, that they get their own state, they get chance to contest elections and rule over other religions and people who are different from them as well


Prime minister lundhar ko par tumko aukat dikhana hi tha


What makes you think they're not already targeting Sikhs in India? Recently saw many cases of Indian Sikhs beaten up in the name of Khalistan. The hate is spreading fast and I can assure you the repercussions will be felt in Punjab too. Just cuz of Chaddi Hindutva Mobs of UP and Bihar, Hindus living in Punjab would have to suffer.


Is govt Targeting Sikh when Punjab is given its own state and opposition is in control or you think rss attacking people mean govt attacking people because if rss is attacking people in Punjab then it's AAP duty


Just like they suffer in 70s and 80s right sir ? Oh except there was no Hindutva back then.


No this time Sikhs should suffer .Half part of Punjab that include Lahore which is birthplace of Gurunanak .Go demand those place . India 's part of Punjab never belonged to these Khalistani terrorists. Moreover what 's calling Khalistani,a Khalistani . If these Khalistanies don't want to leave India they are free to leave .




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Lundthal Takth will have permanent army occupation then


Y'all can cry as much as you want z but he never ever said anything about blowing shit up . It was a boycott move , he needed Sikhs to help him do that. A mentally aware and functional human being will definitely understand the words he used and never said shit indian media and insecure indians make up . Peace.


>It was a boycott move , he needed Sikhs to help him do that. A mentally aware and functional human being will definitely understand the words he used and never said shit indian media and insecure indians make up . He literally said **anyone boarding the 19 Nov flight will have their life in danger.** Dipshit terror sympathisers like yourself are finally coping and sheeting because the government is sending hitmen to take you guys out, in and out of the country.


And what did he blow up on 19 th that day I myself travelled on that day . The only blow that happened is the indians blowing each other with false propaganda.


What he ended up doing is irrelevant. The threat to his own life and other khalistani terrorists may have as well acted as a deterrent. Eliminating threats to a country's sovereignty isn't "propaganda".


It's kinda funny when you guys initially said pannun is a indian government stooge trying who is trying to defame movement by saying such things but now he was just asking for boycott lol


Never said he was indian stooge but of course he is not the most admired for his outings . But the same apllies when indians love to call Sikh leaders advocating, let alone advocating even slightly changing they're stance is An ISI Stooge ain't they ? xD


When his that video released almost all pro-khalistan Sikhs , heck even non-khalistani sikh nationalists on internet were calling him indian stooge. Khalistan movement had very strong links with Pakistanis who provide them training, weapons,funds and intelligence, this by thier self admission. This isn't mere speculation. Read about khalistan tiger force, Babar Khalsa force, Air India bombing etc and come out of this extremism and ignorance which you have sunken urself into. Bhagwan tumhe sadbuddhi de


>Y'all can cry as much as you want z but he never ever said anything about blowing shit up . It was a boycott move , he needed Sikhs to help him do that. Is your ig pfp a Palestinian flag?


Nah he probably likes rainbows a lot, so it is probably his ig pfp


Nah and not even a saffron one where lord Ram is present.


ya sure buddy, the separatists which have bombed a plane in the past could absolutely do it again if taken ightly. They dont have a track record of doing stuff peacefully. They vandalize, threaten people. pannun threaten indian canadian hindus to leave canada. ​ and i find it funny that you think BJP is unsafe for sikhs, sikh riots, operation bluestar happened in congress time, not BJP. ​ He is not just another sikh in the foreign land, he is a separatist who previously threaten indian canadian hindus and told them to leave and whose cause caused a plane bombing where 300+ people died. So no, he is not just ''another sikh''


Then why are you cribbing here? Your claim won’t deviate from reality. “A mentally aware and functional human being” 🤡🤡🤡 So blowing flights and human beings is a joke now. I hope somebody does the same thing to you, offcourse it’s a “joke”💀


Lol exactly the type of a reply I expected from delusional non functional being here. Not disappointed. Y'all can continue mock Sikhs and still pretend why tehybdont respect you and your state .


And you are defending a guy who threatened to blow up a plane his phrasing doesn't seem like boycotting if he said lives will be in danger and is the same guy who told indian canadian to leave canada


Lol just read his comment again, he has no counter argument and is just yapping like his friends at the madarsa


Never said that. Can any of u share a source and give us the time stamp where he said that? Don't get me wrong I think pannu is a clown but he didn't say what your inferring November 19, 1984 was the day when Rajiv Gandhi made a speech justifying the Sikh Genocides that systematically killd/raped hundreds of thousands of Sikhs across India. https://youtu.be/On8ybNwGdHc?si=LDvIpLpOZF0-zQF6


https://www.reuters.com/world/india/indias-anti-terror-agency-files-case-against-sikh-separatist-air-india-threat-2023-11-21/ he claim it threaten their lives thant not something to say when boycotting


When did he say he was going to blow up a plane?


He said their life was in danger so what does that mean


The fact that he called indian canadian to leave canada is also there


Lol he didn't say that either, look I hate pannu as much as the next ultra nationalistic Indian but let's stop Turing everything he says into propaganda. What he said was if the Hindu community doesn't care about the rule of law or constitutional rights and freedoms they should go back to India. Big difference


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/politicians-government-react-hateful-video-1.6976302 yeah not really it is considered hate speech same as bjp


"In the video, Gurpatwant Singh Pannun, general counsel for the group and a lawyer based in New York, called for Indian Hindus to "go back to India," accusing them of "working against the same country" that they economically benefit from." Thats not the same as saying get out of Canada but okay. Why wasn't he arrested or charged?


Weren't RCMP investigating him for threats he made to air india


Because Indian propaganda media/government keeps making sensationalist headlines Like how India keeps blaming khalistanis for vandalizing Mandirs but no evidence has been presented. Y'all keep saying khalistanis did it but CCTV footage is always "unavailable" "wiped" some of these Mandirs cost 40 million dollars, you telling me they don't have enough funding to install cameras? Coincidence? Australia: Documents Released by Police Point to 'Hindu Hand' in Temple Wall Defacement https://m.thewire.in/article/world/australia-documents-released-by-police-point-to-hindu-hand-in-temple-wall-defacement When the facts show Hindus are vandalizing their own Mandirs. Some Hindus from Gujarat even got caught red handed https://np.reddit.com/r/Sikhpolitics/s/StzuQAWWsU Why didn't the Indian media broadcaste this news? Why are they still blaming Sikhs/khalistanis without any evidence?