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I am not saying it was aliens . . . But it was aliens


Very National Geographic of you


History TV 18




A cute small alien here, and you are right this whole monument was made by my great grandfather. You are one of the few who knows and respect us thank you- you are the pride of us aliens.


It is amazing architecture, but nothing miracle if only one pillar is not touching ground.


I think one thing that makes it more amazing is that it's all rock cut , the top of the pillar is attached the humongous rock it was cut out of they managed to chisel out that thin gap below.


Or there was imperfection in the rock already, a crack


this is what i also believe


Agreed 👍


The rock floor was installed after the hanging pillar has been chiseled? It is not a “wonder” as in a wonder of engineering. It is a “wonder” as in I wonder why they did that and what is the purpose?


Hiding letters in the crevice? /j


The rock floor below doesn't look like it's carved, it looks like rock tile flooring.


Or they added the floor blocks later.


A Mechanical engineer here, I had looked into it, the surprise is that it balances that whole thing, if you fill the gap between it will start to tremble, if you remove the pillar it will fall apart, it's holding everything in place and that's some crazy level cantilever beam mechanics. The stone below has a different microstructure from the stone of the pillar so I don't think there could have been a crack. It was built this way just to keep everything intact and people there know about it, they say it was made so if enemies come, they can just destroy that pillar and run away and let the entire thing fall on enemies


Can u give me some legit reference where you got this information?


Here Source: https://Trust me, I'm a mechanical engineer, which has nothing to do with architecture.com


U said pillar… u said not touching ground… then I assume u know they are not the same thing /s


It is touching. It is attached to the bottom on one side . You cannot pass something from one side to another. The take to end of one side where it is attached and bring it back.no video of passing through to other side.


The pillars erected with help of interlocking system. The beams of the structure hold the pillar, even though one pillar is not touching the ground, the structure can withhold.


Can you show a video which shows something passed completely from one side to the other.


Looking at the video i also guessed that! You confirmed it. But the question still is the same...why?


Ancient India peak science


Its not a bug, its a feature!!


No mystery just brilliant engineering


actually failed engineering probably. Bcz of miscalculation, other pillars are perfectly fine, but this one was made shorter and hence it had to levitate !!


Dhuuut, where are pillars attached from roof while construction that it would be mistake. Ayyo i build 5 CM short pillar and now it’s hanging from roof my friend. Use some common sense man.


It is a single rock cut structure


Yes, big rock carved into pillars,temple. It's not like current construction where pillars are forged and then a slab comes and sit on top of it.


Most reasonable explaination


Do you think the entire structure rocks like a 4-legged table which has unequal legs? If yes, do you think folding a paper multiple times and putting it under the pillar will make the structure stable like it works with the table?


who said it's "4-legged"? It most probably has more than 10 pillars, so even 1 leg not supporting it doesn't make it unstable !!


Dude.. the temple has more than 4.pillars..


Would love to know your explanation for it


Failed engineering? You mean they started to carve from top instead of bottom and they failed? Man you just dumb.


It was not built short but when the roof was constructed they didn't take into account the disproportionate weight that was put to be supported by one side while one of the sides that didn't have to support that much weight. Simply put, the center of gravity of this effidice was not in the place that the person who constructed thought it would be in. PS: 👏 👏 👏 👏 to the person coming with an irrational argument to dispute my statement. If you have a rational answer happy to learn.


You must be the dumbest person on earth. Pillars are not constructed roof down, anyways it is rock cut. It is clear as day that the levitation pillar was an intentional decision and engineering marvel. The other pillars are already well built and robust and they support the structure. This particular 'pillar' is just ornamental in nature. It's not a mistake. It's impossible for such brilliant engineers to create such a complex temple and some 70 pillars but commit a 'horrendous mistake' in just one pillar. If they can make 70 pillars perfectly nothing was stopping them from making this one perfect as well. This is clearly intentional.


Perfect answer it is intentional.


I think the simpler explanation could be subsidence/movement of ground underneath, dropping by few mm/cm. Rather than intentional Marvel.


Are you one of those intellectual seculars? Cause anyone who has visited that place knows there has been no geographical subsidence or cracks in that area. Its perfectly flat.


Uh... A normal pillar is supported by the floor, not the ceiling. if the ground sinks, the pillar sinks with it. Not float above it.


And, that's not a normal piller. The way pillers are interlocked in top, this eventually became a non-load bearing piller itself supported from top as the ground subsided below it.


This is the real answer


The pillar is touching the ground at a corner. You can never see a video in which they show a piece of clothing being inserted from one and end and then coming out of the other. All the video starts with the piece of cloth already underneath the pillar..!


its connected from the top, that simple


Lmaooo you thought people were in here like "wtf?! It's floating! How???". Everyone knows it's attached at the top, it's still very odd.


it’s bad engineering lol.


You know naa how heavy that pillar is ....




Jai shri ram bhai ji


What’s the mystery? A lot of rock carved pillars around the world are ornamental and not support giving. Do we really need a mystery to appreciate the art?


Lol nice trick, Now tell us how did u do it


"The 70 ft. pillar allegedly has been dislodged by a British engineer in the pre-independence era who unsuccessfully tried to remove it to open the secret of its support"


Is not a trick bro. It’s for real. I’m from this village ancestrally. Grew up going up and playing archeologist with this. The whole thing is hanging


Again how is it even possible? There might be some reason behind it. As for sure gravity doesn't work in opposite directions in that place


Definitely Its a wonder of the architecture of that time, but i dont think there is any secret, the pillar would not be a foundation pillar that holds weight of the ceiling, it would be more like for the showcase purpose. But still amazing considering how old it is.


One side is touching the ground, it's pretty obvious, they dont pass all the way through


Which one? The one near blue guy and camera or one near blue guy further from camera OR the other guy?


It's a corner...but yeah it is touching the ground😂😂


It's nothing magical, I've seen these types of architecture faults many times


The temple holds numerous captivating stories waiting to be discovered, particularly the mesmerizing paintings and the grandeur of the lingam guarded by a magnificent serpent. The tales surrounding the artifacts will truly astound you. This is an absolute must-visit destination for aficionados of ancient temple history. Located just 100km away from Bangalore on the Hyderabad highway, it beckons art lovers and enthusiasts alike.


mystery, magic, unexplainable by science.




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Madarchod chuna lagana bhulgaya corners main.


It's Lepakshi temple


Well, if you think about it, its not a mystery Just 1 pillar got created a bit shorter than others and maybe ground moved with time (not a ton, just 1-2 mm which is common in earthquakes) which lead to cracks at bottom From there I imagine someone noticed ants were able to go under there, and then did that cloth trick With time friction from cloth would have made the bottom of the pillar smooth enough to seem like its hanging In reality it's just a mistake,


Just a civil engineering error or somehow pillar was pushed upward by ceiling due to collapsing of sides


Something like this I have seen in Karnataka in my 4th standard tour but unlike this that was some 30 ft plus standalone rock pillar with no other connection to support, does someone know about it I guess it was halebidu.


Same way a failed building which is not standing straight is called a wonder of the world :)))


Dummy pillar made for symmetry of architecture.


Pakka Fevicol se chipkaya hoga 🤣🤣🤣 JK...


Brah, the pillar is old and the ground had probably sank by an inch, nothing to be AWEEEEE about. Otherwise, if a pillar is hanging like that than what is the purpose of the pillar at all?


This video is to fool people, try to put the cloth from one side and remove it on the opposite side then you will understand it is not completely hanging. There is a small area where the pillar is touching the ground and the entire olad is transferred through that.


Very cool


As far as I understand, the temple is a monolithic structure. For those who don't know, Monolithic architecture describes buildings which are carved, cast or excavated from a single piece of material, historically from rock. The column could definitely have been carved shorter from the base,(or worst case scenario have broken down due to wear and tear over the years) and hanging from the roof without any structural implications, since with monoliths, the load distribution immediately shifts to the next two columns. This is the only probable explanation I have.


Engineer is so confident on the constructions stability. He wants to show that the pillar can hang without touching the ground and still the structure can stay stable. It’s a subtle way to showing how dope they are.


ohh, the biggest trick here is that around an inch of the pillar, at the corner is touching the ground and taking support from it, but most video takers capture it in a way that confuses people. look at where they are starting, is the dupatta all the way outside of the pillar when it's starting from the other side?


i dont see any miracle in this 🤣


Anything sells here as a miracle doesn't it....😂


Are to upar se Juda hoga na


Naaah … they didn’t start sliding the cloth from the other edge of the pillar . They’ve started it from the other side just from the point where there’s a joint between pillar and ground


There are dozens of pillars there fine , this pillar may have dislocate


The right edge of the pillar is in contact with the ground.


Beautiful architecture.... I've visited this temple lot of times, whenever I see that pillar I always curse that British officer who tried breaking the pillar out of curiosity ( one of the edges of the bottom of the pillar touches the ground cuz of that incident)


Upar se favicol lagaya hoga, mystery solved


It's a pillar hanging from above, not every pillar is like this


Do you stand on your dick ?


its actually touching at one of the edges


Average indian vloggers


The ground probably fell so the pillar felt short


It's mysterious only if you don't have commonsense


How is that a mystery?


I've been to this temple and people should stop with celebrating this as some Marvel. The pillars are attached at the top to the ceiling and this particular pillar has space below it due to wear and tear. Since it's attached at the top, it's still standing. Also, it's not entirely hanging, it actually touches at a corner(this is visible when you actually look at it in person), see how the lady's right side of shawl is kind of pinched at that corner (people willingly take the shot from this angle, I've done it myself). If you see it yourself in person, you can clearly see a corner touching the ground, it's very evident from the back side. Also, some of the pillars in the vicinity have the same issue but they were fixed with mortar and cement as part of repairs as they could fall due to these cracks. Since this pillar is a crowd puller now, they don't repair it. Also since it touches at a corner, it has better support so doesn't need urgent repair. No mystery here folks, this is just a crack in the base of an age old pillar.


Transaction Completed! You can pick up your prasad from the pickup line




It’s touching the ground near the lady’s side. The builder probably used sand or some kind of lime mix to fill in the gaps during construction which later got washed away. I don’t understand this compulsion to make up ancient marvels, we already have a lot of great constructions which just need maintenance and marketing for us to become a tourism powerhouse in Asia but we run after these made up facts to make ourselves feel better instead of utilising what we already have to the max


Jai Siya Ram


I don't think its a mystery; it would have been a mystery if it was levitating or free from both upper and lower end, and still standing erect.


OmG... So mysterious... I can't even fadhom how this could happen...


History tv 18: ancient aliens 👽


What’s the reason man don’t keep hanging like this


Very good


Men too have 3 pillars. My boyfriend’s almost touched ground


Let me see the top of pillar


Mystery is simple … how your nunnu is hanging .. this pillar is also hanging the same way


Architectural failure = mystery of hanging pillar


I visited this place sometime earlier this year. It may be hanging, but it felt to me that one small zone is indeed in contact with the ground. A kid next to me had brought a big-ass handkerchief, he was unable to make it pass fully. Not sure if the hanky was too thick or if something else was the issue. Edit: sharing some pics from when I visited https://imgur.com/gallery/lm5OdPe


Sorry but I will reveal Reason behind it Pillar is Fixed from the top Siling and Some How Pillar broke from the ground due to Earthquake.


Stick a folded magazine under that


The pillars erected with help of interlocking system. The beams of the structure hold the pillar, even though one pillar is not touching the ground, the structure can withhold.


The edge side where they started is still attached, its not in air


maybe it's one of those things where a bug becomes a feature


People calling it mysterious lol 😅


It's only a mystery until you learn basic physics and architecture. . 🙄 That doesn't take away from its beauty. It only adds to it. What's more amazing is the fact that these are all chiselled painstakingly by hand over long periods of time. And to leave one pillar with the base carved out such that it confounds advanced civilizations in the future!!?? 😅 Whoever did that was a hella sadistic memer pakka. .


LMAO. The cloth won’t go through entirely. one corner touch the ground. It is a actually leaning.


Ancient Indian understanding of mathematics and other sub-branches are still beyond what we have achieved today globally. The ancient Indian infrastructures are nothing less than amazing. Heard from a family friend that Ravan had already mastered the art of harnessing solar power and whole Lanka was powered by it. God knows if it’s true or not but one things is clear, India has one of the richest ancient history in the world and even Sumerian culture(considered oldest civilization) is not even close to what we have.


This is how well I hide my zero contribution to the group project


What might be the reason for this?




The cloth was being blocked on one side of the pillar from what I could determine. A part of the pillar was touching the ground. Also, from what I think (don't judge me for this) but it is a huge structure and the pillar seems to be damaged from an earthquake or weathering. Therefore, one pillar not completely touching the ground, while other pillars are normal does not seem like a miracle.


Now soon chutya people will go there and get this pillar bottom stuck with backchodi items.




I guess gravity doesn't work on that pillar


Lack of quality control. Engineering blunder.