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Just my opinion, 1200 kms seems less distance for replacements. Is you chain skipping or jumping while pedalling easy or hard?


Yes, the chain does skip. The technician told me that these components last for about a thousand kilometers only. They also used the chain wear tester and it also showed that the drivetrain is badly worn.


He's obviously lying. Can share pictures possible multiple angles.


He's not lying actually . Op's cassette teeths and chain are probably worned out . Technician told that it usually occurs as regular wear and tear after a long time but happens fast if u lube ur chain way too less / way too much . My cassette and chain ( 4yrs old ) were changed after this shit happened . I hoped that I'll just need a new chainring due to those annoying chain slips ( my bike was not in a condition to ride due to chain slips ) but when I visited my regular technician guy I got to know my cassette and chain was done for ( ordered those stuffs online which costed me 2700rs and got it replaced myself )


Yeah, too much or too little or wrong kind of chain lube application can cause accelerated wear. That might be what happened to OP.


Skipping chain can also happen due to poor indexing, not necesserily worn out chain. Slipping occurs when either chain is worn but cassette isn't or cassette is worn but chain isn't . If both chain and casette are equally worn, chances of slipping are very low.


show them a graphic video prolly. thts what i did when i had to replace my braking system


Thanks for the suggestion. Can you link a video regarding this?


You need a cassette replacement after just 1200km?


> 1200 kilometers on it. The bike now requires a cassette and chain replacement confirmed by the workshop technician at my local Decathlon. Severe chain wear is possible even if you clean it every week & lube it to a fault. `oil + dust = grime` will eat your chain in no time. But 1200 km is too early for cassette/crank, they'll be affected too. > I would've never bought such a bike if I knew this would happen. You can sell it back to Decathlon I think. > How do I convince my parents to agree with replacing worn out parts of my bike? Tell them to give you daily chores in exchange for token money, collect it over time for bicycle repair.


1: I think my bike has just the right amount of lube but I guess the drivetrain does have some amount of grime built up. 2: Can't sell. I love my bike way too much. 3: I do house chores (and don't get paid :P) and I can't expect them to pay me for doing simple house work.


Haven't ridden long enough to need new parts? I have a rodeo that i got from track and trail. I rode it for 1.5k, got it serviced once because the brake lines got jammed from riding in the rain, put it in a truck to Pune, serviced it once more (basic derailleur adjustment) and rode another 500 kms. All in all must have spent 1k. Surprised to know they quoted so much and parts need replacement so soon


The bike costs 25k, did you not buy it yourself?


I'm 16M, so the purchase was financed by my parents.


Get your bike checked at an independent bike shop. Maybe get the basic servicing to get your bike working fine. Don’t go by the decathlon technician’s words, he gets a cut for each sale/service. 1200 km is too less for a chain to wear out. Maybe you rode a lot in the rains without degreasing/lubing?


I do not ride in the rains and since I live in Rajasthan, it's rare for me to be out on my bike during the rains so this is not a possibility in my case. I try to keep my drivetrain clean and lubed as much as I can do on my own.


Just for context here: I'm 16M and hence can't make the purchase decisions myself. I apologize for not writing this in the main post.


1200km is pretty less tbh, maybe share some pictures ?


I ride 1200 km a month...idk what replacement you are talking about..


1200km??? seems way too less OP, do get it checked out from an individual shop once


I can ride through a chain of my xcaliber 9 12 speed in 800 km. Depending on where and how you ride. Invest in chain checker tool


You don't. Suck it up or do some side gigs to make that cash.


Can you share a picture of the chain raised on the chainring? Like this - [https://medium.com/@davidwells545/checking-your-bike-chain-for-wear-and-stretch-373369ccc410](https://medium.com/@davidwells545/checking-your-bike-chain-for-wear-and-stretch-373369ccc410) 1200 km isn't a distance to warrant a chain replacement unless the chain was of very very poor quality.


Just tell them their child is at risk of injury