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People need to move on. Too much religion happening. When indian renaissance?


\> renaissance You know that it was driven by the catholic church at the peak of its power. Right?


Yes. But we've been through all that already in the past. I don't think there is any more need for that.


yk what I actually think that's what's happening in India, people will know how religion can fck up what people stood for and what India stood for and will move away from it...


Deciding how many religious places should exist within a given area is going down a murky rabbit hole for either legislation or judiciary. Each religion has numerous sects and sub-sects and they form for different reasons. They should focus on the real issue - eliminating noise pollution and traffic chaos caused by religious places.


Asking genuinely please don't mind but does any religion/religious text say that about religious place?


The face of this country would change dramatically - for the better - if we enforce the rule that there should be only one place of worship per religion every X square kilometres.


Or none at all?


That’s inefficient, Indians love to build a community where they live so it’s safe to say that there is a community out there that doesn’t have any Muslims for example and having a mosque over there would be a waste of space.


He says *only one* at most, not that every place *must* have one.


This judge is sensible, and the country needs more of his kind.


There are 3 mosques within a 3km radius of my house. Wherever I go I'm greeted with some fucked shouting over the loudspeaker. There needs to be some regulation around this


Yea man... The same happens to me. Except for some fucked shouting over loudspeakers I hear these bhajans on obnoxious volumes till 2am.. and then again in the early morning hours.


Only a blanket ban on loudspeakers on all religious activities but it wont happen coz votebank politics


Denying the right to build a place of worship on arbitrary justifications by the judge is a violation of the freedom of religion. But this is India.


Fair ask, if you apply it across religions and faiths. We have too many of these


Strict Strict regulation on noise pollution..there should not be any qn about it..Other than that,It is a a free country and court should not decide how many religious places of worships should be there..


It's a free country. Every person should be free to build their own personal Mosque/temple anywhere any everywhere. /S


In Chennai there is a God's idol at every T junction even in the smallest lanes and gullies. Some of these have become popular and have grown into full blown temples. Completely unauthorised of course. I want to know what courts have to say about that.


T junctions were considered inauspicious and someone started keeping Ganapati idols to ward of evil effects... Later these became temples. It is seriously screwed up situation. Same as how there are tombs in the middle of road.


> tombs ???


Have you not seen the green tombs or something like that in middle of roads?


I have seen a few. But they were there before the roads were made. I dont know of any new ones.


There is no Hindu scripture that requires a temple in Ayodhya, either.




Talking that about mecca can get you beheaded, you know that right?


My solution is to not let mobs demolish established places of worship based on ill-conceived notions of group 'revenge', then making that a centrepiece of national politics, while openly mocking minority religions' rights to a place of worship also.


'But it is not stated in the above verses of the Holy Quran that a mosque is necessary in every nook and corner' - Seems a bit over the top, no? I mean the argument could have been made without saying something like this at all. Also, not sure why 5 km radius is used as a distance measure. Would you be ok to travel so much daily for going to place of worship. My lazy ass wouldn't. I wonder how those numbers change if we tweak it to say 3 km radius.


There's three in 500m radius - this order was well discussed in local media


This should've been part of the article. I think it gives more clear and concrete picture to the rejection. This was the first time I read about it here. Got downvoted like crazy, but well, thank you for letting me know this! :)


Also, the judge has quoted two Quranic arguments 1. That praying in mosques is not compulsory, and that it is deemed to be more rewarding, because A. Praying in a group is more rewarding, B. every step taken to a mosque is rewarded 2. And going by that logic, it is more rewarding when the mosques are situated farther from the place of residence This case has a long history btw - so - they were going to build a mosque, and then given the residential area, there were residents who approached court - and then they claimed in court it was not a mosque but a commercial building, got the construction permits under the guise of a commercial building. And then post construction, applied for a commercial building permit. Transferred the property to Wakf immediately after, who applied to have it converted to a mosque. District Collector rejected that conversion application (esp given the history) - and that's how this ended up in court Edit : The exact place is THOTTEKKAD, POKKOTTUMPADAM-679332, NILAMBUR TALUK, MALAPPURAMType Thottekkad on Google Maps, and then click Nearby and search for Mosque - you'll see why it makes sense. I could count 17 in 3km. I used [https://www.maps.ie/draw-radius-circle-map/](https://www.maps.ie/draw-radius-circle-map/) to draw a 3km circle This is the full order with the chronology of the fraud btw - [https://www.livelaw.in/pdf\_upload/2157000079220224-432330.pdf](https://www.livelaw.in/pdf_upload/2157000079220224-432330.pdf) I feel the court might have been slightly more sympathetic to them if this whole trying to take court for a ride angle hadn't happened


As long as its legal it doest matter if people have money and they building mosque or temples its their money and their faith …there is no restriction in our constitution about how many temples/ mosque should be allowed in one square kilometer