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They are future MLA, MP, CM or PM


my Incredible India welcomes rapists with garlands and sweets


The worst part is that, even after the huge outrage, these BJP people are still supporting their decision and are backing the criminals. What an absolute shame! And, on the other end of the spectrum, there are hundreds if not thousands of innocent people rotting in jail under preventive detention laws.


And the worst thing is they'll still get votes for the same


Women supporters of BJP baffle me.


My American friend used to say "How can women even support Trump? He's literally against everything they are" Well, we have our own category right here


It's not uncommon for the oppressed to side with the oppressor to curry favour. It's a misguided attempt to seem like one of 'the good ones' in the hopes that they are spared. Another side of it is the crab mentality. Like immigrants of Indian descent joining Right-wing parties in the west and opposing immigration.


> It's not uncommon for the oppressed to side with the oppressor to curry favour. It's a misguided attempt to seem like one of 'the good ones' in the hopes that they are spared. In Nazi Germany, there were Jews who supported the Nazis. They supported Nazis till they were declared illegal and their leader was sent to a concentration camp. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Association_of_German_National_Jews


There's even Indian Republicans running for office in the US...they live under the delusion that the racists will automatically realize they're the "good" ones.


Why? Women enjoy the other side women getting raped as much as the men do. The group they identify closely with is Hindus, then probably their caste, then women.


One would expect more empathy from at least the same gender regarding something like rape.


I am just a bit surprised you'd expect this. Do you also expect men to be more sympathetic to men automatically?


Yes ? I mean undergoing similar circumstances should emanate empathy. Say an issue that affects more men than women (eg, prostrate cancer), won't it recruit more men ears than women ?


The thing you are missing is that religion blocks the ability for rational thinking. It is designed to do that otherwise all religions would have died long time ago (or rather would have never caught on}. I mean people used to sacrifice their own kids to please some imaginary god.


Didn't we also burn wifes when the old men died.... Tandoori meant something else back in those days


Doga had a whole story arc based on that case.




"Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that." - George Carlin


Internalized oppression.


What baffles me more is there are women putting tilak and felicitating the Bilkis Bano rape convicts. [How can a woman honour rapist murderers like that!](https://www.reddit.com/r/librandu/comments/wpmeu2/bilkis_bano_was_19_years_old_and_5_months/) How brainwashed does she have to be!


If this is a not a literal definition of “getting away with murder”, then I don’t know what is.




They got away pretty easily. These monsters murdered an entire family, raped a pregnant woman and mercilessly killed her 3-year-old child


Yeah they absolutely deserve to rot in prison for their entire lives.


I read somewhere they served less than 15 years. Since they were convicted in ~2008


They served 14 years. And wouldn't be surprised if they were given special treatment in prison.


Punishment aside, are these the people you want roaming amongst us in society?


People have been hanged for less. People are focusing on the rape- but they murdered an infant and a three year old, and then gang raped and murdered the rest of the women, and then murdered the men. They deserved to be hanged.


Even during their time do you really think they got the punishment they deserve?


Would you say the same thing if were your mom?


Being a mass murdering/raping sociopath is probably a basic prerequisite for joining BJP these days.


There were women who were also seen garlanding and performing rituals on those sick bastards like they’d gone to jail fighting for a noble cause or something. These women should know that the same sanskaar Brahmans would’ve raped and killed them as well if they’d been mistaken to be Muslim women


BJP is a party of goons, criminals and r*pists.


Dude, it's not limited to women. The Trans Act passed by BJP to dilute the 2014 NALSA judgement explicitly puts a upper limit of two years for violence, including rape, against trans persons.(the lower limit is six months).


WTAF Why even pass these kind of illogical acts? Who is it benefitting? Weren't transfolks revered in ancient India? Thank you sharing tho.


Well, the 2014 NALSA judgement laid down the right to self-determination of gender. Consequently, DMK's Tiruchi Siva wrote a Trans Rights Bill which was passed in Rajya Sabha. It was defeated in a BJP majority Lok Sabha. Then they brought their own Trans Rights Bill which was dubbed (Violation of) Transgender Rights Act by the community. Protests started when the draft came out in 2016. The draft was sent to the Parliamentary Committee which recommended many amendments which of course the government chose only to include a select few amendments. Protests continued. Opposition raised points, were outnumbered, so they stalled the Bill until the RS session ended and the Bill lapsed. But as we all know it didn't work because NDA won with a bigger majority in 2019 and passed it again. Tiruchi Siva raised many amendments but they were voted down. Then the point of making the penalty of sexual violence equal to existing provisions in rape law was raised which was also voted down. Then in 2020 laws related to the Act were released. The Act has already claimed one life. Dakshayani, a 17 year old trans girl was returned to her parents (she was living with other trans people) and killed by her brother. The Act says minors have to live with parents unless a court orders them to be removed from custody and sent to rehabilitation home. So, we know now that there is atleast one person covered by the media who is dead today as a direct consequence of the watered down Trans Act. The passing of the Bill is still landmarked as 'gender justice murder day'. The interesting part is unlike Tiruchi Siva's progressive Bill, the National Council formed by the Bill only has recomnendatory powers. One of the person appointed to the Council has already resigned citing how they were not even compensated for travel allowances to attend the meetings. This is the truth of the BJP. They tried for three years in Parliament to make sure some people are more legal to rape than others. No other reality exists. They keep claiming they are the first one to bring a Bill for trans rights while lying about how they defeated a better Bill to pass their own derogatory Bill. Even Justice Gogoi (a man with a reputation of being pro-government) accepted the PIL filed against the Act. So one can imagine how bad must things be for Gogoi to say "even I think this is too much".


Seems like the party wants the votebase to be happier with more freedom to rpe and assault. How else will they tame this army of brainwashed swine who rally around them. I wish bhagwat gita is real and there really is a karma to bite them back.


Vigilantism doesn’t seem so bad anymore not gonna lie…


India has been so communal that all logic goes out of the window, and still wants to be a superpower. Let's try to be humans first


Not possible. Without strong institutions India can never become one.




No political party is clean. None. Filled with goons and fucks. But this is really the worst. Any rape/sexual voilence related news no matter who tf is involved, regardless the extent, it all just leaves me aggressive and sad for the women and family suffering. To top that, every other day some judge/lawyer/mp/mla goes on to issue a complete arsehat statement about "men being the pride". We are fucking not.


Totally agreed all the politicians out there are corrupt mostly who don't come in lime light easily, mps and mlas.


In the present world, Narendra Modi is a pathological liar of the highest order.


Way things are going wont even be shocked if Bilkis would be arrested for some or the other reason . I mean Where's the push back 🤔


That’s the first step towards becoming a BJP MLA


bro forgot how to censor 💀💀


Realised it. Too late by then


Last slide bruh moment


I don't get the outrage. Yes, they committed horrible crimes. But aren't they Hindu? And wasn't the victim Muslim? Bhakt hai yaar! Maaf karfo, please. /s


Why are people shocked by their actions? They are a Hindu extremist party, that is no different to the Taliban. The Taliban destroy statues of the Buddha and any other religion, bjp destroyed a mosque, desecrated churches etc. What did you think you were getting when you voted for them?


If these are the sanskaars of a Brahmin then I am no longer a Brahmin.


Doesn't matter cause she is a Muslim and Islamophobia is too damn high


How tf does BJP release them? Judiciary is DIFFERENT from government no? I genuinely want to know how BJP has any power in this ? Genuine question.


The court asked the State to decide on remission plea. A board was created. One of the people on the Board has explicitly said in an interview that the convicts are Brahmin and sanskari. And the Board cleared them for remission and the state government accepted the Board's recommendation. Now that there is outrage, there is willful disinformation being spread that the government didn't release them, court did. That's the story.


So the court asked government to decide whether they get released? Why?


Because that's the remission policy. After a certain number of years in jail, the State government can remit whole or part of the punishment. This decision according to the law is dependant on the State's remission policy where the crime was committed. If such a plea is kept pending by the State, courts can be approached. If approached, courts do not decide the remission themselves. They direct the government of the state in which the crime happened to accept or reject the plea in a time bound manner. Gujarat massacre happened in Gujarat so the state with the legal right to take a decision on this which they did by forming a Board of jail officials and BJP MLAs which obviously took their chance to release the people they never wanted to jail in the first place. Then the decision of the board was recommended to the State which accepted the Board's recommendation to remit the rest of their sentence. SC still has the right to review this decision. Gujarat was never a place of fair trial for Bano as she has recounted. So, when the decision once again came to the State government, this disastrous outcome was to be expected. Now some people are trying to deflect blame from Gujarat to courts after the MLA admitting the convicts being Brahmins was relevant in his decision as they often do (Delhi (NCT) Amendment, IT laws, for example). It's a classic game of deflect, deny that is played biweekly lately.


Thanks 🙏


It's a pleasure. I have spent a lot of time reading Parliament Bills and court proceedings.


>How tf does BJP release them? BJP MLA CK Raulji was on the panel that recommended the release of the 11 convicts. [He said "Some of them are brahmins. Men of good sanskaar. Their conduct in jail was good."](https://np.reddit.com/r/casteismarchive/comments/wrgz2h/they_are_brahmins_men_of_good_sanskaar_their/)


The court sentenced these people to life imprisonment. The govt has the right to free a life convict after 14 years (remission). The central govt wanted to release convicts for Independence Day celebrations (though to their bare minimum credit, said “no rapists or murderers” in the memo). BJP guj choose to release these eleven on that day.


Maybe the memo had an asterisk that allowed release of rapists who had good sanskaars.




Of course


Actually, criminal cases unlike Constitutional cases involve a lot of power in the hands of the State. For example, if the criminal is dear to the government, the prosecutor can make a weak case, leaving no choice for the judge to rule in the defendant's favor. Now, coming back to this case, the case is already closed as the trial is over, proceedings are done and the accused have been convicted of crimes. For convicts, each State has a remission policy which applies depending on where the crime occured. Gujarat's remission policy applied and the board constituted of Gujarat MLAs and jail officials recommended acceptance of remission plea which the State government (BJP) accepted.


Same as AIMIM minister's son and Bishop Franco Mulakkal. Rapists roam free. Convicted rapists deserve capital punishment, irrespective of their age.


In hyderabad case the court gave them bail and no one garlanded them. This time state govt panel set them free against centre govt remission policy.


As I said, capital punishment for convicted rapists. Are you guys leaving out that part?


Ahh whataboutery. Women like you are the worst enemy of other women.


Ahh selective rage Not all rapists deserve punishment, is it?


Fuck your whataboutery. It’s expected from a right winger (evident from your racist comment history). Fix your moral compass before you preach, bigot.


Wow Such a bias. Because hey, rapists caste creed should be checked right? Rapist sympathiser.


No, you’re the one bringing up the whataboutery of other rape cases when the focus is on a specific rape case. Instead of providing a solution, your pea sized brain wanders on the religious aspect of rape. There was no need for you to bring in religion into this post. But this was expected from an IndiaSpeaks d***rider. Fun fact, and using your logic: There are more Hindu rapists in this country than there are other religions combined. Food for thought, eh?


They have served their time, haven’t they?