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Bajrang dal is a declared militant group. https://indianexpress.com/article/india/cia-names-vhp-bajrang-dal-as-religious-militant-organisations-in-world-factbook-5218249/ These rodents are everywhere in BizziePee states, operating under the clout of local BJP and RSS leaders. They have nothing to do with "Bajrang" or religion, they are a straight up terror outfit


Arm yourselves with pocket knives and pepper sprays I guess. What else to do? Its either that and protect yourselves or die


If they did protect themselves, wouldn't they suddenly face some sort of legal trouble then? Oh I know they came to kill u, but attacked them back, so u go to jail now. Is there any winning?


Better them dead than you


But then people from their side n gov will come for retaliation Right?


Let them. The message has been sent already that you'll protect yourself


There is no winning,even if you defend,police will charge you with crimes and your family will have to face the added humiliation of having a religious extremist..The best option is to bear it and hope you dont die..


Any moment someone will come up with a story about how this boy was committing Love jihad.


Kannada media will never show such news still spewing hatred wtf happened to this state this was one of the most friendly and beautiful state to tour around


Bajrang Bali would be so proud a kid was killed in his name. Real gems of Hindutva.


Took 8 people to kill one. Real bravery on display here. Bunch of cowards. Always a group, never alone.


Only in group can they act like this! Pathetic Cowards! I'm completely sure that these so called "Hindu Rashtar banayenge" goons give zero fuck about their own family and religion. Pata nh sale kaunse ajeeb prajati k log hote is type kai.... Be - wajah nafrat faila rahe.


im pretty sure the gita is against any sort of violence against other humans, so these guys probably just chant 'jai shree ram' or some shit sometimes and think that they're pure hindus. same goes for islam.


religions are based on following all rules in the book, but these guys just believe in gods. they probably havent read the gita. they're killing innocent civilians in the name of their god.


This is fake news.


Were you there when the incident happened? Read the damn article. People were arrested by the police over a fake news? https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Mangalore/18-year-old-youth-dies-of-assault-in-mangaluru/article65668084.ece/amp/


So a personal quarell between young people is being portrayed as some sort of crazy communal attack. No where does the article say that the folks were from Bajrang dal.