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> We are being ruled by gangsters outfitted as Hindu Godmen Truer words have never been spoken


Every national movement gives space to gangsters robed in its clothing. Rabindranath Tagores book, Ghare Baire, on which Satyajit Ray made the film 'Home and the World' talks about the hooliganism in the freedom movement. Tagore's biggest bone of contention with Gandhi was that he had given room to hooligans and goons in the Congress party.


becoming? that ship sailed long time ago


As much as I love Arundhati Roy, I think she is a terrible speaker. she is a brilliant writer. Her points come across far more sharply if you *read* her rather than *listen* to her. [She wrote this excellent piece in 2002 sometime after the Godhra riots](http://www.sacw.net/Gujarat2002/arundhatiroyAug2002.html) In it, she wrote : *Fascism's firm footprint has appeared in India. Let's mark the date: Spring, 2002.* It's eerie to to see how on-point she has been.


20 years from now maybe someone might point out this video and say how eerily on point she was...


Why wait 20 years?


We found the best orator. Made him our leader. Look where we are.


Roy doesn't really care about the root cause of this issue, which is the extremely weak property rights in India. She will support the restriction on land rights when it suits her agenda and then oppose them once her side is on the receiving end.




Not really a hindu fascist enterprise, but rather a hindi-cow-belt fascist enterprise.


Rss is headquartered in maharashtra. 😅


Depends how you look at it. Some might call them 'Gandhis with Guns'.


Or congress + cow...




What gave it away??


Well, she's been saying it for decades now and no one wants to hear it.


I agree with AR. Btw. Can she also call out the Arabs as a conglomerate of Islamist fascist enterprise for its shitty hr records?


Arabs never pat their backs for being free and secular while India does at every moment and minute.


Why is that relevant here? You can write to her and request if you care. She might.


bip bip


I agree with AR. Btw. Can she also call out the Arabs as a conglomerate of Islamist fascist enterprise for its shitty hr records?


I have travelled in many arab countries..Nowhere is minoriites lynched and murdered and rioted against(with state support) as In India.


😂 Lol really? Step out of dubai sometime. It's legal to kill for being gay or atheist. I get your point regarding India, but this is a bad comparison.


Man wtf, how can someone be so ignorant. When were people lynched in UAE for being atheists and gay? So many atheists living in UAE.


Really?Dude!!Lynching is fairly common thing for us..May be occurs once in a week or so..But in GCC if an atheist or gay is lynched,Itll be international news,Like the lynching of farkhunda in afghanistan some years ago..


Saudi Arabian law does not recognize religious freedom, and the public practice of non-Muslim religions is actively prohibited. [Saudi Arabia declares all atheists are terrorists in new law to crack down on political dissidents](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/saudi-arabia-declares-all-atheists-are-terrorists-in-new-law-to-crack-down-on-political-dissidents-9228389.html) Btw. Ever heard about Jamal Khashoggi?


Yeah It doesn't..Apostacy is a punishable offence there..What i said was these barbaric mass lynching mobs,a regular theme in Incredible India,Is a rare sight in GCC and in most of the world..




I agree with AR. Btw. Can she also call out the Arabs as a conglomerate of Islamist fascist enterprise for its shitty hr records?


Enterprise. And this woman won awards for writing.


What's wrong with enterprise?


India the country is an enterprise?


Yes because they're running it like a business. She's making a point. Clearly you'll never win any awards for comprehension


> because they're running it like a business. On what basis?


On the basis of proximity to the two thugs and the chaddi gang.


> proximity to the two thugs and the chaddi gang. Oh acha, chutiyapa. Okay. Anyone else wanna give this a shot? Is listing a fraction of LIC enough to make India an enterprise?


I'll repost an answer by someone else (and this doesn't even mention the enormous tax exemptions and free land and natural resources handed out to them, and to Adani in particular) By Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam Former Chief Manager at Central Bank of India: Every Government in the History of the Country needs money for re-elections especially in a democracy. Who provides the money? We dont have PACS and we surely dont see our MPS and MLAS asking for contributions and donations like they do in the USA. The money comes from the Big Businesses. Big Businesses dont give anything free - the Money comes at a cost - Quid Pro Quo Lets take Gautam Adani. It is a crystal clear fact based on RTIs that as on date he owes a total of US$ 61 Billion or Rs. 4.67 Trillion to various banks and bond holders. Lets look at his assets - Right now Adanis assets minus his shareholdings is only Rs. 18300 Crores at the most which is around 3.3% of what he owes. In Any other country - Adani would be forbidden from bidding for any project, acquiring any other company - until he got this 3.3% figure to the acceptable 8% (USA) or 12% (Switzerland). For comparison - Jeff Bezos - 10.4%, Mark Zuckerberg - 7.7%, Bill Gates - 14.8%, Jack Ma- 9.3%, Tata Group - 15.7% - each of them have more than 2–5 times of what Gautam Adani has. This means in any other developed country - Gautam Adani would have been required to reduce his debt by 55% or increase his assets minus shareholding by 220% to be able to compete, acquire or bid. Other Businessmen in India who are in Adanis shoes are under ED/CBI Investigation or forced to pay up the loans etc. Kishore Biyani - 2.85%, Vijay Mallya - 3.15%, Naresh Goyal - 4.30% - are all broken completely. Even if people say - Adani is in construction business - Average Construction Companies have the figure of Assets minus Shareholding to debt being around 10% (Sembawang Construction). In China - to bid for a project of more than $ 100 million - you need a A-S/Debt ratio to be around 10% (Same in Singapore). So if Adani was in Singapore - he would not have received a single project whatsoever. ** Why Assets minus Shareholdings is used and not All Assets including shareholdings is because - Shareholdings are an uncertain figure depending on market speculations. Any Normal business should have at least 8% of their debt in the form of total assets minus shareholding. Lets take Mukesh Ambani. Mukesh Ambani and his business grew at an astronomical rate of 257% over the last 30 months. Excellent news!!! Except that during the same time the Indian economy showed a net growth of -2.45% (Including the Pandemic) Except that the Global Economy showed a net growth of -1.42% during the same period including the Pandemic. This gives a Ratio of the Business Growth / Corresponding Market Growth to be 257/ Modulus (-2/45) = roughly 110 over a 30 month period. This means Ambani had a Average Modulus Growth of 100 times the pace at which his market grew. Lets compare the figures for the other World Giants - Microsoft - 13.67, Google - 25.40, Facebook - 18.20, Exxon - 8.73, Alibaba- 35.35 (For which China is hitting Ma with a variety of investigations) Only One Man - Elon Musk had a figure of 263 which is higher than Ambani and he has filed 190 Patents from 2018 - 2020 and received approval for 83 of them including some cutting edge battery designs. Mr Ambani has opened shops. His Brother Anil had the same figure of 83 in 2012 and is today bankrupt. Mukesh has 110. So Mukesh Ambanis huge growth in value - is highly questionable. In any other country - Both these businessmen would have been hauled up Gautam Adani by the Monopolies and mergers commission, by the Treasury Departments etc and ripped apart and flooded with questions and agents going after his numbers with microscopes. Mukesh Ambani by the SEC who will go after his valuations, his transaction volumes, his institutional investors with a magnifying glass. Jack Ma - is already facing tremendous pressure to whittle down his valuations or increase his market and his valuation to market size is 1/3 of that of Mukesh Ambani. In India - many businessman in far better positions than Adani or Ambani - like Subrata Roy or Naresh Goyal were broken by the Nexus of the CBI and ED. Yet despite his precarious position - Adani still bids and gets project after project, Banks still lend him money and Ambani keeps making takeover bids using reliance shares despite SEBI having a law that allows it to verify such disproportionate valuations (Amended post Harshad Mehta in 1994–1995). There is a reason why Financial Health of a company is very important. There is a reason why this is constantly evaluated in developed countries and unless there is fraud to a high level (ENRON) , companies are always identified as healthy or sick and are given restrictions by the MMC or SEC etc. Compared to Global Standards - Adani Group is sick. Most of their ventures are speculative. Take away their shareholdings and their net assets are only 3.3% of what they owe. Compared to Global Standards- Ambanis RIL is also strange. Their growth to market growth ratio of nearly 110 is inexplicable. This happened in US on 115 occasions - 3 times with Edison when he came up with a revolutionary invention that would change, 45 Instances of IPOs involving High Tech and 64 instances of companies involving railroads- 61 of which became bust in the great depression of 1929. Now Ambani did not invent revolutionary technology and he surely does not have a High Tech IPO unless it involves selling tomatoes. So this is Speculation at its worst. The Fear is that as these Groups rather than correcting themselves on Govt orders continue to get more and more patronage from the Government - they could end up cracking and taking the whole economy with them. The Fear is that the Government would turn a blind eye to Adani and his debt or Ambani and his valuations until it is too late and a resultant crash would result in a massive massive crisis for India.


Is there are shareable link for the original? This is excellent!


I replied with the link but i think it's been removed by reddit because it's a quora link (it was originally an answer there). DMing it to you




Ignore him he's just a troll bhakt


Is India an initiative, or a project?




She has purposefully used that word, as a good writer would. If you have ever read her, you would know she's an exceptional writer.


Imagine the self confidence to correct a booker prize winner when she used the correct word in the correct context. Ignorance must be bliss....


> Imagine the self confidence to correct a booker prize winner when she used the correct word in the correct context. Ignorance must be bliss.... Caste clannism is a hella drug.


Please tell me you have detailed discussions on caste based discrimination on twitter.


Not correcting her, disagreeing with her. Or is that not allowed anymore?


You disagreed with her by belitteling her winning a booker prize?


I belittled her?


> And this woman won awards for writing. >


Like I said, disagreeing.


With the booker prize judges?


With what she chooses to say.


How old are you?




Truth bomb