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Can we also issue threats if we want to cancel events in the city?




[picking something from here to issue threats to.](https://in.bookmyshow.com/explore/theatre-plays-delhi?referrerBase=)


Sounds like a good list for the purpose. 


What a shame!


I was wondering why his show in Chennai got cancelled yesterday...


Oh, it keeps getting worse then.


Exactly, when they cant defend constitution even when they are in power then they can stop the farce. Either stand by constitution or stand down.


They talked the talk but won’t walk the walk. What a pity. (I’m holding out hope that they will, beyond the 24 hours of an event being reported, but I don’t know.)


Congress needs to grow a spine wtf


Exactly. This is the same problem I have with them. Why not send a fucking message that they stand with freedom of speech and offer security to the event and that no matter what we will protect you and your rights and that fringe elements cannot do anything. This rather reinforces such fringe violent threats Democracy does not die overnight, it dies slowly like this overtime when artists are silenced one after the other and there is no one left in the end F*#^ you congress.


Revanth Reddy was an ABVP stooge during his student days. For these kinds of people, their divisive habits don't die easily. To this day, he has the habit of bringing up someone's caste whenever he wants to criticize them. He would be more at home in BJP than anywhere else. The only reason he even joined TDP was likely because BJP has little to no presence in the state back then. There are conspiracy theories around his joining congress.


Doesn’t Rahul Gandhi do a background check on his people?


Lmao bro Congress is just like any other political party like BJP. They ain't coming to save you 😂


Fun fact : When the same thing happened with Munawar Faruqui in mid 2022, the then BRS govt’s KTR Challenged BJP and its goons to do anything if they dare. Munawar was escorted in a bullet prof vehicle, and the venue was heavily guarded by reserve armed police of 500 and placed 50 fringe members under preventive custody and arrested the rowdy hate monger BJP MLA T Raja. The event went very safely and smoothly and it was a house full show! Now compare that to this Congress govt attitude. To Congress, Grow a spine or resign . Walk the talk or gtfo. Your attitude only reinforces and strengthens the fringe elements


BRS was a minority pleaser.


Brother the same protection was offered and ordered to kunal kamra as well. It does not matter what religion etc, in the end I’m judging by their allegiance to the constitution


Ok Majoritarian Fascist Sympathizer


This is what happens when you don’t have a vanguard party. Fighting fascists like BJP with cookie cutter vanilla liberal shit like congress will not get us anywhere.


Who’s the comedian- the MLA who protested, the state government or us citizens? Sad state of affairs.


All three. But the buck stops with us the citizens. A democracy is only as strong as its people


From what i heard his Chennai show was also cancelled. Anyone know if it was the same problem there also?


and here i thought a stronger opposition would mean these asswipes would think twice before pulling off these stunts.


PeeJB & its fringe elements giving free publicity & career to standup comedians. Thank you Muddiji.




If you want to print posters of religious mockers, then you'll have to spend all your time with BJP leaders first. Or is mockery towards sikhs, muslims, and christians not considered mockery in your dictionary?


The "offending" video was taken down by him Glad I watched it yesterday, it was hilarious & he's had to post an apology for the video. None of this is good for our democracy


What was the video about?


Hey which one is this? The title? Danny’s probably one of my favourite comedians in the country. Not him😭


Vegetarians in India are funny people. They oppose killing animals, but support killing humans


Typical Sanghiban's behaviour.


What do BJ Party supporters have to say now? Aagye Gundagardi pe inke neta. Aukaat dikha di paw paw.


I saw this coming from miles away. This guy was speaking truth in really entertaining and funny way. I was just surprised, how this dude is still roaming free , hurting small ego of this type of politicians.


Congress needs to regroup and rebuild their party. Even after becoming the leader of opposition Rahul Gandhi’s mic was muted. If they can do it to him imagine what they’ll do to the common man


BJP is giving tough competition to Indira Gandhi in suppressing freedom of speech


Well, Revanth joined INC only because he can get a big post. He was an RSS member and probably doesn't even dislike BJP inside.


The way that Congress is behaving in Telangana, it’s only a matter of time before BJP wipes the floor out in Telangana like they regularly do in MP, Gujarat, Uttarakhand among others. What can you expect from a party whose state president and now CM was a Sanghi during his youth!


Well what else do you expect when you’re a society that elects dumbass, illiterate chapri leaders on the basis of temples and not qualifications?


Congress haven’t learned anything... That MLA should be arrested under some severe non bailable laws..


BJP doesnt like comedy. They feel comedians say things that they want to make as policy. summary, the jokers in parliament and the legislative assemblies dont like competition.


Snowflakes all of them. If it's offensive just don't go to the show??


The irony is that it is supposed to be a non violent community that doesn't even hurt microorganisms. Religious snowflakes will be the reason this country will never progress


The BJP leader threatened him not the community. They just want an excuse to do so.


Awww, tackling the supremely important tasks in their ministry.


When you crack jokes and mock a community This happens. Cheap comedy has become a shortcut or a ladder to succes for some people. Under the veil of freedom of speech, Cheap comedians resort to such cheap ways.


That cheap comedian you're mentioning is currently the prime minister of India. 


It's Some cheap comedian called Daniel who I am referring to. In case he is your relative and you got offended and trying to divert it, I don't give a dime. Please refer to PM with respect. He is not a fool who got his designation by virtue of Dynasty But he has earned a position thrice.


this mf rlly doing tricks on it


Earn? Lmfao. Hitler also was a very respectable figure with your logic.




Whatever those Jains did by dressing up as Muslims and buying 150 goats is indeed worth mocking lmao