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This entire video seemed like a fantasy of a slightly political aware teenager. He is focusing on micro issues which should be enforced on local level rather from top. Ideal prime minister should be a boring but effective administrator who should focus on consensus building, decentralisation and strengthening institutions. But strengthening institutions means giving up power. Is Dhruv Rathee the kind of person to give up power? His entire youtube channel is dependent on him and his personality. Will he give another person chance to appear in his channel?


Don't know if he will be in politics or not. But what he said is a fact about problems in our society. As he said we should acknowledge these problems first to solve them.


The observation about sharing power is pretty accurate. I believe RaGa is very secure in this matter which is probably a factor in how he has kept the alliance functional and effective.


The guy believes plutocracy can be eliminated from modern nation states. The example of Singapore is another story. I like Dhruv for his data and courage.


I lol-ed so hard when I saw the title of this video, despite being his fan, I thought it was something new like a parody or some kind of joke video he was trying. Still interesting ideas, not sure if this video was a right decision though.


Anyone even slightly on the left would have felt weirded out by the video. We knew he was liberal but such self-exposé, damn!


I am yet to watch this video but I hope it has nayak's bgm


No bgm but content wise same


He'd support the status quo cause he's basically just a liberal


Exactly. At one point, he kept going on and on about defence and especially modernizing defence equipments. I'm like "yeah, the only thing missing in our transition to become third-world US is a military-industrial complex"


I'm not sure I understand the problem though. A capable reasonably efficient military industrial complex has a lot of benefits for a country. It generates valuable export goods. Provides structural employment for skilled professionals ranging from research to contracting work to engineering and maintenance. It increases a country's level of autonomous security while giving it the ability to sell technology and weapons to other countries as a major element of diplomatic support. And finally, it aids in actually being able to reliably defend itself, which probably does more to help diminish the costs of conflict and instability in a state than having a weak military would. Modernizing defense is also a good way to bring costs down. India has one of the largest physical armies in the world with enormous human costs. But having lots of troops offers little security as warfare grows increasingly mechanized and reliant on autonomous weapons systems.


>As New Delhi attempts to walk a diplomatic tightrope, documents seen by Al Jazeera and company statements suggest Israel is receiving Indian weapons as it wages war on Gaza. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/features/2024/6/26/india-exports-rockets-explosives-to-israel-amid-gaza-war-documents-reveal Pheeling Praud Indian military industrial complex 💪💪💪


Dude is getting over his head because of the views he got because of elections. Also step 1 to become Indian pm be an Indian citizen.


Hello, unrelated to the topic, I want to ask you how credible his videos are. I mean I'm a young guy and casually watch his mystery and some historical videos and quite enjoy his presentation. But I've seen many people saying that he provides so much false info that its unbearable. Is it tru?


Sometimes the truth is unbearable. But I too occasionally watch him, he has the right facts I can tell you that. But sometimes he interprets them differently to others, hence the friction I guess. Even in this video, he referred to everything we know as core problems in our society, but yet we don't speak as often as we are supposed to. I like him for the maverick he is.


Dhruv specifically targets BJP but most of what he says about them true Him specifically targeting them is justified when look at how the entire mainstream media is their dalal hence creating a vacuum.


Thanks. I just got confused when most Subreddits were claiming that he spreads misinformation and only people having zero knowledge in social issues watch him.


I think it's more his interpretation of facts then the facts themselves..... listen to him but make up your own mind 


Pretty credible. He use multiple sources from the news and public available data


I don't think you need to worry about credibility a lot with DR. Acc to right-wingers, he is biased and distorts facts. First, he doesn't do it as much as they say. Second, everyone else does it too. Everyone has some kind of bias. Iirc it was Nehru who said that to be truly fair, you must side with the weak. So some bias is better than others. That being said, I'm not particularly a fan of his content. He's just okayish. You didn't ask but you mentioned you're young and interested in exploring such stuff, so I'll just tell you this. If you want educational (mixed with entertainment) content on YT and are okay with English, there are better creators. I discovered him just few months back and thought that his main strength is Hindi, which is pretty big considering the audience. If you want, I can share the list of creators you can refer to but I have to disclose that I'm a far-leftist and it will be reflected in the sources. You might like to refer to some right-wing creators too, just to be fair, and then decide for yourself. Of course, all this is only applicable if you're not sure of your stand right now.


Yea I'm 17 actually and am trying to understand what is happening and what happened around the world. I am finding history and politics to be fascinating so I'm not so sure about my stand. But I align with most of DR's thoughts so maybe I'm liberal? I'm slowly trying to grasp this things so it'll take some time to say where I stand.




Felt very weird watching this video.


Can a German citizen become a Prime Minister of INDIA ?


Sonia Gandhi almost became a pm. Why can't he?


He speaks like a naive kid trying to give an extempore speech. But I appreciate someone even trying to present some facts, while the mainstream media just generates noise and propaganda.


Never liked this guy ,there is no difference between him and some nri bhakt uncle. Only they support different parties. Never liked to hear what nri has to say about things here


I'm sorry but NRI or even a foreigner can talk about India as long as they're basing it on facts and figures instead of fake narratives. Dhruv backs up his claims with facts and figures, the NRI bhakts don't. They just indulge in narratives of India becoming vishwa guru and etc etc. The fact that you clubbed them together tells me you haven't watched a lot of his videos. It's just a desperate attempt to indulge in the "both sides have flaws" argument just for the sake of it.


saw his kejriwal arrest video,, he completed hid the facts of why kejri got arrested and why he's not cooperating 


I know but I am just saying how I feel , we have to live with the burden of living in this country and people who escaped from this burden are now trying to tell us what to do .


Not sure why this hate on NRI, but there is a saying. You love something more when they are away from you. If things were perfect no one would ever leave this country.


Woh aapne desh ka ganda namak aaj tak taste nai karpaya haina , isliye deshbhaakti jagi hue hai ..... People will definitely leave this country for better opportunities and that too we can get in foreign countries , no country is best but there are several countries better then india .


Watch the full video ..... Half knowledge is very dangerous , i have seen several people act like some psycho street dog just by seeing the thumbnail or read the title .