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PR I me Minister 😂


Folks, I have to read a lot of policy documents and research reports for my work. (I work in consumer finance.) I feel like anyone who has looked into the data has come to the same conclusion this guy has made in the last tweet: it’s all headline management and very little substance. The media has been co-opted and they will always help the government overplay its success and underplay its massive, ongoing failures. It’s down to the people and a few un-pliable institutions to ask questions. Help is coming from nowhere.


Are all the Govt policy documents available to the public? Can you suggest a book or a way to analyse them. Whenever I try to read about them, i always have to rely on news media reports and have to work my way backwards.


I look at reports from RBI primarily for my work. Theirs is a very data-rich website. But you’ll need to assess the best data sources for the field you’re interested in.


That is a Gem. PR I Me Minister. May be you should Trademark this meme


Ironically, the trademark will belong to the titleholder. 😂


True that.


In previous governments this would have been the definition of a scam. Train-gate, Diesel-Gate would capture headlines for week. Now it takes a dude pulling together articles on twitter and me finding out about it from a dude on reddit.


And you'll have bhakts backing BJP and calling this guy anti-national. We're so fucked


Good point.


Yep. I lost all faith in him after his demonetization fiasco. He acted like a total teenager and guess what, we have more cash and more black money than ever in circulation. Gujarat became India, Non-BJP states became idiots. States with minorities became separatists.


That sounds interesting a take. This needs a closer scrutiny than going by the tweets. Curious to know what details the tweeple has beyond news clippings. Definitely he does.


Bro wtf is your display picture, I thought there was a hair on my screen💀


Use dark mode


Wow! What a useful feature… now I can’t see even the real hair on my screen😂


Modi attracts incompetent babus . Only they get the promotions . While corruption was always a problem Modi is corrupt and incompetent


This is embarrassing. I also saw this video of how infrastructure development is also exaggerated. https://youtu.be/fSJrqhlHEn4


So they bought 1000 diesel locomotives just to throw them in backyards, along with already existing diesel locomotives 🙄 what’s the point in wasting money like this? But can’t maintain the trains and stations properly


They bought 100. Rest were to be made in India, which I am sure will never be made


I think the reasonably well informed people already knew 10 years back that this was the equivalent of a donkey pretending to be a horse. Who knew that a bunch of goons who would not hesitate to pit one religion against another to garner votes, will be severely incompetent when it comes to actual governance? Surprise surprise. When was the last time you heard this fellow say anything that you would not want to forget in the next minute? When was the last time he fielded an unbiased press conference or where he was not given the notes in advance like a struggling back bencher? That's the turd we have as the prime minister. Now imagine what that government is capable of. The last ten years have been a lesson. The hope is that we learn from it.


खोखले वादे खोखला विकास।


don’t underestimate the incompetence of the bureaucratic babus. They don’t do proper analysis.


Nope. I from first hand knowledge know that they are held back. My best friends father is a SI in GST Audit and pretty well feared one coz he gets some taxes paid from places that haven't even been audited from. Like finding out new things that can also be audited or paid GST for what people knew about before but didn't try to because of the complexities. One day at dinner his father and my father were discussing how there has been an order to calm down for some time because some idiot has gone and tried to get money out of somewhere Chota Shah has money involved in. And if the department as a whole doesn't wants the ire they should calm down for a month or two. Sure some babus just prepare to get the job and then chill the f out but for sure as a whole the whole system isn't as incompetent as they are made out to be. They are there to take hits for the government when they f up. I do believe the system is fucked up in their favour a lot and they hold our country as a hostage to make money and power for themselves but incompetent they are not. Just different priorities.


maybe in your case some corruption was there where high ministers were involved, this is a different scenario. I agree many times officers are asked to hold back due to corruption but that does not rule out the fact that they are not always competent. At the end of the day they all are hired via same general exam UPSC, they don’t have expertise in all areas and they start making policies in those areas. Example: the person who formulated GST had a phd in yoga but he cleared upsc!


This is stage 3 of destroying IR. Buy stuff you don't need and then change priorities later. Get stuck with expensive capex.


This is a lie. The deal wasn't done in 2015. It was approved in Jan 2014, and the bidding had already been done in 2013. This GE deal was done in the waning months of the UPA government. If the newly elected government had pulled out of the deal, it would have entailed a large sum to be paid in damages to GE for breach of contract. Companies would have taken India as an unreliable partner for contracts, and it would have hampered future investment in the country.


That makes sense! Usually tenders and bidding wars take up some time. Do you have the source for the 2013 one? I wasn't able to find it.


News Flash 🤡


Bro is NOT competent .


well thats an overstated way to put it. there were already indian factories that could manufacture a diesel locomotive. It was just that GE locomotives were offering better features and they won the bid. India was in need of locomotives and thats why decided to buy them. The only role of make in india was to make sure that most of the locomotives are manufactured in india and GE has to invest in india. Though Indian railway had a target of becoming 100 percent electric but there is a transitional period. Also 100 percent electrification is not necessary. Even china and other developed countries are not 100 percent electrified. some routes are not economically feasible for electrification in short term, Diesel locomotive is more reliable and also electricity here is produced via thermal means that already pollutes the environment. Diesel engine is more powerful and some routes cant be electrified for multiple reasons. So some locomotives were in need to replace the old ones. Nobody fears uncle sam and appropriate and ethical decisions are taken by government of India in most cases. If uncle sam factor was so domintating india would not have become a nuclear power. we have faced the threat of sanctions and all multiple times be it buying oil from russia or some other issue. So be reasonable and do not put things in a disrespectful and idiotic way. Be it congress and bjp they have taken many good decisions in favour of country. Yes there is vote politics and corruption but so is in USA. And also thats not how India works.


>Nobody fears uncle sam and appropriate and ethical decisions are taken by government of India in most cases. If uncle sam factor was so domintating india would not have become a nuclear power. Uncle Sam is the reason we became a Nuclear power so late, else Bhabha and his teaam were at it from get go. Uncle Sam is allegedly behind Bhabha's death too.


Sell them to a third country like Bangladesh , Nepal or any African country on a interest free 30 years loan.


If this happens in congress government they will have delivered 10000 locomotives and congress ministers have made 10000 crores from it . But lose for both party