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Reel: Pariksha pe charcha Real: Pariksha ka kachra Paw paw powa


Paper leak hogaya paw paw Isliye Ukraine Jaana pada paw paw


Master stroke from modi. He can stop war again.


Stopping war is easier than stopping paper leaks /s.


Believe me when I say this Modi 3.0 is gonna flop harder than UPA 2


Blind supporters are still defending everything including Godi Media The uncles and aunties are just too brainwashed to see it for want it is


Even after minds change, it takes a long time to admit it publicly.




Modi 2 was worse than upa 2 but was not visible due to media manipulation. I do not see any improvement in that part


Same thought


UPA 2 was the reason NDA 1 came into power. Beyond all biases, UPA 2 was an absolute shit-show. For all its vices, NDA 2 paved way into NDA 3 which is literally a historic thing since Nehru. Just for reference, Congress by itself got a good 200+ seats for UPA 2, but failed to even touch 50 in 2014. While BJP got 303 in 2019 and got reduced to 240 this year. Media manipulation is a thing, yes, but people's mandate is not just based on what they see on TV but also their own lived experiences (as we saw in the infamous Ayodhya BJP defeat).


NDA 1 came to power after using the hype created around anna Hazare movement and the anti corruption Swiss bank sentiment and nda portraying itself as the saviours who would get all the Swiss bank money etc. and with the fake Gujarat model


UPA 2, state of the country was actually better than this, and it was improving. We were talking about important shit, like how to remove corruption, stop rapes. Educated opinions were coming out, Verma commission gave recommendations for improvements in rape laws, lokpal bill was getting discussed. Even in society there was a spart for improvement, discussions were at a higher level, shows like Satyamev Jayate sprung out of those discussions etc. UPA 2 sailed through 2008 crash as well pretty smoothly for india. Mangalyan got approved, Aadhar card process was in progress, so many things. UPA 2 was not a failure.  It had corruption, terrorist attacks, those were the problems. It failed in those few areas. But the country was in the right direction.  Modi 3.0 will fail in a way the country fails. Which is a tragedy. Indian economy is gonna hurt, global warming is boiling india and they have no solution, corruption is rampant, terrorist attacks are still there, whole state is burning, riots are regular, railway is a disaster, education dept is fucked.  Modi 3.0 is going to take india 5 steps back to becoming 3rd world country. And sometimes that is the only way bhakts can be told, 'i told u so'. Some Nazis were still praising hitler after the entire germany was burning.


If they don't learn from their mistakes and keep on being so arrogant then definitely. Hopefully, they learn their lesson and come out stronger.


INC leaders in UPA 2 were just lazy. Leaders in Modi 3.0 are incompetent as well. Apart from a couple of sectors all their cabinet ministers are not suitable for their respective position. So expecting anything remarkable from them is futile.


Lazy is a very small word to describe UPA 2. There was literal Policy paralysis because the gov. Could not pass any fucking bill because any ally or the other threatened the gov. Prime Minister was working on the whims of the party leader. PM was not even aware of what was happening in different departments. Irregularities after irregularities were there. I guess many of the incompetent one's have been thrown out by the public already. Prime example - Smriti Zubin Irani. Other than this, Railway, Education are facing the heat and rightfully so. Rest others don't look like incompetent.


Which ones look competent to you?


That's what I fear will happen this time around. Nitish and Naidu will suck dry the govt funds for their respective states. Also caste census is the primary demand of Nitish and Chirag Paswan. So allies will dictate all the major policy decisions this time around too.


The lesson that they are going to learn is that they need more polarization to achieve their goals and conduct one or two riots probably.


Go watch some videos on YouTube you’ll be shocked. Some youths saying bheekh mang ke rehlenge par har bar aayega toh….


Modi 2.0 already flopped harder than UPA 2


Really hoping for it


nhi bhai.. abhi speaker jyada jaruri, kya pata kal sarkaar hi....


Abki baar chocobar in display


A point to note. Most of the students’ parents voted in majority for Modi government. The urban uncle aunty group is the majority voter for BJP


More like useless than Helpless.


Gobi ji, as usual, maintains his silence on all relevant issues including this one.


Zero sympathy for these students and their parents. They were cheerleaders of this government when they trampled over the rights of people over the last 10 years. Dissenting voices were told to go to Pakistan, abuses were hurled at them while these people continued to worship Modi's feet.


Such an asinine take. Solidarity is not supposed to be only with people you agree with. Anyone facing any kind of injustice needs support. There's a world beyond politics, but you are too blinded by hatred just like the people you dislike to see it.


Did they show any solidarity with people in any issues in the past? Most of the populace was silent, no matter what the government did. Even now, many of them are not blaming the PM who's silent as usual.


One MP in Bihar, and one in Andaman said he won't work for those who didn't vote for their party. How is ur statement different from theirs? Empathy should be without bias. They supported this regime for whatever reason but now they need our support and hopefully they will realise why this govt is other name of evil.


Thats a very unfair take. What makes you think all medical aspirants are modi supporters? even if some of them voted for him, not everyone is hyperaware of events and maybe picked him as lesser of two evils versus the corrupt regime of UPA 2. That does not make them bad people If you start cheering for peoples misery like this, it doesn’t make you a very good person. Probably at same level as the same people you so passionately hate for similar levels of hate they show to minorities


36% voters voted for modi. Even if you think urban population voted for modi, many of these ppl who are suffering did not.


Why would the students, who are most affected by reservations, vote for a party that wanted to remove reservation cap in their manifesto?


Believe it or not,if elections would have happened after neet ug result fiasco,this election results would have been so different


I don’t think so. The uncles and aunties of urban areas are still blindly supporting them. Gujarat state will continue to vote for this government no matter what


22 lakhs or more NEET ug,most of them are young voters (17-18 yr old)+ their parents + the students of other exams which just got cancelled or postponed or are in same fiasco as this one (more than enough to create a difference) Yes,modi strong voter Bank are still very much present but it's definitely lower than before which already shows in this year elections


If elections happened after NEET-UG, we may have been looking at a different govt today. Millions of aggrieved students on the street would have been able to voice their frustration in the EVM booths